ISEF国际科学与工程大奖赛赛事资讯-ISEF赛事最新信息 (2024)



每个 Regeneron ISEF 类别的 750 美元一等奖,

ANIM016 —电刺激对涡虫组织再生的影响

  • Ashu Anand,阿拉巴马州美术学院,阿拉巴马州塔斯卡卢萨,美国

BCHM029 —豆蔻素新型辐射防护功效的综合评估:体外和计算机综合分析

  • Siddharth Sridharan,美国阿肯色州小石城小石城中央高中

BEHA005 — 预备神经活动的数学分析,以预测运动序列中的身体行为

  • Ria Garg,德克萨斯数学与科学学院,美国德克萨斯州弗里斯科

BMED055 —使用非增强计算机断层扫描验证通气和灌注

  • 亚历山德拉·伊丽莎白·汤姆布尔森(Alexandra Elizabeth Tombleson),美国纽约州拉奇蒙特市马马罗内克高中

CBIO036 —视觉透镜:模拟果蝇中小叶柱状细胞的刺激驱动的差异反应

  • Erin Wong, William A. Shine Great Neck South High School, Great Neck, NY, 美国

CELL020 —研究寄生虫诱导的分泌物对全身性过敏反应的影响

  • Ethan Ririe,美国弗吉尼亚州布莱克斯堡布莱克斯堡高中

CHEM015T —天然真构造凝胶作为绿色可穿戴电子产品的新型材料

  • Claire Qingying Huang,Fairview High School, Boulder, CO, 美国
  • Sophia Zhang,Fairview High School, Boulder, CO, 美国

EAEV021 —通过卫星图像驱动的混合神经网络进行国家地面二氧化氮预测

  • Elton Cao,Fairview High School, Broomfield, CO, 美国

EBED024 —开发多传感器系统,预防儿童车辆中暑

  • Clara Kerr,雅典学校,美国加利福尼亚州丹维尔

EGSD031 —触手可及的能源收集:利用打字产生的机械能实现可持续发电

  • Sienna Marie Giuseppi , Pelham Memorial High School, Pelham, NY, 美国

ENBM050 —就像试图在血囊中找到针头一样:用商业凝血剂聚合的新型止血明胶微针粘合剂 (Gel MNA) 可实现可及的出血治疗

  • Fernanda Arreola-Lucio,Minnetonka高中,Excelsior,MN,美国

ENEV052T —Robee:一种新型自主授粉者

  • Danial Jawad Syed,美国弗吉尼亚州洛顿市海菲尔德中学
  • Isabel Victoria Aysa-Lastra,美国弗吉尼亚州亚历山大市海菲尔德中学

ETSD009 —使用分形维数概念计算自行车路线距离的新方法

  • 米哈伊尔·德米特里耶维奇·阿布拉伊莫夫,美国佛罗里达州塔拉哈西劳顿智利高中

MATH032 —大小为 6 的 Quandles 着色的分类和 Hilbert 多项式

  • Aaron Kim,美国纽约州法拉盛布朗克斯科学高中

MATS024 —当油漆打开时,热量就消失了

  • Sophie Shi,美国威斯康星州麦迪逊市米德尔顿高中

MCRO006 —第 2 年:一种用于溢油的新型可生物降解吸附剂

  • Mahie Mangesh Patil,美国佛罗里达州温特花园奥兰多科学学校

PHYS066 —优化激光对准过程:自动对准以提高磁光阱校准效率

  • 塔季扬娜·玛丽·麦克维(Tatyana Marie McVay),保罗·杜克STEM高中,佐治亚州桃树角,美国

PLNT020 —火星或萧条!一种在火星上构建基于火星风化层的可持续农业基质的方法

  • Quinn Jacie Hughes,Minnetonka高中,明尼苏达州芒德,美利坚合众国

ROBO039 -气味和感性:研究视觉线索对人类嗅觉感知的影响,并构建基于人工智能的电子鼻来比较两者

  • 约翰·牛顿·阿南德,阿南德家庭学校学院,俄亥俄州阿克伦,美利坚合众国

SOFT046T —DynaGrad:一种具有自适应对偶学习速率和动量的新型梯度下降,用于改进深度神经网络中的优化和加速收敛

  • Pratishrut Kamal, William G. Enloe High School, Raleigh, NC, 美国
  • Venkata Varsh*th Vadlamudi, William G. Enloe High School, Apex, NC, 美利坚合众国

TECA019T —用于快速 3D 视觉设计的基于扩散的条件网格合成

  • Anant Khandelwal,托马斯·杰斐逊科技高中,美国弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿
  • Siddhant Sood,Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology,弗吉尼亚州赫恩登,美利坚合众国
  • Sritan Motati,托马斯·杰斐逊科技高中,美国弗吉尼亚州尚蒂伊

TMED037 —利用 pH 敏感姜黄推进伤口感染评估,II 期

  • Ish*ta Mukadam,美国爱荷华州费尔菲尔德 Maharishi 启蒙时代学校


ANIM016 —电刺激对涡虫组织再生的影响

  • Ashu Anand,阿拉巴马州美术学院,阿拉巴马州塔斯卡卢萨,美国

BCHM029 —豆蔻素新型辐射防护功效的综合评估:体外和计算机综合分析

  • Siddharth Sridharan,美国阿肯色州小石城小石城中央高中

BEHA005 — 预备神经活动的数学分析,以预测运动序列中的身体行为

  • Ria Garg,德克萨斯数学与科学学院,美国德克萨斯州弗里斯科

BMED055 —使用非增强计算机断层扫描验证通气和灌注

  • 亚历山德拉·伊丽莎白·汤姆布尔森(Alexandra Elizabeth Tombleson),美国纽约州拉奇蒙特市马马罗内克高中

CBIO036 —视觉透镜:模拟果蝇中小叶柱状细胞的刺激驱动的差异反应

  • Erin Wong, William A. Shine Great Neck South High School, Great Neck, NY, 美国

CELL020 —研究寄生虫诱导的分泌物对全身性过敏反应的影响

  • Ethan Ririe,美国弗吉尼亚州布莱克斯堡布莱克斯堡高中

CHEM015T —天然真构造凝胶作为绿色可穿戴电子产品的新型材料

  • Claire Qingying Huang,Fairview High School, Boulder, CO, 美国
  • Sophia Zhang,Fairview High School, Boulder, CO, 美国

EAEV021 —通过卫星图像驱动的混合神经网络进行国家地面二氧化氮预测

  • Elton Cao,Fairview High School, Broomfield, CO, 美国

EBED024 —开发多传感器系统,预防儿童车辆中暑

  • Clara Kerr,雅典学校,美国加利福尼亚州丹维尔

EGSD031 —触手可及的能源收集:利用打字产生的机械能实现可持续发电

  • Sienna Marie Giuseppi , Pelham Memorial High School, Pelham, NY, 美国

ENBM050 —就像试图在血囊中找到针头一样:用商业凝血剂聚合的新型止血明胶微针粘合剂 (Gel MNA) 可实现可及的出血治疗

  • Fernanda Arreola-Lucio,Minnetonka高中,Excelsior,MN,美国

ENEV052T —Robee:一种新型自主授粉者

  • Danial Jawad Syed,美国弗吉尼亚州洛顿市海菲尔德中学
  • Isabel Victoria Aysa-Lastra,美国弗吉尼亚州亚历山大市海菲尔德中学

ETSD009 —使用分形维数概念计算自行车路线距离的新方法

  • 米哈伊尔·德米特里耶维奇·阿布拉伊莫夫,美国佛罗里达州塔拉哈西劳顿智利高中

MATH032 —大小为 6 的 Quandles 着色的分类和 Hilbert 多项式

  • Aaron Kim,美国纽约州法拉盛布朗克斯科学高中

MATS024 —当油漆打开时,热量就消失了

  • Sophie Shi,美国威斯康星州麦迪逊市米德尔顿高中

MCRO006 —第 2 年:一种用于溢油的新型可生物降解吸附剂

  • Mahie Mangesh Patil,美国佛罗里达州温特花园奥兰多科学学校

PHYS066 —优化激光对准过程:自动对准以提高磁光阱校准效率

  • 塔季扬娜·玛丽·麦克维(Tatyana Marie McVay),保罗·杜克STEM高中,佐治亚州桃树角,美国

PLNT020 —火星或萧条!一种在火星上构建基于火星风化层的可持续农业基质的方法

  • Quinn Jacie Hughes,Minnetonka高中,明尼苏达州芒德,美利坚合众国

ROBO039 -气味和感性:研究视觉线索对人类嗅觉感知的影响,并构建基于人工智能的电子鼻来比较两者

  • 约翰·牛顿·阿南德,阿南德家庭学校学院,俄亥俄州阿克伦,美利坚合众国

SOFT046T —DynaGrad:一种具有自适应对偶学习速率和动量的新型梯度下降,用于改进深度神经网络中的优化和加速收敛

  • Pratishrut Kamal, William G. Enloe High School, Raleigh, NC, 美国
  • Venkata Varsh*th Vadlamudi, William G. Enloe High School, Apex, NC, 美利坚合众国

TECA019T —用于快速 3D 视觉设计的基于扩散的条件网格合成

  • Anant Khandelwal,托马斯·杰斐逊科技高中,美国弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿
  • Siddhant Sood,Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology,弗吉尼亚州赫恩登,美利坚合众国
  • Sritan Motati,托马斯·杰斐逊科技高中,美国弗吉尼亚州尚蒂伊

TMED037 —利用 pH 敏感姜黄推进伤口感染评估,II 期

  • Ish*ta Mukadam,美国爱荷华州费尔菲尔德 Maharishi 启蒙时代学校


阿尔弗雷德大学,位于纽约阿尔弗雷德,拥有 2,000 名本科生和研究生,主修工程、艺术与设计、商业以及文科与科学。经常被评为陶瓷、玻璃和材料科学最好的学院之一。阿尔弗雷德大学通过指导、包容性和交叉点帮助学生实现他们的目标。


EGSD035 —使用创新的气体变色技术重新定义氢安全格局

  • Alia Wahban,加拿大安大略省奥克维尔希尔菲尔德斯特拉萨兰学院

MATS012 —用于驱血医疗器械的仿生、微结构和疏水表面

  • 麦迪逊·朱莉安娜·甘宾(Madison Julianna Gambin),帕洛斯弗迪斯半岛高中,兰乔帕洛斯弗迪斯,加利福尼亚州,美利坚合众国


美国化学学会教育部通过一系列支持化学教师和学习者的活动,促进科学教育和科学素养的卓越表现。通过参与再生元 ISEF,ACS 鼓励和支持高中生通过研究经验探索化学科学。

第一笔奖金 $4,000

BCHM018 — 妊娠后分离出并发COVID-19感染的母乳免疫复合物含有SARS-CoV-2 Nsp13解旋酶和生物活性因子

  • Vaishnavi Kolluru,美国加利福尼亚州圣拉蒙市多尔蒂谷高中

二等奖 $3,000

CHEM012 —对乙酰氨基酚的化学修饰以降低肝毒性

  • Chloe Yehwon Lee,美国德克萨斯州墨菲市普莱诺东高中

三等奖 $2,000

CHEM035 —用于生物成像应用的新型TMOS依赖性水稳定CsPbBr3-SiO2纳米颗粒合成

  • Katherine Lam,美国亚利桑那州图森市大学高中

第四奖 $1,000

CHEM036 —通过金属有机框架前驱体协同开发钙钛矿氧化物电催化剂,用于能量转换应用

  • Abeer Ali Alyousef, Dohat Alibdaa International Schools, Alahsa, Eastern Province , 沙特阿拉伯

认可证书和 100 美元礼品卡

BCHM033 —脂质体对抗坏血酸药物递送的影响

  • Thien-Nhi Allison Nguyen,美国佛罗里达州墨尔本西岸初中/高中

CHEM046T —使用咖啡胶囊渣中的活性炭吸附染料

  • Alana Carolina da Costa Franca, Instituto Federal da Bahia (IFBA) – Campus Camacari, Dias d'Avila, 巴伊亚州, 巴西
  • Caio Nunes Santana,巴伊亚联邦学院 (IFBA) – 巴西巴伊亚州卡马卡里卡马卡里校区
  • Emily Kanashiro da Hora,巴伊亚联邦学院 (IFBA) – 巴西巴伊亚州卡马卡里卡马卡里校区

CHEM058 —用于卤化物钙钛矿太阳能电池铅封存的低成本生物聚合物封装剂的合成和评估

  • Abhinav Venkata Meduri,北卡罗来纳州科学与数学学院,美国北卡罗来纳州卡里

CHEM068 —优化 mRNA 疗法的合成

  • Srijay Sritaharan Chenna,美国特拉华州纽瓦克威尔明顿特许学校


美国数学学会成立于1888年,旨在促进数学研究和学术的兴趣,并通过其出版物,会议,宣传和其他计划为国家/国际社会服务。已故数学家卡尔·门格尔(Karl Menger)的朋友和家人为纪念他而设立的基金捐款,该基金将由AMS分发,用于再生元国际科学与工程博览会的年度奖项。

