^^[Householders Urge - [PDF Document] (2024)

^^[Householders Urge - [PDF Document] (1)

4 Newspapw Devoted

T o , h e Community Interert

yn\] Local Coverage

"vol..,/xxxix-NO. 10

Presentei) Fairly, dearly

And Impartially Each Week

Complete News Pictures

CARTERET, N. J., FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1960 ntCTM) u ZnA Clam Mil)»t P. 0 , Ctrtmt, N. j . PRICE TEN CENTS

[)i,v! What does It

;•„ ,,]• memories?

T l .m , , r

luckily, youihr old mah

-„• iwo bucksJi till Store Will

uiilnwncss to mall. .,„>, ,„• necktie, at.;11, nrc to you. The. ,j] :<n mi Its way,„:,.iidifri. by you.

... , nMiM«'i of con-; h l ) i r s you Kind of, :,,,[ r'.cn a wiirm,

, i'i ;• :n your o w n:!, :<, -i)'with the, ,,:, ,i lot of things

id iiiui' written toitii'V would have

-;in.'i)tnl thingH, not's a mini telln an-

Sportsmen Honor Aihkk* „/ 7/frft SchooUlere Graduate IT 1 , 1

^^[Householders Urgens Class Sidewalk Program

In Parkview AreaoiMiiicnct'iiicnl to

I on Wcdiu'st

I isl (.radnalcsCARTERET - The Annual

commencement exercises ofCarieiTt Hiah School willhfld Wednesday, June 22.fi::iO P. M. In the Walter Over-holt. Stadium.

The exercises will begin with

Richardson. A

CARTBRET—More than 200 ul Physical Education andpersons were in attendance aflctic director at Rutiwrs I

.,,,.;*•! id, time they• ..mi to the hospital

,., vou couldn't breathe:,.., n;i!M pumped you.,: |»ii;Mllm? You held':,,i-,ct tightly and orled:4: :ni: t -- so, don't let

;. • Ih.it happened—,r,v ninny years ago?

! ) . . / • i i d :i l ihe s u n , g o t

» ;ii, sum and ached in:i I.M li on" those fishingMi J;I- not mi outdoor:••': til. rr he was, stick-

v.ni-.f n!ti you to makespin Pop roamed the

;• .vuh vou, when hed jHVf. preferred a co«y

|li.i.: Rcnii'irmci '

j ..Li'/ yuu nonesty and"iK'ri ,ii ills meagernviiii;,! ind wonderediiiiv wh.it he was talk-'ii,i. He laupiit you to.."••• ifib you started,''••:: the lesson wasrelied by snarls and

••wr ill the dlfflcul-'• iiiirdships? The at-uf Pop to keep you

•. to have you growa worthwhile citizen,

to help honorCarteret High Scrlool.

I'M' r

heartaches and'5 you caused, Re-

r flui and Ume healsL:'^ Maybe now and"•'•:i look up at the hot' »' inhering of rain''on niay'bfl thinking<V'* on the farm or

Father's Day,"und Sunday, itibl,. that we'll

!-*inK the sajne

t h f S p o r l s m f " Association. Shawn from left U, riKhtpres., ,1. II,,dak, R. Blalowarrj.uk. R. Fettiw.



E M s . Jakeway is HonoredpetitionBy Education Association n . ,

S i g n e d

Bv 30 8Education Association

l n ^ C " l t a -


Helen Sobo.5

Eriwin S. Quin. superintend-ent of .schools will Rive the ad-dress and present the class. Thepresentation of diplomas will bemade by Stephen Skiba, presi-dent of the Board of Education.:The readin", of the Mines ofithe gradual..;- I.;I,, : done by

man of the association wel-|chlnsky, Mrs. Lillian DeWIttcorned the guests and acted as Mrs. Mary Sylvia Weismantoastmaster. Mrs. Jakeway was Walter Gaslor' Joseph Rivers'presented with a gift in behalf'stephen Nelson Wesley Spe-of the association. wak, Richard Mlglecz

J CARTERIT — Home owner!

area last night

filed a petition urging thl[Mayor and Borough Council toproceed with a sidewalk con-istruction program.

and Under the plan, householder!would have until September 1,Among the guests who ex-Douglas King. ,U 1 H U , , . I C H m i l m¥mniKI „

tended greetings, and best Gifts were also presented tojl9Bl time to build their ownwishes were School Superin-Mrs. Kovacs, outgoing presl-sidewalks. In presenting thltendent^and Mrs. Edwin S.ldent and Mr.. King, immediate petition, a spokesman said

" 8 k i b B ' Pi'esident!past president. [there are a total of 508 homei

sa^SSSSHKKS^ffi^Sspeech. Mr, Rockafeller cited! al philosophy of any inatitu-1 winners, Thfe year's winnersHarry I, RockaffeUer, dlrector|many of his personal experl-itlon or community. (Continued on Page 2)

M-totoM Girl Free Chest X-Ray Slated Fashion ShowSamtFieldMeet/n Boro for Wednesday Presented by

jSehool Pupils

commuter for the din-

gSharkey, all members of the'Board of Education; HighSchool Principal Herman Homjwil

Julia„ t ,_ , .;shyn, ill's. Catherine aullivan,Mrs. John Hila, Miss MargaretiMlchate Masknly, Mrs. Lillian


CARTHRET — Carteret ParkWM the scene of the first an-

andfield, meet.

The flag ceremony was pre-sided over by the Senior bcouta.Councilman D'Zurilln gave a

CARTERET — A free com-ly by the Carteret Boardtnunlty chest x-ray Burvey -will Health and thebe held in Carteret next Wed-jCounty Tuberculosisnesday, June 22, according to l H P a l t h League.

CARTERET—A fashion showwas held Tuesday

and led by Miss Joanne Sym-chik. The "8t«r SpangledBanner" will be sung by thejassemblage and Rabbi Norman _Lobel will officiate at the j Washington School PrindpalilMr'sTbenediction.

The baccalaurate exercifiesiwill be held Sunday afternoonlat 2 P. M. In the Carteret High[School auditorium.; The first honor studentselude Mary Bodnar. CaroleCapp, Louise Cheslak, Joanne!

DeWWK'Mrs. Ann Richardson,

in the development. There

cated, There are a few homeswith sidewalks, leaving a total;of 483. Of this number about 30

Record Fines Pif gram ListedS; Collected In May For Nathan Hale

j _ _ ^ _ U M > J rmnegan, Merrill HawKe, IreneMichael Yarcheskl,. health of-! Mr. Yarcheskl stressed the|June 14, 19M at the Columbus Kalapos Gall Kopln Joycefleer Thp mnhllp v-rov nnlf'foM that a /.ho.t v.™,> i»in m_ln.i 1 . . . j . i — i - i - . . . '

aeottUni wntt were sunna eoofc out atMl

no«ebar teches.Held lame* including tack

races, three legged race, andrelay races m n held with In-termediate Troops 111 and 136winning tbe relay races while

fleer. The mobile x-ray unlt^fact that a chest x-ray will re-veal not only possible symptomsof tuberculosis but also heartabnormalities or shadows thatmight Indicate lung cancer.

ofSafeway Pood Market at theCarteret Shopping Center,Roofevelt flwenue, from 1:00 to5:00 P. M. and on the Cooke He said it was important for[ n side of Borough HalLevery adult sixteen yeai-» of age\

00 to 9:00 P M T h e o r over W take a d t e f1

School Auditorium under thedirection of Mm jSufchtnskj* turn •eqenemlcsteacher.. Thetheir skirte, . * t e , eymade in class. 'This; aiid<v washeld at the regular June rnc t -

, Merrill Hawke, Irenc

|Kraus, John Pilot. CampbellRichardson, Loretta Hogowski,Barbara .Jg.


$4 r 7 B 9 l nl a s t m o n t h i a

record, a c t i n g to his May1 , , . *EE5! °nJSP.report tubmitted to the ?or-OUSh COUBCl).

so to Harvey Baron,Berghout, Barbara Bodnar,g \ _ __.„ MIU< u i _ M

Jtrom 6:00 to 9:00 P. M. The,or over, W take advantage of1 Ing of the Cofumbus-CleYelandJKaren Brechka, Janet Domhof!suney is being sponsored joint-1 this opportunity. 'p. T. A. iEileen Gilbert. John Hudak.

^ ^ " • " " " " " J r , Achievement Plan VacationSales Show Rise

A rolling pin oonteit was heldfor the troop leaden with Mrs.Lorraine flutter awarded theprize.

A scavenger hunt concludedthe days activities with OloriaAnn Truch of Troop 100 as theintermediate winner, and Ben-

C A R T E R E T - JuniorAchievement companies in theCarteret-Unlon County area


itta Nlchalak of Troop 114 as:*26.5fl9.41 in the past businessthe Brownie winner.

Mrs. Walter Wadlalc was wechairman of the affair assistedby Harold Buach at publicity

CARTERET -» Tonight at7:30 a planning meeting forthe faculty of The First Pres-

have recorded total sales of byterian Daily Vacation Bible

chairman. Over 100 prizes wereawarded during the course ofthe day. '

Legion to Name

School will be held. The schoolwill run from June 27; through

This represented a gain of|July 8 o n w e e k day mornings

The narrator for the 3lxthgrades was Marie Abatentarco,jj d the girls participating:'Bessie Newall, Rose Clark. Isa-bel Podor, Berlene Green, LindaAlbright, Shirley Lukasiuk,Karen Pelauer, Beverly Toth,Sue Wilgus, Johanna Turko,Linda Shannon, Cynthia Pelegi,Carol Michael, Linda Harmer,Judith Cunha. Carol Pahler,Linda Eitzen, Kathy Collins,Lillian Anderson, MarilynBrown, Barbara Hart, Prancesand Barbara Lakatos, Theresa

$7,095.25 or 36 per cent oversales in the previous year. Twounits are sponsored in Carteretby the U. S. Metals RefiningCompany and Westvaco Min-

from 9 till 12. Attendance is McColl, Anna Csuti, Arlene M&ry E, Bodnar, Karen Marielimited to those who were inthe first through the sixthgrades in school this past year.

The Church School of Theeral Division, Pood Machinery jFlrat Presbyterian Church is

s i h h id fmiCorporationP. C. Osterman,

Junior Achievement of Union

j[sponsoring a church wide fami

Vf n f f l i m a 9 1 County. Lie, said the 700 teen-O l d l l JUIIC ^ l . 8 g e businessmen in 28 compan

Saturday, June 18th. A bus will


•2 Retirees

CARTERET - Electio)n Qf|ies l m d

officers will highlight the reg-i .,„ ,.ular meeting of the Americanicondltious-Legion, Carteretheld JuneLegion Memorial.

jleave from the church school" ,t 10:00 A. M.

Morning Church Woi-shlp'* at 9:30 and 11:00 this &

day at Thr First Presbyterianrteret Post 263 to be Bonuses ranging from 6 <»jchurch. The i minister wiUcia Dewitz, Sharon KHmek, Jo-21. at the American;^ P*"1' c c n l w e r e PRld t0/'™°!preach the sermon, "The Re-Ann Kiesling, Pamela Page,

stockfholders. Only two of the j d e m p t i v e C o m m u n i t y . " Church'A luncheon; An Invitation was extended to !coni|»anles lost money. The;Schoo, w m m e e t a t 9 : 3 0 o n

'•iwtbeth Jake-:nii the members to attend the'companles are organized and|S u n d ay mo,.n |ng. The Jr. and•"" Jefferys, convention business sessions onl run by boys and girls betweenljr Hi Fellowship gathers at

l : i"" tlie Carteret'•"! '^ held Wed-

' : ! Carto'et"' Will

Cenfter.the Reservations for the dhmtr,

Iffca.Narrator for the seventh

Igrades was Judith Resko, andthe girls were: Luz Rivera,

.. . . . iMary Beth Graham, Evelynbusiness corporation which T h e B ( m r d o t Qcacons will Bakos, Nancy Matlaga, Helen

convention busineas sessions ani j p gJuly 8 and'July » to be held at; t ne tt«M of 15 a n d 19 Each,3:00. The Sr, Hi Fellowshipthe St. Demetrius Comnumity^ompany is sponsored by a m e e t at 7:30.

Osipovitch, Martha Pedowitz,Eileen Kilyk, Sonia Torruello,;Margaret Gray, Patricia Makar,|Bridget Burrows, Eileen Buti,Carol DeAngelo, Donna Comba,Doreen Kubiak, KlizabethSarau, Patricia Pisano, Violet1

Sebok, Theresa Ozmore, Val-erie Verag, Elizabeth Turlck,Sharon Seegitz, Susan Self;Charlene Selobyt, Donna E3-liot, Lynn Hurley, Linda Razll-lard, Maureen Brown, LauraGoring, Janice Weiner, Patri-

Ann K s n g , ; amela Page,Marilyn Fox, ijfatricla Syman-lffc

'.••:, .,i ,,„, „ , may be made with ComrmmderiP'-odiK'tion l l I l d s a l e s -, , l i : iU[ i ; "Ilcl»Qn were Sherman Jay Umansky, p»«l- —" '

•i..«,i vi ^ p , B l °J\Aent « le°t Mrs. Thomas Jake- B.A, UIXJREt FOR WEISS

on finance, jjpQjjj^,, a r u m i q a g e gale during

l i l u ,

••• A l l , , .

the week of June 21. The con-gregation is urged to bring any-thing in the line of clothing,!.shoes, and kitchen ware to thehome of Mrs. John Alexander,

-. - - _„ „ * • . » . , . , „ . » . . , „ „ —„.-- , ,15 Washington Avenue, or toand Three Ring Intern|tlonar Circusi from the University of Penn-JMrs. Paul Umstadter, 59 Dela-

^«win 8.1 way or president, Mrs. Clifford CARTERET - Richard C.of schocils,|Cutter. Weisa, 6 Oooke Avenue, received

representing; Tomorrow the Hunt Brothers!the decree of baclielor or arts

Presl- will open at the dLrteret Shop-!sylvanja at the commencement!ware, West Carteret, next weekUnn-Ping Center, syoX>red by thelfxerdses held In Philadelphia,'from 6:00 P. M. to 8:00 P. M . | a u L n e

;o the.poat. [Wednesday. 'In the evening.b«half of the

Beres, Christine Comba, JeanneKobran, Antoinette Schimmen-ti, Arlene Albert, Gloria Klots;,1

Marleiie Farnhamv BersaidaReyes, Rachel Derogate, MaiyAcs, Janice Henly, Emily Krem-posky, Susan Cascio, PatriciaSalvatore, Ann Marie Hassay,

"•'• Crm1 lVl'i> i n

and Mrs.ar-


Presentation of Safety Awards MarkClimax of Post Office Dedication

broseent of uie Fltrt

thatwith tbe

« '»vor»bly.

BObY: 'fhe body of i

CARTERET-The d<fdioatlciu,Muyor Stephen Skiba extend-jof the new Carteret post officted the welcomewent off on schedule Saturdaf! This was ^ f d J \ b ' ^attended by the clergy of afljifmarks ^ Elizabeth Calahan,

local officialdom, in-president ot the National Asso-^ d i n g the preaent and tatUtfon of Ptetmasters whothree mayors, the manage-i told of the work of thube in the

'toderalpost office service.wiiiiiim J rum*'fidd s e r v '

ices officer of the O. 8. Post Of-fice Department, read an ad-dress at length, covering the

I * the chrome

of Carteret's leading in-dustries, federal and local postoffice departmental employeesand a goodly number of Car-teret citizens.

Rev. Mei M. Corcoran .progress of. departmental «rv-blessed the building and RevAndrew Okal the new tlag. TheInvocation wu given By R«v.Dr. Andrtw Har*anyl and thebenediction by Rabbi NormanLobel.

Borough Attorney John M.Kolibai introduced Postmaster**•<« A. S»bo, who presided.

Ices over

building was

The address of Mr, Popacastaljution of this new facilitywas. followed by a few remarksby H. A. Hennessy at the Car-teret Industrial Association, Hesaid that litdustry was delight-ed if its efforts over these manyyears had contributed towardthe establishment of this at-tractive building witli the mostmodern facilities. He paidtribute to the loyal and cour-teous service of the fine menund women, who had served thelocal public at the Carteret

of "the very Utest|p«t Office over the years de-1 it the handicap of cramped

iv,co u , .r the years. He staledthat Carteret's new post office

u«.Bu with the most niodernof equipment. In cpncludtaK« e Q Z he read a letter out that thoughlus addiebb ne ie»u n«nartmerhi

Nancy Gleason,Harmer, Betty Ann

'Kintgston, Ruth Ann Ryan,Nancy Michael, Marsha Lutton,Joyce Jabs, Gail Horvath,Estelle Palmieri, Carmen Cruz,Mlhele Burrows Diane Tucker,Karen Vuhasz, Elaine Cochran,Janice Cinege, Gail Auket Pa-tricia Barnaba, Susan Yannuz-zi, Deborah Piper, Patricia Se-bok. Shuron Kravel. Jo Ann,]Bunner, L.ndti MaU-razzo, I,or-mine Parsons, Katliryn Tai»dy-rak, Jeanne L'cklebevry, Mar-joile MoLain, Shirley Stewart,Janice Gleaton, Joyceler, AliceKrajewski,

spite the handicap of crampedquarters. Finally he pointed

,Qf_D e p a r t m e n t -considered

S n « the present site in 1967^ntinued on Page >»

Keleumn,Lucille Palmer.

Yvonne Kins, Frances Giles,Rose Goeto, Patricia Stroud,Ethel Pspp, Louise Sincak,Judith Young. Susan Siefert,Maureen Thiele. Angelo Cos-!teUo, Ann Truck, Irene Miller,Donna Husstty, Joan Vitale.

Narrator tor the eighthgrade, Karwtwere: ElaineBrawn, Aljce

Gilbert, John Hudak,Alice Markus, Anthony Mikuski^Carolyn Nagy, Maryann PanekiCarol Poll, Allan Riley, Car-Amelia Simeone, Margaret Stu

bY g n a r o n

by the national prayerL* then K o v a i a d hvml f

committeVcommtueepaid Into the borough treasury.Some 51,150 was collected in b y t n e g r f t d u a t l o n class. Thefines for traffic violators on w e i c o m e address will be ex-the T i rDik M r i ^ t i l f r S T i \t n e n p i k M i t t J f l

icz, Mrs. Catherine j rent homes or there are va-Mrs. Mary Czaya and!canctes, bringing the totalacs. [down to 453.

Of this number 308 signedthe petition, 40 homes have notbeen contacted and 105 homeowners did not sign for side*walk.

Recently, Mayor StephenSkiba appeared at A meeting inParkview and outlined theprogram.. The petitioners saidthe condition is dangerous for| lack of sidewalks and it wouldcveate greater hazards wiUi t h |addition of new schools wherechildren have to walk.

Councilman John t. D'Zurlllapoiutgd to the need of a wirg1

fence OTer tne present


lencement— The program

"at the annual eighth gradeIgraduatM exercises to be held1

at the. ,fik)%n Hale School

f o » o w s :a n d .a nQ a

ott n Turnpike. With new schools

|z. ^ t n Turnpike. With new scb y t n e g r f t d u a t l o n class. T h e | M l M u 0 Mhool chlldmnw e i c o m e address will be ex 5 up, acnooi tmiaien

the TiiriiDiketne nil npike. tended by Allen Comba andj

5danger. Mayor Skiba agreed.and Mrs. Genevieve Prey, vio-jthe introduction by Marguerite;

latlon clerk were commended Bartos. A recitation. "It Is NotS T i J a W t a K ! : i f l ^ e ^ d . l n g °f the!»n Easy Thing," will be pre-

Antoinette Abatemarco, Carol ilarRe traffic schedule. : s e i , t e d t o Margaret Collins,

of the WestCarteret section would like tosee plans for the new Inter-Ichange facility before building

Ann Aliprantis, Anna Frances! Councilman John HulnickMllen Foytlin, Janis Richard-j s t a r t s B q r 0 U R h C I e r k

Andras. Lois Regina Babies, chairman of police, againlson and Leslie Sabo Potocnig was« directed to writeGloria May Banick. Joyce A, warned against speeding m the; The song 'God Bless Amer-^ t h e ^e Authority.'Ramvair Marvpv i.invH Ti .™ |borou«h. 'Some motorists wil^lca will be rendered by the


';Mrs. ChenkinBarnyak, Harvey Lloyd Baron,Ellen Marie Batha, Jeffrey R.Belitz, Dolores Ann Berghout,George Robert Beshak, RobertEdward Bialowarczuk. BarbaraAnn Bodnar, Joseph J. Bodnar,

Brechka, Joseph S. Caliguari,Carole Anne Capp. Edward L.Carmichael, Kathleen AnnCarroll, Gerald Joseph Catalano,, Louise Marie Cheslak,Jo Ann B. Ciko, Charles Comba,

Lydia Jane Comba, MyraCorbett, John R. Decker, Mar-garet Ann Demeter, PatriciaKay Dandier, Clare J. DiGau-dio, Richard Dobna, Janet Ar-lene Domhof, John ConnorDowns; Albert P. J. Drugos,jVlctor EdrrfGfld Dudka, WalterDurett, Henry Elfert, KarenAlma Eskesen, Margaret RuthFedlam, Sarah Feeney, JoyceDorothy Finnegan, VirginiaRuth Fisher, Robert CharlesFischer, Richard L. Prank,

be sorry when the crackdownstarts" he said.

Councilman Adam Szymbor-ski reported on the progresswith the work in the variousCarteret parks.

Council received a letterfrom Edward G. Staubach inbehalf of residents of Lextog-jton Avenue commending theadministration for eliminating)the bad road condition there?

All liquor licenses, currentlyheld were renewed without ob-jectlon.

Raffles licenses were grantedto St. Demetrius' Ukrainian(Orthodox Church and CarteretChapter of Hadassah.

A lot in Van Buren Avenuewas sold to George Chereponfor S400. He was the onlybidder.

Two ordinances were ap-proved on final reading, onefor a grade on Holmes Street

Charlotte Helen Gavaletz, Irma|and the other for curbs onEleanor Oebhardt, Eileen Fran-[Jackson Avenue.

class, followed by a piano soloby Susan Seader. Choral reading e n t i t l e d "Democracy'slVoice" will be delivered by Ellz-jabeth Evans, assisted by themembers of the class.

An accordion solo, "Ameri-can Patrol," will be played byAllen Keytlln, and a recitation,"Thank You, America," byLeonard Calabrese, QeraldineKraus, Charles Serson andRosalinda Stern.

The address and presentationof the class will be made byEdwin S. Quin, superintendentof schools, and the presentationof diplomas will be made byStephen Skiba, president of theBoard of Education, assisted byJoseph Comba, principal'of theNathan Hale School, who willalso present the awards.

List of Graduates

The graduates include Bar-bara Arvay, Nelson Axon, Rob-ert Baldwin, Karen Balog, Rob-ert Bakos, Marguerite Bartos,'Christina Bena, Richard Ble-

Hosts HadassahCARTERET—Mrs. Theodore \*

Chenkin newly elected presi-dent of the Carteret Chapter vof Hadassah entertained in her ;'})home Thursday evening at a ;'bowd meeting for the retiringand new board members.

A delegation will accompanyMrs. Chenkin, who will repre- '• •;>;sent the chapter at the 46thannual convention to be heldat the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in .•>iNew York City September U- •«•14. Avraham Harman, Ambas- ,;,>,sador of Israel to the United Ji

ces Gilbert. Roy J. M. Coder-; Mayor Skiba warned viola-.r1'0' LoraUie Bonczek, Michaelstad, Jr., and Walter Peteritors against dumping garbage;3™!'. Ruth Braun, JudithGolubieski. . i f th ! B» ' e s low Leo™^ Calabrese

(Continued on Page 2)

tors against dumping gabagin Cooke Avenue, site of the!B»'eslow.new park. I (Continued on Page 3)

States will be one of the fea- .tured speakers. '

A meeting of the fund raising .and donor committee was heldat the home of Mrs. JosephWeiss at which time thechapters projects for. the yearwere presented. The Summerround rabbins will begin withthe first of the series to be •held lit the home of Mrs, Ed- ••ward Shapiro assisted by Mrs. •Nathaniel Jacoby us co-hoste&S.

The now year's greetings..project under the chairmanshipof Mrs. Al KesU'iibaum wijlterminate the end of Septem-ber. Book* for the yearly rgfflswill be presented to tli£ mem-ln'ishii) at the SeptemberI l K ' I ' U l I f ! . '

A di.'i|)l .v i)l new articles bo- •int; sold by the chapter weredisplayed by Mrs. Elmer Brown.

Mrs. W a l t e r Schonwald,I'iiiTi'slHindini! sc;'retai'.v. nn-IHHIIHKI thai the Kindergartenyiaduatioii will be held SundayHI HIM A. M at the Brother-IHHKI ul iMael SynaHOKue.

'I'hf Junior Judaeans held]tlwii elcisiiiB meetiiiK with aipiniif in tile Post BoulevardI'iU'li. yrslerday.

MM. Mary satloff,1 a seniorniriiilxi, mis honored by the

iNcwiirk ()r|)hanage at a lunch-.run Sunday at which time a!l)icuire of Mr.v Sftdoff waslining in tlie orphanage honor- (nii! 'ifi for her many service!in tins field


Vasvaiy; girlsAdam, Cecelia.Gavur, Janet

PRESENTS CHAMCE: Mitchell Bciinur* faltliJuI navi|[»l(>r uf Car*) Assembly VIM,Fourtli HUM", HnigliU uf lolumbui, l» »1»UHH prewtitinit a ohalie* tu tlir duuishters

•A mrinbrr »f the wui«aibb. Sliuwn frum l«"*t to rl»hluf the l*t« JoneyhHanapple, Mann Krum, Gladys! »re

(Continued on Page 2) 1Krddler, (ftUhful ; Mi, J«hu

Mr. Bednan;.Irrut Synowieiki »nd

If NK' SIJNDAY ,j CARTERET - A family pie-;jiuc will be held Sunday by St,Jusepli's Church, starting at J. ^;P. M There will be gtwu-6 iM ''''"


^^[Householders Urge - [PDF Document] (2)


ShorecrestPersonalsMRS. JEAN COMBA

Kl 1-4431

— Birthday greetings toThomaji Pavlovic. 107 WortylkoStreet. Thojna* was three years!old on June 14, and will beguest ot honor at a dinnerparty to be held on SundayJune 19, for his family andfriends.

— Happy birthday to RalphTnniSBone, 103 Warttowltt Street'who celebrated his fourth birth-day on June 14, with thirteen ofhis friend* Joining In to helpcelebrate this occasion.