一等奖 $2,000

MATH018 —关于具有伯努利多项式和 Hardy Littlewood 函数的除数和函数的近似值

  • Quang Tran, Patrick F. Taylor Science & Technology Academy, Harvey, LA, 美国

二等奖 $1,000

MATH002 —对称性、不动点和量子台球:思想的汇合

  • Anna Oliva,美国德克萨斯州休斯顿卡内基先锋高中

MATH012 —序列整合

  • Emma Rueter, Leibniz-Gymnasium Berlin, 柏林, 德国

三等奖 $500

MATH006 —Euler-phi 分区、p-Euler-phi 分区、逆 p-Euler-phi 分区及其生成函数

  • Arda Ozcelebi, Izmir Ozel Ege Lisesi, 伊兹密尔, 土耳其

MATH013 —θ曲线的弧指数研究

  • Yoonsang Lee,韩国科学技术院,韩国首尔

MATH030T —一种具有因式分解模量的快速模幂的基本方法

  • Anay Aggarwal,美国俄勒冈州波特兰耶稣会高中
  • Manu Isaacs,耶稣会高中,俄勒冈州波特兰,美利坚合众国

MATH034 —虚拟重建古代乐器

  • Helena Welch,美国新墨西哥州洛斯阿拉莫斯洛斯阿拉莫斯高中


MATH003 —使用 LUMEN 增强以太坊的安全性,LUMEN 是一种基于隐藏订单组生成透明高效 SNARK 的新型零知识算法

  • Yunjia Quan,美国北卡罗来纳州夏洛特市夏洛特乡村走读学校

MATH008 —分组无线网络的注入色度指数:改进的上限

  • Austin Luo, Morgantown High School, Morgantown, WV, 美国

MATH010 —使用辛分量子检测 2+1 维时空中的因果关系

  • Ayush Jain,Shri Ram 学校 – 印度哈里亚纳邦古尔冈阿拉瓦利校区

MATH014 —交替组上的扭曲均质机架

  • Joseph Amichai Vulakh,美国肯塔基州列克星敦市保罗·劳伦斯·邓巴高中

MATH016 —勒让德公式和费恩定理的斐波那契类似

  • Arav Chand, Half Hollow Hills High School West, Dix Hills, NY, 美国

MATH025 —七和弦变换的线性群

  • Songtianze Huang,杭州外国语学校,浙江省杭州市

MATH027 —使用数学定理和编码技术增强联邦学习

  • Sarah Lu, Centro Residencial de Oportunidades Educativas de Mayaguez, 马亚圭斯, 波多黎各


MATH002 —对称性、不动点和量子台球:思想的汇合

  • Anna Oliva,美国德克萨斯州休斯顿卡内基先锋高中

MATH006 —Euler-phi 分区、p-Euler-phi 分区、逆 p-Euler-phi 分区及其生成函数

  • Arda Ozcelebi, Izmir Ozel Ege Lisesi, 伊兹密尔, 土耳其

MATH012 —序列整合

  • Emma Rueter, Leibniz-Gymnasium Berlin, 柏林, 德国

MATH013 —θ曲线的弧指数研究

  • Yoonsang Lee,韩国科学技术院,韩国首尔

MATH018 —关于具有伯努利多项式和 Hardy Littlewood 函数的除数和函数的近似值

  • Quang Tran, Patrick F. Taylor Science & Technology Academy, Harvey, LA, 美国

MATH030T —一种具有因式分解模量的快速模幂的基本方法

  • Anay Aggarwal,美国俄勒冈州波特兰耶稣会高中
  • Manu Isaacs,耶稣会高中,俄勒冈州波特兰,美利坚合众国

MATH034 —虚拟重建古代乐器

  • Helena Welch,美国新墨西哥州洛斯阿拉莫斯洛斯阿拉莫斯高中


美国心理学会是代表美国心理学的领先科学和专业组织,拥有超过 157,000 名研究人员、教育工作者、临床医生、顾问和学生作为其成员。APA的使命是促进心理科学和知识的进步、交流和应用,以造福社会和改善生活。


ANIM037 —膳食烟酸和 NAD+ 对黑腹果蝇长寿、记忆力和运动功能的浓度依赖性影响

  • Olivia Saun So,美国加利福尼亚州影视城哈佛西湖高中

ANIM039 —节奏与蓝调:检查蓝光诱导的黑腹果蝇昼夜节律紊乱的潜在健康危害

  • Rania S. Lateef,美国弗吉尼亚州马纳萨斯创新园州长学校

BEHA012T —寻找“神奇药丸”:一种治疗精神分裂症和压力相关疾病的新型腺苷调节剂

  • Shao-Chieh Fu, 台北市建国中学, 新北市, 台湾
  • Yu-Pin Tsao,台湾新北市台北市建国中学

BEHA015 —差异同理心、社会主导取向和社会科学研究的局限性

  • Sierra Anne Sun,沃特福德学校,美国犹他州桑迪市

BEHA037 —ArabLexify:利用可访问的数字筛查工具提升 6-12 岁阿拉伯语儿童的早期阅读障碍诊断

  • 穆罕默德·艾哈迈德·萨克尔(Mohamed Ahmed Sakr),埃及开罗奥布尔STEM学校

BEHA045 —Harmony:一种基于人工智能的远程监测和预测系统,用于双相情感障碍中的躁狂和抑郁发作

  • 萨哈尔·阿什拉夫·艾哈迈德(Sahar Ashraf Ahmed),埃及索哈格市立学校

BEHA048 —个性化音乐选择与青少年心理健康之间的递归关系:一项实证研究

  • Aanya Gupta, Horace Mann School, New York, NY, 美国

第一奖 $1,500

BEHA045 —Harmony:一种基于人工智能的远程监测和预测系统,用于双相情感障碍中的躁狂和抑郁发作

  • 萨哈尔·阿什拉夫·艾哈迈德(Sahar Ashraf Ahmed),埃及索哈格市立学校

二等奖 $1,000

BEHA015 —差异同理心、社会主导取向和社会科学研究的局限性

  • Sierra Anne Sun,沃特福德学校,美国犹他州桑迪市

三等奖 $500

ANIM037 —膳食烟酸和 NAD+ 对黑腹果蝇长寿、记忆力和运动功能的浓度依赖性影响

  • Olivia Saun So,美国加利福尼亚州影视城哈佛西湖高中

ANIM039 —节奏与蓝调:检查蓝光诱导的黑腹果蝇昼夜节律紊乱的潜在健康危害

  • Rania S. Lateef,美国弗吉尼亚州马纳萨斯创新园州长学校

BEHA012T —寻找“神奇药丸”:一种治疗精神分裂症和压力相关疾病的新型腺苷调节剂

  • Shao-Chieh Fu, 台北市建国中学, 新北市, 台湾
  • Yu-Pin Tsao,台湾新北市台北市建国中学

BEHA037 —ArabLexify:利用可访问的数字筛查工具提升 6-12 岁阿拉伯语儿童的早期阅读障碍诊断

  • 穆罕默德·艾哈迈德·萨克尔(Mohamed Ahmed Sakr),埃及开罗奥布尔STEM学校

BEHA048 —个性化音乐选择与青少年心理健康之间的递归关系:一项实证研究

  • Aanya Gupta, Horace Mann School, New York, NY, 美国


亚利桑那州立大学很高兴提供奖学金,将金钱奖励和专注于知识、学习和研究的环境相结合。新美国大学 ISEF 奖学金可续签四年。个人和团队将获得这些奖项。

亚利桑那州立大学 ISEF 奖学金(每人价值高达 58,000 美元)

BEHA002 —基于脑电图和神经反馈方法的无创系统靶向ADHD以提高注意力

  • Emma Christine Lee,美国佛罗里达州杰克逊维尔斯坦顿学院预备学校

BEHA010T —通过可触及的笔记本电脑支架缓解背痛

  • Nichelle Corpuz, Waipahu High School, Waipahu, HI, 美国
  • Zea Hope Galacgac, Waipahu High School, Waipahu, HI, 美国

BEHA023 —提高女性对自闭症的识别和诊断 – 一种使用机器学习的新方法

  • Aanika Tangirala,美国华盛顿州西雅图湖畔学校

CHEM067 —终极植物动力自行车润滑油

  • Brandon Ambridge Dunn,美国犹他州普兰城弗里蒙特高中

EAEV101 —调查纳瓦霍族铀污染水域周围环境中铀和其他有害金属/准金属的浓缩物

  • Haylei Redhouse,纳瓦霍预备学校,美国亚利桑那州赛尔

EGSD047 —变废为瓦特:将当地采购的有机废料转化为活性炭基超级电容器

  • Shrey Rohilla,古典学院 – 北,科罗拉多斯普林斯,科罗拉多州,美利坚合众国

ENBM039T —OralAI:一种用于预防牙齿疾病的基于荧光的移动系统

  • Ayush Garg,美国加利福尼亚州都柏林都柏林高中
  • Divij Motwani,帕洛阿尔托高中,帕洛阿尔托,加利福尼亚州,美国

ENEV051 —修订翼型设计以提高商用飞机的燃油效率

  • Sungwon Lee, Troy High School, Troy, MI, 美国

ENEV055T —传感器辅助、无创监测,用于蜜蜂群落的运营、调查和预测蜂巢健康管理——可持续养蜂

  • Naithruv Kashyap,美国德克萨斯州奥斯汀韦斯特伍德高中
  • Suchir Kumar,美国德克萨斯州奥斯汀韦斯特伍德高中

ETSD066 —I.D.A.S – 联锁无人机空中群:增强推力和电池配置灵活性

  • Yuvan Senthil, BASIS Peoria, Phoenix, AZ, 美国

MCRO032T —细菌声学:研究白噪声对大肠杆菌生长的影响

  • Andrea Angelye Ananya Betancourt,美国亚利桑那州尤马丰收预备学院
  • 戴安娜·保拉·纳瓦罗·鲁伊斯(Diana Paula Navarro Ruiz),美国亚利桑那州圣路易斯丰收预备学院
  • 黛安·索菲亚·拉迪诺(Diane Sofia Ladino),美国亚利桑那州圣路易斯丰收预备学院

PHYS034 —基于齿轮的拓扑机械超材料

  • Belen Ariana Franco de la Matta,卑尔根县学院,新泽西州诺斯维尔,美利坚合众国

PLNT012 —菠菜在垂直和水平水培中的生长

  • Lauren Johnson, Mililani High School, Mililani, HI, 美国

PLNT020 —火星或萧条!一种在火星上构建基于火星风化层的可持续农业基质的方法

  • Quinn Jacie Hughes,Minnetonka高中,明尼苏达州芒德,美利坚合众国

PLNT035T —害虫克星!注入葡萄皮和姜黄提取物的害虫驱除可生物降解杂草屏障:第 2 年研究

  • Humberto Gil Villalobos,美国亚利桑那州圣路易斯丰收预备学院
  • 迈克尔·特里斯坦·卡斯特罗·卢塞罗,丰收预备学院,美国亚利桑那州圣路易斯

ROBO061T —视障人士智能设备

  • Danaya Jaslene Figueroa, Grand Terrace High School, Colton, CA, 美利坚合众国
  • 普莉希拉·埃琳娜·穆尼奥斯(Priscilla Elena Munoz),美国加利福尼亚州布卢明顿大露台高中

SOFT010 —救命!我需要有人:一种辅助设备,一旦检测到跌倒,就会通知紧急服务

  • 玛丽亚·费斯·西尔斯,蒙特维斯塔高中,蒙特维斯塔,科罗拉多州,美国

TMED002 —Nuphar advena 的消毒特性:一种民族制药方法

  • Johanna Lynn Bernu,美国明尼苏达州克洛凯克洛凯高中


ACM 被广泛认为是计算机专业人员的首要会员组织,提供推动计算机作为一门科学和专业发展的资源;实现专业发展;促进有益于社会的政策和研究。ACM 拥有计算机行业领先的数字图书馆,并通过期刊和杂志、会议、研讨会、电子论坛和学习中心为其全球成员和计算机行业提供服务。

第一笔奖金 $4,000

ROBO033T —VannameiVision:一种用于种群质量评估的新型端到端管道,以虾后幼体筛选案例研究为案例研究,从稳健的数据采集到自主分割和系统表征数量、大小和活力

  • Patipond Tiyapunjanit, Princess Chulabhon Science High School Pathumthani, Minburi, 曼谷, 泰国
  • Thinnaphat Siammai, Princess Chulabhon Science High School Pathumthani, Min Buri, 曼谷, 泰国

二等奖 $3,000

SOFT032 —开发数字信息分布式存储的新范式

  • Lianne Ahmed Algrafi,沙特阿拉伯吉达 Dar AlFikr 学校

三等奖 $1,500

SOFT052 —通过集成机器学习和网络系统生物学方法开发一种新的整体、个性化的痴呆症风险预测模型

  • Srilekha Mamidala, Garnet Valley High School, Garnet Valley, PA, 美国

第四次奖金 $500

ROBO035 —虚拟心脏病专家:廉价便携式设备和 Web/移动应用程序中的三个深度学习管道,用于快速心血管诊断和临床决策

  • Shiv Mehrotra-Varma, Clovis North High School, Fresno, CA, 美国

SOFT035 —用于在 3D 打印假肢社区中定制开发部分手假肢的软件

  • Katherine Cha Robertson,美国加利福尼亚州尔湾市Sage Hill学校

SOFT055T — 将深度学习集成到模拟 3D 空间中的自动体积心血管解剖和重建中,用于医疗实践

  • 越南胡志明市黎鸿峰天才高中Le Quoc Bao Nguyen
  • 越南胡志明市Le Hong Phong天才高中团惠乐



第一奖 $1,500

ROBO019T —您只需要状态空间模型

  • Aidan Ong, Hwa Chong Institution, 新加坡, 新加坡
  • Junxiang Cai, National Junior College, Singapore, 新加坡, 新加坡

二等奖 $1,000

SOFT043 —Gaze Link:一种多语言低成本移动眼手势通信系统,具有适用于肌萎缩侧索硬化症患者的大型语言模型

  • Xiangzhou Sun, Webb School of California, Claremont, CA, 美国

三等奖 $500

TMED025— 奥尔科特:一种用于预测 HIV-1 神经感染中多聚体相互作用的卷积神经网络

  • Anna Grace Mohanty,美国弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿华盛顿李高中


BMED023 —提高皮肤癌检测中的种族平等:使用人工智能驱动的合成图像生成和级联卷积神经网络诊断不同肤色病变中的癌症

  • Kate Choi,波托马克学校,美国弗吉尼亚州麦克莱恩

CBIO033 —一种使用脑电图(EEG)预测癫痫发作的深度半监督域泛化方法

  • Sunwoo (Ria) An, Loomis Chaffee School, Windsor, CT, 美国

ENBM066T —PoDE – 利用顶叶胆碱能神经元破坏的动眼神经控制特征性时间序列模式的平台,利用 PoDE 神经网络指示早期阿尔茨海默病

  • Lenny Thomas, The Prince Royal's College, Mueang Chiang Mai, 清迈, 泰国
  • Tanyada Thongbai, The Prince Royal's College, 杭东, 清迈, 泰国
  • Tin Potikanond, The Prince Royal's College, Mueang , 清迈, 泰国

ROBO007T —推进宠物面部识别:使用大规模数据集的深度学习方法

  • Hiu Yan Lin, Kao Yip Middle School, 澳门, 中国, 澳门特别行政区
  • Nok Him Isaac Lau, Kao Yip Middle School, 澳门, 中国, 澳门特别行政区

TMED064 —ALLocate:一种用于骨髓涂片中急性白血病实时定位和分类的低成本自动人工智能系统

  • Ethan Shuai Yan,格罗顿学校,加利福尼亚州伯林格姆,美国

一等奖、二等奖和三等奖获奖项目和 5 个荣誉奖获奖项目(每个项目最多 3 名学生)(实物奖/一、三等奖的一部分)的每位决赛入围者的 AAAI 学生会员资格

BMED023 —提高皮肤癌检测中的种族平等:使用人工智能驱动的合成图像生成和级联卷积神经网络诊断不同肤色病变中的癌症

  • Kate Choi,波托马克学校,美国弗吉尼亚州麦克莱恩

CBIO033 —一种使用脑电图(EEG)预测癫痫发作的深度半监督域泛化方法

  • Sunwoo (Ria) An, Loomis Chaffee School, Windsor, CT, 美国

ENBM066T —PoDE – 利用顶叶胆碱能神经元破坏的动眼神经控制特征性时间序列模式的平台,利用 PoDE 神经网络指示早期阿尔茨海默病

  • Lenny Thomas, The Prince Royal's College, Mueang Chiang Mai, 清迈, 泰国
  • Tanyada Thongbai, The Prince Royal's College, 杭东, 清迈, 泰国
  • Tin Potikanond, The Prince Royal's College, Mueang , 清迈, 泰国

ROBO007T —推进宠物面部识别:使用大规模数据集的深度学习方法

  • Hiu Yan Lin, Kao Yip Middle School, 澳门, 中国, 澳门特别行政区
  • Nok Him Isaac Lau, Kao Yip Middle School, 澳门, 中国, 澳门特别行政区

ROBO019T —您只需要状态空间模型

  • Aidan Ong, Hwa Chong Institution, 新加坡, 新加坡
  • Junxiang Cai, National Junior College, Singapore, 新加坡, 新加坡

SOFT043 —Gaze Link:一种多语言低成本移动眼手势通信系统,具有适用于肌萎缩侧索硬化症患者的大型语言模型

  • Xiangzhou Sun, Webb School of California, Claremont, CA, 美国

TMED025— 奥尔科特:一种用于预测 HIV-1 神经感染中多聚体相互作用的卷积神经网络

  • Anna Grace Mohanty,美国弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿华盛顿李高中

TMED064 —ALLocate:一种用于骨髓涂片中急性白血病实时定位和分类的低成本自动人工智能系统

  • Ethan Shuai Yan,格罗顿学校,加利福尼亚州伯林格姆,美国

所有 8 名获奖者的学校图书馆的 AAAI 会员资格(实物奖/一三等奖和荣誉奖的一部分)

BMED023 —提高皮肤癌检测中的种族平等:使用人工智能驱动的合成图像生成和级联卷积神经网络诊断不同肤色病变中的癌症

  • Kate Choi,波托马克学校,美国弗吉尼亚州麦克莱恩

CBIO033 —一种使用脑电图(EEG)预测癫痫发作的深度半监督域泛化方法

  • Sunwoo (Ria) An, Loomis Chaffee School, Windsor, CT, 美国

ENBM066T —PoDE – 利用顶叶胆碱能神经元破坏的动眼神经控制特征性时间序列模式的平台,利用 PoDE 神经网络指示早期阿尔茨海默病

  • Lenny Thomas, The Prince Royal's College, Mueang Chiang Mai, 清迈, 泰国
  • Tanyada Thongbai, The Prince Royal's College, 杭东, 清迈, 泰国
  • Tin Potikanond, The Prince Royal's College, Mueang , 清迈, 泰国

ROBO007T —推进宠物面部识别:使用大规模数据集的深度学习方法

  • Hiu Yan Lin, Kao Yip Middle School, 澳门, 中国, 澳门特别行政区
  • Nok Him Isaac Lau, Kao Yip Middle School, 澳门, 中国, 澳门特别行政区

ROBO019T —您只需要状态空间模型

  • Aidan Ong, Hwa Chong Institution, 新加坡, 新加坡
  • Junxiang Cai, National Junior College, Singapore, 新加坡, 新加坡

SOFT043 —Gaze Link:一种多语言低成本移动眼手势通信系统,具有适用于肌萎缩侧索硬化症患者的大型语言模型

  • Xiangzhou Sun, Webb School of California, Claremont, CA, 美国

TMED025— 奥尔科特:一种用于预测 HIV-1 神经感染中多聚体相互作用的卷积神经网络

  • Anna Grace Mohanty,美国弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿华盛顿李高中

TMED064 —ALLocate:一种用于骨髓涂片中急性白血病实时定位和分类的低成本自动人工智能系统

  • Ethan Shuai Yan,格罗顿学校,加利福尼亚州伯林格姆,美国



奖金 $1,200

BMED075 —神经炎症中表观遗传酶JMJD1a的新鉴定

  • Baochan Fan, Hamilton High School, Chandler, AZ, 美国

EAEV091 —CABMS:第一个通过深度、时空、多变量预测和基于传感器的数据传输来对抗加利福尼亚海洋生物毒素的系统

  • 马玉琴,哈克学校,山景城,加利福尼亚州,美利坚合众国

ENBM033 —To Infinity Egg Beyond:用于超定制鸡蛋模型的新型系统

  • Muhammad Hosam Eldin El-Sherbiny,卑尔根县学院,新泽西州李堡,美利坚合众国

ENEV043 —开发基于碳酸化工艺的新型碱性活性水泥,以减少CO2排放

  • Fatimah Alshakhs,沙特阿拉伯东部省阿拉赫萨阿兰贾尔私立学校

ETSD041 —低成本快速反应火箭发射无人机用于野火热点探测

  • Jason Zhao,加拿大西温哥华科林伍德学校

MATH031 —在不平衡分类中平衡错误分类成本 (BMC)

  • Sophia Fu,卡梅尔高中,卡梅尔,印第安纳州,美国

MATS037 —用于干细胞递送的 3D 生物打印软微型机器人“壁龛”

  • Cindy Cheng,加拿大安大略省滑铁卢市劳雷尔高地中学

MCRO001 —下一代抗生素:分离和筛选新型细菌素

  • Rish*t Arnav Shaquib,美国佛罗里达州奥卡拉先锋高中

PHYS008 —地球、月球和火星太阳能电池板的防尘和自清洁涂料(第二年)

  • Arvid Charles Larsson Vaidyanathan,美国佛罗里达州奥维耶多市温特斯普林斯高中

SOFT044 —求解矩阵乘法时间中的二阶锥程序

  • Michelle Wei,美国加利福尼亚州萨拉托加市哈克学校




BCHM008 —分析新型多酶制剂对增强大肠杆菌生物膜介入破坏的协同作用

  • Muhilan Balasubramanian,巴拉德高中,肯塔基州路易斯维尔,美国

BMED006 —开发用于预防和治疗脑卒中的抗血小板和降胆固醇药的临床前研究

  • Sharmada Palakurthi, WB Ray High School, Corpus Christi, TX, 美国

CELL033 —摇滚金属!研究锰作为恶性肿瘤的触发因素和金属转运蛋白作为癌症治疗的靶点

  • Carolina de Araujo Pereira da Silva, Instituto Federal de Educacao Ciencia e Tecnologia do Rio de Janeiro, Sao Joao de Meriti, 里约热内卢, 巴西

CHEM045 —通过胶束中与Fe(II)离子反应评估青蒿素衍生物的抗疟活性

  • Yumi Tsukai,德岛市立高中,德岛,日本

MCRO019 —葱对革兰氏阳性菌和革兰氏阴性菌的抗菌作用 II 期

  • Antariksha Sharma,美国爱荷华州费尔菲尔德 Maharishi 启蒙时代学校

MCRO038T —对抗超级细菌:使用天然化合物作为 ESKAPE 病原体中生物膜形成的下调因子(一项计算机研究)

  • Avi Gupta,美国佛罗里达州玛丽湖塞米诺尔高中
  • Jai Gupta,美国佛罗里达州玛丽湖塞米诺尔高中

TMED062 —用于改善炎症性肠病的新型小分子白细胞介素-6抑制剂的设计、合成和测试

  • Siddharth Maruvada,北卡罗来纳州科学与数学学院,美国北卡罗来纳州Apex市


佛罗里达理工学院是一所全国排名靠前的博士学位授予研究型大学。该大学提供工程、科学、计算机、航空、商业、心理学和文科学位。它位于肯尼迪航天中心以南,为对工程和科学感兴趣的学生提供了难以置信的研究机会。佛罗里达理工学院将向 ISEF 参与者提供三项总统奖学金,相当于大学全日制入学后四年的全额学费。获奖者必须完成 FAFSA 才有资格。


EAEV003 —树木年轮作为咸水入侵的潜在监测工具

  • Alynza Isabella McBride,美国佛罗里达州韦伯斯特市南萨姆特高中

ETSD065 —重塑飞机机翼以提高空气动力学效率

  • 费尔南多·安德烈斯·安迪诺-塞拉诺,圣胡安数学、科学和技术中心,波多黎各维加阿尔塔

PHYS002 —最佳转子形状分析:第 3 年

  • Jose M. Carvajal-Beltran, 怀尔德伍德高中, 怀尔德伍德, 佛罗里达州, 美利坚合众国


布鲁诺·凯斯勒基金会(FBK)是意大利特伦托的领先研究中心。WebValley 是 FBK 跨学科科学研究暑期学校计划。一个由热情和积极进取的高中生和FBK研究人员组成的团队接受了由访问科学家提出的项目挑战。FBK 董事会将在 6 月向几位英特尔 ISEF 决赛入围者颁发全额奖学金,让他们成为 WebValley 团队的一员。


CBIO057 —使用机器学习进行肠道微生物组-心脏代谢疾病谱关联分析

  • Gil Ramot, Ilan Ramon, Hod HaSharon, 以色列

EAEV059 —全球农药使用和帕金森病发病率:利用数据科学优化农药法规并将草甘膦暴露与神经炎症联系起来

  • 安吉丽娜·伊马德·阿尤比,萨默斯高中,纽约州卡托纳,美利坚合众国

ENEV058 —水轮机中优化湍流的压电催化用于富营养化修复

  • Emily Zhao,美国纽约州曼哈塞特市曼哈塞特高中

MATH012 —序列整合

  • Emma Rueter, Leibniz-Gymnasium Berlin, 柏林, 德国

ROBO039 -气味和感性:研究视觉线索对人类嗅觉感知的影响,并构建基于人工智能的电子鼻来比较两者

  • 约翰·牛顿·阿南德,阿南德家庭学校学院,俄亥俄州阿克伦,美利坚合众国


IEEE是世界上最大的专业协会,致力于促进技术创新和卓越,造福人类。IEEE基金会支持IEEE的核心宗旨。IEEE 颁发 10,000 美元的总统奖学金,以表彰优秀学生的杰出项目,展示对电气/电子工程、计算机科学或其他 IEEE 感兴趣的领域的理解。除奖学金外,IEEE还颁发600美元的二等奖和400美元的三等奖。今年,还将颁发 1,000 美元的 25 周年纪念奖。


ETSD037 —用于海洋灾害识别和救援的自主无人机 (UAV) 系统:侦察和救援无人机

  • 安吉丽娜·金(Angelina Kim),美国加利福尼亚州德尔马主教学校

二等奖 $600

ENEV044 —CarboFlux 网络:用于增强 CO2 通量测量和全球生态系统监测的新型传感器节点设计

  • Sahiti Bulusu, BASIS Independent Fremont , Fremont, CA, 美国

三等奖 $400

SOFT043 —Gaze Link:一种多语言低成本移动眼手势通信系统,具有适用于肌萎缩侧索硬化症患者的大型语言模型

  • Xiangzhou Sun, Webb School of California, Claremont, CA, 美国


SOFT038 —AuralStudio:具有新颖的字节码编译编程语言的多感官开发环境

  • Abhishek Amit Shah,美国北卡罗来纳州Apex的Green Level高中

国际系统工程理事会 – INCOSE


INCOSE Bill Ewald 社会技术系统工程奖 1000 美元,INCOSE 1 年免费学生会员资格,以及免费虚拟入场 2022 年 INCOSE 国际研讨会