— Happy birthday to EdwardSoloman of 115 Poplar Streetwho celebrated his birthday onJune 15. A party was held Inhis honor with family andfriends attending.

.Anniversary greetings to Mr,and Mrs. Eugene De Vlto, 10Colgan Avenue who will becelebrating their 17th weddinganniversary on Sunday, JuneIt, They will mar t the occasionby dining and dancing out,

Columbus SchoolLists Graduates)f Eighth GradeCARTERET —Eighth grade

nmmencement exercises forhe pupils of thr Columbus

School will be held Tuesdaysvenlng, June 21, at 7 P. M, in,he school auditorium.. The program will bculn with

the pi-ocessional followed by a

r sung by the graduationand the welcome address

given by William Walker. Tho

Set Final Anti-PolioClinic Next TuesdayCAftCTUT - The

«11 n I e for luMmntetlo^w a i n * tatfe thb U M H , willbe held next Tue t tay /JoneM, at 2 P. M., Heal* Inspec-tor Yarcheskl umMnced to-day.

Dorlnf the p u t two dayi,» polio ltttmnnlMtlon clinicfor sdnlti held by the Boardof Health attracted S75 pcr-wnf.




Eighth Grade Graduates at Columbus School

irerse choir led by Alan Kobinson will render the sdfctlmiThe House I Live In." A pianoselection medley of national

Irs will be played by Peter|Lengyel followed by the sonirThank You, America, renderedjy the graduation class.

The presentation of the class|wM be made by Mrs. M. J.JDowllng followed by an addressolven by Mr. Edwin S. Quln,superintendent of schools. Thepresentation of diplomas willbe made by Mayor StephenSkiba and the award presenta-lolns will be made by Mrs. M.F. Dowllng, principal of theColumus School.

GraduatesThe graduates include: Elaine

Adam, Kathleen Agelo, JosephBertha, Charles Bernath, Al-bert Bodnar, Richard Brodnink,Cecelia Brawn, Jo Ann BrownMarf tm Burke, Patricia Cnr-ron, Vincent Catalano, DianeChMon, Randy Clayton, Do-lores Costanzo, Kathleen Coyle,Ro6e Mary D'Amore, GerardDe Rogatis, Marilyn Doniln-guez, Kenneth DushanckJames Famularo, Alice Gavcr,Madeline Gecfcl, Phyllis Qrcen-wald, Linda Guzaly, Janet Han-napple, Janet Harczuk, LouisHernandez, and Gary Jackson

Also Fred Jones, NormaLynn Klang, Stephen KopinCharlene Krantz, Mavis Krum,Michele Kucsak, Patricia Kudels, Gladys Lehosky, PeteriLengyel, Ann Macalik, Chris-tine Mahaffey, James Maklary,Stephen Markus, Barbara Mar-tin, Daniel Martin, DennysliMatefy, Stephen Mitro, Wil-liam Muehlhuber, WilliamNigro. John Novak, SalvatoreOrlando, Susan Pavlonnis. Bev-erly Pearson, Angel Rivera,jStephen Zukov, Betty Rozzele,;Robert Schaffhauser. Nancy

Athletes(Continued from Page 1>

were as follows: Football, SteveKondrk, Carterefn fullback andlinebacker for the past threeseasons, and John Hudak, theirAll state tackle. The banksUr.U

!,ward went to Robert Blalow-Inronik, WPR Spewak1* out-standlnb ball-handler andback-court man, Charles K H -liora, Cartorefs flaihy centerfielder won the baspball awardand the track trophy went toRobert Pettim for the third•onsrcutlvr year. Thin yrarettus was the County, Centra

jersey and State Group IT00 and 220 yard championSportsmen President Fred

Oaslor also tmvettea the newPerth Amboy-Oarteret Football j J O I I NAward which will tie placed In- T o I ) I R K ( T

circulationDay, 1980.

Present at

on Thanloigivlng

the affair werePresenmany previous trophy winnersIncluding Eugene Carmlchael,J956 football and 1957 track;•Theron Carmlchael, 1957 foot-ball; Nick LehoUky, 1957 base-ball Sam sem*nsa, 1959 base-all; and Tony sem*nza andEdward Hamorskl, co-winnersof the 1958-59 basketballaward.

Local dignitaries includedMajor Stephen Bklba. Principal

I Herman E. Horn, Athletic Di-

Y hHallowell, this hnrnush'direct the first piny (,,r „„

to be prpscntrd i,v ,Cl

rectorj Board

F C. McCarthy, andof Education member

Merck Clrclf Pln>nv \\,,brid t hat thrlr pmRahway Avrnur andTerraef, Woodbrltlj;,.vehicle 4111 be Tunlove."also of Cartrrrt, MilllUfe manager.


given by the Board iraent Wednesday nwh'erection of a suiici m> ,the Great A. & p. T-., C,Roosevelt Avenue bn«., ;I Thomas Deverln who acted as

toastmaster. jC»rt*tet Shopping (VAfter dinner the assemblage the Carteret Lanes

danced to the music of "The BorneI-adds, one of the area's most against

! popular dance bands. permit.

merchantsthe gran!i

BPWScholarship AwardGiven Miss Irene Kalapos

Safety Awards


buro, Suzanne Tonden, RogerToth, TheresaRobert Turner,Barbara Ulmer, Laren Vasvary

William WalkerEugene Wasylyk, Bertram wa»-

Wltt, Thomas Wyskowski, Mi-

Nicholas Zalnerowltz, and Eric

The NIAGARAScreen Room

(.Illustrated Below)

Available Now at Ruraart—Anall-year "extra" room that af-fords hours of comfort andpleasure. Light and airy, Itkeept harsh sun rays and in-sects out . . . lets cool breezesthrough, A wonderful place toplay, rest, or dine. This com-bination of Fiberglass roofpaneling and screening withmst-proof aluminum makes theNiagara Screen Room an excel-lent addition for any home.

•• Rumpui• Altw Roamt Kltthmt



70 U.S. HWY. No, 9

CARTERET—Announcementhas been made by the Car-teret Business and ProfessionalWomen's Club that Miss IreneKalapos of 20 Locust Street hasbeen chosen for the club's $200scholarship award.

Miss Kalopos plans to majorelementary education at

Georgian Court College, Lake-wood. She is president of theNational Honor Society, editoriof the Loudspeaker, was Girls'State delegate last year andserved on the Student Councilfor a year.

She has been a membw ofthe Future Teachers of Americafour years, a Capella choirmember, two years, served asbusiness manager of the OperaGuild and was student directorfor the junior play.

Popaca had his several assist-ants present rise.


(Continued from Page 11and postponing action. Con-' Former Mayors Bareford andKressman Frelingliuyseii did Mittuch spoke briefly. Mayornot give up until plans were Skiba presented safety awardsfinally approved in May ofjto two of the I ff


1958. Earlier in the dedication drivers, Anthony Sarelllo and;ceremony Postmaster Sabo an-jLester Van Pelt.nounced Mr. Plelin?huysen was' I n addition to local officials,ill in bed,

Inspect Facilitiesincluding the Councilmen,those who attended the lunch

The audience was invited tote(m i n n o n o r o r carteref-s Post!inspect the new facility, follow- office employees from :ocal!ing the singing of the Star m d u s t r y w e r e J a m M OregK ofSpuntsled Banner by Florence]A r m o u r chemical, John Tow-Richvalsky, as the representa-tives of the American Legion,Veterans of Foreign Wars,Catholic War Veterans, GirlScouts and Boy Scouts ofAmerica. WLtoipated in theflag raisifjffiPTaccompanied by


Graduates(Continued from Page 1)

Also James Howard Gregory,1

Jerllyn C. Haas, Andrew Eu-Halkovich, Marie Eliza-Hall, Merrill E. Hawke,

Rum art(lii» Out This Coupon and Mall to KUMART,170 U. H. Iflshwajr No. 9, Woodbrldgc, N. J.

Yes, I urn interested in a free estimate.Kindly send representative.

William George Huber, John RHudak. Maryann Iras, JeffreyA. Jakub, Perilyn A, Jenkins,Arlene Phyllis Jewers, CharlesG. Kahora, Jr., Kenneth J. Ka-horu, Irene Frances KalaposJIrene Kereluik, Mary Ann Jan-

Kleban, Georgia DlanneKobersky, Russell Wayne Ko-brin, Barbara Ann Koch, Thom-as John Koch, Steven MichaelKondrk, Gail Mary Ann Kopln,!and Joyce Ann Kosal,

Also, Joyce Ann Krauss, John||Krawick, Paul A. Krtntur,

Charles James Krlsak, EileenKudela, D4lores Ann Kud-

rock, Mar%n Frances Kukulya,Judith Ann La Bazzo, Carl Jo-seph Laurlcella, Nancy Anntenart , Patricia Ann Lisicki,Dale Pamela Lucas, Ronald J.Lysek, Philip Magnottl, Rose-marie M. Mangano, Alex Mar-!cinlak, Alice Markus, Mary-El-

Martin Stanley Masluch,Robert E. Matefy, Patricia J.McGillis, Andrea Jean Me-Kenna Donald J. McLain, Den-nis G. Medvetz and GeraldlneDolores Menge.

Also, Paul Andrew Micknicz,1

Anthony 8, Miktukl,- Joyous A.Moore, Christlnt E. Morris,Bernice E. Much!! Carolyn JeanjNagy, Claire Julia Nagy, Wil-liam Andrew Nagy, Joanne S.Nascak, Mary Beth Nedar,Loretta T. Nemeth, and Thad-deun B. Nlemlee,

Also, Edward J. O'Rourke,Joseph Orosz, Maryann Panek,Rosemarie Paul, Ruthann Pe-cina, Karen Eve Ferryman,Robert Arnold Pettus, JohnFrank Pilot, Stephen R- Plszar,Carol Ann Poll, Harry JohnPotocek, Betty Lou Powers,Karlnlee Rahoche, NancyLouise Happ, George CampbellRidiurdson.

Also, Allen D.Riley, KennethGuy Rocky, Loretta Ann


blum, Jan Wayne Saakes, Bar-bara Ann Sabo, Barbara HelenSabo, Joyce E. Sao, BarbaraMay Sakson, Christine Samu,Robert E. Sarzlllo, KennethSchreck, Kathleen Mary Sheri-dan, Joseph John ShermanRobert Joseph Shymanski,!Thomas Xa,vier 8ica, MichaelThomas Slekierka, Diane CarolSielagowski, Carmella Ann Si-meone, Andrew Simon, JoyceMay Sitar, Lucy Marie Skocy-pec, and Patricia A. Smith.

Also, Linda Lou Soltesz, MarySowirka, David Kenneth Spe-wak, Rosemarie Stefura, Mar-garet E. Stupar, Lloyd RichardSvendsen, Joanne Symchlk,Elaine A. Syre, Stanley Andrew

the Carteret High School Band.The public was escorted

through this block long newCarteret attraction by Postmas-ter Sabo, Assistant PostmasterKennedy, Superintendent ofthe Mails Kenneth Harris,Nevill, Mrs. Klose, Mrs. Sofka,Matthew Sloan, Frank O'Brienand John Walsh among others.

After an hour long inspectionof the new facilities, a lunch-eon was tendered the Carteret

ers, N. W. Kurtz and JosephCarney from U. S. Metals Re-fining Co., L. C. Bit'lickl andH. Goodrich of Metal & Ther-mit Corp., H. C. MacKinnonand L. Johnson of AmericanAgricultural Chemical Co..Peter N. Gaidis. Jr., E, A. Webband Joseph Lamb of Food Ma-chinery and Chemicul Co.,Fred Planner and R. W Boganof General American Trans-portation Co., Timothy A. Shee-han, J. J. Toath and HarryRapp of American Oil Com-pany, John Miller of I. T. Wil-liams and H. Fead of Hudson j|Pulp & Paper Co.


GETS DEGREE: Miss Mar-garet Suto, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Stephen Suto, 124Pershing Avenue, receivedher B.S. dceree with a majorIn Medical Technology atcommencement exercises heldat Ridei College, Trenton.

GOLD JEWELERSFor Gifts That Last a Lifetlmr

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GOLD JEWELERS87 Roosevelt Avenue, Carteret KI \-'M

Post Office employees at the F t i s l l i o i lGypsy Camp under the auspices. t

Szyba, Jr., J*udith M. Ticefelt,Karen D. Tlchenor, Leslie W.Tobiassen, Carol Toryak, An-drew 8. Toth, Joyce Treadaway,Patricia Ann Trnosky, andRose Marie Trush.

Also, John T. Uhrin, CaroleB. Ulmer, Michael Japies Val-iant, Richard S. Visenfelder,David G. Walker, Jr., GeorgeR. Walko, Elipabeth Ann Woll-son, Kenneth WaTd, RobertMehrle, Elaine C. Welusz, Cae-sar Williams, Rufus Williams,Robert A. Wood, Theodore JohnWoodman, Barbara Ann Yaro-schak, John David Yursha,,1

Stanley J. Zavfadski, RaymondM, Zazworsky, 'Nadia Zyla.

of a joint committee of theUons-Kiwanis Clubs, which in- |

eluded Lester Sabo, GeorgejSearle, Alexander Comba, Her-bert Harris, Kenneth Harris,H. A, Hennessy, John J. Ken-nedy, John Kolibas, WalterPavllk, Julian Potlak, SamuelRoth, Joseph Sahulcik, WalterSchofwald, and William Walsh.The honorary chairmen <.' thecommittee Included MayorStephen Skiba and formerMayors Bareford, Mittuch andDolan.

Walter Schonwald acted asmaster of ceremonies at theluncheon to the Carteret PostOffice employees, and theirwives. The invocation was givenby Rev. John Hundiak and thebenediction by Rev. KennethDorkof.

(Continued from Pjage 1)Lehosky, Barbara Martin, Su-san Pavlonnis, Beverly Pear-son. Alice Shovey. Barbara Ul-


D'Amore, JanetRoseHar-

czuk, Charleen Krantz, Patrl-|cia Kudela, Christine Mahaf-fey, Betty Rozzelle, DianeSteiner, Marlon Tamburo,|Theresa Truelove, Grace Virag,Arlene Witt, Kathleen Angelo,Joanne B r o w n , MargaretBurke, Patricia Carroll, DianeChason, Marilyn Dominquei,Madeline Geai, Phyllis Green-wald, Norma.Klang, Ann Ma-calik, Elaine Turk, DorothyWeber, and Linda Guzsaly.









Postmaster Sabo presentedthe members of his family andin turn those of all the employ-ees' families In attendancePostmasters from nearby townsalso took a bow. William J.


CARTERET — Miss DawnStoplnskl, daughter of Mr. andMrs. Walter Stopinskl, of 36Linden Street, performed in adance recital held in Keasbeyunder the, auspices of the VerneFowler fijwing School.

Daughter born to Mr. andMrs, Casimer Selobytj, 7 ParkPlace, at the P e M Amb'oyGeneral Hospital, Jlune 10,

Daughter born to Mr. andMrs. Benlto Gago, 75 UnionStreet, at the Perth AmboyGeneral Hospital, June 9.

Headquarters For


DAD and GRADPUBL1X PHARMACY81 Main St., Woodbridne

riiuue ME 4-0801KKEK PAKK1NU IN K1.AH

brloj KJ much cbMr Intotho ur. vt • iliiit-lti. Om

bomin,u of bloom-lug a iilict, wUl u p n a a

juur good TUOtw b*»UU-fully.

Mi MUcUsa of d lrbmtn

rotUd riuti


J0» Auiboj Av«. ME M « I I

Gift Hunting forYou can solve that gift problem and niake Dadhappy at the same time by dropping intoROCKMAN'S LIQUORS where you will find awonderful gift selection of:


• Fine Winest Beers• Liquors

Gift Wrapped Free!

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Kl 1-5975

•sPushing Ave. at Randolph St., Carteret

Drive To Our Frci)

To you, graduates of 1960, we extend-heartiest congratulations and sincerewishes for a happy, succetuifiil future.You can be justly proud of your scholasticachievements, and we join with alt yourrelatives, friends and neighbors in salutingyou.


Walter SulUvan

John D'ZuHUaAdam

Thomas Milik

John Hutnick

Alexander Such


^^[Householders Urge - [PDF Document] (3)

-h II

FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1960

ListedPAGE T H R U

• l i t e r .1 Stella Chi-nuidosh. Carol

ollins, Allen

to Graduate at Nathan Hale School• * < • : <

.I l l ()I l lns Elko, Ml-Allen Foytlln,

ins Freeman,Onle, Bose-

. i i K


mHi. Steven„„,,,,k i.lndB' ' ' l

,• I V



Kelemen.h Klum,

Kom-Kivscl. BarbaraKovacs. Sharon


1, U>VBS, Ronald!ii Linker. JBHIP*I \|ii<;ncr. Rich-

It ' '

,, • . i l i l i m

l i , , m i i i i I * " "

, - A I I A

iCurl Mark-

Ainrtin. Arlene,/,„„,i Muthls. Ste-

. . . Andrew Mltro.. ,-, CuniiilP Mud-

. , , „ NnscHk. Nancy• I -,»-|» i ilsi-n. Chrlntlnf

' , ; , ,!„! p.Mcrs. Rlch-'„ .Ubrrt Plrlgyl.

,. . ,K Hnvniolld PlO-1'nllHCk. France*!

, ' , , , , ] Pratt. Mary;lti< Imrdson. Or -

., ,.: |),i!(Khy Rubas,i,.,ii,. Habo, Patrick

! K.itlileen SaKcr.\.,,; Suiitoro, Fred.,,,,,:. snider. Bruceiirdildic Seredoch*,

.:, , i i n , Rosalinda•. Smart,







! I 'Hie Ladle*'• iViir Hokol w p l«n,:.,v bus trip to C a n. A'.i.ust 12.

For Church SchoolCARTERET — The 8t. De-

metrlua Church School willdote their school year with afather-child communion brralr-fait this Sunday. Mrs. L. SaboU in charge of the breakfastwhich will be sponsored by theChurch 8chool PTA. The af-fair will be held in the com-munity center following thefirst Uurgy.

Ouest speaker will br MrWalter Bodn&r. president of theUkrainian Youth League Highhonors and perfect attendanceaward* will be presented fol-lowing the breakfast

^ maWeds Jto/an</ Platt Jr.


TUREMS\tk Any MtrrkUl)

Honor Di Giovannis jOn 25th Wedding Day]

CARTERET — In honor offlr 16th weddlrw anniversary.

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Dl Ol-ovannl. 81 Ash Street, this bor-ough, were given a surpriseparty last night at the ClubHarmony, New York.

The affair was arranged bytheir daughter, Miss Marie Di(iiovannl and their son, PeterDlOlovaonL More than 210iiueiu attended.

The couple have been resi-dents of the Parkview sectionfor about six years.

Baptism-! Font Miss Catherine Kralicl*to be Dedicated Wed to George Koskoski



CARTERET—Church SchoolDay will be observed In theHungarian Reformed Churchthis coming Sunday at the 10

M. service.

Students of the SundaySchool will be in charge of theservice which will hhve thegeneral theme "The Cause IsThine." The service will in-clude the dedication of a newmarble baptismal font. The fontis a gift of the church's JuniorWomen's Guild. Pins, wreaths,and bars will be . awarded tochildren and young people withgood attendance in SundaySchool and confirmation class.

The service will be precededby a breakfast given by theteachers of the Sunday Schoolfor their students. The break-fast begins at 9 A. M. in thechurch basem*nt

Hungarian worship servicewill commence at II o'clock.

Tuesday.- Juh»'31, 7:30 P. M.in the Upper Room of BethlenHall: Bible and Study Groupmeeting.

Members and friends of the


•1. WHERE(linn

I di in (ft j tropicalUn (in morning wed-

I WHERE'"' ' «rl j pnfCCl fit

!" -'ll *irnrritiun fill-'""i L i i ln r i ••


a fittedlace and

'lint, [Illltl n u t

' ' " thr

3. WHEREln»

»n Excellent Reputation for

CARTERET-Sl. Elizabeth's accessories. The Platts will re-Church *as the scone of a pret-jside at 81 Lincoln Avenue, Cai-ly wedding Saturday afternoon!u-rt-i.when Mi&s Patricia Claire Hus-j Mrs Platt was graduatedzar. daughter of Mrs, John from Carteret High School andNa^y. 86 Edgur Street, becamejis an employe of the Mutualthe bride of Rowland H. Platt.IBeneflt Life Insurance Co.Jt , son of Mr and Mrs. Row-i ~land H. Platl. 35 Coolldge Ave-nue. The ceremony was per-formed by Rev. Anthony J.HubiT.

Given in marriage by herstepfather. -Mr. Nagy. the bridewore a (town of ChantiUy lace

church are also requested toreturn the reservation postcardin regard to the June 26 FamilyPicnic.

Union official attacks A.F.L.-CI.O, leadership.

Miss Anna Jane ClarkBride of David Snoddy

CARTERET — Miss Annaand ruffled net over satin with j a n e Clark, daughter of Mr.

bodice of Chantilly!and Mrs. Francis Clark, 16East Oak Street, became thea Sabrina neckline.

Her fingertip veil was a,ttach-to a crown of seed pearls,

curried white roses cen-

bride of David Smoddy, son ofMr, and Mrs. Ralph D. Snoddy,Arlington, Va., in St, AJoysiusChurch. Washington, D. C. at

Maid of honor was Miss Aud-rey A. Doudt, Ailentown, Pa,Bridesmaids were Miss Ellen JMcCarthy, Blue Anchor MissMaureen H.Rockaway, L.

Flnnerty,I ; and


Diane Gitchrist, Katonah, N. Y

The best man was John Ul-ja Nuptial Mass Saturday morn- r l c h | p ^ Church, Va. Ushers""« " i Vitt d M i h l:were Francis Vitt and Michael

Rev William J. Horringanjo'Brien, Arlington, Va,, and

tered with a white orchid onprayer book.

Miss Barbara Ann MolmAvenel. cousin of the bride, wasmaid of honor Bridesmaids, , f , j a t e d a t t h e double, ring u . George Kane, Port Georgewerr the Misses Ann Leahy and)Dolores Plntt, sister of the

^ r ^ r i f f S S n iirather, the bride wore a rioorl


Miss Catherine Chantilly lace with seed pearland sequins. She carried a casKralich, daughter of Mr.cade of white carnations an

Mrs. Joseph Kralich, 28 Atlan- pink sweetheart roses.tic Street, became the bride of The maid of honor was MissGeorge Koskoski, sonand Mrs. John Koskoski, Bridesmaids were Miss Helen

Saturday Koskoski, sistermorning at a double ring cere-mony and nuptial mass in St. Gluchoski, moth of Carteret.Ellas' Greek Catholic Church. The best man was Michael


CARTERET — John Con-

sons, William of Princeton, Johs'•'•>V'r. of El Paso Tex., and ThwnMr';*if this borough; a brother*'

Thomas of Plainfield; and twosisters. Miss Margaret and Mr*, •'•Julia Callahan, both of lield,

nolly, a retired borough police-man, died at his home 65 At-lantic Avenue after a lengthyillness.

A communicant of St. Jo-seph's Ismail Catholic Church,[Connolly was a member of its[Holy Name Society and of ItsAuxiliary of the Legion of Mer-it. He also was an Exempt Flre-

an.Surviving are his wife, Mrs,

Elizabeth Spence Connolly;aughter. Mrs. Dorothy Frasca>

Exercises on SundayFor Hebrew Schoolf

CARTERET—Rabbi Norman •.'"•Lobel has announced that clos-:Ing exercises for the Hebrew1

and Sunday School will be held.Bunday morning at 10:30 A.M.'at the Synagogue Brotherhood'of Israel, 312 Pershing Avenue*

Honor certificates and award!will be presented to the stuVdents who excelled in ttiftlf

ne of New Monmouth; three studies during the past year.

Remember ALL DADS on Father's DayThis Sunday . . . June 19th







Dad's PictureWith!

.! ceremony.

Given in

G. Meadt, Md.marriage by herj Mr. and Mrs. Snoddy will re-

in Arlington upon their

rrs were Dennis Platt, Carteret,another brother of the brlde-u Robert Mannlon. Union,mid Robert Michaels, Carteret.

length, chapel sweep gown of return from a wedding trip.

Rev. Augustine Medvigy per-formed the ceremony.

Escorted to the altar by herfather, the bride wore a silk-faced peau de sole gown, Ed-wardian style, with a basque

clipped ChantiUy lace, with aj The bride is a graduate of bodice-and a portrait necklineSabrina neckline and fittedjst. Mary's High School, .Perthbodice trimmed with pearls. (Amboy, and the bridegroom,


The rliwbearrr was John Na^.1 She wore a fingertip veil of I from Oonzaga High Ichool inhalf brother of English silk Illusion . draped Washington. Both were gradu-

from a matching phantllly lace ated Monday from Georgetownvu'and Mis Platt left for uiplllbox, outlined With seeds and University; the bride from the


tup to MiamiThe bride wore a

and white linen iu(t with whitebeige white roses and lilies of the


bridegroom from the College ofArts and Sciences.


outlined in scalloped Chantillylace embellished with seedpearls and sequins. Ttle bellprincess front skirt with in-verted side pleas and a butter-fly bustle extended into ft

TOTH PHOTO SHOP"Serving Residents of Carteret Since 1946"

64 Cooke Avenue Carteret

Phone KI1-5219

Koskoski, Carteret, brother of Ithe bridegroom. Ushers wereJohn Kralich, brother of thebride, and Robert D'Zurilla,1

both of Carteret. J

Mrs. Korskoski, a graduate ofCfarteert High School, is em-ployed as a secretary at Merck& Co., Rahway. The bride-groom, also a graduate of Car-teret High School, is employedas a laboratory technician atthe Westvaco Chemical Dlvi-

chapel train. Her silk Illusion sion, Food, Machinery, Chemi-four-tiered fingertip veil was cal Corp., Carteret. He servedattached to a Swedish crown of four years in the V. S. Navy,

*«u rent your Tuxedo *«« TED —»lw»yf Ont with (he new stylet!

'S TAILOR SHOP7 W n Street, Woodbridpr

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^^[Householders Urge - [PDF Document] (4)


Washington-Nathan Hale Local Schoolsfolds BUSY Session Observe Flag Day WHAT HITS TM SPOT WITH POP? M'.

— The Wushllig-Nathan Half PT.A. held

Us June mertlnR this week attl>p Nmhan H»le School.