SOFT058 —保护全球食品:生物聚合物、密码学和视觉转换器,实现经济实惠的防伪种子保护

  • Diana Martynova,Los Gatos High School, Los Gatos, CA, 美利坚合众国

INCOSE 最佳系统工程使用奖第二名 800 美元,INCOSE 1 年免费学生会员资格,以及 2022 年 INCOSE 国际研讨会的免费虚拟入场券

ENBM065 —UpLift Mobility:机器人升降机可抬起经常跌倒的人

  • Jeslyn Gabrielle Tan,澳大利亚悉尼巴克学院


ENBM047 —基于Micro RNA223-Biomarker的指数滚动圆扩增CRISPR-Cas12a系统,用于疾病检测和COPD诊断

  • Robin Chris Dao,菲利普斯埃克塞特学院,美国新罕布什尔州埃克塞特

荣誉奖证书、INCOSE 1 年免费学生会员资格,以及 2022 年 INCOSE 国际研讨会的免费虚拟入场券

EBED040 —利用惯性可穿戴设备、计算机视觉和机器学习减轻压力性损伤

  • Maya Julia Trutschl,美国路易斯安那州什里夫波特卡多教区磁铁高中

ENBM001 —帕金森病患者餐具抖动消除技术

  • Susie Meng Di Yuan,北京德威英国国际学校,北京,中国

ENBM041 —NeuroHAT:使大脑健康监测民主化 开发具有fNIR和EEG的可穿戴系统 多模态分类引擎和小型化设备

  • Jingjing Liang, The Harker School, Cupertino, CA, 美国

ENBM062 —矫形手支具可改善脑瘫患者的活动范围

  • Sophia Belle Caramanica,马萨诸塞州马萨诸塞州什鲁斯伯里市马萨诸塞州数学与科学学院

ENEV077 —使用人工智能和水力过滤解决方案开发集油潜艇

  • Ayhem Bouker, Lycee Privee des Elites 2, Sousse , 突尼斯

ETSD050 —SkyLinker:无人机自主永续太阳飞行,促进移动通信和远距离监视

  • Michael Xu,美国新泽西州伯克利高地德尔巴顿学校

ROBO035 —虚拟心脏病专家:廉价便携式设备和 Web/移动应用程序中的三个深度学习管道,用于快速心血管诊断和临床决策

  • Shiv Mehrotra-Varma, Clovis North High School, Fresno, CA, 美国

ROBO078 —Zenith Soar X-4:用于救灾和探测的自主无人机的自主无人机

  • Daniel Tyreese Williams,美国佐治亚州纽南市东考韦塔高中

SOFT035 —用于在 3D 打印假肢社区中定制开发部分手假肢的软件

  • Katherine Cha Robertson,美国加利福尼亚州尔湾市Sage Hill学校

ENBM047 —基于Micro RNA223-Biomarker的指数滚动圆扩增CRISPR-Cas12a系统,用于疾病检测和COPD诊断

  • Robin Chris Dao,菲利普斯埃克塞特学院,美国新罕布什尔州埃克塞特

ENBM065 —UpLift Mobility:机器人升降机可抬起经常跌倒的人

  • Jeslyn Gabrielle Tan,澳大利亚悉尼巴克学院

SOFT058 —保护全球食品:生物聚合物、密码学和视觉转换器,实现经济实惠的防伪种子保护

  • Diana Martynova,Los Gatos High School, Los Gatos, CA, 美利坚合众国
  1. Soumyanath 纪念奖

该奖项由 Krishnamurthy Soumyanath (1957 – 2010) 家族颁发,旨在表彰计算机工程领域的最佳项目。Soumyanath 博士是英特尔院士,并在美国英特尔研究院担任集成平台研究首席架构师。他领导了下一代收发器器件的电路和架构的研究和开发。该奖项旨在纪念一位充满活力和冒险精神的人,他激励和指导了许多年轻人在生活的各个方面都表现出色。

第一奖 $3,000

EBED027 —使用无线电系统探测森林火灾和遇险公园游客

  • John Willis Parsons, Auburn High School, Auburn, AL, 美国

获胜者的学校将获得 1,000 美元。

EBED027 —使用无线电系统探测森林火灾和遇险公园游客

  • John Willis Parsons, Auburn High School, Auburn, AL, 美国



Mawhiba Universal Enrichment Program 奖励(和 200 美元的现金奖励)

CHEM039 —用于光电化学水分解的外部磁场增强等离子体 Au-WO3 薄膜

  • 萨利赫·阿卜杜勒阿齐兹·阿兰加里,利雅得男女学校,利雅得,利雅得,沙特阿拉伯利雅得

EBED010T —使用基于动态点扩散函数的反卷积的实时屈光视觉像差校正显示

  • Akhilesh Balaji, Neev Academy, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
  • Dhruv Ramu, Neev Academy, Bangalore, Karnataka, India

ETSD020 —Origami Chair: Always Accessible to Everyone, Everywhere

  • Chiyo Nakatsuji, Oin High School, Tokyo, Japan

MATS033 —Development of Electrolyte Additive for Self-Corrosion Control of Aluminum Air Battery Electrodes

  • Jamal Mohammed Al Logmani, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM) Boys High School, Dammam, Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia

MATS036 —Development of Anti-Dust Nanostructured Silicon Dioxide Coating for Solar Cells

  • Areej Alqarni, Al-Batool International School, Mecca, Saudi Arabia

ROBO084T —Smart Power Grid Control: Artificial Intelligence-Based Fault Detection in Power Transmission Systems

  • Khazar Huseynov, Educational Complex 132-134, Baku, Azerbaijan
  • Nijat Taghizade, Dunya School, Baku, Azerbaijan

Full Scholarship from King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals(KFUPM) (and a $400 cash prize)

CHEM030 —Next-Generation Coating: Tunable Self-Healing Material for Intelligent Protection of Metal Surfaces

  • Shuyi Deng, YK Pao School, Shanghai, China

CHEM054 —利用聚氨酯泡沫和纳米活性炭基复合材料进行可持续的环保溢油修复

  • Jumana Ahmed Ragab, Cairo Manara Language School for Girls Secondary, Nasr City, 开罗, 埃及

CHEM061 —从天然硅藻土中获得聚吸附剂,以净化废水中的重金属离子

  • Sayazhan Zhaksygaliyeva,哈萨克斯坦阿斯塔纳米拉斯国际学校

ENBM042T —卵巢癌亚型分类的深度学习基础方法

  • 艾哈迈德·哈纳菲·阿卜杜(Ahmed Hanafy Abdou),Kafr EL-Sheikh STEM学校,埃及亚历山大
  • 艾哈迈德·卡德里·纳赛尔(Ahmed Kadry Naser),Kafr EL-Sheikh STEM学校,埃及贝希拉

ETSD003 —弹性波:弹性波传播在枯竭油斑回收中的应用

  • Ionut Gabriel Stan,Liceul Teoretic International de Informatica București,罗马尼亚布加勒斯特

ETSD007T —通过仿生设计提高雪橇性能,灵感来自游隼 (Falco peregrinus) 和翠鸟 (Alcedo atthis)

  • Nicholas Zhang,UJ学院数学,科学与ICT专业学院,约翰内斯堡,豪登省,南非
  • 扎希德·萨德尔(Zaahid Sader),UJ学院数学,科学与信息通信技术学院,约翰内斯堡,豪登省,南非

MATH023 —沿着伟大的 Kaprekar 之路:A 函数、重构器及其性质

  • Alikhan Zharbolov,哈萨克斯坦阿拉木图国家物理和数学学校

MATH037 —在地面作战行动中使用无人驾驶飞行器(UAV)模拟武装冲突

  • Volodymyr Borysenko , 切尔卡瑟 School Number 28, Town, Cherkasy, 乌克兰

MATS001 —一种自愈柔性“果冻状”锌离子电池:为可穿戴设备和安全储能提供支持

  • Jonathan Xufeng 胡,上海高中国际部,中国上海

ROBO011 —应用于模块化柔性生产线自主集群组装的有效机器人集群控制器

  • Michal Lajciak, Stredna Priemyselna Skola, Trencin, 斯洛伐克

ROBO077 —利用人工智能改造橄榄种植部门

  • Ala Bouhaouel, Lycée 2 Mars 1934, Moknine, 突尼斯

SOFT037 —自动化量子效率:一种基于门的量子电路优化算法

  • Abilmansur Rakhmettulayev, Haileybury Astana School, 阿斯塔纳, 哈萨克斯坦

CHEM039 —用于光电化学水分解的外部磁场增强等离子体 Au-WO3 薄膜

  • 萨利赫·阿卜杜勒阿齐兹·阿兰加里,利雅得男女学校,利雅得,利雅得,沙特阿拉伯利雅得

EBED010T —使用基于动态点扩散函数的反卷积的实时屈光视觉像差校正显示

  • Akhilesh Balaji,Neev Academy,印度卡纳塔克邦班加罗尔
  • Dhruv Ramu,Neev Academy,班加罗尔,卡纳塔克邦,印度

ETSD020 —折纸椅:随时随地可供所有人使用

  • Chiyo Nakatsuji,Oin High School,东京,日本

MATS033 —铝空气电池电极自腐蚀控制电解液添加剂的开发

  • Jamal Mohammed Al Logmani,法赫德国王石油矿产大学(KFUPM)男子高中,沙特阿拉伯东部省达曼

MATS036 —太阳能电池防尘纳米结构二氧化硅涂层的开发

  • Areej Alqarni,Al-Batool 国际学校,沙特阿拉伯麦加

ROBO084T —智能电网控制:基于人工智能的输电系统故障检测

  • Khazar Huseynov, Educational Complex 132-134, 巴库, 阿塞拜疆
  • Nijat Taghizade,Dunya学校,巴库,阿塞拜疆

CHEM030 —下一代涂层:用于智能保护金属表面的可调谐自愈材料

  • 邓淑义,包玉刚学校,上海,中国

CHEM054 —利用聚氨酯泡沫和纳米活性炭基复合材料进行可持续的环保溢油修复

  • Jumana Ahmed Ragab, Cairo Manara Language School for Girls Secondary, Nasr City, 开罗, 埃及

CHEM061 —从天然硅藻土中获得聚吸附剂,以净化废水中的重金属离子

  • Sayazhan Zhaksygaliyeva,哈萨克斯坦阿斯塔纳米拉斯国际学校

ENBM042T —卵巢癌亚型分类的深度学习基础方法

  • 艾哈迈德·哈纳菲·阿卜杜(Ahmed Hanafy Abdou),Kafr EL-Sheikh STEM学校,埃及亚历山大
  • 艾哈迈德·卡德里·纳赛尔(Ahmed Kadry Naser),Kafr EL-Sheikh STEM学校,埃及贝希拉

ETSD003 —弹性波:弹性波传播在枯竭油斑回收中的应用

  • Ionut Gabriel Stan,Liceul Teoretic International de Informatica București,罗马尼亚布加勒斯特

ETSD007T —通过仿生设计提高雪橇性能,灵感来自游隼 (Falco peregrinus) 和翠鸟 (Alcedo atthis)

  • Nicholas Zhang, UJ Academy Maths, Science & ICT School of Specialisation, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa
  • Zaahid Sader, UJ Academy Maths, Science & ICT School of Specialisation, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa

MATH023 —Along the Path of the Great Kaprekar: A-Function, Repunits and Their Properties

  • Alikhan Zharbolov, National Physics and Mathematics School, Almaty, Kazakhstan

MATH037 —Simulation of Armed Conflict Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in Ground Combat Operations

  • Volodymyr Borysenko , Cherkassy School Number 28, Town, Cherkasy, Ukraine

MATS001 —A Self-Healing Flexible “Jelly-like” Zinc-Ion Battery: Empowering Wearable Devices and Safe Energy Storage

  • Jonathan Xufeng Hu, Shanghai High School International Division, Shanghai, China

ROBO011 —Effective Robotic Swarm Controller Applied to Autonomous Swarm Assembly of Modular Flexible Production Lines

  • Michal Lajciak, Stredna Priemyselna Skola, Trencin, Slovakia

ROBO077 —Renovation of Olive Cultivation Sector Using AI

  • Ala Bouhaouel, Lycée 2 Mars 1934, Moknine, Tunisia

SOFT037 —Automating Quantum Efficiency: An Algorithm for Gate-Based Optimization of Quantum Circuits

  • Abilmansur Rakhmettulayev, Haileybury Astana School, Astana, Kazakhstan

London International Youth Science Forum CIC

Founded in 1959, LIYSF offers a two-week science summer program. Each year 500 students aged 16-21 years old from 70 countries attend, with lecture demonstrations from leading scientists, including Nobel prize winners, scientific visits to world-class laboratories and science universities combined with international cultural interaction. A vital part of the experience of attending LIYSF is creating global citizens through the exchange of different cultures and traditions, and for many students visiting LIYSF offers their first opportunity to travel abroad.

Full scholarship to attend the London International Youth Science Forum, and a $1,500 cash stipend for travel expenses.

MCRO001 —Next-Generation Antibiotics: Isolating and Screening Novel Bacteriocins

  • Rish*t Arnav Shaquib, Vanguard High School, Ocala, FL, United States of America

Cash stipend for travel expenses associated with travel to and from LIYSF 2024

MCRO001 —Next-Generation Antibiotics: Isolating and Screening Novel Bacteriocins

  • Rish*t Arnav Shaquib, Vanguard High School, Ocala, FL, United States of America

Long Island University

长岛大学在纽约布鲁克林和布鲁克维尔设有两个校区,在卡内基分类认可的全国研究活动高的大学中排名前 7%。达索系统将LIU指定为世界上第一个生命科学与研究中心,在数字时代的精准医学、制药科学和医疗保健领域具有很高的社会影响力。LIU 提供药学、健康科学、兽医技术、生物医学科学、医疗保健管理、护理等专业。欲了解更多信息,请访问。


ANIM008 —为什么母马表现得像种马?:诊断颗粒细胞瘤的新测试

  • Melina Esha Kumar,美国德克萨斯州休斯顿清湖高中

BEHA061 —GaitNet:一种基于医学解释的视频系统,用于使用 2 流时空神经网络评估帕金森病步态障碍的严重程度

  • Andrew Y. Liang,美国加利福尼亚州圣何塞哈克学校

CBIO025 —一种用于发情周期分类的新型机器学习模型

  • Saachi Goyal,信息技术与工程学院,美国康涅狄格州斯坦福德

EAEV023 —海绵研究:评估环境影响对海洋海绵碎屑生产的影响,并用作天然深海 eDNA 采样器

  • Kian Kenneth Francisco Sanchez,美国夏威夷州檀香山大学实验学校

ENBM083 —头脑风暴:使用神经状态中沟通和隐蔽意识的生成模型从 fMRI 重建自然视觉

  • Yashvir Sabharwal , Battlefield High School, Bristow, VA, 美国

ENEV035 — 将可生物降解材料自制整合到水培中:使用锯末和单宁对灰水进行解毒

  • 伊恩·詹姆斯·伦茨(Ian James Lentz),美国宾夕法尼亚州坎普希尔坎普希尔坎普希尔高中

PLNT020 —火星或萧条!一种在火星上构建基于火星风化层的可持续农业基质的方法

  • Quinn Jacie Hughes,Minnetonka高中,明尼苏达州芒德,美利坚合众国

PLNT031 —水砷修复:通过水通道蛋白 OsNIP2 的高表达来提高水稻苜蓿宏基因组和湿实验室方法的分析;1、OsNIP3;2、OsPIP2;2 个基因(第四年)

  • Prisha Bhat,美国德克萨斯州理查森市普莱诺东高中

ROBO046 —使用机器学习进行家庭占用模拟

  • Humam Al-Shami,阿肯色州连接学院,美国阿肯色州木兰市

TMED042 —Y15和二甲双胍联合治疗铂类耐药卵巢癌的研究

  • 伊莎贝拉·卢塞罗·门德斯(Isabela Lucero Mendez),美国德克萨斯州布朗斯维尔布朗斯维尔早期学院高中


玫琳凯·艾施(Mary Kay Ash)创立了她梦寐以求的美容品牌,其目标只有一个:丰富女性的生活。这个梦想发展成为一家全球性公司,在超过 35 个国家/地区拥有数百万独立销售人员。玫琳凯致力于投资美容背后的科学,并制造尖端的护肤品、彩妆、营养补充剂和香水。玫琳凯相信为子孙后代保护我们的星球,保护受癌症和家庭虐待影响的女性,并鼓励年轻人追逐自己的梦想。


TMED030T —IdentiCan:检测脑癌、乳腺癌、肺癌、皮肤癌和胰腺癌的应用程序

  • Keshvee Sekhda, North Gwinnett High School, Sugar Hill, GA, 美国
  • Nyambura Sallinen, Lanier High School, Sugar Hill, GA, 美国


CHEM017T —HidroQapa:由从虾壳废料中提取的壳聚糖制成的防水生物塑料

  • Frederico Reis Mauritty, Colegio Valsassina, 里斯本, 葡萄牙
  • Madalena de Castro Filipe, Colegio Valsassina, 里斯本, 葡萄牙


CELL033 —摇滚金属!研究锰作为恶性肿瘤的触发因素和金属转运蛋白作为癌症治疗的靶点

  • Carolina de Araujo Pereira da Silva, Instituto Federal de Educacao Ciencia e Tecnologia do Rio de Janeiro, Sao Joao de Meriti, 里约热内卢, 巴西


密苏里科技大学 (Missouri S&T) 是一所以 STEM 为重点的研究型大学,拥有 7,200 多名学生。S&T 位于密苏里州罗拉市,在 40 个研究领域提供 101 个学位,是全美投资回报率最高的大学之一。密苏里科技大学很自豪地向 ISEF 参与者提供以下奖项: * 在四年内为选择参加密苏里科技大学的一年级(新生)学生提供三项 8,000 美元的奖学金。 * 五项密苏里科技夏令营奖学金,最高可达 1,500 美元,用于夏令营和旅行费用

夏令营奖学金(夏令营学费和差旅费,价值高达 1,500 美元)

BMED082 —肥胖和新鲜食品获取:来自地理空间数据的新证据和解决方案

  • Saswat Sasha Tripathi,美国密苏里州切斯特菲尔德百汇西高中

EGSD048 —使用帕尔帖瓷砖的可再生能源

  • Jessica Haley Castro, Saint Pius X High School, Albuquerque, NM, United States of America

ETSD066 —I.D.A.S – Interlocking Drone Aerial Swarm: Enhancing Thrust and Battery Configuration Flexibility

  • Yuvan Senthil, BASIS Peoria, Phoenix, AZ, United States of America

TMED028T —Revolutionizing Non-Invasive Skin Cancer Detection Through a Novel Vision Transformer Application

  • Aryaman Om Mishra, Kalamazoo Area Mathematics and Science Center, Portage, MI, United States of America
  • Jason Shaye, Kalamazoo Area Mathematics and Science Center, Kalamazoo, MI, United States of America

$2,000 tuition scholarship (renewable for up to 4 years)

EGSD020 —Efficiency of a 3D-Printed Pico-Hydroelectric Generation System Using a Fused Deposition Modeling Printer

  • Simon David Wibbenmeyer, Perryville Senior High School, Perryville, MO, United States of America

EGSD041 —Exploring the Use of Leaf Biomimicry and Electromagnetic Induction for Electricity Production

  • Grace Echevarria Rivera, Escuela Bilingue Especializada en Ciencias y Matematicas Papa Juan XXIII Secundaria, Bayamon, Puerto Rico

ROBO066 —Optimizing Lip Reading Using Convoluted Neural Networks

  • Daniel Nkunga, Arkansas School for Mathematics, Sciences and the Arts, Sherwood, AR, United States of America

Mu Alpha Theta, National High School and Two-Year College Mathematics Honor Society

Mu Alpha Theta, the National High School and Two-Year College Mathematics Honor Society, strives to promote the enjoyment and scholarship of mathematics. The Mu Alpha Theta Award is given to the most challenging, thorough, and creative investigation of a problem involving mathematics accessible to high school students. Components of the investigation often include mathematical proof, mathematical modeling, statistical analysis, visualization, simulation, and approximation.

First Award of $ 1,500

MATH008 —Injective Chromatic Index of Packet Radio Networks: Improved Upper Bounds

  • Austin Luo, Morgantown High School, Morgantown, WV, United States of America

MATH012 —Integration of Sequences

  • Emma Rueter, Leibniz-Gymnasium Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Second Award of $1,000

MATH006 —Euler-phi Partitions, p-Euler-phi Partitions, Inverse-p-Euler-phi Partitions and Their Generating Functions

  • Arda Ozcelebi, Izmir Ozel Ege Lisesi, Izmir, Turkey

MATH018 —On an Approximation of Divisor Sum Functions With Bernoulli Polynomials and the Hardy Littlewood Function

  • Quang Tran, Patrick F. Taylor Science & Technology Academy, Harvey, LA, United States of America

MATH022 —Factorization Properties of Puiseux Monoids

  • Jason Mao, The Academy for Mathematics, Science & Engineering, Towaco, NJ, United States of America


The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is the United States government agency responsible for the nation’s civilian space program and for aeronautics and aerospace research. Founded in 1958, NASA drives advances in science, technology, aeronautics, and space exploration to enhance knowledge, education, innovation, economic vitality, and stewardship of Earth. NASA inspires the world through discovery.

1st Prize

TMED035 —Photobiomodulation on In Vivo and In Vitro Wound Models Under Simulated Microgravity for Future Space Travel

  • Leanne Fan, Westview High School, San Diego, CA, United States of America

2nd Prize

PHYS031 —A Novel System for Long-Range Wireless Power Transmission

  • Anish Anand, Palos Verdes Peninsula High School, Ranch Palos Verdes, CA, United States of America

3rd Prize

ETSD008 —Modelling Lunar Drivetrain Technology Through the Design of a Differential Swerve Drive

  • Sumana Subramanian, Clear Brook High School, Houston, TX, United States of America

PHYS056 —Discovery of New Extragalactic Planet Candidates: A Novel End-to-End Machine Learning Pipeline for Efficient Transit Detection in the X-ray Spectrum

  • Emily Nicole Aleman, Centro Residencial de Oportunidades Educativas de Ceiba, Río Grande, Puerto Rico

National Anti-Vivisection Society

Since 1929, the National Anti-Vivisection Society has promoted greater compassion, respect and justice for animals. NAVS educational and advocacy programs advance better, more humane science; support the development of alternatives to the use of animals in research, testing and education; and effect changes which help to end the unnecessary suffering of animals.

Awards of $3,000

ANIM049 —DOGMA (Dogs’ Oncological Genomic Metabolite Analyzer): Diagnosis of CMTs in Dogs Using a Machine Learning Model

  • Asher Wang, Holicong Middle School, Jamison, PA, United States of America

BCHM034 —使用受控环境农业研究的用于缓解长期 COVID 和 COVID 后疾病的新型补充和替代药物

  • Rohan Prakash Bhosale,美国印第安纳州卡梅尔市卡梅尔高中

ENBM025 — 为芯片实验室应用中的细胞生长开发最佳熔融沉积建模表面

  • Suraj Dixit,卡拉马祖地区数学与科学中心,美国密歇根州卡拉马祖

ROBO059 —使无人机图像中的多物种物体检测民主化,以便对濒危动物进行具有成本效益的种群监测

  • Sowmya Sankaran,阿尔伯克基学院,新墨西哥州阿尔伯克基,美利坚合众国

TMED014 —伤口模拟器:一种新型生物生长因子浓缩物治疗口腔粘膜炎的体外研究

  • Keerthana Rajesh,班加罗尔格林伍德高中国际学校,班加罗尔,卡纳塔克邦,印度


美国国家地理学会是一个全球性的非营利组织,它利用科学、探索、教育和讲故事的力量来照亮和保护我们世界的奇迹。自 1888 年以来,《国家地理》一直在突破探索的界限,投资于大胆的人和变革性的想法。美国国家地理学会(National Geographic Society)将向再生元ISEF参与者颁发特别奖,这些参与者的项目在地理和地理空间科学方面表现出色。


EAEV021 —通过卫星图像驱动的混合神经网络进行国家地面二氧化氮预测

  • Elton Cao,Fairview High School, Broomfield, CO, 美国

EAEV033 —通过机器学习了解全球土壤呼吸:预测和未来气候变化影响

  • Manfred Lim,美国纽约州杰里科市杰里科高中

EAEV058 —使用卷积长短期记忆张量回归网络预测加利福尼亚州野火后的植被恢复

  • Jiahe Liu, Edgemont High School, Scarsdale, NY, 美国

EAEV079 —使用降雨预测和水动力模型中时空 GIS 的集成,通过地下水排放到洪水淹没的 3D 模拟来缓解打拉市的洪水

  • Arnon Yzabel Guzman Guinto, Tarlac National High School, Tarlac City, Tarlac, Philippines

ROBO043 —城市贫民窟探测和制图:VHR卫星图像的语义分割

  • Meenakshi Nair, Mission San Jose High School, Fremont, CA, 美国

美国国家海洋和大气管理局 – NOAA

美国国家海洋和大气管理局 (NOAA) 是美国政府的科学机构,其使命是科学、服务和管理。美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)通过科学丰富了生命,其范围从太阳表面延伸到海底深处。他们致力于让公众了解周围不断变化的环境,保护生命和财产,并养护和保护自然资源。NOAA 的特别奖通过现金奖励来表彰海洋、沿海、五大湖、天气和气候科学领域的杰出项目。


EAEV093T —藻类作为生物塑料生产的资源:评估 Closterium、Chlorella、Scenedesmus、Volvox、Spirogyra、Saccharina latissima 和 Alaria esculenta 的物种特异性特征和生物降解性

  • Joseph Jeong, Forest Hills High School, Queens , NY, 美国
  • Madison Janice Bennett, Forest Hills High School, East Elmhurst , NY, United States of America
  • Pretom Chowdhury, Forest Hills High School, NYC, NY, United States of America

ENEV066 —Microplastic Flotation: A Novel Method to Analyze and Remove Microplastics

  • Elizabeth Rose Barnes, Shawnee Mission West High School, Shawnee, KS, United States of America

Science Communication Award

EAEV050 —A Novel Approach for Tropical Cyclone Track Forecast Across the Atlantic Basin

  • Nikita Agrawal, Whitney M. Young Magnet High School, Chicago, IL, United States of America

Taking the Pulse of the Planet First Award

EAEV062T —Acoustic Filtration: Harnessing Ultrasonic Technology for the Streamlined Removal of Microplastic Particles From Water Flow

  • Justin Yizhou Huang, College Park High School, The Woodlands, TX, United States of America
  • Victoria Ou, College Park High School, The Woodlands, TX, United States of America

ENEV080 —Year II: Resistant Electromagnet Propulsion for Petroleum Removal Employing Biocompatible Magnetorheological Fluid in Oil Spill Applications

  • Tiffani Rai Gay, Orlando Science Schools, Apopka, FL, United States of America

National Security Agency Research Directorate

The NSA Research Directorate is one of the most established research organizations in the U.S. Intelligence Community. As a world leader in science and technology, Research engages with leading industries, universities, and national laboratories to both advance core competencies and to leverage work in overlapping disciplines. The ISEF Special Awards recognize exceptional research that demonstrates world-class skills in mathematics, computer science, cybersecurity, engineering, physics, and neuroscience while promoting research that can assure and protect cyberspace.

Third Place Award Mathematics

MATH016 —Fibonacci Analogues of Legendre’s Formula and Fine’s Theorem

  • Arav Chand, Half Hollow Hills High School West, Dix Hills, NY, United States of America

Second Place Award Mathematics

MATH014 —Twisted hom*ogeneous Racks Over the Alternating Groups

  • Joseph Amichai Vulakh, Paul Laurence Dunbar High School, Lexington, KY, United States of America

First Place Award Mathematics

MATH030T —An Elementary Method for Fast Modular Exponentiation With Factored Modulus

  • Anay Aggarwal, Jesuit High School, Portland, OR, United States of America
  • Manu Isaacs, Jesuit High School, Portland, OR, United States of America

Third Place Award Cybersecurity

ROBO019T —State Space Models Are All You Need

  • Aidan Ong, Hwa Chong Institution, Singapore, Singapore
  • Junxiang Cai, National Junior College, Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

SOFT036 —Unmasking Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities in Direct and Transitive OSS Dependencies

  • Sebastian Rae Alexis, Northwood High School, Irvine, CA, United States of America

SOFT040 —A Novel Approach to Detecting Academic Dishonesty Involving Artificial Intelligence

  • Jun Jang, Oxford High School, Oxford, MS, United States of America

SOFT046T —DynaGrad: A Novel Gradient Descent With Adaptive Dual Learning Rates & Momenta for Improved Optimization and Accelerated Convergence in Deep Neural Networks

  • Pratishrut Kamal, William G. Enloe High School, Raleigh, NC, United States of America
  • Venkata Varsh*th Vadlamudi, William G. Enloe High School, Apex, NC, United States of America