Raymond Bonkoskl, presi-dent, announced that the peti-tion, circulated by the board,fhowed a vote of 629 parents

by the Carteret Council ofP.TA.-a on the Fitch Street1

traffic problem. Mr. Turner al-so announced that the NathanHale School will be re-wired.

Mr«. Rudolph Turner, chair-man of the ElRhth gradn din-ner dance announced that final,

p?nditiR domestic science. nndconverting the court and stor-age (irfw Into chwsrooni

In favor of temporarily »u8-,plah« are belnu made. Thedance will be held June 23, at

P. M. at the Nothan HaleSchool

The P.T.A. presented bothWaxhlngton and Nathan HaleSchools with money gifts. THesemonies wnl be used at the dis-cretion of the prlnlcpato for

At the June 8 meetlnu of theschool board, it WM suggestedthat these rooms would be sub-standard. However, the publicwas informed that this wouldnot be the case. Since there films, appliances, books, etc.was much pro and con.on the Mrs. Emerlc Holderitti, pait

GAJWERET - The upperpadot of Columbus Schoolpresented t flag day programMonday In the auditorium.The Sixth Grades, Mrs. Sack-helm and Mr. Mullan. enter-tained: Play, "The Birthday ofOur Pla«," Eileen Bull, MarthaPedowlti, Susan Self, PatriciaPisana. Ell»beth •amu. DoreenKuWfclc, Patitda Malcor. Eliza-beth Turlck, Blase Sclbetta,Harry Seymour, David Cas-tantl, Robert Nigro. RiphardBtochoff, and Michael Whlpple."The House I Lire In", JoannKiedlng; speakers, Donna El-liot. Maureen Brown, fredAiwtin, Patricia Dewltz, Patri-cia Baymonlfkn, Shnron Kll-mek, Ralph Verdi, RussellKrum, Gerald Sapienza, andPrank Verseffi; chorus, Pamela

double session Issue, pii altrjrti- president was presented with aate proposal was made to elim-jpftst president's pin by Mrs.jnate double sessions in NathanlFrttnk Pirlgyi. parst first vice-Hale. The board postponed a|presldent.final vote until their next meet-j Attendance awards were w o " . ^ ] - , .I"*. J u n e » . by Mrs. Lemer's and Mr«., B j d W f t r d j ^ R n d J a n lM• Safety chairniBn, Rudolph Ruckrlegel's class. 'Weiner.Jumer, reported that he wlllj Joseph Comba, principal ofmeet with the police commis-|Nathan Hole showed films of4loner In a conference proposed ischool activities.

Page, Linda Razlllard, RichardLaura Qor-

Picnics Mark ClosingActivities at St. Joseph's

CARTERET—Picnics marked Mary Ellen Kettyle, DianeIhe closing activities at St. Jo-,King, Margaret McKlm.»pTi'» Parochial School this! Patricia Kochek, MichaelMtek. Orades 1 and 2 held a'Konci, Charles Korzsniowski,nlcnlc Mohday at the CarteretPark and Grades 3 to 8 held apicnic at Echo Lake Tuesday.

Graduationheld Sunday

Linda Koval, Robert Kiimln,Alan Langer, Thomas LaRose,Maureen tontbardi, Carol Lus-

exerclses wrre key. Jolti McKcnna, Arthur,when diplomas McMahon. Adrlenne Makely,

were awarded to 100 graduatesof the eighth grade.

Bemlce Makely, Dennis Mat-thews, Andrew Mickinicz, Jo-

Diplomas and awards were *Ph M i l l e r . Veronica Mlodzla-nowski, Patricia Moses, GeorgeMulligan, Catherine Obenauer,Kathleen O'Connor, SalvatoreParisi, Michael Patrick, Patri-cla Penksa, Elaine Philips,

Kathleen Powers, PatrickPotfers, Janls Provlno, EdwardBadowski, Anne Marie Sero-vlnski, Mary Ellen ShubickDiane Shumny, Alan Sryman-ski, Anthony Slmeone, JohnSlvon, Ramona Sojacy, SandraSoltesz, R i c h a r d Staiibach,Kenneth Thornton, Suellen Ti-droskl. John Tlghe, Judith Val-iant, Kevin Vandermark, Cher-ryl Vltelle, Walter Wadlak,Elizabeth Warner, Mlchele Wilhelm, James Wilson, VictoiWolleon, Anna Zullo.

presented by Rev. Mel U. Cor-coran, pastor of St. Joseph'sChurch. The sermon was byRev. Aloyshis Boland.

Awards were made as fol-lows;

Highest general average, gkenby the Parent-leather Asso-ciation; Margaret Buczynsktand Linda Koval; religion,awarded by Father Corcoran,Miss Buczynski and JohnTlghe: English award of theCatholic Daughters of Amer-ica, Court FideUs 636, SusanHorvath and Miss Koval.

Also, arithmetic, by the schoolfaculty; Patricia Egan by Ar-thur McMahon; spelling, given

. by St. John's bingo workers,John Barney and Ramona So-Jacy; geography, by Et. EliasPost 79, Catholic War Veterans.Kathleen Gross and DennisMatthews.

Also, science award of themen's division, Ancient Orderof Hibernians, Nancy Goch-ring and James Wilson; read-ing, given by the Altar andRosary Society, Robert Kalupaand Patricia Kochek; art, pre-sented by Carey Council 1280,Knights of Columbus; Michael

, Pehervari and Judith Valiant.Also, essat contest award of

the women's auxiliary, AncientOrder of Hibernians; MaureenHughes and Thomas Coughlin;poetry contest award of CourtPidelis 636, Catholic Daugh-ters of America, Susan Irwmand Patricia Penksa.

Members of the" graduatingclass were:

Charles Arduini, Michael Bar-;bato, John Barney, BarbaraBehany, Thomas Beshak, Den-nis Bodak, Margaret Buczynski,Robert Burke, Grace Carolla,Lawrence Carpenter, AnthonyCascella, Thomas Chamra, Mi-chael Chervenek, Pranclne Con-

•ley, Thomas Coughlin. William




Fashion Show MurksSession of P.T.A,

CARTERET — A fashionshow under the direction ofMrs. Elizabeth Sufchlnsky, Do-mestic Science Teacher waspresented by the sixth, seventhand eighth grade pupils at theclosing meeting of the Colum-bus Cleveland P.T.A. held Tues-day evening In the ColumbusSchool.

The instrumental band under'.

Tuwday morning the fourthgrades entertained for themiddle grades for Flag Day. Aflat drill was presented, Ste-phen Breza, Donald Stewart,Donald Hunslnger, Angel Velez.Carelton Sasovetz, Vincent Zlr-polo, Sharon Lukasluk, DianeKolpaczyk, Joyce Schaffhauser,Joyce Ooodrlch, Belinda Larmoreaujt, Mnrlene Relsman,and Marlene Varna.

Choral recitation, "YourFlag" and "My Flag" by Wil-ber Nesblt, the entire class.

Tuesday morning, the secondgrade, Mrs. Greenly's, enter-tained at the lower grade as-sembly, Opening exercises con-ducted by Brenda Soltesz'America the Beautiful" sung

by the entire assembly.

A playlet entitled "The Storyof Our Country's Flag." Thosetakinir part were Barbara Es-tok, Nona Cunningham, Wil-liam Colon,, Dolores Parsons,Louis Toth, Joyce Bauchner,Julia Cassas, Cindy Black, Bar-bara Krause, Paul McDermott.

A flag drill — Nona Cunning-;ham, Barbara Istok, RobertSchnler, Howard Moore, Rob-ert Perlman, Paul McDermott,Kenneth Minard, Julia Cassas,Cheryl Bakos, Randall Hamil-ton, William Colon, AndrenDeVlto, Joyce Bauchner, Bren-da Soltesz. '

Song — "There Are Many!Flags in Many Lands," Barbara'Istok, Cheryl Bakos, Margaret|Bartoriello, all solo#), accom-panied by the entire second1

grade.Columbus School graduation!

will be held Tuesday, June 21.1at the Columbus School Audi-|torium at 7:00 P. M. The eighth jgrade class will hold <i gradua-'tlon party Thursday evening,June 23, at 6:30 P. M. in theauditorium. The Columbus-Cleveland Parent Teachers As-sociation Is sponsoring this af-fair for the graduating class.

The" afternoon sixth grades


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Hlokiry tmki i( FERRIS CANNED HAM

CiMkiRilliR Ck«M * *ttwit*clb- mm SHOULDERS


Spring L

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Ctntar Slicn


Suptr-Rifht brand—Sliced


•3 |



St.t 7


SAUCERaspkernf »r Strawberry

the direction of Mr. Philip War-on, band instructor also enter-

jentertained at their own as-sembly Tuesday afternoon,

tained. June 14. Recitations were:"Patriotism," Barbara and

An award will be presented ftaneto U ! t a t o s ; . . ^ A m e H .by the association to the boy c a n W a y , - J a y uhov- . T h £

and girl of the graduation class u t t l e F l a g s . . J e f f r e y C o h e n

who has the highest scholasticaverage.

A gift was also presented tothe custodians for their extrahelp during the course of theyear.

Following the

Richard Van Pelt; "A Patriotic iWish," Steven DeAngelo; "MyiFlag," Berlene Greene. •

meeting a social followed withthe members of the executiveboard in charge of hospitality.

__ Bishop Will Visitclose of the Church Here Sunday



16 a.earn

LUNCHEON NAPKINSKMte if Cilinl 2 ikfi.

• f SO

AiP Braid


ViM-RiawM'Lirfi Sin

WATERMEL0Ihythipifci 5C



m i Juicy

'Daley, Donna Dare, Judith. D'Erailio, E r n e s t DTEmllio, v • L . i r> t i

Leonard D i N f c o l a , W a y n e l ^ m £ " * s °f tolumoUSEbert, Patricia Euan! Robert1 F I p r # JVpi/) fttfttprtFedlson, Barbara Peeney, Ml-! C ' eW UJ>lCer$

<shacl Fehivari. , CARTERET—Election of of-John Fitzgerald, D o 1 o r e siflcers marked this week's meetn

Gambino, Patty Garcia, Kath- ing of Carey Council, 1280,• !een Gavin, Nancy Gochrmg, Knights of Columbus. The new

Paul Gombos, Joan Gropizna,[officers are John Bosze, granaKathleen Gross, Mary Hlgginsjknight; John Hornak, deputy

; Paul Hockenbury, John Hoff-jgrand knight; Walter Camp-• man, Ullian Hogya, Thomas;beU, chancellor; Steve Szilagyl,

Holder, Susan Horvath, Mau-|warden; Geo»ge Stolte, recoj-d-'""" u " " u " " - - - Irwinjer; Prank Nadolski, treasurer;reen Hughes, SusanElaine Jacobs. Elaine Kadya yBeverly Kahora, Robert KaupaDavid Kantor, Kathleen Kelly,

Strained (Inclidint Unlaid Oiruli)CARTERET—Rt. Rev. Arch-

bishop Constantlne Bohachev-,sky of the Byzantine Rite, ofPhiladelphia, will pay his offl-, B _ , - f c _ f c - L « lnit*nt h . l . l . A . l n tkftcial and canonical visit to St.; Fl VllCIIS M«h.d r 0 f Q 1 0 6 $ MAIMary's Ukrainian Catholic'Church here Sunday.TheBlsh-• ** I — • _ _ AlP-fROZENop will preside at the 8:00 A, M.mass and at the 10:00 A. M.Mass, which will be a pontifical u r u u H . j U I E B p puicxmoztN

kkt Inid-Oir FiMtt

Clapp's Baby Foods 10 89 ' Blended JuiceSliced Boots

Oranga tt\4




mass.Rev. Jasoslaw Pedyk, pas-

tor of the church, will lead aprocession of altar boys, sodal-;ists, trustees and Officials and'members of the church from Ithe rectory to the church. !

Orange JuiceGrape JuiceFrench FriesTomato Catsup


Crinklt Cut


Dal Monla


f »L


Leon Cuiren, Br., advocate;Alex Sohayda, Inside guard;' Italian proposal on Tyrol re-Joseph Buonvico, lecturer. ' buffed by Austria.


Evening Car-HopService

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Red PlumsBlueberriesString BeansCucumbers 3



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3 pi,.,


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pi , . 1

Hitparade. M«rlbmu. H,-*p,,,i.Oa.i.i Old Gold..le,gl,.S.I.,n.TB,y|,11 V l c i I u y W l , , l l o r i A.P1,


IHE O«£*t WlANIlC 1

Pric« tftactiv* through Saturday Junein Suptr Markets and Self S.mc.' , to,« o n |y .

• All Detergent

" ' 7 7 °

Rinso Binet*< laundry tni tub,,

SurfFor tki family watk •



^^[Householders Urge - [PDF Document] (5)

Nine W°°dbridg(> Township Schools to be Dedicated^aturddvPAGE FTVB MS


School 20, Hoffman Boulevard, Coloni;iSchool 'l'.\, Woodbine Avenue, Avnicl

Colonia Junior High School

School 21, Oak Kul^o Heights, fSchool 24, Kennedy Park, Isclin Fords Junior jjfigh School

School 22, New Dover Road, Coionia School 25, Lafayette Estates, Fords Iselin Junior High School

t,mt \ ( M .Wi ' i r ib fmV ,\ members


welcomed Mr. aiu.Mrs. J. Stark. Mr. and Mrs. EMiranda. Mrs. George Mnureiand Mrs. Jitmen Hrtfman.

Avenclnt thflr A t r l p l 0 Patricia, Murphy's

A new meeting place wa:iiKUMi-d due to the Increase inmemberrhlp. A committee wasformed to Investigate facilities.

Mrs. O'Brien and Mrs. Adolph

Israeli Tour Maryann Teresa Goryl Police LoseWedsLamontA. Shafferjn Softball

.,• tin- liome of Yonkera. was planned with Elster arranged hospitality. Thei.iir.s oBnen.;Mrs. Q'Brlen. ways and means next meeting will be with th«

Mi O'Brien.ichalrnun, in chirne. O'Briens, July 19.

O n C a l e n d a r W00DBRIDQE_M1MMaryann Teresa Gory), daugh-

WOODBRIDGE -_Roni Ra- Cr of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel

, My tery Shorn in wkx SwHkp, NBC TV-th» PH B o m Chtvj Showroom wMhiy, ABC-TV.

jinowitz, daughter of Mr. andMrs. Benjamin Rabinowitz, 107Green Street, will leave July 7rora Icilewlld Airport for a

six-week tour of Israel Roni,vho is 16 years old and a sen-ior at Rutgers Preparatory

Goryl, 204 Mawbey Street, be-came-the bride of Lamont An-drew Shaffer, son of Mr. andMrs. AndrewSchool Street,Saint James Church.

Rev. Gustave Napoleon offici-School, will be part of a select ated at the double Ting cere-group of boys and girls partici-pating in the fifth anmmUnited SynaKocue Youth Pil-

to Israel.Dr. MortorwSlexel, Erector °ver.

Shaffer, 448Saturday, at

father,made of

or the United Synagogue's de-partment ' of youth activitiesand leader of the pilgramage,has said that "the youngsters

I will be given the opportunity!»o expfTit-nce directly a sineru-lar aspect of Israeli life. Foitwo wc-'lts th-y will participate;ictiveij in tlie work programof a Kibbutz, a co-cperatlveiKiicultural settlement."

The tour will also Includevisits to Jerusalem. Tel Aviv,the Nen;i, Haita, Jordan Val-ley and Galilee. A lecture pro-

n will provide instructionin JewU- .history, language,music ?i id dance.

USY with a total member-ship 01 22.fl00, Is the largestassoc ia te of ::ynagogUft teen-agers in the United States and

'I he group of 120 will

bodice wiand long

mony.Given In Wprrlag* by. her

ft gownlace

a. fittedneckline

Herbouffant skjftff ruffles feend-ed Into a rang cathedral train.She wore a, fingertip veil ofEnglish illusion attached to acoronet of crystals and carrieda bouquet of white roses withwhite sweetheart roses tipped

I in blue. jMiss Mary Ellen Jasler of1

Swfcyerville, Pa, T*^S her cous-

WOODBRIDGE—The Keas-1 bey Fire Department, defend-jinff champions in the Recrea-tion Fin; and Protection Soft-ball League, anticipated a rea'challenge for the 1960 crown

Ifrom the Woodbridge Police,] but in their initial meeting, theSmokies proved that they anstill the better club with a welldeserved 8-7 victory to insuretheir confidence.

Benny Gloff, versatile andjthe heavy bombardment,amazing Keasbey chucker who " " ' " ""~1" '

Charlie Bahr went the fulliix-inning distance for the po-lice team and was eventuallyjharged with the reversal.

Paloti was {Ceasbey's mosteffective batter With three basehits, while Gyenes pumped outtwo triples and a double forthe police.

With a total of 30 base hitsspraying Kennedy Park, theAvenel Fire Company becameinvolved in a real free swing-ing game with the Iselin FireCompany, and after the denseclouds of dust faded away, theAvenel club emerged the victorby a close 12-11 score despite

been pitching long beforehastheoti the mound once again to

Mike Hrabar and Gene Amywill no doubt long remember

origin of softball, started the past game, since both of o f 7 8 _ j ' 3 6 5

Mroz Takes '•',Golf Tidel

COLONIA —George Mros OtAvenel, one of the most con*1

sistent golfers at the Colonl*Country Club, won the Saw*'buck Tournament recently inthe Class A Division with a12-6—66 total for 18 holes.

Closg behind Mroz on thefail-ways was Hank Buoni whoplaced, second after carding a73-5—68. The Class B competi-tion was also close with ErwVHansen covering the 18 holesin 76-13—63 to win the event.Second place went to W.Swann, who turned in a round

hurl his usual strong game. Hetired in the late innings, how-

Avtnel's free swinging batters'gcollected four hits apiece. Js-j




ever,by Rapach, who checkedhard-hitting police. j a l l d » triple in three trips-from

Keasbey held an. 8-6 lead go-the bench. .ing into the seventh inning,' Bill Dwyer ciitrode one storm;

and it looked as though' it mifrhtlfiiver another for sev°n innings;

Clark was the topClass C after com-

and'wJc\pabiy6i'elieved|biS! day in tn^conmies-o7"thejple.t'ng ^ ^ a o l T ^aUer's box belting two douses ^ Z l t V l ^ t ^

was Bob Beherns with a strokelota! of S6-27--69. ..

Five club members tied for

elin's Don Walters also had a r o l [ e l " " \. _ !nlrtfh\rt' tr


In's maid of honor. The bridal orchid corsage.attendants were Miss Judlthj While honeymooning, theYakubek, Carteret; Miss Dawnjcouple will tour the eastern

hold up until Rudy Gloff closedthe gap for the Police with a

gain Averiel's mound tri-Ray Smith was tagged

Paterson, Rahway, cousin ofthe bridegroom; Miss Kathleen1

Carl. Woodbrldge, and MissPatricia Hines. Woodbridge.Thes Misses Renee and LoisAnn Kudiako of Falls, Pa.,cousins of the bride, were jun-ior bridesmaid and flower girl,respectively.

depart on two separate flights w a y i e Swaylik, Woodbridge,vith s - . ; i c \ f r sh , Brussels and w a s best man for his cousin.\mstn\Jitn', respectively,

COXSUMF RINDEX HIGHRising fond prices lifted the

Consumer Price Index to-an-other record in April — four-tenths of 1 per cent higherthan March, and almost 2 per

Ushering were Ronald Higgins,Woodbridge;son, Avenel:Woodbridge;bride, andWoodbridge.

For traveling, the bride worea print sheath dress with

Raymond Peter-Bernand LaPenta,all cousins of theHenry Chqmicki,

seaboard on their way to MiamiBeach, Fla.

"the bride was graduatedfrom St. Mary's High School,Perth Amboy, class of 1959, andis employed by the Township ofWoodbridge in the Mayor's Ad-ministrative Office, Legal De-partment,

The bridegroom was gradu-ated from Woodbridge Highachool, class of 1956, and is at-tending Franklin and MarshallCollege, Lancaster, Pa.

cent higher than a year ago.The indfx measures changes' '

in the prices of a selected a s - -sortnu-nt of items and services" r h e

for which city wage-earnerstypically spend their income.

matching accessories and an

home run. With one out, Joe|>v';i1 Iselin's mound reversal.Gyenes blasted a triple but was!cut down at the plate attempt-JMjNOR OPERATIONing to score with the tieing run.j j j m _ ••you don't seem

Bill Burns, next batter, lined! think much of him.11

first place in the Kickers tour-nament with 70's for the 1*.,holes. The quintet included J.Coakley, 75-5—70; E. Comer,.75-5—70; F. George, 78-8—70;"

]c. McCarthy, 84-14-70; MidC. LaZozzo, 93-23—70.

a single to center which would Joe — "If he had his con-have scored Gyenes. Felix science taken out it would beGalasso then drew a pass to:a minor operation."move Burns over to second base]with the tieing run. Joe N e - j w h o N o w ,meth at this point grounded to] S p i l . i t u a i i s t : ..Ahi l h e a r t h f ,third base for the third out toconclude the brief rally

I spirit of your wife knocking."

Chicago;White Sox relief AceGerry Staley appeared in eightof his team's first 18 games and!did not give up an earned runwhile pitching 18 innings,

mountain shrinking performanceCORVAIR GIVES YOU BOTH!l i i . 1111 <-<irvair that rolled up a whopping 27.03 miles per gallon* in the

'-:|- Ki'i'iiomy Kun turned around to scale snow-glazed Pikes Peak earlier in• . . . _ _ . , i c IJ-.

'" l*>an apy other car has ever dared to try. What better proof could youllp|1" !•»! United States AutomobileXlub observers were aboard every mile of

' v'v) »f Corvair1* rare combinatipn of light-fingered steering, sure-footed

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^; :'"k s" biR and 14,110 feet of mountain look so small!

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Widowering now?"

"Who is she knock-

SWELL TRICKA drunk was watching a man'

enter a revolving door. A» &* /door swung around a pretty gbl":stepped out. . ,.,;

"Swell trick," he muttered,;,;•Don't shee how that «UJ

changed hlsh clothes so. fast.'1

30 years of txporieficefostering good will inbusiness and communitylife.

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Your Rugs looknewer...last longerwhen cleaned byS . BOYESOur TR1PLECLEAN methodremoval d«ep-down irnbtJdfddirt that other methodl can'treach. Boye. ikilUd tochniciuntknow how to protest th» fibr«of rug. and eliminate UfeiiiTtwear ciuied by dirt. Your rugiare relumed iparlflinf brigblor mothproofed and ilaled foi,tor«ge FREE till September.

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> 4-890917 BOTH OKNCES


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^^[Householders Urge - [PDF Document] (6)



(97 Wett AvcnnaSrwaren

Mt>-4-«tit—Teddy Kleban, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Theodore Kleban,Broad Street, received.

-Arlene Dunch, 1 Glen CoveAvenue, was graduatedweek from the Berkeley Secre^Uriel School, East Orange.

1 —Mr. and Mrs, FmnK KBloom are enJoyliiR a five-dayvacation -In Portsmouth, N. H.

Iselin Fir$t AidersTo Hold Open HouseI8ELIN — The Inelln First

Aid Squad met at Squad Head-quarters where Edward B

"Most Valuable Plnyer" awftrdjThelr daughter, Marianne, whoand five letters for sports particlpation at the annual Seniorand Sports NUht of Saleslan

School, New

Is majoring In elementary edu-cation at Cedar Crest College,cation ai ueasr i/icsi v/uncsuiAllentown Pa., in home for the mall their contributions had

Brothers Hl«hRochelle, N. Y. Ted, a fresh-man, played basketball, base-ball, did erosa-couritry track,bowled and was In the band.

—Mr. and Mrs, Richard Zila-vetz, formerly of Sewarcn Ave-ntfe, now of Hopclawn, haveannounced the birth of theirsecond child, first daughter,Audrey, Friday at the Perth

Qeneral Hospital.—Kathleen Ann K a r n a s


fcg of Mr. andStanley W. Karnas, Jr.,

. . .Rosd, celebrated her first birthday Friday with an Ice creamparty at home.

—April Kleban, Broad Street,flew to Boston, Mass., last week-end to attend the graduation ofher friend, Gwen Gadek ofPerth, fromCollege.

—Thirty members of the Se-waren Home and School Circle


Endlcott Junior

taken, with a total of 41 makingattended the Installationner last week at the OldMill restaurant, Spring Lake the trip.Heights. Mrs. Slgmund Za- Percy Austen, 499 Westblockl, retiring president, In-[Avenue, was awarded a 13.S. de

of the squad will call again onthese people during the weekof June 20 so the drive can becompleted.t The captain reported that the

new ambulances will be deliv-

of 57 calls had been answered,188 men hours consumed and750 miles had been coveredduring the past month.

Edward Moynlhan, chairmanof the fund drive committee,

! summer.—Another Sewarcn college

Istudent who is home for va-:atlon Is Andrew Butkowsky,Jr., from the University ofSouth Carolina, An excellentpianist, Andy accompanied hissisters, Joan and Andrea, intheir musical number at theSewaren Girl Scout Court ofAwards last Friday night. \

—Hit of the color guard pro-gram at the Scout evening wasBrownie Dcnlse Fcntck, daugh-ter of Mr. and Mrs. PeterFenlck, Sewaren Avenue. Six-year-old . Denise blew "Taps"on her trumpet without a singlemistake. Her Instructor? HerDad who says he was bugler atboot camp.

—Sewaren Girl Scout Troop19 has planned a bus trip to[Washington. D. C, and historictour on Wednesday. June 29.The bus will leave Sewaren at6 A. M. and all places are

not as yet done so. Membersistreet.

Many Attend Girl ScoutAward Court, Saturday

an dthat the squad will holdopen house to display them.Definite date will be announcedlater.

Squad members, Edward Bar-rett, Ray West, John Schneld-


jreported that 10 per cent of the er, Richard Crawford aided InResidents who had promises to delivering a baby for Mrs. Wil-

liam Murphy, 208 Broome

McHale. Troop 136, Ethd Co-hen, B e t t y OlanU.• KathyHughes, Ivelyn KlaPP, KarenPruden, Jill Rhams, Maureen

Shapiro, Su-

MENLO PARK TERRACE —iWllllam Carlste of the Metuch


parents andthe annual

Court of Awards held Saturdaynlgrt at School 19 by the Men-lo Park Terrace Girl Scouts.Seven Brownie troops, sevenIntermediates, and two Seniortroops were represented.

Special guests were Mrs. H.

en Council of Girl Scouts to opening flag ceremony, Mrs.*hlch the Terrace troop,i W? karl H. Schoeder « ^ » * ™long. Mrs. Bloomfleld conduct-gueste, and Mis. vIon,. Mrs. Bloomfleld ced the Intermediate investiture,


Senchak, Helen|san Stltzer.