SOFT024 —设计基于 WebAssembly 的 Shell

  • Diego Zhen-Yi Frias,俄勒冈圣公会学校,俄勒冈州波特兰,美国

SOFT033 —使用机器学习改进勒索软件检测/缓解概念验证

  • Eric Ruike Song,美国纽约州约克镇高地约克镇高中


ROBO057 —AdvMed:检测医疗深度学习系统中的对抗性攻击

  • Ayushi Mehrotra,特洛伊高中,尔湾,加利福尼亚州,美利坚合众国

三等奖 安全和隐私原则

BEHA015 —差异同理心、社会主导取向和社会科学研究的局限性

  • Sierra Anne Sun,沃特福德学校,美国犹他州桑迪市

二等奖 安全和隐私原则

EBED003 —使用黑体辐射的太赫兹间隙通信

  • 乔纳森·卢克·多米尼(Jonathan Luke Dorminy),Sola Fide Home School,佐治亚州麦克唐纳,美利坚合众国

一等奖 安全和隐私原则

SOFT044 —求解矩阵乘法时间中的二阶锥程序

  • Michelle Wei,美国加利福尼亚州萨拉托加市哈克学校

一等奖 材料科学

MATS030T —设计更绿色的未来:一种新型、可生物降解、自供电、基于壳聚糖的食品包装材料

  • Grace Yuan,美国德克萨斯州斯普林市大学公园高中
  • Nikita Catherine D'Souza,美国德克萨斯州兀兰大学公园高中



ANIM042 —BeeMind AI:开发基于人工智能的系统来评估蜜蜂的健康、行为和营养对学习和记忆的影响

  • Matthew Allen Lo,美国宾夕法尼亚州伯温市哈弗福德学校

BCHM013 —土壤细菌 Xenorhabdus szentirmaii 抗菌剂的表征

  • Ritisha Dey,美国威斯康星州肖尔伍德市肖尔伍德高中



ANIM042 —BeeMind AI:开发基于人工智能的系统来评估蜜蜂的健康、行为和营养对学习和记忆的影响

  • Matthew Allen Lo,美国宾夕法尼亚州伯温市哈弗福德学校

BCHM036 —关于通过溶胶-凝胶法从蛋壳中合成羟基磷灰石纳米颗粒

  • Viraj Luthra,尚蒂伊高中,弗吉尼亚州尚蒂伊,美利坚合众国

BMED019 —加速乳腺癌诊断:利用机器学习利用激素数据准确预测乳腺癌的存在和生长

  • Joshua Hyungwan Kim, McCallie School, Chattanooga, TN, United States of America

CBIO011 —Utilizing Deep Learning to Facilitate Diagnosis of Look-Alike Leukemia Subtypes

  • Tessla Chan, Roslyn High School, Roslyn, NY, United States of America

ENBM076 —Utilizing 3D Additive Biomanufacturing To Develop a Biocompatible, Customizable and Durable Mechanical Aortic Valve – Year 2

  • Aadi Nishant Bhensdadia, Pine View School, Sarasota, FL, United States of America

ENEV079 —Democratizing Desalination: Study of Materials and Methods To Make Desalination Less Energy Intensive and Affordable

  • Ahil Thendral, Northwest High School, Germantown, MD, United States of America

MATH036 —Data-Driven Predictive Mathematical Model of Fish Population Dynamics

  • Eleanor Kathleen Rossi, Jamestown High School, Williamsburg, VA, United States of America

MCRO006 —Year 2: A Novel Biodegradable Sorbent for Oil Spills

  • Mahie Mangesh Patil, Orlando Science Schools, Winter Garden, FL, United States of America


ANIM049 —DOGMA (Dogs’ Oncological Genomic Metabolite Analyzer): Diagnosis of CMTs in Dogs Using a Machine Learning Model

  • Asher Wang, Holicong Middle School, Jamison, PA, United States of America

BMED003 —E-cadherin Expression as a Predictor of Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition in Early Onset Colorectal Cancer

  • Anika Bhandare, Sebring High School, Sebring, FL, United States of America

EBED025 —Omni Wheel: An Innovative Wheel Design for a Walker With Pressure Tracking, Lidar Sensing and Braking Capability

  • Annika Chadha, duPont Manual High School, Louisville, KY, United States of America

ENEV005 —An Integrated Algae Mitigation System to Seek & Abate Harmful Algal Blooms (Year 5)

  • Sharanya S. Natarajan, Edgewood Junior Senior High School, Melbourne, FL, United States of America


How can you actually change the world? The Non-Trivial Fellowship is an online part-time program for high school students aged 14-20 to start solving the world’s most pressing problems. You’ll learn from experts like artificial intelligence pioneer Yoshua Bengio, get a $500 scholarship, and up to $15,000 in funding. We participate in ISEF to recognise and encourage projects tackling the world’s most pressing problems, like climate change, pandemics, and risks from artificial intelligence. Read more and apply:

10 scholarships for Non-trivial

ANIM004 —Analysis of the Larvicidal Biopotential of Jua Bravo (Solanum viarum Dunal) on Mosquito Larvae Causing Tropical Diseases

  • Pedro Paulo Milhomem Braga, Escola Santa Teresinha, Imperatriz, Brazil

ANIM007 —Utilizing Microbiome Transplants to Improve Landscape-Scale Mosquito Suppression

  • Logan Tokuzo Kaenohomekahau’oli Lee, Iolani School, Honolulu, HI, United States of America

CBIO013 —Atomically Yours: Novel DeepGraphDTI Takes Fight Against Future Pandemics to the Next Level

  • Wan Qin Lim, Hwa Chong Institution, Singapore, Singapore

CELL031 —Identification of Survivin as a Novel Longevity Biomarker: Towards Developing Novel Anti-Aging Therapeutics

  • Lana Hamza Almazroei, Dar Al-Tarbia Al-Hadetha, Jeddah, Makkah, Saudi Arabia

CHEM068 —Optimizing Synthesis of mRNA Therapeutics

  • Srijay Sritaharan Chenna, The Charter School of Wilmington, Newark, DE, United States of America

ENBM059 —DengueScreen: A Novel Computer Vision-Based Diagnostic Alternative for Dengue Fever Prioritizing Efficiency, Cost-Effectiveness, and Accuracy

  • Jackson Wilson, Highlands High School, Fort Thomas, KY, United States of America

ROBO057 —AdvMed: Detecting Adversarial Attacks in Medical Deep Learning Systems

  • Ayushi Mehrotra, Troy High School, Irvine, CA, United States of America

ROBO063 —Bias in Large Language Models (LLMs); Paving the Way for an Equitable Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)

  • Rihito Kotani, Tokyo Gakugei University International Secondary School, Setagaya, Tokyo, Japan

SOFT019 —Back Propagation Neural Network Based Framework for Unknown Malware Detection

  • Yi-Jhe Chen,国立台湾师范大学附属高级中学,台湾新北市

TMED044 —MalaScope – 一种用于无标记疟疾检测的低成本深度学习传感器

  • Gurnoor Kaur,加拿大安大略省滑铁卢市卡梅伦高地学院


海军科学奖励计划 (NSAP) 是美国海军和海军陆战队的一项计划,旨在鼓励我们国家的学生发展和保持对科学和工程的兴趣。NSAP表彰符合条件的学生在地区和州科学与工程博览会以及再生元国际科学与工程博览会(ISEF)上在制作和展示优质科学和工程项目方面的成就。

海军研究局局长奖学金 15,000 美元

EBED013 —项目愿景:通过3D映射辅助导航和航点定位

  • James Nagler,美国纽约州加登城花园城高中

ETSD025 —利用高温超导和电磁的磁悬浮轮胎如何创造出最环保的车辆

  • 伊莎贝拉·亚历山德里亚·平托(Isabella Alexandria Pinto),美国华盛顿州西里奇兰市汉福德高中

ETSD039 —环形螺旋桨设计对无人机声学特征和空气动力学性能的影响

  • Hannah Brooke Jansen,美国弗吉尼亚州诺克斯维尔创新园州长学校

ETSD061 —高效高度自适应动态火箭发动机喷嘴

  • Timucin Erbas,美国马萨诸塞州阿克顿市阿克顿博克斯伯勒地区高中

ROBO078 —Zenith Soar X-4:用于救灾和探测的自主无人机的自主无人机

  • Daniel Tyreese Williams,美国佐治亚州纽南市东考韦塔高中




CHEM012 —对乙酰氨基酚的化学修饰以降低肝毒性

  • Chloe Yehwon Lee,美国德克萨斯州墨菲市普莱诺东高中

最高奖金 1,000 美元,一面美国国旗和在美国授予的第一项专利的装裱副本

CHEM012 —对乙酰氨基酚的化学修饰以降低肝毒性

  • Chloe Yehwon Lee,美国德克萨斯州墨菲市普莱诺东高中

二等奖 $500

ANIM042 —BeeMind AI:开发基于人工智能的系统来评估蜜蜂的健康、行为和营养对学习和记忆的影响

  • Matthew Allen Lo,美国宾夕法尼亚州伯温市哈弗福德学校

ANIM047 —确定 Gracilaria salicornia 和 Codium edule 中精氨酸的分布以及 Kāneʻohe 湾 Chelonia mydas 的纤维状瘤病发病率

  • Maddux Alexander Springer , Iolani School, Kaneohe, HI, 美国

BMED020 —使用神经网络分析呼吸模式的早期发现强直性脊柱炎

  • Jayveer Sachin Kochhar,印度马哈拉施特拉邦孟买 Jamnabai Narsee 国际学校

CHEM030 —Next-Generation Coating: Tunable Self-Healing Material for Intelligent Protection of Metal Surfaces

  • Shuyi Deng, YK Pao School, Shanghai, China

ENBM082 —AquaGuard: A Device for Real-Time Drowning Detection in Swimming Pools Utilizing Visual-Spatial Perception With Deep Encoder-Decoder Neural Networks

  • Aadi Deshmukh, Moravian Academy, Macungie, PA, United States of America

ETSD042 —Submersible Aerial Vehicle Design Study

  • Chetana Gunawardhana, Broad Run High School, Ashburn, VA, United States of America

PHYS012 —Development and Demonstration of a Low-Cost Strip-PET Scanner Prototype

  • Samikshya Mahapatra, College Station High School, College Station, TX, United States of America

PHYS040 —Development of New Beam Configurations for OMEGA To Achieve Highly Uniform Indirect Drive Implosions With Cubic Symmetry

  • Edward Wu, Pittsford Sutherland High School, Pittsford, NY, United States of America

SOFT008 —Revolutionizing CVD Prevention and Management: A Comprehensive AI-Powered Solution

  • Adi Abedalqader AlHourani, Islamic Educational College – Jubeiha, Amman, Jordan

Qatar Research, Development, and Innovation Council

The Qatar Research, Development, and Innovation (QRDI) Council is committed to promoting advancements in research, development, and innovation initiatives locally and globally. QRDI catalyzes progress across various sectors, fostering collaboration and partnerships to address pressing societal issues and promote sustainable growth. The QRDI Awards acknowledge outstanding achievements in research and innovation across four distinct categories. Each team will receive a $500 award for their remarkable contributions to research and discovery.

The Qatar Research, Development, and Innovation Council awards will recognize 10 projects in the following categories:Cellular and Molecular Biology, Behavioral and Social Sciences, Engineering Technology: Statics & Dynamics, Environmental Engineering, Biomedical and Health Sciences, Robotics and Intelligent Machines, Materials Science, Environmental Engineering, Earth and Environmental Sciences, and Embedded Systems

BEHA011T —A Sensor-Integrated Wearable Device for Support During Autism Spectrum Disorder Meltdowns by Applying the Deep PressureStimulation

  • Dana Mazen Al-Momani, Jubilee School, Amman, Jordan
  • Layan Atef Al-Shobaki, Jubilee School, Amman, Jordan

BMED040 —The Effect of Sugar Substitutes on Amyloid-BETA Plaque Aggregation: A Novel Link Between Type 2 Diabetes and Alzheimer’s Disease

  • Paige Hinkle, Wilson High School , Sinking Spring, PA, United States of America

CELL032T —Decoding ASXL3: A Novel Biomarker for Neurodevelopmental Disorders

  • Lara Hammoud, Detroit Country Day School, Franklin, MI, United States of America
  • Maya Sarah Hammoud , Detroit Country Day School, Franklin , MI, United States of America

EAEV070 —Forward Modelling of Climate Change-Induced Sedimentation and Effects on Coastal Ecosystems

  • Kevin Hao, Knox Grammar School, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

EBED021T —A Comprehensive Assistive System for Enhancing Independence in Individuals with Quadriplegia

  • Sultan Nasser Al-Malki, Qatar Science and Technology Secondary School for Boys, Doha, Qatar
  • Talal Eisa Ghanem, Qatar Science and Technology Secondary School for Boys, Doha, Qatar

ENEV018T —Development of a Solar Powered Buoy to Measure and Report the Pollution Level of Wetlands

  • Eray Akin, Izmir Fen Lisesi, Izmir, Bornova, Turkey
  • Murat Leylekoglu, Izmir Fen Lisesi, Izmir, Turkey
  • Nisa Iltekin, Izmir Fen Lisesi, Izmir, Bornova, Turkey

ENEV028 —Aerosol Driven Purification: A Novel Method for Purifying Water Utilizing Phase Changes

  • Megan Reyna Yeager, Chesapeake Science Point Public Charter School, Gambrills , MD, United States of America

ETSD017 —SMART (Sustainable, Modular, Additively-manufactured, Robust, Tower-style) Urban Farming

  • Gedeon Kusuma Ang, Raffles Institution, Singapore, Singapore

MATS036 —Development of Anti-Dust Nanostructured Silicon Dioxide Coating for Solar Cells

  • Areej Alqarni, Al-Batool International School, Mecca, Saudi Arabia

ROBO077 —Renovation of Olive Cultivation Sector Using AI

  • Ala Bouhaouel, Lycée 2 Mars 1934, Moknine, Tunisia


Qorvo technology has been at the heart of systems that connect, protect and power the planet for more than 30 years. As a company, we foster multiple outreach activities, focus on building a strong foundation for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). An important pillar of our Qorvo Cares Program is promoting STEM Education, where the passions of our scientific communities are cultivated, inspired, and transferred to the next generations of young people, including our future employees, customers, and global community networks.