138 conducted

capping ceremony, PartlclpatIng in the latter were the fol-lowing ScouU: T r o o p 126,Patricia Ahr. Elaine Boerer, Di-


guesU andland&r led theed the Intermediate investiture, land&r led the ^ W

and Mrs. Carlste led the senior for 41 Brownies. Bra..nle troopleaders and assistants takingpart were Mrs. J. h. DeCasseMrs. A. L. Rudykoff. Troop 7.Mrs. J. F. Mitchell. Mrs, Robert

Hearn Mrs. Alfred Prankel,Troop 67; Mrs. Prank Moast,Mrs Paul McHale. Troop 103;Mrs Lawrence Wescott, Mrs.Carl Andersen. Troop 104; Mrs.William Hollander, Mrs. Wil-liam Eppel, Troop 117; Mrs.Bertram Levloon, Mrs. ArthurNiejolltano, Troop 158.

Awards were then given tothe Intermediate Scouts withthese leaders participating;Mrs. M. L. Morrison, Troop 92;Mi's Joseph Miller, Mri. Wil-liam NagenRRSt, Troop 98; Mrs.Oraydon Hanco*ck, Troop 109:

M. Tomminelli, Mrs. J.


iL. Tenen, Troop ]\,Prank McOrath, Mrs 'Pruden, Troop 134; M l s

ert Pelmly, Mrs. William •nedy, Troop 164; Mrs , '"";Baurer, Mrs. Charles Cnl,,,' 'Troop 179. l:in

A special awards mp

saw the presentation nr <„year pins to Mrs. CaroiRll ,..' jMrs. MoQrath. Mrs. Hrill(W


p r e s e n t e d a s t a t u e t t e i n M"r

Robert Majamaa for i,,, „ '.as a Troop organizer. '

' U p t u r n In auto snir, „ . . .I endurance. '

stalled the following: Mrs. PaulGrelza, president; Mrs. RobertSlmonsen, vice president; Mrs.Harold Perry, secretary; Mrs.Frank Palinkas, treasurer. Mrs.Simonsen then presented anInitialled pin to "Mrs. Zablocklin recognition of her two yearsof service as Circle president.

—Twenty members of St.John's Guild enjoyed a dinnerparty last week art the Parish

grec in mechanical engineeringat graduation ceremonies lastweek at the Newark College ofEngineering.

'Seeds and Weeds'Plans Flower Show

COLONIA — The 'Seeds andiWeeds" Garden Club held a

,»..., ._, . ..w» — • [successful bazaar and auctionHouse which marked the end of t l v t t h c c l v j c I m p r o V e -the meetings for the summer. t c , , ,b w i U l M r s M1<.hne,

—Mrs. R u s s e l l Solt washostess last week at a luncheon-bridge party at the new homeof Mrs. Al Hagen, Edison.Winners were Mrs. Samuel J.Henry, Mrs. W. W. Brundage,

as chairman. Plantsdonated by local florists wereamong the many Items sold.

(Plans were made for a fall

Henry. Mrs. w. w. munaage,,^10*" S h o w t o b(; h e l d i u l l\e

Mrs. Olive Van Iderstine, Mrs. O s c r o l a c h u r c h ' R a r i t »" R o a d l

Frederick J. Adams. l C l a r k i o n September 24.—Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J.' New officers of the club for

Henry spent the weekend at the coming year are; Mrs. Fun-their summer home in Laurel- dock, president; Mrs. Leonardton. lHall, vice president; Mrs. Rob-

—Mr. and Mrs. W a l t e r ert Tudor, treasurer; Mrs. Jo-Brown, Newark, were Sunday scph Neville, recording secre-guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph!tary; Mrs. Neil Esposit, corre-Thomson. Isponding secretary. The club

—Judy Bohlkt1, who sradu-jmeets the second Thursday ofates next week at Woodbridsejeach month at homes of theHigh School, has accepted aimembers. Any Colonia resl-poiltlon with the Prudentlalidents interest'.'d in fzardeningInsurance company in Newark. I will be welcome,

. : » l i

NEW DEVIL'S IOOI) CAKF MIX: Like the £ood basicdress, a single fnvorilc cake ran assume different person-alities with a quirk cimnsr <if accessories. And what's themost vital accessory a cake can have? Its frosting", ofcourse.

Take rillsbury's doubly chocolute-y Double Dutch Devil'sFood Cake Mix, for instance. (And you couldn't make »better choice. The uniyue flavor of this new mix-^-due toImported, specially-processed Dutch cocoa—rlends itself toluscious variations.) According to your fancy, this onepackage fan become1 a cool whipped cream delight; devil'sfood layors, lavished with fudge, cherries and nuts; or arefreshing chocolate-mint combination. Each gala versionfits man occasions—from a family birthday to dessert-bridge—and all three start with thege easy directions:

Bake cake as directed on mix package in two 8-Inchround pans. Split the cooled cake with a long-bladed orserrated knife into four "layers". Spread the top of eachlayer with the frosting of your choice:

Chocolate Cream Frosting: In a small bowl, combine V/icups whipping cream, U cup sugar, 3 tablespoons cocoaand Vi teaspoon vanilla. Chill 20 minutes; beat until thick.Store frosted cake in refrigerator.

< Cherry Nut Frosting: Prepare 1'illsbury Creamy FudgeFrosting Mix as directed on package, substituting U cupmaraschino cherry juice for the wateij. Stir in 3 table-spoons chopped, drained maraschino cnerrteg and Vi cupchopped nuts, I .

Mint Delight Frosting: Prepare PUIsburf Fluffy WhiteFrosting Mix as directed on package. Fold In 2 or 3 dropspeppermint extract and a few drops green1 food qolorim,

i!. ••





*. • Enelosed please find $4.00 for one-yearsubscription to:


To be sent tp:

Charna Jaker, Mdry'Fulton,

Traffic Safety Quiz No. 6

.' v « ' . i 1 * 1 ! i . ' i \ ' <>l ' ' n u t ' i ' , h\ m m m - J i

Can you find 10 traffic hazardsin this picture? !





; ; i • i • •

Loo)c sharp! This quiz checks more than theacutenejss of your vision.

It a|so tests your judgment of what's right and wrong in this five-way

intersection scene. Look again-then rate yourself against the list. But

keep in mind that perceiving a traffic hazard is not enough. A good

driver must be prepared to take instant action to nvoid trouble.

IM all good citizens, Shell is interested in safety. We urge you

to bp alert, drive careMj^ know the rules-and o | e y ^ m . Remember:

about 75% of all accidents are caused by the driver-not the car.

(Each hazard |. loutad by letter and by nuiM>ar. For sxar^pl,, D 3 W , c t t M i h . ^ mfcWr,fl

an Illega. turn In ^ upper left section of th . plctur. wh« . , i n M f rom D .nd 3 would cro».)

1 Car making Illegal turn Into turnpike en-trance (03, upper left)

2 Jalopy parked In pedestrian crosswalkwhile being repaired (E3, left center)

3 Truck on sidewalk obstructing traffic (Fl.left center)

4 Station wagon driver's rear view Is ob-structed;by packages.CG2, lq»Kar_l«ft)

• r Driver reiachlng across teai, "taking his"attention off the roa d (l-4,J)ottom center) .

"KftaSndry' deHyeryloy orTbicycla crossing

oncoming traffic (|.Q, bottom right)

7 Confused driver stopped In mlddla o» maintraffic IE6, center)

8 Car illegally parked in drlv«way (D8, rightcenter)

• Boy hitching ride on truck, (Eft,center)

...1.Q:Mi&fla motor $coot*r making

< left turn_(DlO, right ceriUr)'

*TH»*»«« major hu, id l ; i h w l v , oth.ft If

you found m« a thin ttn, congntulitloml)

TTkat's why Shell says: Your Car Has Built-in Safety-YOU!Prtpir** ty.ttl* 8h.ll Tr»Nlo S.t.ty C.M.r In ooniullillon with Dr. Lton Brody, R...,rch Dlt.qtor, Center hr S.l.ty Eduction, NewYork University, *i* In WOJoration with tht Automotivi Sttoty Feunditlon. U H I I L OIL OOMFiNY, I SHELL OIL COMPANY


^^[Householders Urge - [PDF Document] (7)

i i ; 11 ! < • ' ' •

h PlansT Project

A special


,,„,m»a e





, ,v,r d

iMn; rer-n h Mrs.

KI mpper., Mrs, I

AmongAward Winners at WHS Class DayPAGE SEVEN

,J ,I-«V. M r s .

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,1. Mrs. L.s::iniBn»kl;•:•• s Shin

.:: lor H-.. October1 I;I ITINll-

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39 Scholarships and 35Awards Given to Seniors

WOODBRIDGE - Thirty-Forensic League: RichardniiH- scholarships and 35 awards Buickerood, State Scholarshipwere made at the annual class of $400 and $500 from N. J.

exercises of the Senior]OoU Association;. State Sctlol-« of WoodbrldRe High! arnhlps of 9400, -Thomas Bobal,idol Friday in the school Robert Chetkln, James J. Con-

iiudiiorlum. nlff, David Gatl, Roland Ha-'llir awards were as follows:: nan. John Hunt, Karen Kotvis,

nnnforih Foundation awards,iRonald Mascenlk. Irene Mayer,to the boy and girl who have Pr»n | t Nagy, John O. Pricz, Ro-

•t Rnd accepted the challenge;*?""! Rocker, sUfen Savarese,of life, William Wleland and Join Shane. Ruth Shapiro,.ydin 6antos; Babe Ruth [John Wardlow, Kirthy Zak. who

Sportsmanship Awards, James>l«o received $300 from Middle-MullenBausnh

and Oiace Raw;& Lomb Honorary

Science Award, Martin Staum:Rcnsseiatr Polytechnic Instl-

|«ex County Education Associa-tion,

Abo Nancy Carolson, $400,Bucknell Univprslty; Dorm*

tute Award, for highest average|Carro]l, Ithaca College, tuition;in science and mathematics; Virginia De Macedo, Newarkfor four years, Martin 8taura;American Association Of Uni-versityBrunch,

Women, C o l o n l a$20 to the girl who

FACULTY AWARDS: The v.rlou* education croup, prtwntrd awaru, U V.IIS Class day, including The Woodl.ridrFederation of T « r h m . *?00, for four Kan; Woi>dbridgf Township Kducatlnn Assoriation award, S300 a year fur twoyean; Victor <\ Mrklas Memorial Award, $100. Abovr arc sponsors and wjnncrs: Rnhort Mascenlk, president of tlit-Federation and Robert Chetkln: Ortrudr Schwam and Mr,. Ernest C. Link, vice president of the Education Assn-

elation, and Harold Owtrhuli, principal of School 18, presrntlnK the Nlcklas Award to Mary Mikes.

INITIAL AWARD: V.'ondliridisr Lodge, Benevolent andProtective Order of Elks, one of the newer organizationsIn Woodbrldge, gave its first award to a member of thegraduating class. Robert Rase was the winner of theaward, a bond, given to "that student of languages, who,in addition to a vrry high level of scholarship has shownthe greatest appreciation of cultural values, both presentand potential of the languages, studied. Above, RobertBase Is shown being congratulated by Dr. John P.

Woodbridge High School principal.



VMh •vr.v

' . IS h, I.

,:i nn<: 14.'

SHE'S GOINfi TO BK V NTHSf: AIIOVP. renter, Mrv Kdna Magargil, career advance.ment chairman of the Mmidliridm- luwnship HIIMIICHH .<ml 1'rofeuloiu.l Women's Club,It shown prr«entii« x complete $.*>O0 i< lioUrsliip to 1'iilh Ambnji General Ho»plt»l School

of .Nurtiiii to >Urv Ann Slijmkn, n Dr. John P. I,mo.principal, looks on.

CONGRATULATIONS: Virginia Driimmond, left, Is shown receiving an award from Mrs.Wallace Daniels, treasurer of the Colonia Branch, American Association of UniversityWomen, for profloiencjr in mathematics. She intends to pursue her interest tn mathe-

matics. In the center is Miss Mary Connolly, high school vice Yfjnclpal.

DAV GroupInduct Slate

'.u uinotlie

'• We'll>ou on

. ,flce of

1 UI is

THEY'LL KNOW THE TIMK: Waif he* were prnenled to Harriet Bernstein, left, and toWllll.ro WleUnd right by A. Kriiirn, president of the Amerlcus Craftsmen'. Club, for

h U d | ^ h ^ h a l M l l e »v«age""ouUtandim Krvlce to the rl»u and to the»v«age."

TOP WINNER: Among the many awards presented toMartin Staum, above, were the Bausch-Lomb KensselaerPolytechnic Institute and English Department Awardi,which he tied with Doris Warnwn. Martin is shown being

congratulated by Miss Colino|ly, vice principal.

Barbara Ann Ru$inkoto™tt£Z£



M Hospital PartyPlanned by Unit

that a Chinese Auction will beiii^Q or.urday at 7:30 P. M. at1

| the post rooms on Pearl Street.There jwill be refreshments and

COLONIA — Barbara Ann b l o i o n , g h e was a member of iRualnko, daughter of Mr. and S l g m t KajJpa sorority, the] WOODBRIDGE—The LadiesMn, Michael / Ruslnko. HI Messiah chorus, the studentjAuxiliary. Veterans of fonBerkeley Avenue. Colonia, the Newman and Dra-

d I

" ' l U t I I

M I M ,•V J.

celved a Bacli^or of ArU de-jmauc clubs, and was listed In•Who's Who Ampht Student*In American Cdleges and Uni-

gree at the laird commence-ment exerclM* at MariettaCollege. Marietta. Ohio, lattweek.

Miaa ' Ruslnko majored inspeech and drama and Is agraduate of Woodbridge UiK)>;School, also, While at college



COLONIA—The Ladles Aux-iliary of the Colonla First /Squad met Monday night atthe squad building, Plans weremade lu participate with the

Hoipltal In October, It was an-nounced by Mrs. Florence Cav-allero 8t a recent meeting. Asimilar affair In November Isscheduled for tthe Menlo Park Tartagllone represented the

We're Burstingwith °

GIFTS for DAOand the

GRADUATEMartin Lawrence



. .... given. Next,.. will be June 27 at theIwildlng with Mrs. Cal-

Ivln Ooniu-lly, hobUiss.

twd it fast I"


Wan, will hold a hospital party week will be Mrs. Joseph Do-

andwith Mrs, Frankw t M pMrs. Ernest \fright, alternates.Mrs. Timar wjill also attend.

Mrs. Dobos and Mrs,' Charles

Veterans Home.Mrs. Jack Timar, Auxiliary

president, presented fcertift-cates of Merit to three GirlScouts winning the ScoutingCurved Bar rank at a Court ofAwards of the Sewaren - Port

fiWur W

t l k BWasylyk, Elaine Daley and Ca-rol Chrlsjensen were the sirl^receiving the certificates.

Mrs. Ed Wlshney uimourWtediftnd Mru. Edwurd Rullo.,

door prize,Delegates to the state

at Asbury Park

Andrew Wargo and Mrs. ErnsWright were hostesses, A do-nation was made to the Inde-pendent-Leader Jackson Family fund. Next meeting will beJuly 14 at 8 P. M.

en-Hiss Frances Horine

Gets B. Sc, Degre

Auxiliary at a testimonial din-ner for Eighth District Presi-dent Miss Santina Cantemessa

Memorial services were con-ducted by^Mrs. Ella Linn, Chap-lain, for "deceased members. APast Presidents Club has beenorganized with Mrs. FlorenceCavallaro as president. .Meet-ings will be held at her homeonce a month.

Welcomed as new me«in|rg:were' Mrs" Charles Blttm.'l'Sr.,

COLONIA Miss France,Horine, daughter of Mr. ancMrs. Agnew Horine. 95 Moifrtrose Avenue, received a Bach'elor of Science degree fromWilliam and Mary College,Richmond, Va, She will ente:Valley Forge Hospital, Pa.,July to do her clinical work aan occupational therapist.

Miss' Eleanor Horlne, hesister, a student at Tift Colleg

WOODBRIDQE—The LadiiAuxiliary and Disabled Amer:can Veterans of Woodbrldiheld joint installation ceri"•'"Mes Sunday afternoonthe home of Lawrence Gray 6'

Avenue, Sewaren. Leianchez, department junliice commander, installed tbllowing officers:

Commander, Joseph Szabo;enior vice commander, Myronan Buren: junior vice com-mander, Clement Kubian; trea-urer, William Scully; chap-.ain, Lawrence Gray;, adjutant,.ussell Hansel.Mrs. John Duser installed!

he Auxiliary officers; com-nander, Mrs. Arthur Shaflrey;enior vice commander, Mrs.Walter Paliwadi; junior viceommander, Mrs. William Sze-lasi; chaplain, Mrs. JosephFranz; treasurer, Mrs. Law*•ence Gray. Mrs. Shaffrey ap-poitned the following chair-men: adjutant, Mrs. Duser;hospital, Mrs. Alfred Cavallaro;patriotic instructor, Mrs. FrankRussell; sergeant-at-arms, MrsJulius Horvath.

Mrs. Horvath, past, com-mander, presented allofficers with a gift. ' '

Among the guests were Jo-seph Perone, state departmentsenior vice commander; WilTT._ Bannon, commander of]IWoodbrldge Vetecans of Forelgn Wars, and VJFW Auxiliarypresident, Mrs. Jack Timar.

!displays greatest proficiency in"l'ulcs and intends to

pursue her interest in mathe-iiiics, Virginia Drummond.Woodbridge Women's Club;ward, Savings Bond to theaduate of Commercial De-rtment who has achievedstinction, Barbara Clborow-i; Avenel Junior Women'sub award, savings bond toember of muslo department!ho has demonstrated high de-ee of musical competency andis used the talent in the bestterest of the school. " r

Other Award*California Oil Companywards, to boy and girl whoave exemplified the personaly and character traits used

the basis for attitude marks,ydia Santos and James Wld-aler; Woodbridge Rotarylub Award, to student whoade most of opportunities of-red at the school, Doris War-an; Amerlcus Craftsmen'slub Awards, for outstandingmice and high scholasticverage, Harriet Bernstein andVllliam Wieland; American

Trophy, for best a thte, tie, James Mullen amaul Mallas; B, P. O. E, sward

'or language study. Rober: fiase; National Honor Society.ward, for art, Helen Theresairown; Nursing Award, Roseftitransky; Grace C. Huberlibrary Award, to best senioribraTy assistant, Joan Zoi-lowskl.El Dorado Short Story award,

William Wleland; English Department Award, Doris War-man and Martin Staum; VocaMusic Department AwardRichard Napoll; InstrumentaMusic Department AwardRoger Bangert; Vocal MusiiDepartment Award, Alice Fishman: Social Science Department Award, Gary SchonwaldBusiness Education Department Award, Marilyn Peterson; Mathematics DepartmeniAwards, highest average, Martin Staum; second highestJames Widmaler, Science Department Award, VirginiaDrummond, Georgian CouriCollege Alumnae Awards, LotWinner, Seton Hall Alumni As<sociation Award, D. Allen Wesjcotti Donald A. Wescott Memorial Award, $100 bond, MarilynPeterson; Howard RichardsonMemorial Award, given byState Federation of Teachers,

Beth Israel Hospital School ofNursing, tuition; Mary DUka,Maryvllle College, $100, Ameri-can Legion Auxiliary; DianaDodd, Beth Israel HospitalSchool of Nursing, full tuition,3eton Foundation Scholarship:/lrglnia Drummond, WilsonCollege, honor scholarship;Meta Hipp, Falrlelgh Diction,

300; Judith Kummler, Drslnut:ollege, all-expense, Ford Mo-tor Co., Scholarship; Paul Mai-.as, U. s. Navy Academy, An-lapolis, all expenses; Virginia,McEnroe, Mlsercordla College,$400; Tina Schonwaldf andGary Schonwald, Rlpon Col-lege of Wisconsin, tuitionscholarship from NationalForensic L e a g u e ; M a r t i nStaum. Princeton University,$800 per year; State scholar-ship, $400; and Rlpon College,tuition (will attend Princeton);Ronald Swierk, St. Peter's Col-lege, $400; Joel Shane, RutgersUniversity, $500: Eleanor Veg-lla, Allegheny College, $300 andState Scholarship, $400; DorisWarman, Wilson College, tui-tion scholarship; Leslie War-ren, University of Bridgeport,football scholarship.

Larsen Receiveseem

$100 bond, Janet Belko; LeonFerbel Memorial Awnrd, Ed-ward Daniels.

Victor C. Nicklas MemorialAward, $400, Mary Dilkes;R o b e r t Foerch MemorialAward, James aibbons; Wood-bridge Township EducationAssociation Award, $300 for twoyears, Gertrude Schwarz;Woodbridge Township Federa-tion of Teachers, $200 for fouryears, Robert Chenkin; HomeEconomicsC a r o l

WOODBRIDGE — H e n r y ~Larsen, formerly of 50 FreemanStreet, received his Master ofMusic Degree from Hartt Col-lege of Music of the Universityof Hartford, Hartford, Conn.

Mr. Larsen graduated fromWoodbridge High School in1944 where he received the GuyWeaver Memorial Trophyaward for outstanding musicalability and entered the U. 8.Navy that year, serving lorthree years.

After his honorable dis- •charge in 1947 lie entered the ^New England Conservatory of -Music and transferred to HarttCollege of Music in 1950 wherehe graduated Cum Laude In r1952 with the degree of Bach- 'elor of Music, major in clarinet.'..He completed his graduatestudies in clarinet with RosarioMazzeo of the Boston Sym- •phony Orchestra, the Connecti-cut Opera Association, thBHartt Chamber Players, Ths .Hartford Insurance City Band. „'and the Hartford Festival of >

rtuslc. In the administration ~Hartt College of Music, hei most recently appointed

Assistant to the Controller and t.ssistant Registrar.

S e r v i c e awards,Huber, Gertrude

A buffet supper was held,with Mrs. Van Buren and Mrs.William Scully, hostesses.

SHOULD HAVE KNOWNThe neighbors were coming

home from the funeral. "I'msorry for Mamie," said oneIt's tough to bu Jeft a widow

with three children.""It is," replied the other

Schwarz, Carol Phillips, CarolGreco, Suzanne Herman, Joanlenyola, Vivienne Siegel, JudyKondor, Elaine Stroln, Karen!Cutler, Arlene EUwlnger; U. N,lilward, given by League of Wo-men Voters, Martin staum.

ScholarshipScholarship awards were asHows: Mary And Shymkoirth Amboy Genetbl Hospital

chool of Nursing, $500, given' Woodbridge Township Busl-;ss and Professional Women's.ub; Janet Belko, Beaver Col-«e, $700; Harriet Bernstein,lpon College of WisoonslnUltion Scholarship, National

Forsy'th, Qa., has entered therBut what could sheGeorgia Baptist Hospital of'Atlanta to study nursing.

She knew he was a pedestrianwhen she married him."


lllo. >Mrs


S 10.95




CflQDOSH Bros, and WEXLER16 E. Grand Avenue, Rahway W *10




HERE SHE WASOne-striper—For months I've

leen wondering where my wiftias been spending her evenings,low I know, ijTwo-striper — How'd ya Und

ut?One-striper — I went hom»

ne night, and there she was.



Father's Day(THIS SUNDAY)



TOKENS(Ask Any Merchant)

Congratulations to all GraduatesMay Good Luck ami Hiili Success

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Summer Classes Will Begin July 11thLimited to 6 in Kacli Group

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Special Summer Fee!For Information Call.KI 1-5293 or Kl 1-2471


!.'.$' A

^^[Householders Urge - [PDF Document] (8)






Maps Detailing Plans

«.™IE HONORS: For the nrst time in thr history ofthe WoodhrirtRf-American Legion's Athletic ArhlrvemtntAward presentation, a tie in the votinn took place withJunes Mullen and Paul Malla« sharlnn the honors. Malta*WM a star football player and the Indoor NJSIAA shotput champion, while Mullen excelled in both basketball

and baseball.

Colonia Art Show SlatedOOlONIA—Robert Reid, di-

rector Of education, NewarkArt Museum, will be the JudgeOf the 200 entries submitted inthe Colonia Art Show to bejheld from 2 to 5 P. M. inSchool 21 Sunday.

First show of its kind everheld in Colonia, the show willbe judged Saturday night by

I Mr. Reid, so that prize-winningIribbons may be affixed to the

top exhibits before the showopens.

A large collection of art workby children in the Coloniaschools Is part of the show.There will also be a profes-sional artist, Al Khouri. onhand to demonstrate his work.Stanley Schuman, 54 OverbrookDrive, is show director, Re-freshments will be wired andadmission is free.

The Woodbridge Township Recreation Department Baseball!and Softball League schedule, week of June 20, is as follows:


MONDAY,JUNE 20Fords Sunoco vs. Iselin Field Club, at Fords ParkKenney's n. FlUjrerald's, Kennedy Park

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22Iselin Field Club vs. Giordano Trucking Kennedy ParkFiUgerald's vs. Fords Sunoco, Avenei ParkJlgKK Tavern vs. Kenney's, Keasbey Height*


TUESDAY, JUNE 21St, Cecelia's vs. Woodbridfe Trotters, Kennedy ParkHopelavm Indians vs. Fords Recreation Center. Hopelawn

SchoolSewaren Aces vs. McCarthy's Sporting Goods, Sfwiren Glen


McCarthy's Sporting Goods vs. Hopelawn Indians. Av«nel ParkHopelawn Youth vs. Woodbridge Trotters, Hopelawn SchoolSewaren Aces vs. St. Cecelia's, Sewaren Glen Cove


FRIDAY, JUN&24 ,,Iselin (.'hem. H. A. L, vs. Iselin Fire Co., Kennedy ParkAvenel Fire Co. vs. Keasbey Fire Co., Aventl Park ,Fords Fire Co. vs. P. B. A.. Fords Park


MONDAY. JUNE 20Greiner's vs. Twu Indians, IIIKII SchoolHopelawn Youth vs. Woodbridge Home Center, Oak Street

TUESDAY. JUNE SiB. P. O. K. vs. S. L. Si K., High SchoolWoodbridge Rotary vs. St. Andrew's, Oak Street

WEDNESDAY,JUNE 2ZSt. Andrew's vs. Woodbridge Home Center, High SchoolS. L. ft K. vs. Greiner's, Oak Street

THURSDAY, JUNE 23WoodbridRe Rotary vs. Hopelawn Youth, High SchoolB. P. O. E. vs. Billkit, Oak Street


u « » » v

../s'rih •pr^9^.