Qorvo Innovator Award – 1st Place

PHYS031 —A Novel System for Long-Range Wireless Power Transmission

  • Anish Anand, Palos Verdes Peninsula High School, Ranch Palos Verdes, CA, United States of America

Qorvo Innovator Award – 2nd Place

ROBO047 —Extraterrestrial Exploration Hexapod With Tactile AI-Based Gait Adjustment

  • Haodong Wei, Cranbrook Kingswood School, Troy, MI, United States of America

Qorvo Innovator Award – 3rd Place

EBED019 —MagGrid: Non-Levitative Electromagnet Robot Propulsion Method for 2-D Material Handling

  • Shangqiu Li, Camas High School, Camas, WA, United States of America

Ricoh USA, Inc

Ricoh is empowering digital workplaces using innovative technologies and services that enable individuals to work smarter from anywhere. With cultivated knowledge and organizational capabilities nurtured over its 86-years history, Ricoh is a leading provider of digital services and information management, and print and imaging solutions designed to support digital transformation and optimize business performance. Ricoh has a long-standing environmental mission and commitment to sustainability, bringing corporate, social and environmental responsibilities into balance.

Ricoh Sustainable Development Award of $10,000

EGSD018 —SkyWindFarm: Harnessing High Altitude Wind Power in Scalable Manner

  • Yash Dagade, Eden Prairie High School, Eden Prairie, MN, United States of America

Serving Society Through Science

Serving Society Through Science (SSTS) is dedicated to recognizing talented individuals who seek to serve humanity. SSTS awards creative, outstanding projects that have the potential to improve the lives of people or represent a dramatic scientific advancement.

First Award of $1000

BMED037 —Recasting an Anti-Psychotic as a Prevention for Multiple Arthritides: Discovery of a Novel Receptor and Mechanism of Action

  • Vidya Ambati, Albemarle High School, Charlottesville, VA, United States of America

MATH021 —The Perforation of p-adics: Closing a Gap in Hensel’s Lemma Through the Convergence Inequality

  • Imaad Uzun, New Rochelle High School, New Rochelle, NY, United States of America

Second Award of $500

ANIM039 —Rhythms and Blues: Examining Potential Health Hazards of Blue Light-induced Circadian Disruption in Drosophila melanogaster

  • Rania S. Lateef, Governor’s School at Innovation Park, Manassas, VA, United States of America

ANIM047 —Determining the Distribution of Arginine in Gracilaria salicornia and Codium edule and Fibropapillomatosis Rates in Chelonia mydas in Kāneʻohe Bay

  • Maddux Alexander Springer , Iolani School, Kaneohe, HI, United States of America

EGSD030 —A Self-Adjusting Resonating Piezoelectric Vibration Energy Collector Based on a Cantilever Structure

  • Jiayang Wang, Menaul School, Albuquerque, NM, United States of America

ENBM056 —Investigating the Effects of Hemarthrosis on the Structure and Function of ACL Repair

  • Kento Luke Hong, Edgemont High School, Scarsdale, NY, United States of America

ENEV042 —A Novel Shade Dome to Reduce Water Evaporation in the Great Salt Lake

  • Christina Zhang, InTech Collegiate High School, North Logan, UT, United States of America

PHYS049 —Discovery of Two Potentially Habitable Super-Earths! StealthPlanetFinder: Innovative & Computationally Efficient Algorithms to Detect Exoplanets Overcoming Low Signal-to-Noise Ratio

  • Khedaar Kashyap, Leland High School, San Jose, CA, United States of America

ROBO038 —Design of a Low-Cost, Low Inertia, Backdrivable Upper-Body Humanoid

  • Jilly Abraham Choi, duPont Manual High School, Louisville, KY, United States of America

TMED048 —Analyzing the Effects of Altretamine Chemotherapy Drug on Drosophila melanogaster Ocular Melanoma Models

  • Diya Ghosh, Academies of Loudoun, Leesburg, VA, United States of America

Shanghai Youth Science Education Society

Shanghai Youth Science Education Society (SYSES) is committed to popularizing and disseminating science and technology to young people and the public. As a leading STEM education organization which has a long history, SYSES works with hundreds of researchers and industry experts in STEM field, providing high-quality online and on-site STEM education resources and training programs. Awards are given to recognize outstanding projects in all disciplines.


ENBM011 —STEPs Ahead: Self-Powered Triboelectric Nanogenerator for Dynamic Multidirectional Pressure Sensing

  • Jiaqi Wu, NUS High School of Mathematics & Science, Singapore, Singapore

ENEV002T —Autonomous Ecosystem Surveillance Vehicle: An Autonomous Aquatic Environmental Patrol Boat Aimed at Reducing Current Capability Gaps in Aquatic Bio-Security Sector by Realtime Data Transmission

  • Chit Bryan Lao , Pui Ching Middle School, Macau, China, Macao Special Administrative Region
  • Pok Man Han, Pui Ching Middle School, Macau SAR, China, Macao Special Administrative Region
  • Wang Hei Lei, Pui Ching Middle School, Macau, China, Macao Special Administrative Region

PHYS057 —A Novel Hadronization Model Explaining Charm-Quark Hadronization in Different Collision Systems Through Yet-Unobserved Excited States and Cluster Volume Dependence

  • Shuhan Luo, Worcester Academy, Worcester, MA, United States of America

ROBO032 —Tremor-Adaptive Assistive Dining Solution: A Robotic Arm Integrating Computer Vision and Active Stabilization for Enhanced Autonomy

  • Tianhao Shao, Shanghai Starriver Bilingual School, Shanghai, China

TECA004T —Revolutionizing Language Learning With Connexelerator: An AI-Powered Approach

  • Ethan Snow, Liberty High School, Hillsboro, OR, United States of America
  • Jared Lim, Liberty High School, Hillsboro, OR, United States of America

Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society

Founded in 1886, Sigma Xi is the international honor society of research scientists and engineers, with a distinguished history of service to science and society. This multi-disciplinary society includes members who were elected based on their research achievements or potential, and historically, more than 200 members have won the Nobel Prize. The Society is pleased to offer awards for the best demonstration of interdisciplinary research.

First Life Science Award of $1,200

ANIM027T —Identifying New Sponge Species From Qatar Marine Environment Using Molecular Techniques

  • Alanood Ali Aljalahma, Qatar Technical School For Girls, Doha, Qatar
  • Fajer Saif Albloshi, Qatar Technical School For Girls, Doha, Umm Qarn, Qatar

Second Life Science Award of $800

ANIM023T —Reducing Carbon Footprint and Producing Biofuel From Waste Degradation and Conversion by Black Solider Fly

  • Naphudon Sriratana, Bangkok Christian College, Bangkok, -, Thailand
  • Paponphat Viroonvaiwut , Bangkok Christian College, Bangkok , Bangkok , Thailand

First Physical Science Award of $1,200

MATS048T —Enhancing Tea-Waste Based Biopolymer Nanocomposite Performance Through a Biomimetic Cuticular Hydrocarbon Coating: A Sustainable Packaging Alternative

  • Amal Fayad, Arizona College Prep High School, Gilbert, AZ, United States of America
  • Siyaa Poddar, Arizona College Prep High School, Chandler, AZ, United States of America

Second Physical Science Award of $800

ENEV069T —Eco-Friendly Fabric: Use of Algae and Seagrass in Paper Production

  • Martin A. I. Stella Nieves, Colegio Bautista de Caguas, Caguas, Puerto Rico
  • Patrick Noah Pena, Colegio Bautista de Caguas, Caguas, Puerto Rico

First Award Behavioral and Social Science Award of $1,200

BEHA028T —The RIGHT Model: A Novel Personal Development Tool for Adolescents

  • Jia Hui Keng, Heng Ee High School , Penang , Georgetown , Malaysia
  • Sher Meng Neoh, Heng Ee High School , Gelugor, Penang, Malaysia
  • Wan Yunn Ng, Heng Ee High School , Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia

Second Behavioral and Social Science Award of $800

BEHA011T —A Sensor-Integrated Wearable Device for Support During Autism Spectrum Disorder Meltdowns by Applying the Deep PressureStimulation

  • Dana Mazen Al-Momani, Jubilee School, Amman, Jordan
  • Layan Atef Al-Shobaki, Jubilee School, Amman, Jordan

The University of Texas at Dallas

As one of the nation’s fasting growing research public universities, The University of Texas at Dallas is a Carnegie R1 doctoral classification university of very high research activity established by the founders of Texas Instruments. With nearly 31,000 students from over 100 different countries, UT Dallas offers top-ranked programs in the arts and sciences, engineering and management with a commitment to graduating well-rounded members of the global community whose education has prepared them for rewarding lives and productive careers in a constantly changing world.

Scholarship awards of $5,000 per year, renewable for up to four years

BEHA002 —Targeting ADHD with a Noninvasive System to Improve Concentration Based on Electroencephalogram and Neurofeedback Methodology

  • Emma Christine Lee, Stanton College Preparatory School, Jacksonville, FL, United States of America

BEHA019 —Illuminating Minds: Shining a Light on Atypical Dyslexia Therapies

  • Madilyn Ann Dickinson, St. Patrick Catholic High School, Gulfport, MS, United States of America

BEHA024 —Using Bidirectional Transformer Neural Networks for Advancing Gender Bias Recognition in STEM Job Advertisem*nts

  • Nina Van Zandweghe, Solon High School, Solon, OH, United States of America

BEHA061 —GaitNet: A Medically Interpretable Video-Based System for Assessing Parkinsonian Gait Impairment Severity Using 2-Stream Spatiotemporal Neural Network

  • Andrew Y. Liang, The Harker School, San Jose, CA, United States of America

CBIO010 —Using Machine Learning to Detect Sequential Patterns in the Temporal Ordering of Dynamic States as Candidate Biomarkers for Parkinson’s Disease

  • Yahya Younus, Little Rock Central High School, Little Rock, AR, United States of America

CBIO016 —Combating the Drug Epidemic: A Machine-Learning Framework to Predict Novel Drug-Drug Interaction Risks of Illicit Drug Abuse

  • Dean Wang, Century High School, Rochester, MN, United States of America

CBIO043 —Elucidating RSV-Host Protein-Protein Interactions: Novel implementation of Graph Attention Networks (GAT) and Structural Visualization

  • Aditya Lakshminarasimhan, BASIS Scottsdale, Scottsdale, AZ, United States of America

CELL036 —Tinted Truths: Revealing the Relationship Between Tartrazine and the Dysregulation of Retrotransposons and p53 Expression in Drosophila melanogaster

  • Manya Gummaraju, Plano East Senior High School, Plano, TX, United States of America

CHEM012 —Chemical Modification of Acetaminophen to Decrease Liver Toxicity

  • Chloe Yehwon Lee, Plano East Senior High School, Murphy, TX, United States of America

CHEM052 —Analyzing Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Through Atomistic Simulations

  • Akilan Sankaran, Albuquerque Academy, Albuquerque, NM, United States of America

EAEV062T —Acoustic Filtration: Harnessing Ultrasonic Technology for the Streamlined Removal of Microplastic Particles From Water Flow

  • Justin Yizhou Huang, College Park High School, The Woodlands, TX, United States of America
  • Victoria Ou, College Park High School, The Woodlands, TX, United States of America

EBED014 —SkyCatcher: An Annular-Structured UAV for Enhanced Grasping and Delivery Solutions

  • Zijun Xu, Saint Stephen’s Episcopal School, Austin, TX, United States of America

EGSD030 —A Self-Adjusting Resonating Piezoelectric Vibration Energy Collector Based on a Cantilever Structure

  • Jiayang Wang, Menaul School, Albuquerque, NM, United States of America

ENBM017 —GlaucoScreen: A Novel Deep Learning-Based System for Glaucoma Detection and Progression Monitoring

  • Siddhartha Reddy Milkuri, Bentonville High School, Bentonville, AR, United States of America

MATH002 —Symmetry, Fixed Points and Quantum Billiards: A Confluence of Ideas

  • Anna Oliva, Carnegie Vanguard High School, Houston, TX, United States of America

MATS017 —Colorimetric Smart Packaging System: A Carbohydrate-Based Plastic Alternative for Detecting Food Spoilage

  • Cuauhtemoc Zamora, Veterans Memorial High School, Corpus Christi, TX, United States of America

MCRO018 —Bioinspired Materials to Reduce Infective Endocarditis in Artificial Heart Valves

  • Megan Alexandria Whitt, Wilsonville High School, Wilsonville, OR, United States of America

PHYS011 —Investigating the Use of Parallel Computing With Quantum Computers

  • Jesse Daniel Miller, College Park High School, The Woodlands, TX, United States of America

PHYS014 —Reinforcement Learning Based Kinematic Controller and Proportional-Integrative-Derivative Based Dynamic Controller for Soft Robots

  • Anirudh Mazumder, Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science, Euless, TX, United States of America

PLNT031 —Aqua-Arsenic Remediation: Analysis of the Oryza sativa metagenome and Wet-Lab Approach to increase O. sativa Tolerance to Drought and Arsenic Through Hyper Expression of Aquaporin OsNIP2;1, OsNIP3;2, OsPIP2;2 genes (Year IV)

  • Prisha Bhat, Plano East Senior High School, Richardson, TX, United States of America

ROBO013 —GaitGuardian:帕金森病步态预测和进展分析的实时冻结

  • Viren Rayappa Bankapur,美国德克萨斯州弗里斯科独立高中

ROBO046 —使用机器学习进行家庭占用模拟

  • Humam Al-Shami,阿肯色州连接学院,美国阿肯色州木兰市

TMED007 —将吲哚菁绿和海藻酸钠用于微球药物递送和红外成像:为心血管疾病和癌症创建更易于获取的治疗和诊断工具的模型

  • Rashmi Rani Basu,美国德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥市基斯通学校

TMED012 —DNA适配体作为靶向Tau疗法的选择和临床前测试:一种减缓tau蛋白病进展的新方法

  • Maya Reddy,美国德克萨斯州利安德市利安德高中

TUBITAK 土耳其科学技术研究机构

TÜBİTAK是土耳其资助和开展研究的领先机构。TÜBİTAK负责根据国家目标和优先事项促进、开发、组织、开展、协调研究和开发。TÜBİTAK不仅支持创新、学术和工业研发研究,还制定科技政策并管理研发机构,进行研究、技术和发展研究。TÜBİTAK将向最佳项目发放 5 个现金奖励,每个项目在 ISEF 2024 中金额为 1,000 美元。