• •&£&-.

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Torific values... just when you want them most for

weekends, vacations, sununer fun! Both sets come

In cool, high-fashion white-what better way to

show off your tan) At this low price you can afford

one of each... but hurry while this fabulousipectal lasts! Sizes 8 to 16.

•ctt-s m rues HEI M AT MKIT WU h


WOODBRIDGEGreen 8t Circle I Iselin i, Intersection of Route 1 *fld *


t Block! Wort of Railroad Station


Monday Thru Saturday 9 A M to 9 P M



LIKE /BILL-PAYINGTIME!Bill-paying time, however, cre-ates no chore (or people whohave and use checking accountsat our bank. Checks t i pay billscan be written quickly, andmailed, safely'


//Z. iitHtHtftR Hi*

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• • (MM0 IC« 'HI : , I 'GPUJKI' > I. «•«!•» 101'S

M50CHTII, «C , » ! • » I » l » ' 0 i - . » .

Guba FamilyGets Together

ISELIN - Mrs. Anthony W.Ciuba, 1083 Woodruff Street,

IV —Master Plan jvelopment. Zomnv

active and caunoi•Continued fioin Page 1> frequire removal ••

I Theme of recreation poten-j forming uses^hici.tial in Woodbrldsi' would bejtlme of adoption "'

i created by a pattern of parluiordlnance;LUCILLE BALL WANTS TO anonymous series of sheep be- 1 I l d loiispiviiiion urips, helping1 reflection of ,t


, 083 woodruff Street, CILLE BALL WANTS TO anonymous series of shwp be- 1 I l d 'onservaiion strips, helpin^rtflectlon of i owhad as house guests last week WORK with Art Carney-and IHK led to the Mason choppingt0 b i l l d va"o l l !' teMdenttal areMplan for futon K- V-:

her swu-r. Mrs. James P. Dixon. d j ^ , least'block. , . . Loiottu You.* Ua> m ? u » "''"i^ cummumij: , , Zoning Is a bud-Zonln« RrquiremenU h iw» *•

gwhere we arc iw»m want t<J be ::. '

'haid urjon tin- <\,

her hustand. and their three """ u" '™ ^ ln a l ^ ' t a ^ t Je7"»Biuh Zonln« K ulremenUchildren, Betty Jean, James,'one special next season, p,r- ^ ^ l l « ^ ^ h'T -B"th Z o n l l w , ,. l t ,8 n o t ^ „,,Jr., and Dorothy Anne, who,h«P« more, depending upon the ' o n « ^ ™ n - another reflation mustwere viisiting here from Day-S l ' c w ss of her Broadway play.1 STARS LINED UP ROR Thrtona Beach, Florida, for the «hieh is scheduled to <mn in'rgmed» Spot, a serie& of audi-fir.st time in six years. November. . . . David SJfekindtlon films replacing Jted SM- u . ")l1!' o(- p " m e l U n e —-

R * week to house the lineup of ex-i" r e UI "*•""'iictvuKiin/H It ul«i means g big -Public hearing

other sisters and their famlUesithe series of "Family Classics-JReiner. Ben Blu<-"cnico "and SWiU:h "' p l a i u ; w N B C ' P^e' p o a l a %iU **" ^arrived including: Mr. and Mrs.ihe'll produce for CBS next sea-JHarpo Marx. Joanne Dru and } y lhl> n p U o r k h a d " w ron A v e " u e . "* °V-Richard s. Morse and son.lson. Each of the six clansics is Mamie Van Doren NTA'B * 0 U j P y l l l * k n e x t J * * 1 ; " 8 , M '"'"Richard. Jr., E. Bloomfleld, to comprise two hour-long Play of the Week will be back « J ~ * i l h a;-ct'm "" Western* and^t thla timeYork; Mr. and Mrs. Dominick'episodes runniny on consecu-|the fall — without produceriSitUaUtmJCOIIl'll"fs' Dlnah|t»lnm8Asostino and sons, Donald and|tive evenings. . . . Bussklnd has Duvid Susskiiid Plays lined . ioi 8 h 0 r e "f'»c*ttons" "> Europe:P<»«l» • " q / " 7 ' 'Thomas, Syracuse, New York; sipied Rod Selling to write an for production Include T Gl!*'8 8 U r a i n e r' f l ) m l n i i 'our c o m - ^ ^ i b u t e d io.Mr. and Mrs. Edward Szelewaki, original 90-minute special dra- Elliots "ThJ co*cktail Poriu " l^ 1 * lluul'-lo»K ^OWB whlleiw" pl>l

1' lUnB ,

lyn and Mr«. John Martin with

For t h i s . . . or ANYbanking service consult...

"The bank wild ALL the Strricci"

her husband and two childrenifrom Linden; Mr, and Mrs.Anthony Duda, and children,| JameB and Charlotte, Matawan.

Mrs. Ctuba's sons, -Anthony|E., Syracuse, New York, and{Charles H., Elizabeth with theirwivei; and children were also on

]hand.A s^ter, Mrs. Richard Tor-

realba, Qalveston, Texas, whom•the. family hasn't seen in 10{years, ar£ a WoTher, Zeno Zendarski, Los Angeles, whom they

i haven't seen in 15 years, wereunable to be present

( y gramming next seaMason next teascn,: just an work brass. This



Member Federal nepnslt IliBinance Cnrporatlon

IAPOLOGETIC THIEF^ JJJ90RE, Okla, — "I'm sorry:o do this, but I can't find a

[job, and I have to feed mykids," said a note left in a local.rocery store.

The owner reported that liyallum of ice cream, 16 poundsof frozen vegetables, 42 pints ofirozfn fruit, and bacon, coffee,cornflakes, and a can of doglood had been stolen from the(••tore. '•

There wa» no explanation foii hi' 44 I-HOS of motor oil and 1.boxes of vazor blades that alsowere carted away.

nattyng the life of Evita Pe- Albert Canus" •'Caligula" aridon. Vivien Leigh may make her.Sumuel B k

and children, John. Michael,iCaroJ, and Janet, Utica, Newtron. Vivien Leigh may make her.Sumuel Beckett's "Waltln* forI York; Mr, arid Mrs. Anthony TVt debut In the role. . . . There'Godot" tine hundred mei „ SosJe,r,ftnd

T d*"*^™- Evej|wil] be no regular DA to leplacecials will showcase NBC pro-, .u_ w._u_ .....v . V i l [ i a m T a i m a n ^ PeM,y g r a m m i n g nnt seasm My not_

means one

she's at it

DifficultSimple: Ag difficult as chas-

i»K the devil out of hell with alowtorch.-OUn Milln In At-Inta Journal.

finalommendationmltwe. Inchures, maps AW'-proposals will ¥" vU

the Municipal J4'1





RAHWAY AVENUE-Near theCity Hal! and the Mutual Store.

Mon. and Fri. 8.00 to 5:30 •



Why not buy the BEST? It may cost alittle more, but it's worth thedi^er^nce'

Tues., Wed., and Thure. 8:00 to 5:00 • Sat. BOO to Noon

^^[Householders Urge - [PDF Document] (9)

To be Submitted for Public Discussion June 27, 28, 29












Lincoln Tamboer. principal, and Matt J . t o S I I teacher



at 6:00 the Iselln Kadets ofAmerica will meet at 88 Grand

dets must wear uniforms, Ad-| mission to the circus will bepaid by the unit. The Kadeisrecently attended the M m

Btreet to attend the circus. Ra-JFife and Drum Corps Minstrel.

SCHOOL VANDALIZED ,the weekend, Peter Karydct,;'FORDS -r Nine large win- Janitor, told Patrolman Nem«

dows In the Lafayette Estates jeth. Investigation s h o w e d[School, which will be opened InSeptember, were broken overIbeen thrown at the windows.

stones and lumps of clay had


Your NewSecurity

R' U.I.KN BASS.'•"trii'l Mantftr

mailed to your bankand deposited to your account.FW tnlonnatton about thii ar-raniemtnt, contact your social••rarity offlct. 1

Sarah Ann's CookingQ. When 1 Mred I

UM pMtvfflM. New aU my nullne«»t my eodal Menrity cheeke«mct te my new a4dmi.is-the ma

A. Ttte matter to you should,1 have notified your social iecuri


People are beginning to re-•alize the Importance of attrac-tive and weli prepared vege-table dishes. Plain foods setupon the dish and served Intheir natural state ma; begood, but offer little Induce-e n t e y g ,

ty office, too. The pott office ment to the palate.

while i a m

Jdellvera aoclal lecurlty checksto the address printed on them.You were not at that address SOthe duck wai returned.

<*• he might'or you. If Johruon picks lip strength

c«n have youtVettera tour.


»u Grutlu, and dice a mediumeggplant and cook In boil-

ing salted water until tenderbut not too toft. Make 1 Si cupsof.,rich whitf sauce and addlift eggplant, place Inbaktnf dish, top with gratedcheese, paprika and bntadcrumb*. Bake 20 minutes in amoderate oven.

H'iMratio,,* i u F m h A m b o y

N '"'"I Building - June 22-23-24-27.2810 A. M. TO 3 P. M.



High School -Subjects

"l||"li"8 '^piag and Survey of Calculus• n ION «.»ft

,)Jh « » per courw (or 30 hours of liistruc-,'.r m Wr courte fbr to noun of Instruc-

fee *V



Fricassee of CarrlotiSelect young carroty of unl-

foim size, sufficient to make 1puund. Trim and lightly scrapethem. Heat '« cup of cooking

spoons of flpur, stir smooth;then add one cup each ofbrowned stock and strained to-mato pulp. Let simmer slowlyfor IS minutes, stirring care-fully.

Serve In the center of a bor-der of rice on a hot platter.

Buttered Beets and Celery1 cup cooked beets2 tablespoons butter ',

'a teaspoon vinegar,Vi teaspoon sugarOutside stalks of celeryiVi cup waterCut beets in quarters and put

in saucepan with butter, vine-gar and sugar. Keep hot untilready to serve.

Cut outside Btalks of celery,ln '/i inch pieces and boll untilI tender. Drain and season with1 tablespoon of butter,

Pile In center of vegetable

Hospital Ai6« Win*Graduate Degree

PERTH AMBOY — OeorghF. TomUnson, personnel direc-tor of Perth Amboy GeneralHospital, has been awardedmaster's degree In business ad'ministration by the New YorUniversity Graduate School cBusiness Administration.' Hibachelor of science degree 1accounting was earned somjyears ago at the New York Unl[versity School of Commerce,

Mr. Tomllnson joined thehospital's administrative staias assistant comptroller in 19Sand in 1958 was appointetpersonnel director. He U imember of the Personnel Assoelation of *New Jersey Hospitaland the Personnel Adminlstrators Association of New York.


Curious arithmetic in statment Issued by Ministry

me OIUUII ucgrno -w v.,-,.»v|v , . 'Education: "In the threecolor, add the carrots and let "Why don't you drown your I t h j A o m J i m e : to

i. in w,l.,,,toc tnriiinu them Itl'OIlbleS?" 'i " AllSWRrSget herj- ' ' ' , ._me."

Pile Inoil with one tablespoon 'of jdlah. surround with beets,icraped onion in a pan. Whenjthe onion begins to clumje jCANT

cook 10 minutes, turning them [troubles?so the/11 be evenly browned. | "L would,

Add to the pan thiee table- to no



l o

BuyiiiK something on t h t inailment plan i s a n easy waeasy wa



t Cones• Sundaes• Shakes

( V i l i i f l A \Vuudt)riii«t K«*d

tp find It hard to pay.(Ga.) Herald.

War Sacrificei A chorine complained tha'the draft is inking so manyi her buy friends, ahe's willlr•to play post uffiw with second1

icliiss miili-s. - Jax Air News

Ills ConcernA democracy is a place where

;tiie rnun if t'lt! s ' WV l»conwnBd with • flve-dolla;deficit in the family budge{than five bilhun in the nationalbudget, v- Christian" ScienceMonitor-

' SuLith Kuiea revises much-(nutestrd law.

KuioiJeuii stucka strong onuwrkets.

Father's Day



-a—i .


55% Dacron; 45% RayonWASH 'N WEAR

TROPICAL SLACKSThe tropical slacks every smartman wants... because nothing

less than 55% Dacron' polyester,the DuFont-approved miracle

fiber, dries so fast, retains acrease so long/ Blended with

453! rayon for longer wear!Choose from the newest shadesof the season... in sizes 28 to 42, i



REGULAR 2.89 SPORTAND DRESS SHIRTSIncluding WASH 'NWEARS! Sport shirts inplaids, checks, knits,novelties, trims! Dress shirtsin 100% cotton... withconvertible collars! Sportshirt sizes S, M, L, XL . . .dress shirt sizes 14-17.



* W * sell for cash pnlyi* No high rtnl»l* No fancy fuiuresl* No irlow windows!

WOODBRIDGE Green St. Circle (Iselin)ln(er«ection Routes 1 and V



. .JL. ;£mvM

^^[Householders Urge - [PDF Document] (10)



COLl/NIA-•••Funeral servicesfor Mrs. Aiims M. iStraini Coll,15 Mm i :urn Lnne, formerly ofVailsbursr. Newark, will br heldthis afternoon at 2:00 from theHausmnnn Funrrnl Home, 1057Sanforci Avcnur, Ivrington.

and John, Metuchcii; and nin

will be In Ostvlew Cemetery,1

Clifton.She was a member of the

First Congregational Churchand Amerlcus Chapter 137, Or-der of Eastern Star.

Surviving are her husband,grandchildren. Burial will be In 3e0Tge A_ s h r l v e ; a daimhterat. Gertrude's Cc-mri


Susan M., and a son, NormanE., at home; two sisters, Mrs.Gordon Townsend. Frcdwlcks-

r'uneral sorviceSiburg, , Md., and Mrs. Isadorefor Fred Erath, 66, 72 SonoraiShecher, Newark.Avenue, who died last Wednes-i

Burlnl will bo in Hollywood,day fttVOme held Friday morn- T J * m i \ A WINOIIISTMemorial Park. Union. , ; , „ / Uo\ tlH! R l m m Funeral MR8-«ALD.N AW INQHST

SurviviiiR are her husband,|Home> 5a8 Middlesex Avenue. A V E N E L - * u n c i a l servicesFrank E. Coll. a dauRhter.JMetuchen. Burial was in Bever-Jancie A , at home, three sls-ljy National Cemetery, Beverly.t*rs, Mrs. Martha OtHsler. New-: "Born In Bedmtnster, he re-ark. Mrs. Mary Bersey, Avenel, sided here 10 years and was aand, Mrs. Elizabeth Gi'osvenor.'carpenter for1 30 yenrs at Wood-Rhorte Islrfhd. and a brothcrJbrook Farms.William Strnin, NuMey. Suivivinfi arc thi'ee sisters,

Mrs. Margarlt Soldo, Newark;Mis. Bertha Liobie, BoundBrook; and Mrs. Annie' Joblln,

for Mrs. TJaldlna Wlnquist, 77,988 Rahway Avenue who diedFrldaj. at her home, wereheld Tuesday momlnK tromthe Grelner Funeral Home, 44



PORT READING - Funeralservices for Domlnick S. Deludi-' "ctbus iDedbusi 80, 111 B MRS. ALICE P. PARSONSStreet, who died suddenly Sun- WOODBR1DOE - Funeralday at his home, were held this services for Mrs. Alice P. <Free-mornlng from the Greiner|man> Parsons, 66, 801 Ridge-Funeral Home, 44 Green Street, dale Avenue, who died last phoenix, Ariz.; 19 grandchll-Woodbridge, with Solemn Re-Wednesday at her home, werequiem Mass at St. Anthony's^eld Saturday afternoon fromChurch, Burial was in S t > c G r e i n e i ' r u n e r a l H o m e - 4 4

James' Cemetery. l G l e e n s t r e e t - B u r l a i w a s l n

A resident here for 60 years, Presbyterian Church Cemetery,he was a retired employe o f i W o o d b n d R ( > -Poster Wheeler Corp., Carteret,

Green • S t r e e t , Woodbridge.Burial was in cloverleaf ParkCemetery,

9he had been a resident ofAvehel^for the past 51 years.jShe Is survived by three daughters, Mrs. Joseph Perry andMrs. Emlf Peterson. Avenel,and Mrs. qustav DeCasses,Woodbridge; three stms, Jo-


HLions Hear Talk


Woodbridge,Neck, and

J. Arvld,A b r a m ,

dren; 16 great-grandchildren,and two sisters. Mrs. EnnaTheln and Mrs. HenriettaMarshall, Newark.

where he was a molder for 35

A native and lifelong resi-dent of Woodbridge, she was a

years. He was a communlcantjof St. Anthony's Church and a " ' m n

member of Its Holy Name So-ciety; also a member of theColumbus Society of PortReading of wrich he was a pastsecretary and charter member.

member of the First Presby-Church, Janet Gage

Chapter. Daughters of theA m e r i c a n Revolution, andAmericus Chapter 137, Order ofEastern Star.

Surviving are her husband,


for Stanley Deiombak, 88 Tren-ito Street, will be held tomorrowat 9 A, M, from the ThomasJoseph Costello Funeral Home,Green Street and Cooper Ave-nue. A requiem Mass will becelebated at 9:30 A. M. at St.Cecelia's Church. Mr. Dziom-bak died Tuesday at his homeafter a short illness, A native ofPoland, he had made his homehere for 35 years and was aparishioner of St. Cecelia's, Heleaves his wife, Mrs. JosephineDziombak; a daughter, MrsMary Boduck; four sons, Peter,

Benjamin F. Parsons, a retireddeputy chief of the WoodbridgeTownship police force; threedaughters, Mrs. Arthur Qulnn,and Mrs. Robert Quinn, Wood-bridge, and Mrs, George Kuzen,Blauvelt, New York; a son,Benjamin, Jr., Rahway; ninegrandchildren, and sister,Mrs. Katherine Lichti, Wood-bridge.

Victor, Edward, all of Iselin, Home, 44 Green Street. Burial


services for Mrs, Mary JShrive, 53 Van Buren Street,who died Monday night at herhome after a brief illness, wilbe held this afternoon At 1:30from the Greiner Funera

Man, 20, DiesBy Hanging

WOOdBRIDOE — The deathof Aladl Rodrlquez, 20. whoselast-known address was theMiddlesex County Workhouse,hns been officially listed assuicide by Medical ExaminerDr. William C, WilcnU. Sgt.Arthur Donnelly said today.

The body was found hangingfrom a tree at the rear of theKoppers Co., plant, Woodbrldge[Avenue.

Four 13-year-old Carterctyoungsters — Richard Coons,Robert Burke, Robert Galamband Walter Tandyralc— dis-covered the body.

A two-page note in Spanishwas found in one of Rodriquea'Ipockets. It was from a 15-year-"'old girl who said she could no

After his release from theworkhouse May lft-wheretowas sentenoed for a series


WOODBRIDGE - An exe-cutive board meeting of thenewly formed P.T.A. of Schools1 and II was held Monday atSchool 11, Heinz Koehler pre-sided and introduced the fol-lowing officers and committeechairman: Mrs. Howard 6. Mc-Donough, first vice president;Mrs. John Petrocy, second vicepresident; Mrs. Thomas Meany,,hird v\ce president; Mrs. Char-les Anness, recording secretary;Mrs. Robert Lynes, correspond-ing secretary,- Raymond Dem-Ing, treasurer; Lincoln Tam-boer, principal, School 11, bud-get and finance; Mrs. ArpadGerard, health and mentahealth; Mrs, Heine A. Koehlerand Mrsi William Nelson, his-torian and achievements; Mrs.Joseph Belko and Mrs. JosephA. Ruane, hospitality; Sidney

WOODBRIDGE — Membersof the Woodbridge Lions Club*t a recent meeting in TrinityParish House heard about anelectronic workhorse no largerthan the tip of a shoelace.Raymond Fisher, public rela-tions supervisor for New JerseyBell Telephone company, spokeon "The Transistor," a tiny,electronic device developed byjBell Telephone laboratories 1'i'cASH STOLEN

"ofImotflr vehicle violations, Rod-riquez had lived in New Bruns-wick, Perth Amboy and Car-teret.

Assisting Sgt. Donnelly werewere detectives Stephen Tobakand John Waldman

1948.Mr. Fisher said the transistor

is primarily a substitute foramplifying tubes in all types ofelectrical circuits. It is a sig-nificant advance in the elec-tronics field because it can dowhat bulky tubes can do, andyet Is miniature, uses littlepower, and is relatively in-ixpensive. Thousands of these

devices are being used in thetelephone business, ln hearingaids, radio and TV sets andother items of electronic equip-ment.

It . was announced that AnnGabriel and William Golubrew-ski received savings bonds fromthe Lions club for winning thespelling bee at Barron Avenueschool sponsored annually bythe club, Christine Pasko andMichael Van Dzura were thewinners in the contest at St.James School.

WOODBRIDGE — Someonestole $40 from the petty cashbox, Raymond Seeman, Dart-mouth Avenue, Avenel, a dis-patcher for Kirberry TruckCompany, Main Street, report-ed to Patrolmen James Eganand William Stephano, Mon-day.

Private Pool Pest ControlRules Voted



An ovdl-


•equipments for privately-owned swimming pools, WHSadopted by the Board of HealthMonday. It specifies how water

d l i t metliV

dollarii low a n d

starvation in lorclnt. I

T P ^ l l r V n k i / w v t - Pursuing this «„,,,,l a l K OUDieCt The major cau^"' p

J iloeuit control 1, „ „ , ! ^ .WOODBRIDGE — Dr. Le-taetlcul warfare." "Bt

land Merrill, specialist In En-tomology. College of Agricul-ture, Rutgers University, wasguest speaker at this week'sjvery serious "probimeeting of the Kiwanis Club at j mites.

Expert advlepUniversity Is nowall New Jersey

t r " m lint.

the LOR cabin. Dr. Merrill is D r . \ jpresently investigating fruit i

s to be treated, and Ujt. ™thVotis of malntenancf. It Sheets mseqi mall private pools, above or be- United b tam,low the ground. 18 or moreinches in depth. Problems".

When It was nnnoimced thai w m

two additional men have om\ uhired at $83,20 per week for pnfive months to operate the wr

in eastern

trol. His subject was, 'Stop In-

e r r l l i ,T,proper treatment ofroses, flowers, Pt,.insects,

A film on, "PostAfrica" was present


in soma • shape or


ENGAGED: Mr. and Mrs,Arthur Sprock, West IsellrlParkway, Istlin, have un-noticed the engagement oftheir daughter, Linda Hope,to Henry E. Ploskln, son ofMr. and Mrs. Stanley Plos-kln, Washington Road, Snyre-vlllt.

Miss Sprock graduatedyesterday from \Uodbrld(teHich Serool, She is employedwith New Jercey Pel! Telp-phone Co. In Metnehen. Herfiance attended Sayrevilleschool* and is a graduate ofHoffman High School. SouthAmboy. He is a music teacher.


WOODBRIDGE—Mrs. MollyMappan, retiring president ofthe Sisterhood of Adath Israel,was presented with a gift at ameeting of the new board with

several residentstheir areas are never fogged.

Health Officer Harold J.Bailey explained that ° n ly | 1 | l l l m „wooded areas are foiled R n ( 1 ] s l c k n o s s

that sometimes ntin disrupts •the schedule. He also noted,there are 27 square

the Insect in the world.Kills one person every

ten seconds Is a typical ex-ample. Other critical Illnessesore African blindness, elephant

I India disease, and sleeping

noted ^ agriculture field,theto bejinsect steals and d e = one-


M « t . Charles McCon-ilSister M, Clemen* s,)llk,meeting of St. Jamw p ^ "exterttled their wishes

nice vacation. Theance prize was wm,Henry Travastinobrary prize by Mrskowski. Klnde.gartpn'

» a]]



, ^ .«.. t«ithii'd of the total productionsprayed and asked everyone tOj™" ^ „ b m l o n s o f l w w e , n c h a r g - - f -be considerate and patient. ' " " •

Tex Perry, representing theIselin Chamber of Commerce,protested against the unsightlycondition on the outside Of anunused store on Oak Tree Roitd.Mr. Bailey reported the insideof the store has been cleanedto the satisfaction to the Boardand any other problem wouldbe a matter for the BuildingInspector.

Committeeman Elmer Uragos,speaking in behalf of Avenelresidents complained of gar-bage dumping along Wood-bridge Avenue, between Rout*1 and Woodbine Avenue where

Mrs. Ernest Liehtman preild- the new school is located. Mr.l n g i ' 'Bailey promised to investlgate.l


ISELIN, GOLONU tat TOtDBOpen OftQr TIB 11 F. « . - I n f e r Till i P

"Independently Owned lor Individual Service*

Colonia Shopping PlazaLincoln Highway - Route 27 • Colonia

•father^ day gift selection J

WATCHESlii the new knife edge case. Luxuriousdress watches in handsome designs^

100 SeriesREG. . . I S 0 D

• Lighters

• Cameras

• Razors

_jCammy,/legislation; Mrs, Nich-olas Kosovan, magazine andcongress publications; Mrs. Ed-

IIwin J. Wynne, mimeograph;Miss Ruth Mack, music; Mrs.

1 Edward J, Frey, parent educa-tion and pre-school; Mrs. ScottJessen, publicity; Mrs. Wilson

|stockel, recreation and safety.Other appointments included

Mrs. Benjamin Martin for read-ing and library at School 1,Mrs. Doyt Norton, as School 11;Mrs. Arthur Mattos, room rep-resentatives, at School 1, andMrs. Ernest Toth, School 11;

IjMrs. ' John Keating, teacherrepresentatives. School 1, andMrs. Eileen Burke, School H;Mrs. Louis Listort, in charge ofmembership at School 1, andMrs. Howard F. McDonou?h,

Hschool 11.Mrs. William Nelsen, Mrs.

l|Heinz Koehler and Mrs. Ben-jamin Martin were designatedto represent the P.T-A. at theCounty Council meetings.

It Could Be

A New Englander was enjoying the wonder ol Californiaas pointed out by a native.

"What beautiful grapefruit,"exclaimed the easterner as theypassed a citrus orchard.

"Grapefruit!" replied the na-tive sneeringly, "Why they arejust small lemons."

Gazing at some huge sun-flowers, the visitor asked, "Andwhat are those enormous blos-soms in that big field?"

"Just dandelions," the nativereplied disinterestedly.

A few minutes later theycame to the Los Angeles river"Ah," said the Yankee, "I seesomeone's radiator is leaking,"


Strangely enough, it was anastronomer and not a Hollywood press agent who discovered a star 27 times hotter than

I the sun. — Indianapolis Newi.

The Best Way toRemember Father. . .


Fate's Day IsThis Sunday

Open Thursday, Friday andJSj^urday9 A. M. to 9:30 P. ML*

Open Father's Day 9 A. M, to 2 P. M. ,


Order Now!ICE COLD

June 19thSEAQBAM'ft4.19 % Qt.


GORDON'S GINj 4.09 % Qt.


SEAGRAM'S V.O.(.40 % Qt.

Imported and American CordialsAll Popular Brqbds of Beer


DELIVERYKtjl.ltml rtunuadst

an Duly

FU 1-8455


ME 4-( A. M. TO 5 P. M.

No Delivtrtat onWednMdayi

July and Aufutt


Mary Audi milk, fiuy



takes care

of this


need ?

CHfVRON Pt»|ftN«

Very shortly - yhen this new arrival leaves Perth Aroboy ,hospital - i t s mother and father will be in charge. But, right now,and loving hands are caring for Baby Britton.

These are the hands of a registered nurse.

One such pair of hands in the Hospital belongs to Nurse LorettaGawroniak, Each day they feed many anxious mouths,'cover many m*f fan*comfort many newborn souls.

P F t h Amb»y Hospital knows thai trained, dedicated nurses likeMrs. Gaproniak. are hard to come by. So do most other American b o a * * .

Six years ago, t he California O* Company decided to heb******problem in this area. As a part of ks Aids to Education program. Calk <***two.nursing scholarships at Perth Amboy Hospital to encourage men J I Twomen to join the nursing profession. '

The very first scholarship was awarded to the youne la* who k n o v

Loretta Gawroniak, R.N. Nine other young women have since won '

Caloil's Aids- to Education program doesn't* stop with

however. Each year, for example, we h w ^ p v ^

at Rutgers University to students frdfc fte 'Pent

li fourteen outstanding high-school seniors a boy aodT

eaqh of seven local schools) receive $,oo Savings.Bon* each bn* m mmm*

to further studies^ And some ,40,000 schcofchiidren are benefiting from A*

Chevron School Broadcast - a CaloU-sponso.cd auric education flrogia,

// This year, as in the,past, Caloil continues its program of Aids to

Education. It's our way of helping to contribute to 4 number of

in the educational field.


-your good neighbor in Perth

^^[Householders Urge - [PDF Document] (11)

Irbool 24 PTA|s Organized

p ; r A. was or-

,, ilt „held In

the dwtructlve effects of thegun. Bleaching creams are inwide u«e to help rid their skinof frecklei and the unattractivecolor of their fading sun tan.

All thU expense and trouble

wiser to limit the amount ofnun one gets In the first place


,ri (-nmmltteeii asr i,rl Limn, ct

..IVP pnmmlttee, a»-,',, Michael Peg<».P, H | ,7»n. &n f l M r 8 'inI1 (,.,„„ Middlesex

i( t|,, nominating,',-iKtnl by M n,iM,. Mr5. William,. K11 nifiit Tlstan,

,1 Mccrory. Mm.Mr, Frntik Brink

•p'.nddciis Plummer,.. ,nfi PfRns; Mrs..,,.',,„ chairman of"j, ; t , cnmmlttef, M-\i' v^rtiip cum-



Vocational School

To Hold GraduationWOODBRflXJE _ Qradua-

_._tlon exercises for Middlesexseems foolish. It would be far County Vocational and Techni-

jFly-UpRitetHeld by Scouts


clisirman• v nimmltttt., Mlrhafl

Hl,ov,r. Mm. Wfl,, „„(! Mm. R»y

Wi,1'flkrr. prlncl-'Iif pnrentJ and

.1: Edward Mc-

;| ,i i f s c- x Countyi,:! and Harry, nf elementaryi:,i vtrt fliest

::. :aiii-d for the•• :iv Mm. Edward',;..- Mrs. Hamilton

Mr». Jameipresident,


Donald C. WhH-v vice president,:*-rrda, treasurer,> Hourkf, record-v MM. Ralph


cal High Schools will be heldWednesday eveing at the PerthAmboy High School at 8:00.

Among the graduates will be] the following girls from theiWo0(lbridge Vocational High8chooi; N a d i™ cw°i FOX, AV

, a ™ r« m e n e l ; J a C ( l u e l i n e Ar>n Manchec,ISELIN - Fly-up ceremonies Keasbey; Patricia Mucclgrosslfor Brownies of Girl Scout

Neighborhood 2 was held atthe Presbyterian Church Mon-day. Rev. Roger Sldenerthe Invocation and Mrs.Courtney, troop organiser, wasspeaker.

Olrla were Invested asScouts as follows: MaryVida, Chrtotlne Bobal,Rees, Sally Shukls, NancyWilliamson, Karen D'Apollto,Donna Michael, Jacqueline Fox,Mary Hanullt Linda Bergln.l..Barbara Travis, V e r o n i c a !

An6la, Janet;Planer, Jane Ellen,

Iselln; Joyce Elaine Oznrskl,Iselln; Eileen Ann RebeccaWhelan, Colonta; and CarolMarl* Ya»kow»ky, Hopelawn.


orand Physics of thej

Louisiana Stats University,Baton Rouge, La. with n Bach-elor of Science Degree, major-ing In ~'

Lorraine Miller, Kathy Dero.'d e n l of t n e Board, will presentPatricia Johnston, Laura Baum, the diplomas. The program willMarlene Schnleder. Oall Me- conclude with benediction by|Cord, Robin Weiss, Nancy Moy-1 Rabbi Newberger. inlhtn, Marlon Thomas, NancyThoraen, Chyrl C o u r t n e y ,

The cla»s will march from thestadium as the band plays the

Deborah Kronseder, Blrginla "Coronation March"Mengo. Linda Fink, DianeBlythe, Joanne Strada, VivianAlexander, Linda Prentls. Bon-nie Jo Jacobaon. Carol Bablak.land Deborah Etwezak.

Mrs. Ilda Demlng was In-riraham. second veated u a new Brownie leader



New Olrl Scout leaders will beMrt. Oeorge Courtney, Mr«,Arthur dough, Mrs. WarrenRees, and the new troops will!meet Tue«day afternoon, Wed-1

nesday and Thursday eveningsErb,;m the fall.

BEAUTYBuntan can be

.» healthful and

rAJR QUESTIONMacPntrion «a i strolling

down the street when he no-ticed what IM thought was thefamiliar figure ot a friend.Quickening his steps, he cameup to the man and slapped himp p

Howrvcr, dont on the back. To hi* amazement•: sunshine, In and contusion he then saw

that he had greeted an utter!v-.i-.i:- skin. In over-jltr»nt*r.n,'i;ie i different "Oh. I bei your pardon," he

jtald. apologetically, "I thought

complications! n»me."recovered

toah. do you hare to hit me so'hart?"

• \jKJiiure over a "What do you cmre," retorted• « resulu In a,t iMphtnon. "how hard 1 hit:iii' uuUlde layer Macklntafrr!iiiUc« a coar»-i •-<»;

vi^'.Ol: It Will> iitft much futexrj F"- the ladles,

won;'-:, spend mil-year u:\ creams

i t.v

VOICE OP HPIKIENCEi The visitor to the mountainregion, finding an ancient cabinwith an equally ancient char-acter taking hi* eate on thei ^ e t y pOIth. w u alked to sit

tiiemsfiifa u young,', w h i t a »nd r^t hU bone*. Hel*^'hW Y « ««eh accepted the proflered rocker

n-'nv ()r these umegratefully. |tlici; akin and The Did man* wordleuly

H.-OIIK mniight Torpufled hit pipe. Finally he1

;s tuod for them, ibroke the alienee.: tali finds manj! "Stranfer," he laid, "yore:.'.;<.-il!v usiiigcreamifure a-weartn' yonelf out

"•••• their hair and Whyn't you rock with the. .;«„:[ U) eradicate grain?"

Members of the class of i960:air as follows:

Nancy Lee AbelJohn Mlchail AdirnoRoeallnd Donna Ack*rmanRonald Jo*tph AUqalirBarbara Florence AmatoRobert Michael AndiiwiThereto Harriet AndroikoRobert Anthony AnlirtnoAndrt E. ApoitolAnfaony loeeph Bagimkiehue* Paul Ballotlohn Stiphan Boliya


BcmgutBttty Ann C«ctUa BanovikylaMt Ann BarankoPellegrina Patricia Barbalolobn Ratxrt BOMGloria Nancy BatonNorman Richard Btctnaloan Ann BtckBarbara EUiab»th BackerCharln Crnton'BtdtAdtlhtld Kaiollot 8»hi«mIan»t CKtlia B*lkoEdwin H. B.nd.r, ]r.P*t*r Thomai B«nlJoan Baoyola

Douqlai Malcolm JirkowlttHarriet Ql*n BcrnittlnWiUlara Cailo. BtrrtyGary Thomai BUkaHtruy Emit BUok*Edwaid Sunl*r BlochRobtrt Ronald BhMtvIttMary M Myth* . '"rhmai Mlcha*! Bobal •H*l*n Mary BodnarRobtrt Bruc* Bo*hm«rJudith Loll Bohlk*ludllh Vldorla BonakkyCarol* Ma* BankSuian Itan Bow*nDarld Fr»dirtck Boyl*Thomai Chrlitophn Bradltylantt Carolyn BrlaqiRobtrt Allan BrlttonCaiolyn Gtialdlm BrowtrH»len THtitKJ BrownItan Anna Brownloan EUiab*th Blownlillit May BrownMoigartl Joan BrownRobtrt H*ary Brown

luehard Louahran BrynJonald OMfg* BuchholiCharln Buda

Richard Walter BuioktroodMary Ann BukowiklBlchard J. BukowiklMartt Grae* BusnocortKlcholai Jcnn»i BurdaihSharon Marl* BurbehBarbarann* CabaHtroMary DOIOTM Can.IltrlNancy Mart* CarlionDonna I t* CarrollJanti Louli* CaruioMaurttn Ann CaiioDiana Ian* CatlnoDorothy Victoria CtgtliklBtvtrly Grac* C*n*gyWUllan Horny C*natoGall Dorothy Chaodl«rnobtrt Datld ChttktoPatrlda V*tpnlca CholarBruc* Th«odor* Chom«yClyd* WlBlam Chrlit»ni»nOtnnlt Boy ChrtiltnitnBarbara U t ClborowiHUonord Rtehard Clullrsda 'Barton Paul ClarkDouglai Em*ry QarkKathryn Marl* ClarkMat Z. Cotn , y

Walttr G*rald Collier *Antony J. Colombettl * (lamti Thomai Comptoi * 'loan Marl* ComunaltJakti lourph ConnlllGayla Ann Connolly -Joitph Paul Contalatoann* Eliiabtth CoiqrovsElUabtth Ludll* Cottlltuo

' Andrtw Charlti CrantBarbara Hixabtth Crtui!amM Edward CromwtUMaurttn Ann* CroibyMaryroa* Ann* CruUsEliiabtth Cffthtrtnt CrumpRobtrt CrutchlcyF. Bruc* CryitalWUllam O w n CultonKartn LaV*rat Cutltr•lub*(h ABB CwtokaloBarbara Cathtrtnt DatakMaautrlt* Vnonlca DallCarol Ann DanhtlmtrEdward DanltliBarbara Ann Donitwicilohn DankanylnSttphin Draab DankoCarmtna Virginia D'Apollto

: lohn Iot«ph DantnKathtrtnt LOUIM DaumDolor** tkniMEua*M Joy*t Darli

1 CanMlla HOM DanoUtmtb D«akBtrnadln* ). D* Asqtlo•Uab*tb Mary D* Bo*rEUaan Ben-bora D*D*rjaBttty Ann DtUaplttroVirginia Eliiabtth D*MactdoElcrlna Aqnn Dtmbowilrilohn A. Dtnniilanlc* Al«ds D*SatnylkProne** Audrey D*t«r

' CoUrartn* Ntttl* Derrick

Mary Dolor** DilkN| Arltn* LOUIM Dillwonh

Vtnctnt GUnn DIMauroRobtrt loMph DtSalltfiarid Ward DUbrowWont Audr*y DoddRooald Iam*i Dolan

: Norma Doll: Toan Mori* Dosohutf " TMnai Raymond Donovan

») Carol EUiabcth DooltyMartha Joy BorflMary Hlicbtth Donbtcker

' Dtnnii Richard Dragoi| Richard Edward DraurulaI loan Prancti Droban

Virginia )*an«tt* Drummondlohn DruiabaDotorw DubayPaul William DugaithMlchatl M. DuranStuart DychtwaldAndrea Cathcrint DtiombakKaartn LOUIM EagtnDonald Economo*Suian Ian* EdwardiThtodor* Frank EggtrtsonVaUrU Ann Elliko

Donald Sttphtn ElkoPatricia Ann EQtrmanAndrew Albert EllliArl*n* EUiabtth EUwtngttLMU* Emmtr

G*n* Howard EihlemanNorman Btthara Fahadlohn Mlchatl FtktttDtannt Mart* FentonMarl* Elraa FerrliiP*t*r F*rw*rda inKathlwn Ann FattirlyLouiM FigllollnoAUrtd Anthony FiortlloNleholai FlortUoAlice Gall FUhmanEdward Joitph FltuimmoniJohn Henry Fletcher Jr.Lillian Thtrtia F«iliVlnctnt Louli FoilWiniam Jamti FoliValtri* A. EotMary Ann Joan Franchok .Nancy. Carol FronkiKurt Wolfgang FreudenreichNancy Helen FrohwtlnCharlti Martin FulllngtonPatrlda Marl* FunVThomai William Fun«Eliiabtth Helen FusloiRonald Louil GdgllardoPatrlda GallniiAgnet Marie GallagherRichard ftul barberCarol* Margaret GartanDavid GatiThomai Joi*ph GaulOlga Ann Gtorg«Barbara Helen* G*rbalohn Patrick GlardlnaJamti B. Gibbons IHDorothy Jean GUroyAnn M. GlolcUaLaura J*an GivenMkhad Howard GlaiterJoan Ann Antoinette GranataJohn RuwtU GranelllCarol Ann GrecoWayne H. Griffith!David Banet ,Gro«imanRobert Edward Groumantoann* L GuttadoraMadelin* Htltn GunalyKtnnath Anthony GuixoRoland Ktnseth HaganPaul Blchard HalajiCarol Joyce HandtrhanNorman Arthur HanienPhillip* Bradbum HansenEdwaid HapitakGodl Hannah HarriiMarlori* EU*n HarrltJoeeph P. Haydu Jr.Dorothea Veronica HayduckAd*l* )*ann* HelnbachRobtrt John HtmielElaln* Ida HtashawSuiartn* I*crn HermanRonald Albert HigginiPhyllii Joan HilarciykNancy Xay HineiSuian Qltatxth HlneiMita Hipp

Douglai Franklin Hoehlelane Ellen HoehleRonald Jamti HojjimanDorothy Margaret HolmannBarbara Ann Holthelmer .Alice Mary HopkinsCarolyn Diana HorayakMartha Edith HortobagyiEra Ann HorvathJoieph Stephen HorvathGary Bruce HouimanGeoig* Joieph Hovanec IIIJoan Mori* HowellLynn Ann HowethCarol Louil* HuberJohn Meintrt HuntPatricia Harriet HurleyFrank George HuskoDavid Jerome JacobiEdwin JanwnRaymond Waltel JauchMichael Leon legllnikiPatricia Carol JelliionBarbara Jeanne JenningsWarren Walter JensenWarren Donald JenuenBrenda Johnson

| Charlortt Lee Johnion! Unda J. loneiI Karen Dorothy Jorgwuen

frank Stallord JouleBarbara Mary JoraEdward Martin JoyceP*ter CUy* JoyceStephen Jatn*i Kag*rJoieph J. KallnowikiDavid John KaltechGloria Jean KornciAlbert William KantorJoieph Glenn KaraJam*! ] . KarolyNamcy KathROM Ann Katramkyloieph Vincent Keho*robert tarry K*U*yGerald Peter KemaihThomai Edward KenneyJudith Ann KennyRichard Thomai KennyHelen Mary Xermondy

Richard Lee KUlmerElaine Gall KingHelen Kathleen KlpieyRobert John Kiiko

" Carol Ann KitchinDarld Alan Kline ,Carolyn Patricia KnoxMary Ann Julia KocsiiGloria Jean KoctanEileen Kodilla

HUbert William KoepkeJoanne Jean KonarskiJudith Ann KondoiJohn Lambert KoneikyWUllam Fred Koopman Jr.Gloria Jean KopchoJoan France! KopytkoKaren Elaine KotfaiRichard John KovockJohn Joieph KoraciHobert Joieph KovaciEdward KoiackJohn KoiakDorothy Paula KoiikStanley Joieph KraiovicRobert R. Krauii Jr.Nlcholai Henry KreiUPatricia Ann KreudlJamei Chatlei KrutilerIrene Jean KublckaBarbara Ellen KubovetiMadelon Marie KuchleGilford 0. KucimaJoanna Mary KulcssrJudith Lucy KummlerJoel S. KunmanThomas Gerry KutmaCarl Andrew KwiatkowikiBarbara Ann LackyGladys Joyce LairMarilyn Joyce LambertJoan Kathleen LarienCarol Lynne LealRoger WUllam LebedaKathleen Elaine LeltenAndrea Joan lenartJudith Helen LeppBrian DennU LeupoldEUen Frances LevineSusan Miriam LevlneCharles Harland LintiEdward Michael UskaJoseph Sylvntn LlsoiklAndrew LltkeyLorren Lee LtvlngitonElisabeth Margaret Lo)*wikiMildred Ann Lorsong.Richard John LotiGall Aarion LourieDiane Marie MadsenBruce. Kenneth MagargalCamlll* MagnoUonard George MaqnusonRoberta Mary. Moj*wiW

i Leille bhn Majcr

Paul A. Mallaj. Betty lane Mandy

William Stephen ManoiMary Patricia ManserMargaret Phllomena MargiottoRonald H. MarhoflerMargaret Elliabeth MarkutRonald John MascenlkFrances Carol Mastandrea

! Iran* Margaret MatyiI 'John R. Matyi| Catherine MilUda Maurer

Irene Kathryn Mayer. Joyce Frances Mayer

Annette McCheaneyi L M Charles McChesneyi Constance Maria McCloudI P*tei Anthony McClmkey'• Andrew McCray

Barbara Ann McCrobi*Louis* T*r**a McDonaldJentt Elitabeth McElroyVirginia Ana McEnroeJames Fronds McGe*Kenneth Jamn McGuir*Joan AgnM MclvetJudith Am* MeKeanEllen Mart* McKeonMary Ann Margaret McNallyCharledln* Ann MedvickAngelina MeicuiloPatricia Loulie MleUJo-Ann MlenalikiElaine Janet Mlhallane Maryanne MlkrutIun« Dorothy Mlkrutlamei Gerard MUlerKathryn Jan* MillerMarilyn Marl* MillerMaria Ann MlnucdPatricia MitxakCarole Elitabeth MoharyMarilyn Margo MohrJohn George Molnai

, David Frank Moral*!Barbara Elian MoranMary Ellen Ann MorganLouis* B. Morony .Patrjda Jan* Mom-Kaien Vem Mrailame» Thomai MullenWayne Stephen NagrositFrank Andrew NagyGtorla Itan NagyMSann* Ckdri NagyWilUam Joseph NagyRichard Kenneth NcrpollThomai NapramlkElaine Nancy NeatFrancis Jerome NekardaMary Ann NevellJohn Herbert NitliinUili* Hilda NlmiCarole Joan NovakRoumart* Ann NovakFrancu J. NovovnkyJcrmM Robert O'Brienloyc* Mart* ObroptaDavid OdellRaymond John OlverCarole Ann OnodyRaymond AUred OrlandoJohn M. OiborneTheodore }. OstetbyeJoyce Cathsrine PadlaLawrue* Jaraei PadoMichael Jamei PadulaDolor** Koialle PanteBarbara luittne ParenteC. Jamei ParkiDlxl*. Lee ParkiJun* Alexandra PanJoseph Thomai PaitendFJalne Helen PastoriMarianne Joyce PastusiakCarolyn Victoria PataniaDoretha Mae PateCarole Baibara PaulGeorge M. Paul

Diane Patricia PaulickPaul Victor Peace Jr.Paul PeckBetty Ann PeigelbeckPatricia Roie PeroDouglas Henry PetetsonJoan Loii PetenonMarilyn Joan PetenonMatthew Robert PetenonHenry Anthony PetinsDayna Lorraine PetiowJames Daniel PieUlerJoan Eliiabeth PfeiileiFoieph Alexander PleillerCarol Lee PhillipsEleanor T. PillikId-Ann Ruth PUotJoyce Debra Plnellilames I. PocsikJohn David PollockSuianno Mary Polonyloan Carol PottsDiane Elaine Poulsen

• Barbara Ann PowellBarbara Dorothy PowersEarl E. PrangJudith Sharon PrangRichard PiasnalJohn George PriciCarol Ann ProvinceLawtence PutkaiRonald Matthew QuinlanLeo J. RabeiGrace Maiie Baa

Peter Raymond Radtrrohrt Jot*ph RadlchMarUys Adrl*nn* Railowikylohn Jouph RebeckJohn Peter. kemenUktMary Aim |. n*mpkowiktCatherine Rita Rent :

Ther**a B*mad*tt* RlnaldlMariann* JanMt* RobbissRoch*n« Rocker ,Ronald S. RogoilruklRuth Ann Rokoi*Mary Jan* RomanTo**ph William KomaihThomas Anthony Roeamlllaluanlta D. Rosco*Edith Ntlta RewnblumCarol* Ann Row*Eleanor RoeilNancy Marie Rugg*rlSustleB UatU BMIBMIHIIJudith Marie RtttkalCarol Ann RuikavichMary Ruskurtl

Kenneth Joteph RychlicklSandra Rochelle Soblattky|*ann*tt* Dolor** SaboJoan Marl* SaboMartin Allen SochanoHCarolyn Franc*! Sack«ttTheodor* Joseph SageiJarbara Jean SahulAnthony D. SalernoDiccne Therw* SalvlaGeorg* Bruc* SaramondGeorge Andrew Scrraolam** Filar SondahlMary Mart* SantoroLydia Mart* SantosEllen Ruth Saranciakbhn Wttliam SavacoolCarolyn Christine SavageSteve lay SavareieWUllam B. SavoChristine Madelin* SchaeierRobert James SchlavoneRoy lamei SchmidtMaryann Francei Schmolllohn Kurt SchneiderEdward Henry Schoeffler Jr.Joan Ruth ScholtGary Alan SchonwaldTina Leila Schonwald

Alan Rolland Schoonovtri Alfred Herman Schroth

Joan Ann SchultiGertrude SchwariThomai Stephen SeabastyRita J*an*H* SeamanJohn Edward SedlakDon Louis SemonLucreda Janet SenqtoreOlga Eligia SeneiyAllc* SndinslcyEmily Ann SerkoBftbina Rose Seulert

1 David Lee ShcmdolowI Joan Shan*

Joel Warren Shan*Leslie MUlei Shannon IIIRuth Union ShapiroBbabeth Ann SharaJohn F. ShearsMary Ann ShymkoVirginia Ann SlcaGeorg* T, Sldrony ,.Vivian Marl* SiegelCarolyn Ann SUeoGeorgette Mary SilvaneyFrancei Mary SilviaJoas Audrey SimunJohn Stephen Slposlo-Atm Marie SltarBeverly Ann SilanCarol Ann SloanHcmy Richard Smith h.Robert SmithEdward ]c«»ph SmoyakEleanore Mary SnedekerEthel Florence SnyderJoan Ana SobcsykFrank Anthony SokloskiHenry Lynn' SommprsGlenn William SorenienJoseph George Spano Jr.Edward Gary SpringerUnda Kathleen Sproch

' LoU Ann StankovitiAriene Judith StantonMartin Sheldon StaumKeanelh WUllam Stein

i Margaret Anne Stevely ,Peter Arthur StevensWilliam Paul Stone



Ann StrolnKathleen Mary Sullivanloyc* B. SalchPatricia Ann SallonRichard Nlcholai SwayllkRonald Ben|amm SwinkValerie Mori* BwltaliklMark A. SwttierRichard Peter SWIIJMloyce Loretta ScabadMichael Frank TahlrakEleanor Elaine TakaaRona Heltnt TanimanGary Andrew Terebuahloon Corutance TtnellaDorothy Claire ThotnaiCarl ChrUlopher Thompioilamei David ThompeonShirley Ann Tlmko

.Carolyn Mary Tobiairompri Anthony TokotyRonald loieph Tool*Patricia Ann TorretGall Bernice Trawrniki .'.'Dennii' TraynorDiana Dobrei TrlpptedtBarbara Ann Trooekin "Stuart Marvin TrootWn .H*nrt Richard Troit ' =•Thomai Tucket 'Carol Elliabeth ilrtk ...Marlyn Sutasne furnef ' i-Anthony Thomai Uibanik •Rkchard S. VaOaGeorge VanDen HoutmCarol Ann Van PeltMary Ellen VareyRonald G*TOU VargoSaveria Franc** Vatlcane ,Eleanor Marl* VtqUaCaryl Ann VldicoDiana Patrlda VorUPoulerl* Reumary VrobelDehlla Jeanne WalknEmily Ann* WalkerJohn Donald WardlowDorti Ann Warman.Ledle David WanenUnda Diane WanickEdward Stuart Wat*»Hobnt Fred WeberLoll Ronnie WetneiDonald Allen W**cotlHaroa uiiauvui nvnemnBarbara AnnCarol Tireia

j Jarnn CarlRoMntari* E. Wl*cs*nak

> Winiam David WUtad ,• ")*an Carol WildCarol (ton WUBansRichard Winkkr . . . ,Joan Jo Ann WlniiddRichard S. WodiinikiAUud Cod Wahlan ,,'t ,.,Winiam John Wohlen h ,Ellxabtth Th*r*M WojtkvwikT^ . \LawtMc* Paul WoodSuann* Marl* Woodi --<• 'Ronald John Wbrobel '*"Richard Homy WrightFrank Robert YaeUsoui '•Robert Thoraai YagmBarry Julu Yiknik . :Robert Thomas YulD*lortlel Ann* YttrttadaKathy Jam* ZakCharlotte Joyce ZambotPatrlda Marie ZboycnRiebard Joiepb ZeitlerAllan George ZelldaPatrlda Ell*e» tdm 'George H. ZoldnkDolor** McniRttet ZokflJoan B. ZolnowiUJoan Edna ZuJtak





Alan W. Atkinson, M.A.,»Director ;

296 Ambpy Ave., MetnchMTel. LI 9-4669



• - UPSIDE DOWN? - -

•>i oi riu NUO

i-v NIJO MOM u a a





«- set,'" X H " • I



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^^[Householders Urge - [PDF Document] (12)


The Crow's N e s t S l o t n i c k

Is Honored

Here and There:Am nursing one ofthose

horrible summer colds— sorethroat, headache, et al. It Isbad enough getting a cold inthe winter—but there shouldbe some kind of a moratoriumin the summer... The responseto the appeal for funds for theJackson family has been grati-fying, but many more donation!will be needed to rebuild thehouse which la their No. 1 need^ . Army Specialist Pour, Rlch-

I J. Bliss, 20, son of Mrs. AnnRuffo, 127 PJeasant AvenueJvfth clm A n additionalFords, completed the 12-weekfuelpair

and electrical system re-course at The Ordnance

School, A b e r d e e n ProvingGround, Maryland.., Pvt. JohnC. Smith, son of Mi, and Mrs.Charles Smith, 188" rWnsenAvenue, Avenel, has been asJ

signed to Company B, 17thSpecialist Battalion, 4th TrainIng Regiment at Fort Jackson,for advanced specialist trainingIn the Intermediate SpeedRadio Operator's Course,

AVENELB'nai Jacob hrlri its final mret-ing of the season Sundny atthe Avenel community center.Rabbi Philip Brand was unan-imously re-plected spiritualleader for the coming v<w

Meyer Trflchtonbcrg, relig-ious vice president, outlined thechildren's Hebrew school cur-riculum for next yonr. Ho alsoannounced there will br a be-ginners' Hebrew class foradults; an advanced adult He-brew course; and adult courseIn culture and ceremonies andthe continuance of tlw recently-formed Talmud class. Therewill also be poet-Bar Mitzvuhclasses and an adult Bar Mite-

structor has been retainedin-for

He Tried, Anyway:There's one thing about our

Windsor Lakis. Ask him a ques-tion and he at least tries tocome up with an answer, Therewas some question around theoffice yesterday about what theInitials "CEC" meant after aNaval officer's name. Windy,who served with theGuard in the second WorldWar, said he was sure it! meant"Central European Command."Asked Why the Navy would haveany command in land-lockedcentral Europe, Windy said hedidn't know but that's what heremembered it as meaning. Afast check with the Naval Re-serve office at Perth Amboyshowed that CEC means civil

the Hebrew school, It was an-nounced. Sol Slotnick Is Incharge of registrations whichwill be accepted all this month.