BMED038 —通过分子动力学和体外验证,羟丙基BETA-环糊精包合复合物对他汀类药物溶解度的新型增强

  • Elyas Khan, Dar AlFikr 学校, 吉达, 麦加, 沙特阿拉伯

CELL018T —模拟斑马鱼纯合子 Birc6 基因变异与卵巢功能不全之间的可能联系 (Danio rerio)

  • Deren Zehra Unuvar, Izmir Ozel Ege Lisesi, Izmir, Kemalpasa, 土耳其
  • Zeren Ovul, Izmir Ozel Ege Lisesi, Izmir, Karsiyaka, 土耳其

EGSD016 —改善带有改进叶片的螺旋风力涡轮机的空气动力学特性

  • Anne Marie Bobes, Markgraf-Albrecht-Gymnasium Osterburg, Seehausen, 德国

MATS001 —一种自愈柔性“果冻状”锌离子电池:为可穿戴设备和安全储能提供支持

  • Jonathan Xufeng 胡,上海高中国际部,中国上海

SOFT044 —求解矩阵乘法时间中的二阶锥程序

  • Michelle Wei,美国加利福尼亚州萨拉托加市哈克学校

美国国际开发署(U.S. Agency for International Development)

美国国际开发署 (USAID) 是帮助人们为自己创造更美好未来的政府机构——无论他们生活在哪个国家。美国国际开发署领导国际发展和人道主义努力,以拯救生命、减少贫困、加强民主治理,并帮助人民超越援助。美国国际开发署(USAID)正在利用创新、技术和研究的承诺,带来积极的变化,解决世界上一些最紧迫的挑战。


ROBO036T —SCOMAE:使用受监督的 CONTrastive 掩蔽自动编码器从咳嗽声学中诊断结核

  • Faisal Isam Nabulsi, Acalanes High School, Walnut Creek, CA, 美国
  • Michael Xu, The Taft School, East Brunswick, NJ, United States of America

Second Award Global Health and Nutrition

MATS042T —Alternative Organic Sanitary Pads From Plant Fibers Enhanced with Gooseberry Extract Coating

  • Siriarpha Panturap*rn, Montfort College, Hang Dong, Chiang Mai, Thailand
  • Siripapha Panturap*rn, Montfort College, Hang Dong, Chiang Mai , Thailand

Third Award Global Health and Nutrition

ENBM059 —DengueScreen: A Novel Computer Vision-Based Diagnostic Alternative for Dengue Fever Prioritizing Efficiency, Cost-Effectiveness, and Accuracy

  • Jackson Wilson, Highlands High School, Fort Thomas, KY, United States of America

USAID Science for Development First Award – Education and Youth

SOFT038 —AuralStudio: A Multisensory Development Environment With a Novel, Bytecode-Compiled Programming Language

  • Abhishek Amit Shah, Green Level High School, Apex, NC, United States of America

Second Award Education and Youth

BEHA032 —Prevention of Gun Violence Through the Buffering Effects of Intellectual Humility in Traumatized Psychopaths

  • Maya Shah, Martin STEM School, Arlington, TX, United States of America

Third Award Education and Youth

BEHA054 —A Review of the Use and Promotability of Mental Health Apps by Teenagers

  • Nira Goyal, Martin County High School, Palm City, FL, United States of America

USAID Science for Development First Award – Climate and Environmental Protection

ENEV036 —A New Cost-effective Adsorbent Device for Civic Remediation to Reduce Lead, Copper and Cadmium in Surface Water Runoff

  • Kshemaahna Nagi, Vidyashilp Academy, Bengaluru, India

Second Award Climate and Environmental Protection

ENEV011 —A Low Cost and High Performance Xylem-Activated Carbon Filter Water Purification Device: A Novel Approach to the Global Clean Water Crises

  • Ruvarashe Moyo, USAP Community School, Harare, Harare, Zimbabwe

Third Award Climate and Environmental Protection

ENEV004T —Leveraging Electrochemistry and Light Scattering to Improve Air Quality Detection

  • Haaris Masood, Scarsdale International School, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Haon Kim, Scarsdale International School, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan

USAID Science for Development First Award – Working in Crisis and Conflict

BEHA015 —Differential Empathy, Social Dominance Orientation, and the Limitations of Social Science Research

  • Sierra Anne Sun, The Waterford School, Sandy, UT, United States of America

Second Award Working in Crisis and Conflict

EBED006T —A Mesh Network-Integrated Multi-Robot Team With Electronic Nose for Human Detection Under Rubble in Post-Disaster Scenarios

  • Burak Eren Demir, Ataturk High School of Science, Yalova, Turkey
  • Muhammet Basar Ozcan, Ataturk High School of Science, Manisa, Turkey
  • Salih Celik, Ataturk High School of Science, Afyonkarahisar, City Centre, Turkey

Third Award Working in Crisis and Conflict

ROBO043 —Urban Slum Detection and Mapping: Semantic Segmentation on VHR Satellite Imagery

  • Meenakshi Nair, Mission San Jose High School, Fremont, CA, United States of America

United States Environmental Protection Agency

From nanomaterials a billionth of a meter in size to global climate dynamics, EPA scientists and engineers are investigating every scale of our environment and the links between environment and human health. EPA conducts research that addresses the highest priority science needs of the nation. The work performed by EPA scientists, engineers and their research partners improves the quality of the air we breathe, the water that sustains us, and the land upon which we live.

The Patrick Hurd Sustainability Award covers travel for the ISEF finalist to attend and participate in EPA’s National Sustainable Design Expo

EAEV065 —Spectroscopic and Colorimetric Analysis of Textiles Dyed With Local Invasive Plant Species and Waste-Derived Mordants

  • Lucia Marie Lammers, Harrison High School, Harrison , NY, United States of America

Honorable Mention

ENEV039 —From Trash to Treasure: Fighting Desertification With Sustainable Soil Amending Hydrogels Synthesized From Food Waste

  • Sarah Rumei Gao, Canyon Crest Academy, San Diego, CA, United States of America

University of Arizona

Established in 1885, the University of Arizona is the state’s land-grant university. Recognized as a global leader, Arizona is also a leader in research, bringing more than $622 million in research investment each year, and ranking 21st among all public universities. Arizona offers over 300 undergraduate and graduate degree programs in 16 academic colleges. Arizona will award scholarships to outstanding awardees who have demonstrated robust research for the greater good of society.

Renewal Tuition Scholarship

ANIM024 —Analysis of Equine Gut Microbiota by Living Environment

  • Lauren Tittel, Oregon Episcopal School, Sherwood, OR, United States of America

ANIM041T —Investigating the Apoptotic Induction Potential of Various Chemical Food Preservatives on Caenorhabditis elegans

  • Jishnu Nayak, Arizona College Prep High School, Gilbert, AZ, United States of America
  • Ohm Patel, Arizona College Prep High School, Chandler, AZ, United States of America

BEHA002 —Targeting ADHD with a Noninvasive System to Improve Concentration Based on Electroencephalogram and Neurofeedback Methodology

  • Emma Christine Lee, Stanton College Preparatory School, Jacksonville, FL, United States of America

BEHA045 —Harmony: A Remote AI-based Monitoring and Prediction System for Manic and Depression Episodes in Bipolar Disorders

  • Sahar Ashraf Ahmed, City Schools, Sohag, Egypt

BMED029 —Unraveling the Achilles’ Heel of Human Tumors: Moving Towards Inducing Mutational Meltdown by Deciphering the Most Deleterious Mutational Processes

  • Auhona Hia Shil, University High School, Tucson, AZ, United States of America

BMED077 —FungiBug: Detection of Fungal Infection via a Rapid, Accurate, Handheld Small Blood Volume Diagnostic Device and Color Analysis

  • Rishabh Sreepathy, ASU SCENE, Scottsdale, AZ, United States of America

BMED090 —Development of a Cathepsin B-Responsive Hydrogel for the Targeted Delivery of Cancer Immunotherapy

  • Noah Russell Kaleekal, Irvington High School, Fremont, CA, United States of America

CBIO012 —A-BiRD: Automated Bird Recognition Device – Revolutionizing Ornithological Research for Global Bird Conservation

  • Finnegan Liam McGill, Tanque Verde High School, Tucson, AZ, United States of America

CBIO043 —Elucidating RSV-Host Protein-Protein Interactions: Novel implementation of Graph Attention Networks (GAT) and Structural Visualization

  • Aditya Lakshminarasimhan, BASIS Scottsdale, Scottsdale, AZ, United States of America

CELL027 —The Function of p53 in Intestinal Epithelium Wound Healing

  • Sohini Mallick, University High School, Tucson, AZ, United States of America

CELL043 —Dissecting Glioblastoma: CRISPR Knockout of Hif-1ALPHA Disrupts Downstream Targets

  • Neve Eliza Bawden, Bountiful High School, Bountiful, UT, United States of America

CHEM035 —Novel TMOS-Dependent Synthesis of Water-Stable CsPbBr3-SiO2 Nanoparticles for Bioimaging Applications

  • Katherine Lam, University High School, Tucson, AZ, United States of America

EAEV003 —Tree Rings as a Potential Monitoring Tool for Saltwater Intrusion

  • Alynza Isabella McBride, South Sumter High School, Webster, FL, United States of America

EAEV031 —微塑料的铁磁流体提取

  • Juliannah Gavin,美国亚利桑那州塞拉维斯塔 Veritas 基督教社区学校

EAEV086 —淡水生态系统中防晒成分的水生毒性

  • Mallika Joy Sinha, BASIS Peoria, Peoria, AZ, 美国

EAEV101 —调查纳瓦霍族铀污染水域周围环境中铀和其他有害金属/准金属的浓缩物

  • Haylei Redhouse,纳瓦霍预备学校,美国亚利桑那州赛尔

ENBM067 —一种用于运动障碍卒中患者的刚弹混合手指外骨骼康复系统(FERS)

  • Brad Wu,美国亚利桑那州钱德勒市亚利桑那大学预科高中

ETSD066 —I.D.A.S – 联锁无人机空中群:增强推力和电池配置灵活性

  • Yuvan Senthil, BASIS Peoria, Phoenix, AZ, 美国

MATS048T —通过仿生角质烃涂层提高基于茶叶废料的生物聚合物纳米复合材料性能:一种可持续的包装替代品

  • Amal Fayad,亚利桑那大学预科高中,美国亚利桑那州吉尔伯特
  • Siyaa Poddar,亚利桑那大学预科高中,美国亚利桑那州钱德勒

MCRO032T —细菌声学:研究白噪声对大肠杆菌生长的影响

  • Andrea Angelye Ananya Betancourt,美国亚利桑那州尤马丰收预备学院
  • 戴安娜·保拉·纳瓦罗·鲁伊斯(Diana Paula Navarro Ruiz),美国亚利桑那州圣路易斯丰收预备学院
  • 黛安·索菲亚·拉迪诺(Diane Sofia Ladino),美国亚利桑那州圣路易斯丰收预备学院

PHYS054 —超越恒星:系外行星分类的数据驱动方法

  • Prithika Chauhan,美国亚利桑那州吉尔伯特汉密尔顿高中

PLNT035T —害虫克星!注入葡萄皮和姜黄提取物的害虫驱除可生物降解杂草屏障:第 2 年研究

  • Humberto Gil Villalobos,美国亚利桑那州圣路易斯丰收预备学院
  • 迈克尔·特里斯坦·卡斯特罗·卢塞罗,丰收预备学院,美国亚利桑那州圣路易斯

PLNT058 —一个棘手的项目:提取和量化仙人掌中的草酸盐浓度

  • Ella Walsh,美国亚利桑那州图森市大学高中

SOFT045T —Mouseless Mouse:通过使用实时面部跟踪和深度学习从头部运动中放大和平滑提取的数据,增强手部活动受限个体的数字交互

  • Mohamed Hemdan Hemdan,埃及吉萨 Obour STEM 学校
  • 穆罕默德·马希尔·阿卜杜拉(Mohamed Maher Abdalla),埃及开罗奥布尔STEM学校

TMED002 —Nuphar advena 的消毒特性:一种民族制药方法

  • Johanna Lynn Bernu,美国明尼苏达州克洛凯克洛凯高中




ENEV035 — 将可生物降解材料自制整合到水培中:使用锯末和单宁对灰水进行解毒

  • 伊恩·詹姆斯·伦茨(Ian James Lentz),美国宾夕法尼亚州坎普希尔坎普希尔坎普希尔高中

PLNT020 —火星或萧条!一种在火星上构建基于火星风化层的可持续农业基质的方法

  • Quinn Jacie Hughes,Minnetonka高中,明尼苏达州芒德,美利坚合众国


YM American Academy (YMAA) 是一家领先的教育咨询机构,致力于帮助中美学生申请美国大学、研究生院和高中。我们通过全面的服务和指导,专注于学生的生活成长。YM美国学院(YMAA)很高兴奖励杰出的项目,这些项目在科学和工程领域表现出杰出的创造力和独创性,专注于化学科学的所有领域。

第一奖 $3,000

CHEM064 — 揭开二维材料的新视野:金属氮化硼单层的计算发现

  • Jerry Chen,波多黎各卡罗来纳州圣约翰学校

二等奖 $1000

CHEM025T —B.O.P.I : 黑胡椒、牛至和菠萝皮杀虫剂作为一种新型、具有成本效益和环保的熏蒸剂,可根除米嗜铁杆菌

  • Khai Chin Ong, Chung Ling High School Penang, Georgetown, 槟城, 马来西亚
  • Shun Zhan Na, Chung Ling High School Penang, Georgetown, 槟城, 马来西亚

三等奖 $500.00

CHEM012 —对乙酰氨基酚的化学修饰以降低肝毒性

  • Chloe Yehwon Lee,美国德克萨斯州墨菲市普莱诺东高中

CHEM049 —定量活细胞液-液相分离缩合物

  • Lilian Gan,美国加利福尼亚州尔湾市大学高中
ISEF国际科学与工程大奖赛赛事资讯-ISEF赛事最新信息 (2024)


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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Author information

Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.