Featured tit Sunday's meet-jng was a "This Is Your Life"program, honoring Mr. Slot-nick, chairman of the religiousschool and past religious vicepresident. The program, underthe direction of Mrs. EdwardStern and Mrs. George Miller,was attended by friends andrelatives, among whom wereMr. Slotnick's mother, sisters,brother, wife and children andhis many congregation friends.Mr, Slotnlck's many achieve'ments and hard work for thetemple were spotlighted as wellas his past life and educationAmong the guests was CarlRupp, chief executive of the

Coast aviation construction of tnePort of New York Authority,where Mr. Slotnick is employedas engineer. Mr. Rupp inform-ed the audience that Mr. Slot-nick will shortly be In chargeof the construction of a hell-


Engineer Corps.Windy just said

Unshaken,times had

changed, initials also, and, af-ter all, the Coast Guard wasn'tthe Navy, didn't want to be,so why bother him? . . .

port on the east 'side ofYork. Mr. Slotnick wassented with many gifts, one ofwhich was a miniature bus. de-picting his transporting He-brew children. He was also in-strumental in many other pro-



vlce-versa »with tremendouspowerfully portray^

Five unfortunate „.wnlfl lins bought the'had their hair siim-.

Andrew Tully's book,;the skull by thru .


not as a punishmentwhich is

n\Zi"\\v Diu brass, but. the ! lnR» Vith'the , n r [ l p

,„,., I,,,,. f,-v who work In emrms- ta g e t l n _ ^sirs mid IK-'P m R k P * n e r i ( l g o i enemy In thisn.iiiirl jtrayed by a

handsome bmiu,,,playing Bing I n d w d h f l s s o

"> ,,H l g h the viewer find, hi, .•Tim,.- man'tes Peter Q U m a n | w , t h o i l t e x ':,„,, this siimmor. They II hon- ! h l g s y m p ( U h y ^ ^'rvinoon in Europe. 'ernlzers.

NiMil sliipmaii,

for Columbia

( l l f l l l l I 1 ' " "

[or Hiippy.'Godz productionPicture I'flPViFP.

•fry for Happy" deals with a

Krou|)' "f Niu'>' m e n w n o ln*c~over » yeislw h o u s e l n T o kY°Todays picture review:

STARS AND STRIPES FORtfVER: Members nf the Wnndbridur Kiidel Corps lithrough thr original Stars and Strip** made by Brlsy Koss. In Ihr present .'.»•

at WoodbridKi'

mis flues of owr country from the "Don't Stop on Me" Mag.K|0r>. It was part nf the Elks dub Flan Day ritual held Sunday

ii Mil , i

Bel Oeddes, CaiU ).„,'Jeanne MOIPHU

The male mcniiwncast Include Van IHI,,lent us always. «s „ ,'leader Steve Fun,.,,Oerman Don Juan. B,,,| |IFIVE BRANDED WOMEN

The old adage that a woman's Basehart usicrowning glory Is her hair-do G%ian offlcei

inAIIT liniinARDIIT YOUR man

PatlenceHad .been WHIIUIK

ld m 8 t t r a c t t h r m o t i o n ,\§\ either (tirl behind the

! ft. Is natural for young chil-: c o u n l e l •'dm, to discriminate among "Thefomls and to like some better .Plained one

••„„„ others. Vegetables l -

the g i l l s lo her

Jlist of children.

Many prejudices areimaginary. Very often childrenwill not eat the foods their pnr-i>nt.s dislike .stamp with a

For this reason, it is wise to1 hem. The tout ensemblepretend »t least to eat all foods! llberately tri'iih'd on thr

I d y u g children In other verse side

jects, such as thenew classrooms at

building ofthe center.

Love Notes:This arrived from Mrs. Eve-

lyn Noshta, 1166 41 St. Sara-sota, Florida . . . I did not re-ceive the paper for the weeks ofMay 19 and June ar and amwondering If I could vet copies.After living in woodbridgeTownship for 20 years, I amstill interested In what is goingon. I ordered the paper for ayear and am sick when 'thepaper doesn't arrived, I read itfrom cover to cover. I thankyou." . , , Mrs. Nochta, we loveyou too . . . Also want to saythank you to the many public-ity chairmen of clubs and or-ganizations throughout t h eTownship who have sent ussuch nice letters thanking us

received during the past sea.Bon. We try to do our best . ,And a little love note addressedto Township service clubs: "Ithink it is just wonderful ofyou folks to foot the bill for asend-off to the boys who arejoining the Air Force in a groupand will leave together on June30 as Woodbridge Flight, It ismy understanding that it is thetfirst time such a group has leftthe Township at one time ex-cept as a draft contingent.. ."

last But i\ot Least:Born at Perth Amboy Oen-

tral Hospital: From Fords, a«on to Mr. and Mrs. EdwardKobills, S3 MacArthur Drive, adaughter to Mr. and Mrs. An-ttiony D'Andrea, 38 WilliamStreet, , , , from Sewaren, ason to Mr. and- Mrs. ThomasOkszko, 107 Old Road, a-daugh-ter to Mr. and Mrs. StanleyFrederick, 85 Central Avenue,. . . from Port Reading, adaughter to Mr, and Mrs. PhilipAccardo, 100 Daniel Street, a•on to Mr. and Mrs. Juan Tor-res, 135 B Street, . . . fromHopelawn, a daughter to Mr.and Mrs. Richard Zilavetz, 273Florida Grove Road, a daugh-ter to Mr. and Mrs. Williamaelbert. 12 Yale Avenue, . .from Iselto a daughter to Mr;Mid Mrs. Robert Young, 133peasant Avenue, a daughter to

"Mr. and Mr*. John House, 1104J'oodruff Street, a daughter to

and Mrs. Leo Navak, 85on Avenue, , . . from Co-a son to Mr, and Mrs.

Munson McLeod, 104 MapleStreet from Woodbrid;e, ajm to Mr. and Mrs. RlcharfljQeorgas, 99 Prospect Avenue.

Mr. Slotnick expressed his ap-preciation in a simple speechHe was presented with a scrap-book, entitled, "This Is YourLife" by Mrs. Stern.

The current Bar Mitzvahclass rehearsed last night withRabbi Brand for the June 24services.

Service TomorrowTomorrow night's services at

8:30 will be conducted by RabbiBrand and Joseph Levy, headof the religious committee. TheOneg Shabbot will be sponsoredJointly by Mr. and Mrs. Her-man Davis in honor of thebirthday of their son Jerry; Mr.and Mrs. Hy Farer in honor ofthe birthdays of their twinsons, Chad and Alan and byMr. and Mrs. Hyman Serulnickin honor of their birthdays.Final junior congregation ser-vices will be held Saturday at9:30 A. M.

The Men's Club held a suc-

OLD GLORY'S BIRTHDAY OBSERVED: Woodbridsr UiAge of Elks conducted Flan Dayceremonies at Woodbridse Park Sunday. Speaker nf the day was Superior Court JudgrBernard W, Vogel, shown at microphone. Seated, front row, left to right, Mayor FrederickM, Adams, Joseph P. Somers and Frit* Van Dalen: back row, Julius Kollar, Commit-

teeman John P. Hughes and John Zullo.

socially and financially. Mr. TRUTH CURESand Mrs. Harold Meltz, chair- EVERYTHINGmen, thanked their committee:' "Your wife used to be terriblyMrs. Hy Firkser, Mrs. Joseph nervous. Now she is cooljindHerzfeld, Mrs, Irving Bersak,Mrs. Irving Malina, Mrs. Miller,Mrs. Martin Litinger, Mrs.Hunter Wilson and Mrs. JackTillman, Mrs. Isaac -Drescherpaid a tribute to the entire

composed as a cucumber. Whatcured her?

"The doctor did. He told herthat her kind of nervousnesswas the natural result of ad-vancing age."

membership, Eli Cohen con-ducted the installation cere-monies, Mrs. Henry Pinltusmade the floral table decora-tions and Mrs. Richard Warn-er decorated the social hall.

Arthur Amster will be incharge of a raffle, the prize tobe a vacation in Bermuda.

A picnic will be held for allmemjjers June 26 at RooseveltPark, 11 A. M. All are to meetin grove 1, table 2, according toHarrj Friedman and Abe

cessful breakfast at the temple Kramer, chairmen. Refresh-Sunday morning, the final onefor the season. A fishing tripis being planned for thefuture,

The installation


ments will be served and gamesand activities are planned.

Rabbi Brand will give the in-vocation at dedication of new:

dance held Avenel School 23 Saturday atrecently proved a success both

TEE-J-tlGHTFULotiyowGolf M our changing 18-holacourse, Driving rang* ar ' ———

SOONER OR LATERI'm telling you for the last

time that you can't kiss ft^e.""Fine, I knew you would

weaken sooner or later." '

KIND MANLittle Girl —Look at that

kind man across the street.Mother—What is he doing,

dear?Little Girl —He's sitting on

the sidewalk talking to a ba-nana peel.

P\YS OKD DEBTHAXTtfN, Colo.—In the nme-

... this point the lonK-^uffer-°"'5' Ing customer broke In «ith:

"I wonder if you could pro-vide me with a neat purple

.stamp with a dinky pci lorntfdde-1T-

i around young children. In other verse side with mucilage SoinP-|words, set a good example. thing about 4 cents?"> Disliked food should never be1

forced on a child, but encour-,IHKC him to taste it. If a certain![ food is pushed aside untasted. iti would be a good idea to say, I"Take one bite and if you don'tlike it, leave thr ri\sf and patyour dessert."

One bite seems like such a,little bit that most ohildren wcomply. Qflite often after he has)taken "just one bite" several itimes, he will be over his preju-dice and begin to enjoy thisfood.

When children me oldI enough to understand, explain1

the value of certain foods.Make SUIT they understand the!

i Cooperate with them when

teen twenties, a man borrowed| l a t i o n s h l p o { h e a l t n anc] wc l l_:$300 from the Farmer's State [ b a l a n c e ( jBank and then left town. Re-cently the man. now 79, wroteand asked if he could oay off'the debt.

There was one hitch, Thebank went out of business 37ifamll>' m e a ! s -years ago. The state banking L e a r n t 0 c o o k

^ begin studying nutritionat school,help plan

Encourage them tothe "well-balanced"



commission had no records ofthe loan, so the money wasgiven to the Haxtun Communi-ty Hospital.

of foods, so thatlarge varietythere will be;

Stocks score advances inAmsterdam.

no chance of mealtime monot-ony. If the children refuse, after

uch effort, to eat a certainfood, experiment with newways of cooking it. [

10 A. M. Sol Slotnick will repre- \sent the Rabbi at School 22,Colonia, at the same time.


John Rooney, McGurie Street,has a good excuse for not mow-ing his lawn. He told the po-lice. Tuesday his mower hasbeen stole.n from his garage—!the loss, $89.

•*MirST"A modest list of "must" legis-

lation remains to be acted ontyffore Congress can take off forthe political conventions."•• The Democrats meet in LosAngeles beginning July II, andCongressional leaders are de-termined to adjourn before thatdate. Indications are that theyShould be able to meet thedeadline with no more than theusual late pressure of business.

BAD FINE TIME. WOODBRIDGE—Mre. MaryPeterson, 685 Rahway Avenueaccompanied by Mr. and Mrs,

• 'Rowley and daughter have beenrecent guests at Len-A-PeVillage, a lakeside resort oFairvieu Uke in the PoconoMountHins, Pennsylvania.

Plan YourSteamship

f nil KISJ Waj

Wo ar* travel eipertitouit OSIBO Truu-Ocean or Va-Book with cation Orul«, w« help

Phone Mt. Pocono: MU 2-«3M


Woodbridge, N. J.VA4-MU

Comfortably Air-conditioned!


Sylvano Maagano in

"Five Branded Worn e n "— Co-Hit —



SATURDAY, JUNE 18Van Heflln,

Sylvano Mangano in

"Five Branded Women"Shown at t:JS and >;M P. »•


NOW THRU SATURDAYDynamic Story! Dynamic Cut!

tfriinmiir i/iiinn

SPKCUl KIDDIft. SHOWSiturd»>, June It, TfriM f. M



SUN., MON., TUES.JUNE 19, 28, 21

Orson WellM, Juliette Grecu

"Crack in the Mirror"" — Co-Hi t -


WithMarlon BrandoAnn Magnanl

Joanne WoodwardPirn


WED. THRU SAT.JUNE 22, 23, 34. 45


Starts Sunday—For 1 Week!

Year's Top Double Hit Show!

Tony CurtisDean MartinJanet Leigh

- I n -


- i Plu. -Sophia Loren,

Anthony Qulnit inHKLLER IN PINK


Nome delivered.,.ask for h at your

favorilf stortl

DURLMO FARMSPlainfield 7-0688



H I J-O34J


'FUGITIVE KIND'With Marlon Brando,' Anna Magnani,

and Joanne Woodward"GUNFIGHTERS OF


Saturday Matinee, SpecialShow for Children

'fiunfightersof Abilene1


and FREE Popcorn


'Platinum High School'With Mickey Rooney and


MARATHON"With Steve Reevw



Can you pass theBikini Test?

Don't let this happen to you.Make an Appointment for a

Free Trial Nqw!

No DisrobingNo Contracts to


455 Avenel St., Avenel

ME 6-0225

GETS DEGREE: Miss Caro-lee Clausen, 893 Main Street,Fords, was awarded a bache-lor of science decree atBeaver College's commence-ment exercises at Wyncote,Pa. Dr. Edward D. Gates,president-elect of Beaver Col-lege delivered the commence-ment address.

Miss Clausen majored inkindergarten-elementary edu-cation at Beaver. She is thedaughter of Mr. and Mrs.Hans Clausen, and is a gradu-ate of Woodbridge High


HAWAIIAN DISH SAY'S M-OVE-YOV: ThrrrvAlub.i, say* "1 love you," (very time jou wrve itis »n all-purposr Hawaiian word and one of u\ nnj s "l love you". The sauce combines finned t.pitted cherries and canned crushed plnempple it j iFill «arm over your favorite lc« cream, with *rnrake wedges, as it's shown above. Serve It on rlciunt-liicinc. Inexpensive glassware like the 8kol patternabove Skul is one oi many attractive liaMwarr in tunavailable in variety storm which combine tilth tasiplow rust. The versatile sauce recipe Is good over I<MVpound rake. In tart shells, or topped with whipprrl nThe bright red cherries and (Olden crushed pinctpplmake a wine- that gladdens the ere as writ a* thr Ml;

Cherry Sauce, Aloha1 nm il pound I red tart V« teaipoon ult

pitted cherries H teaspoon red ('>.,<*i water packi . coloring

•:i cup sugar 1 can 19 OJ.J cnivhn2 tablespoons cornsUrch pineappleDrain cherries; measure liquid. Add enough niter

ch'rry liquid to make l ' i «up»; reserve. Mix msugar, rornsturch and salt in saucepan, Stir inliquid. Place over medium heat, stirring constanthmixture comes *to a boll. Boll \\ minute, Stir in red Inroloring, pineapple and cherries; heat to serving tnturt. Serve with angel food cake wedgei »nd irr rrr.uiYield: 8 serving*.NOTE: If desired, 1 ran II pound! froxen red tart initecherries may be substituted for canned cherriessugar to U cup.


plans work out. Mrs. AnneBurns, of London, will be theirst person to slide over the

top of Mount Everest, highestpeak m the world, in the Hima-aya Mountains of Asia. MCE ANSWER

Mrs. Burns will make the at- After Sunday morning ser-tempt with the help of her hus-! vice a woman stayed to chatband, who will fly an airplane• with a friend, leaving her purse]to tow her slider aloft. She is a0 1 1 the seat. When she returned!veteran slider pilot, holding1'1 was gone, but she quickly!most of the British women's found it in the possession of]records. |the pastor himself.

"I thought I had better hold

Report asks rehabilitationfor ill and aging.

Gifts ForGraduates

A HAT BAR92 Main Street, Woodbridge

it." he said. "You must reraem-•• '•• . • . there arc some in thecongregation so simple that'

'»'- > ii:tiilit >onsicler it an an-swer to a prayer."

RITZ TheatreCuteiet, N. J. Kl 1-SMt


NOW THWJ SATURDAYAnthony Perkins - Jane

Fonda in"TALL STORY"


Evenings at 6:45Matinee Saturday 1 P. M.

SUN. - MON, - TUESJUNE W, 20, 21

AUn Ladd in



Matinee Sunday at l i>. M





KoDle #1, Woodbrldie


NOT BALANCEDA. N.--I understand the chitl

went on sick call for hit, cold.Wiiat did they do for him?

Personal Clerk — They pn-_J|scribed a jigger of bourbon and

wo aspirins every night—wildis wife told me this morninghat lie's six months behind onhe aspirin and three yearshead on the bourbon.

KfilB-JUKt U-'CRSATWl FMM TNI fctft t l U o r


ton fun•41 legal garnet


iwimming 7-10

Ihrill rides


free circuirt 4 and 9:30 , .


iony Curlli - Dun Mulin




Color Cartoon CanUra)

U t e Horror IbowTHE BRAIN KATKR8"

STARTS SUNDAYMarlon Brando - Anna M*(iianl


llorothj McGutfe•SUMMEK PLACE"



Africu receives $450,000 edu-ational grant.

TODAY THRU SATURDAY'An Epic Story of Lovt Hid

War . , . AND VBNliKAN( »:•Silvjuia Manjino, Van licain

V«ra Milts, Barbara Bfl <;rdd(>

"Five Branded Women"and

John Dertlt, ,HW Maninrin




D a d » Graduate[in* *



All CiuemaScopt Show!BUdlurd DUlmaii, Jutlctte Ureco

Orwn WeUeii , '

"Crack in the Mirror"aud, lit Color '




CORNER BOOK S1KH179 Smith Sire iOpp. Mayftir Mkt.

SwallickTavern, Inc.


B e e r . , . W i n e s . . . Liquors. .

Corner William and New StreetsPhone ME 4-973S




INow locutwl ill our new, \»r\f,*'r

with a comp



No need to buy from itnuifcw* «r door't°jdoor Halesmen. Come in and Ht our dispW

Si. Av«.,T f l . MK *-iils

^^[Householders Urge - [PDF Document] (13)




From All

the Community

Independent-Leader * Carteret PressEdison Township and Fords Beacon

Sweetness and LightB, CHARLES E. GREOORT

Former Sewaren ResidentPlans Study in Germany

A Nfcwspapet Dedicated to the BertInterests of the Resident* of the \

Communities We Serve.


(Milrinan R, Richard Krauss has offered

ioiTimiinity—which has such stupen-'.I'jhi'l'ities that perhaps we should consider



K. •uiss proposes that the controversial tract'' i and Ford Avenue be purchased by

1. |,,P Township and developed Into a park,,, with swimming pool. This proposal was,,Mtlnisi8stlcally by most of the audience

, ,un meeting who had come to register their,'„, to zoning of the property for businessy Krauss suggestion, at first glance, might

one-dimensional thinking-—but let us seek

' ! ' ! •

Mi-R. ElnintStewart, a former Scwnrcn rcsl(lent, has bCRii awarded ascholarship for ntnc weeks of,study In Oermany this summrrthrouifli Stanford Universitynnd the National Defense Edu-cation Act. MrR. Stewart. Is tho!former Elaine Zlschkau, dauxhller of Mr. and. Mrs. Clareno'Zlschkau, 428 East Avenue Shewas graduated from Woori-brldge Hlj?h School in 1932

Mrs. Stewart will be Incharge of setting up aGerman department In thehalnbrldge Island High School,near Seattle, Wash., on her re-turn from Germany.

A clipping from a Seattlepappr reads:

"Although Mrs. Stewart, ha.,been a tecond grade teacher InjTsland schools, she was chosenfor the new high school positionbecause of her background iithe language. She has taughhigh school German and waian assistant in the German department at Stanford. Shihold* a Master's degree inOerman from New York Unlvmlty and has studied for twoyears in Germany."

Seventy-five persons wenselected to make the language-study trip from approximately300 student*. Mrs. Stewart willstudy at Bad Boll which is nearistuttgart. 8he will leave NewYork by plane Monday forBerlin, She and the otherScholarship recipients willupend one week In Berlin andare to visit both east and west

•11 quarters for the Rose troupe, but we sector*. The group also will at-n Conrad Hilton and make these ar- d th I

ntial in providing a publicly-owned11O<)1, is fascinating. When we sign the

thp pool, we should also sign one withand engage him each summer to pro-pieasant little entertainment like his

furnished for WorM's Fair visitors.UICP here would, of course, be free—would just be financed by another

Fhf.se bonds would be issued at theborrow an original $500,000 for theand then annually thereafter.



M i |: 11 be some other Incidental expenses.•A.uiid be practically negligible when one

>iil(! the vastness of the Krauss Idea.probably be necessary to construct some

: vi ry quickly. He could include a ter-mi.mt for summer .we, with arrange-•nriivvp it with glass when It gets chilly.

iu,t a.s well do a real Job—which, of,m so long as we can have enough

!il! our fountain pens for signing theMn first few years, at least, there ought

;: h :ountain pens still out of the hock-UP this trifling necessity.

tend the International FilmI Ki-dtival before leaving for BadBoll. Members will visit Berlinschools, refugee camps and

••i v government officials. At.Bonn the student* will be theKiH'sis of the West German

(government.Mrs. Stewart 1* also a gradu-

ate of Douglass College 1936. jHer two children, Randall, 14.',ind Laurie, 10, will spend the


IN HONOR SOCIETY: Atthe annual Women's 'HeyDay' at the University ofPennsylvania, Mlw BonnieDlnimorr, 13$ Prospect Ave-nue, Woodbridge, was electedto the Sphinx and Key, hon-or society of the university,The honor b bestowed uponthose women who have shownoutstanding character, lead-ership and a service to theuniversity in addition tomaintaining a high scholasticaverage. Miss Dinsmore isthe newly - elected JuniorClan rice president and ser-ved M a member of the Soph-omore Claw Council, theSerjeant Hall Court, varsityswimming team, CampusCommittee, Sergeant HallCouncil, Tarsity lacrosse teamactlvltiet chairman and isvie* president of Delta Delta


TRADITIONAL: U. and Mrs. Thaddeus Joseph Bam, the bride fa> the former Margaret Catherine SilakoAlshown under an arch of saber, formed by Lt. Bara's classmates at a wedding held at West Point at

Trinity Chapel.

areMost Holy


gestion to, "put this before

at their summer home in High-ipmember—above all—how urgent it is *M Springs, Vermont.

.uir imagination full rein, we considerA inch our pool can be put during the,usr certainly we don* want to lose a.pnt of enjoyment from our new facility.

K- mve.sary to provide a grandstand for•" attend the swimming exhibition In thebut the engineers surely can adapt these'i winter use and include a heating plant•rnimal specifications. We'll merely enclose•vith ulass—so when the water in the pool

" (1an have an ice show. Tfte skaters will'•'•*•• ovn the rooms we provided for the• •" the hot months.

'tie swimming show, the ice extrava->* on the house—with hot chocolate

> served during intermtMion. In the01 the grandstand, adequately heated,and equipped, will be a children'*'playthp youngsters can be' suitably enter-

'"th? parents are upstairs watching the

(your swlmmlni? date", theGreater Iiielln Civic Association] FORDS MAN GRADUATES:

West Point Wedding RiteFor Margaret Silakoski

announces Its second PolioClinic on Father's Day iSun-day) at School 18, Indiana

Wayne L,Bloomileld

Konopka, 101Avenue, gradu-

AVENEL - Rt. Rev. Msgr.iJoseph P, Moore officiated atthe double ring ceremony whenMiss Margaret Catherine Sila-koski, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Leon B. Silakoski. 198 MinnaAvenue, became the bride OfLt. Thaddeus Joseph Bara, sonof Mr, and Mrs. Theodore Bara,1700 Edgar Road, Linden, Sat-urday at a Nuptial Maw atMost Holy Trinity Chapel, WestPoint, New York.

Given in marriage by her!father, the bride wore a gownof embroidered nylon tulle with:

ated Saturday from StevensAvenue from 1:00 until 4:30 Institute of Technology.P. M. Second, third, and Mr. Wayne, a brother of| fourth shots will be admin- Chi Phi fraternity, served atjistered. Ample parking space lsj Initiation Week Chairman{available. .. J and Pledgemaster.

Shaffer-Goryl WeddingRites Held in St. James

WOODBRIDGE — Saturday Miss Patricia Hines, both of|Ann Hagerty, Rahway, cousinat upon Miss Maryann Teresa;Woodbl i c i8c- M'** Renee andOoryl. d^hte, of Mr. and M r s J J ^ , ^ E X f e ™ *Daniel Ooryl, 204 Mawbeyljunl01. D r l ( l e s m B l d a n d

Street, became the bride of!girl, respectively.Lamont Andrew Shaffer, son| Wayne Swaylik, Woodbndge,of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Shaf-jwas best man for his cousinfer, 448 School Street, at St.]Ushering were Ronald Htgglns,James Church with Rev, Ous-jwoodbrtdge; Raymond Peter-

" •'• ^ere may be agitation for similarl"°ns in other sections of the Town-

they are proposed for the Secondfour wards are entitled to the

ion, Since all of them are not asi'1*1 Second In having available space,''•"ssary to condemn land and even,

a school or two. Always remember,f as long as there are fountain pens

m<k "" problem Is Involved.


IN DKSMARK: Bolre Mc-Cain. 65 North Hill Road,ColonU. left Wednesday forVarde, Denmark where hewill participate in the 'In-dent exchange program fortechnical enwrlence. Mr, Mc-Cain who h»s completedl h r « »'•" ? f J t u f y 'I

tave Napoleon officiating at thedouble rln$ ci'remony.

Given in marriage by herfather, the bride wore a gownof point de mache lace overskinner satin, a fitted bodicewith a Sabrina neckline, and matching accessories and an

Vardt, Staalvarrkc,foun

'•><• I l t ' i

1 II!

" " • ' ' :Mr. Krauas's adventure

in lead us.• • • •

the inost.




of Randall J. Ma&ser, son o:Mr. and Mrs. Morton Masser60 Califoa Drive, will takiplace Saturday morning aConKifgatiori Adath Israe!Woodbridge.

son, Avenel; Bernard LaPentaWoodbridge, all 'cousins of thebridegroom, and Henry Cho-micki, Woodbridge.

For traveling, the bride worea print sheath dress with

long pointed sleeves. Her bouf-fant skirt of ruffles extended:into a cathedral train. She1

wore a fingertip veil of Englishillusion attached to a coronetof crystals, and carried a bou-quet of white roses with whitesweetheart roses tipped in blue.

Miss Mary Ellen Jasler, Swoyerville, Pa., was her cousin's legal department.

fA" « JJatf-Cmluru



(^REINER'•* H04 -. Aurwi

HOMEF. OKSOnm.. Director

k 44 Orwo SUeet



Riding • Walking • Revere!






8NAPPEB - SPRINGFIELDKldlni - Walking - Reverse

L Adlef& SonsHighway 1M

North Brunswick


maid of honor. Other attend-ants were Mlu Judith Yakubek,|Carteret; Miss Dawn Peterson,:lahway, cousin of the bride-room; Miss Kathleen Carl and

Emblem ClubMaps Season

WOODBRIDGE — The Em-blem Club 351 of the Wood-bridge Elks had the final meet-ing of the season Monday nightat Hungarian Reformed ChurchHall with Mrs. Rosemary Maz-zeo presiding.

The Initiation of Mrs. MaxKellerman, a new membertook place.

Announcement was made thatj!a floalteped, eeoopeH -neckline,j^ P^^anent wriUen_charterjshirred sleeves, and a sweeptrain. She wore a bouffant veilattached to a cap of rose petals,and carried a cascade of rosesand stephanotls.

The maid of honor icae MissMary Lou Wranitz. Avenel, andbridesmaid* were Miss Sophieand Miss Carol Bara, Linden,[sisters of the b r i d e g r o o m,Junior bridesmaids were Miss

orchid corsage. The couple will,tour J-he eastern seaboard ontheir way to Miami Beach, P1&,

The bride was graduatedfrom St. Mary's High School,Perth Amboy, class of 1959, atidis now employed by the Town-ship of Woodbridge In theMayor's administrative office,

The bridegroom was gradu-ated from Woodbridge HighSchool, class of 1956, and Is at-tending Franklin and MarshallCollege, Lancaster, Pa.

of the bride.The best man was Lt. James

Luzerne, Pa., ana1

ushers included Lt. RobertAndersen, Cocoa, Fla., and Lt,Edward Brady, Union.

The arch of sabers was heldfor the couple by Lt. Bara'sclassmates,

For a wedding trip to ,muda, Mrs. Bara wore a whitelinen dress with white acces-sories and an orchid corsage,They will reside in Columbus,Ga,.

The bride, a graduate of StMary's High School, Perth Am-boy, is employed as a dentalreceptionist in the office of Dr,T. V. Cartwright, Rahway.

Lt. Bara was graduatedfrom Linden High School, Val-ley Forge Military Academy,Wayne, Pa., and the UnitedStates Military Academy, WestPoint. He will be stationed inGermany a f t e r completingtraining at Airbornf Rangersand Infantry School/Port Ben-nlng, Oa.

was received from the SupremeEmblem Club.

Mrs. Irene Van Dalen, firstvice president, advised the sickcommittee had one member onthe list.

The ways and means commit-tee reported the recent spag-hetti supper was a success andthat a card party Is scheduledfor November 10 at Koos

Anne SUakoski, Avenel. sister Brothers, Rahway. Two cakeof the bride, and Miss Doroth^ sales are also scheduled, one

during July at the MutualSuper-Market, and the other inAugust, place to be announced.

Members attended Flag Dayceremonies Sunday at Wood-bridge Park sponsored by theElks.

The community service andwelfare committee is now underthe direction of Mrs. RichardColey. Further plans were madefor a children's ChristmasParty and a co*cktail party tobe given in December.

Proposals for membershipswere brought forward for ini-tiation at a later date, and an-nouncement was made that amembership drive will be con-ducted during the summer withMrs. William Moore, chairman.

A third trustee, Mrs. PaulYuhas, was elected and will beofficially Installed at the Sep-tember meeting.

Hostesses were Mrs. Coley,Mrs. George Van J>alen, Mrs.Walter Olsen, Mrs. JosephSomers, Mrs. Robert Stephan,Mrs. Edward Trost, - S>\, andMrs. Albert Ferguson,

We'll never k«ep you waiting or ukyou to •'(.orno b»ck later." Tomcloth«f, beautifully dry-cl«ui«d tndpnwtd, will be ready tight on thedot of our promise.

We promise your clothes the best attention adry-cjeaner can giv< them. Each garment isscientifically processed for finest results' Com-plete service! Try us!




Our efficient dry-cleaning Is known for highestquality . . . yet costs np more than elsewhere!

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white andready mixed

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RADER'SWallpaper and Painter1* Supplies

378 State Street VA 6-3639 Perth Amboy


VolunteersHypnotizedBy Doctor

COI.ON1A — Election of ofV';ficrrs Hn<i a discussion ar4;;

[demonstration of modem hyp*jnosis were featured at the final

inK this season of thlflhoiTcrrst C i v i c Associationhrlri Tuosdny night nt School22. - -

Officers elected were: prt»i*.,,dent, Joel Dlugasch; vice presi*', -dent, Harold Feist; secretary, •Mrs. Aftron 8che,ctman; treaa*urer, "Harold AWa; trust«e*; ,'Arthur Coyne, Tony Prtlegrino,'Mrs. Edwin Cornell, BudKnuths, Mrs. Stanley Lee. A?will be Installed at the Associ-ation's fourth annual' dinnerdance Saturday night at thtAmerican Legion hall. Rahwaft ,

Dr. Abraham Thaler of Ink 'lin was the guest speaker anq 'his subject was "Medical Hyp-nosis." He briefly outlined thshistory of osteopathy first, ex-plaining that the original osteo-pathlc medical s c h o o l WMfounded In 1874 by an MJDiThere are now 15,000 osteopathsin the United States, and 500In New Jersey. In this statemteopathlc physicians take thft

same license exam to practletmedicine as do MJD.'s.

Dr. Thaler discussed the hli*tory of hypnosis and its presentemergence from being dubbedquackery and nonsense to th«status of a respectable medicaltechnique. He described its us*In producing anaesthesia, indentistry, and put six volunteer*from the audience into a hyp-,notlc trance, These volunteer!'went into gales of laughter whentold they had heard a funnystory, scratched their armswhen told they itched, etc., ac-cording to an eye-witness atthe meeting.

The Iselln physician explain*ed such phenomena as delu-sions, age regesslon, halluclna-

CONTINUE STUDIES:.-|Robert Martin Sorensen, sonof Mr. and Mrs. Martin Sor-ensen, 7 Mystic Street, Fords,graduated from Newark Col-lege of Engineering with aBachelor of Science degree inCivil Engineering

He was awarded the RobertRidgway Prize of the Metro-politan Section American So-ciety of Civil Engineering aamember of the Honors OptionGroup.

Mr. Sorensen was presidentof the American Society ofCivil Engineers, assistant ed-itor of the Chi Epstlon Fra-turnity, recording secretaryof American Rocket Society,and member of ChristianFellowship.

In September he will teachand continue studying forhis Master's Degree at Le-

high University.

tipns and the Increasing use f_hypnosis in crime detection. Alively question - and - answerperiod followed the talk,


son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry T.Zajac, 60 Bridge* Street, wasbaptized Sunday at St. Steph-en's Church, Perth Amboy, byRev. Joseph Banak. Sponsorswere Miss Patricia Straczynski,Woodbridge, and Joseph Luc,Wilmington, Delaware. A fam-ily party was held at the home.Others in attendance were thematernal grandparents, Mr. andMrs. S. Kozna, Sewaren, andMr. and Mrs. Joseph Straczyn-ski, Woodbridge.






TOKENSr( isk Any Merchant)

Say "Happy Father's Day"



Domestic and ImportedCHAMPAGNE and BEER


^^[Householders Urge - [PDF Document] (14)

JfrtstmJfarfrs ft

ip Qkrrteret

Charles t- OngwyEditor and PsbHshsf

riw indtptmHni L**d*t u< M U M tmdttp-ror«f Burnt puHimm «M»IJ •« fhairtv

i%-» Unn Itmt N IMI1 Iffaadbridfi Nt» Jtrw

DM CirMKt Prm pabUMM* m—kij n M41J(51 Baottftll Attain K1I-MM

C v U n t Mtw In—I


UwrenM F CaspianVie* President and Trearara

ptton nut IT aill. laeladiss pofUn*M f*u. MM; tfi BOOthi. fcjj; thnt BonUn,I1JI: MtU caplM bj null U MUta. all

Do I« Now/ Please!• Contributions to the Jackson FamilyFund to finance the rehabilitation of afather and his 11' children who losttheir little Colonia home by fire, havebeen encouraging— but much more Isneeded. Aa this is written, somethingapproaching $1,000 has been receivedby The Independent-Leader whichvolunteered to act as agent for theundertaking.

We trust the next week or two willlee this sum at least doubled, becauseanything less than such a figure can-not appreciably help in circ*mstancesao dire. It would be a memorablecharity, we think, for all those whoparticipate in this undertaking, toknow they nave shared in a cause soworthy.

As we stated last week, we aremaking no direct requests for as-sistance in this tragic case. We — andthe Jacksons—are depending solely onthe spontaneous desire to help of allwho are aware of the great need whichexists. So if you have thought of send-ing a donation, won't you please doit now?

that Is engulfing the long idle acreageof Woodbridge. The 1960 census figuresare establishing it as the most popu-lous community in th»» 324 squaremiles of Middlesex County and rank-ing eighth among the cities of thestate. Woodbridge, despite that distinc-tion, actually is a township, althoughin stature it no longer conforms tothat category.

Woodbridge by this performance iscompeting with Union in UnionCounty and a few Other recently pas-toral areas that have jumped to near-metropolitan proportions.

In afterthought this developmentloses mystery. The community longhas had a nucleus of establishedfundamental Industry and the focalpoints1 of several centers of retail com-merce and residents. Supplementingthese scattered assets were railroadlines suitable for freight and* networkof roadways.

The recent yeVrs criss-crossed thetownship with major highways in-cluding the state's best, the New Jer-sey Turnpike and the Garden StateParkway. These public works and im-provement in the older roads encour-egad the influx of industrial andresidential sponsors and a surge ofcommercial activity inevitably followedthem.

All this adds up to the eighth largestcommunity in the state—use of thedesignation of city remains question-able. It lacks that form of administra-tion and it still Is bereft of the unitedfront in opinions and attitudes thatcharacterize an integrated communityA city commonly is expected to havean integral approach and facade.

In Woodbridge the component seg-ments have not lost their individualityand their peculiar charms. If theyever do, it may be a less pleasing place,although as one community mergesinto another in the evaporation of



Survey Shows That Independents!In State Almost Evenly

Between Catholics andProtesants

Junr 13,

Mr. Charles E. GregoryThe Independent-U1i»d«'r

Green StreetWoodbridge, New Jerseyr>ar Mr, Gregory:

I n r e fe rence to you) e« 0 I rejiKi^>> »••»• > -_ i _ - - , . " — > • • - •in last week's paper on Uie m u ( , h ta t h e n e w i during I RepubUcan voters . Si

need for the formation <>'»,„„ p M l few months. the following:Charter Study Commission, trie. ^ d e t e r m l n e the religious N. J. REPUBUCAN

PRINCETON — The question] Analysis of what t

of religion and politics has j big political group . . ,

League wishes to exprm Itssincere thanks Mr your support and cooperation.

We hope that because ofyour publicity, other Interestedcitizens nnd organizations win,contact the League and wort,with us on this most importantcivic study. |

It is most gratifying W haveia local newspaper which is jen-uinely Interested in the wel-fare of the community and willtake a stan*V'on Issues which

s f e a c h „ , ) „ polltl-- ™ " " | n ^ state - Inde- Catrollet ..

Democrat*, and Re- ProttttantiBlllj

<M* of StaWld, v, t f,

publicans - New Jersey . - " i ,reporters have Just completed: Political leader. acrns,a study with a carefully select-:State and nation s,\mM

-section of 1,000 of the.be very much interested inState's

ment of all.Very truly yours,

RISHA BRAM,Chairman,

Public Relations.

184th Legislature, which con- says.vened on January 12 and tem-j A series of consumer protec-porarily closed up shop on tion bills, designed to outlawJune 6 has a conceded record g l g a n U c interest rates and hard voters next November The As-of achievement despite the poll- practices, were also passed b y ! « » » * " « ^0Pt«d the cigar-

•visible boundaries awill evolve.

still larger unit

The Master PUm

Ample opportunity lor residents ofWoodbridge Township to study anddiscuss the Master Plan, devised as aguide for the orderly development of.the community, will be afforded at aseries of three hearings on June 27,28and 29. Details of a hew zoning ordi-nance to implement the Plan also willbe disclosed.

The Master Plan has taken over twoyears of study by the municipal Plan-ning Board and its consultants, Com-munity Planning Associates. Neces-sity for the study was decided by a pre-vious administration, which appointedthe Board and outlined its responsi-bility. Most of those originally namedare still members and the objects and•aims of the Plan, with one possibleexception, found unanimous agree-ment.

J I t is our feeling that the! Master.Plan and zoning ordinance should begiven a searching examination. Itshould be remembered that either issubject to change, but it is the think-ing of the Planning Board that onlychanges which are compatible withthe general concept of community-wide planning as embodied in theplanning conclusions, be made. Other-vise, a miscellaneous hodge-podge willresult —i and: Woodbridge Townshipwith its! enormous responsibility tomeet moljem needs with modern plan-

, ning cannot afford to enfarge, ratherthan eliriiinate, the chaotic conditionsexisting presently.

. An objective discussion, not calcu-lated to accommodate some cheap po-litical pandering for votes, will be ahealthy help to the two-year study bytbe Planning Boaril. We trust thehearings scheduled for such discussion,will have.a wide and orderly attend-ance—and an inflfrTned one. If these

' conditions can be met, we believe• firmly that jWoodbridge Township can'• have a workable and beneficial plan

for the futute,

If any community ever needed one,' it Is the eighth largest municipality in' New Jersey — Woodbridge Township.

It.still has excellent terrain and anabundance of the assets that a cityneeds, and also the will to grow. Theambition and faith are its greatestassets, but they get a lot of help fromthe more tangible factors.

—The Daily Journal, Elizabeth

Under the Capitol DomeBy i. Joseph firibbins

Mr. Charles E. CJregoryInflepeneent-LeaderWoodbridge, N. JDear Sir,

Encolsed you will findcopy of the letter we, the par-ents of Woodbridge Oaks Northhave sent to Superintendent ofSchools.

Would you please publish the

TRENTON — New Jersey's sary in the fall, the GovemorjBoth houses have adopted a

enclosed letter in The Inde-pendent-Leader.


Superintendent of Schools."Mr. Boylan,"Dear Sir:

"We from Woodbridge OaksNorth would like to voice ouropinion In connection with theproposed move of our childrenfrom Colonia School No. 22 toto School No. 24.

"We realize that moves must

o l t l M h l ,Highlight of today's survey

findings is that a breakdownof all registered voters acrossthe State who consider them-

dependents shows thatof Catholics and

In thl* froup is ap-proximately the aarae. (It isthis independent voter groupthat will unquestionably decideto which Presidential candidateNew Jersey's 18 electoral votes

will go,)Survey results also show that

the majority of Democrat* inthe SUte are Catholics. AmongNew Jersey registered votenwho consider themselves Demo-crats, Catholics outnumberProtestants by a two to onemarjln.

In contrast, a majority of allregistered voten In the Statewho consider themielvei Re-publicans belong to the Pro-testant faith.

Among the Oarden State'iregistered voten who considerthemselves RepubUcan. thereare nearly three Protestants toone of the Catholic faith.

ThU Is how registered votenwho consider themselves Inde-pendents answered:N. J. INDEPENDENT VOTERS

of SUtewidt Vote)

bjeakdown of theifiered voters byfiliation or



Everysurveytrained, professional im«n->Jers working out o( Prlnffton

"Onunder 100%8pot" supervision

No Interviews wn>Princeton.

As a result of this iing technique, theevery person talked t o * , , ,served.

This newspaper pro:report* of the New Jr..-exclusively In this am

Watch for them in t>u,paper.

measure authorizing a *40.- be made, and we have never000,000 bond issue for new objected, even though our <hll-buildlngs if approved by the dren have been transferred six

to seven times in the past five



featured its weekly sessions.Governor Robert B. Meyner,1

who has been feuding with thejRepublican Senate for manymonths, admits the legislative

And here's the way register-ed voters who consider them-selves Democrats answered:N. J. DEMOCRATIC VOTERS

(39% of Statewide Vote)

record to date is "an excellent forward.


at the county level to achieve|meftsure'some uniformity in assess-! Control of boardwalk amuse-ments, is considered a stride ment games, through supervi-

sion of the Division of Alcoholic


children."It seems to us that every

time a move is made. It Is from

one/1 Both houses will recon-j The Legislature authori Beverage Control. „ also con-!Jjj « J ^ J J j j K- construction of three newjsidered an achievement of transportation

tinue the program of lawmak-.state buildings adjacent to the;1960 session.

... 59%2912

interview in twas complete



NEW PUSH FOR R-;itThe Air Force hm ;,:>-M

1U efforts to win ap;...,;.;,major production •1,r.-,:; li:;

the supersonic, hu'h-a:irB-70 bomber, which is r,»the design stage. \vi.»;:

budget WM prepared <•,•fiscal year 1961, bc«!:,i..:..; :,eJuly 1, the B-70 progra:::virtually eliminated


Theft of two hubcaps !:„,;;•,car was reported by Dick Mtree to police in Poplar B L|The next day he reportfdthe hubcaps, cleaned anbrightly polished, had t>?nturned.


ing' for the year. ! State House to provide a home .DEFENSE: — Possible enemyAccomplishments listed by, for the State Department of [attacks upon the United States

the Governor include the com- j Labor and Industry, the State have New Jersey State defense

why not transfer them fromanother development? |

"Our children are being ef-;fected by these yearly transfers,

muter transportation bill which Department of Agriculture, and officials and legislators worried,!it sh0Ws in their school workauthorizes State Highway Com-the State Department of A s a r e s u , t precautionary land "they "feel as If they don't!missioner Dwight R. G. Palmer jHealth. They are the result of m e a s u m a r e b e i n g u l t e n to i n . ! b e l o n g \to contract with the railroads|several years promotion. | s u r e c o n t i m l i t y o f s t a t e ^ t y j ,.Our development is the old-!


Woodbridge Going Placet

When pwturea and brushlots andgDlf courses disappear something is

ipenlng, but seldom anything com-ble to the torrent of population

Fly to Europe

Proof that the>air age is well estab-lished can be seen in the advertise-ments of various foreign air lines inany one of the major New York news-papers. From day to day, flights toEurope are offered at surprisingly lowprices.

While rates as yet aie not down tothose of tourist-class ocean travel,they are approaching it. The lowestfare on an ocean liner, is somethingover $300, but this does not include allcosts, which are incurred as one spendsfive or six days on the ocean. Actually,the price for a ticket on an airline andthe mqney spent during the approxi-mately twelve or thirteen hours of airtravel ^approaches the total spent onan ocean liner during th* five or sixdays of an Atlantic crossing.

The accident rate on trans-Atlanticflying, surprisingly, is less than that]on domestic routes, and, therefore, thesafety factor is not the obstacle toincreasing trans-Atlantic air travelsome would assume. The main obstacle]ia money, but as prices continue tocome down, this obstacle is stjeadilybeing lowered.

As we see it, the continuing influxof travelers from the United Statesto Western Europe and those headingthe opposite way, is in the best in-terests of international understandingand peace. Americans going abroadshould make every effort to conductthemselves in a proper and carefulmanner, so as to create good will anda good impression abroad.

Too often in the past, unfortunately,Americans abroad have tended to for-get their normal restraint and throwmoney around' as if they carried onin such a manner back in the UnitedStates.

This has created two false impres-sions: 1.) That Americans are brash,unrefined visitors, as a general rule,and 2.) that all Americans are wealthyand, therefore, ripe to be stuck byevery foreign schemer and chiseler.

service in the metropolitan area tion will be financed either byilocal governmental opera-

service mine mewopouian ureauon win UK HUUIILCU C « ™ » ' i t i o n s i n periods of emergencyof New Jersey. Amendments to a bond issue, or a tax boost of;clarify the bill may be neces-ione cent per pack on cigarettes' A resolution was r e c e n t i y ln_

Know Your RepresentativesThe best citizen is an active citizen, one who is alert

and goes to the source to secure the best possible in-formation. The best representative is one who cooperateswith his constituents and is ready and eager to receivetheir views.

Herewith are the names of your representatives. KeepIn touch with them.

0. S. CongressSenate

Senator Harrison A. Williams, Jr., (D>, Senate OfficeBuilding, Washington, D. C. Home — Princeton.

Senator Clifford P. Case (R), Senate Office Building,;Washington 25, D. C. Home — 345 Elm Avenue, Rah-way.

House of RepresentativesRepresentative Peter Frelinghuysen, Jr. (R>, Fifth Con-

gressional District, House Office Building, Washing-ton 2&, D. C. Home — Morristown.

State LegislatureState Senator

John A, Lynch, New Brunswick,

Members of AssemblyWilliam Kurta, South Amboy.J. Edward Crabiel, Milltown.Joseph Doren. Dunellen,

Board of Chosen FreeholdersKarl E. Matzger, president, Rutgers University, New

Brunswick.' | , .George L. Qtufton, Jr., 19 Agate Road, Lawrenct Brook

Village, NeW Brunswick.Edythe 8, McAhdrew, New Brunswick. 'Joseph R. Costa, 123 HUlcrest Avenue, BdUon.Thomas H. Lee, 140 Front Street. South Plainfield.deorge Otlowski. 541 Kennedy Street, Perth Amb»y.William J. Warren. 875 Main Street, Fords.

Woodbridge Township Committee.MAYOR—Frederick M. Adams, ColoniaFIRST WARD—Edward Kath, Woodbridge

Maynard Winston, WoodbrldgnSECOHp WAJRD-R. Richard Krauas, Fords

Leon- Blancbud. Fords, THIRD WARD - Elmer DragoiTlfenel

John Hughes, WoodbridgeFOURTH WARD — Thomas J, CosteUo, Iselln '

David Nicola, Iselln< FIFTH WARD —John Evanko, Colpnia

David T. Miller, Colonis|

Borough of CarteretStephen Skiba, Mayor waiter Sullivan

President at Borough CouncilCpUNCTLMEH

waiter Sullivan •John D'ZurUl*

Parents of WoodbridieOaks North."


Thomas MllliJohn HutnlckAlexander Such Adam Symborekl

Township of Edl8MAnthony M. Yeleneslcs • Nell A. McDonald

M a y ° r PreiKUnt of CouncilCOUNCILMEN

William F. Ashton Frank J TafcacsBernard J. Dwyer Dr. William TothWilliam N, Margolls Walter H. Wood

est in this school area, and yet.we have to put up with yearlytransfers from one school to

troduced in the Legislature for,another. WHY? ? ?a change in the State Constitu-j "Must we also put up withtion to authorize the lawmak- the complexes these transfersing body to provide, prior to the1 have, and are causing in ouroccurrence of any emergency,Children?for prompt and temporary sue- "There are many childrencession to the powers and w l w a r e frantic with the ideaduties of public offices, o f ^ing transfered again.

Whether such offices are ' W e r e a l l z e t*161 these movesfilled by election or appoint- m u s t b e made, but not at thement, the Legislature could fin expense of our children's edu-them promptly If the ineumb- e a t l o n & n d happiness.ante become unavailable for the "School No. 22 is so close forcarrying out of the powers and o u r children, we ask you again,duties of such of flees. M r ' Boylan, please reconsider

On the defense side of the t lu» Propped move.cold war picture, the State Y o u r t "Civil Defense organization isselecting sites for the| first of,4,300 radiological monitoring'stations to be located in NewJersey. These stations willeventually form part of an elab-orate new system for measur-ing and reporting radioactivityanywhere in the country in theevent of a nuclear disaster.

As an indication of the sizeof this project, 18,000 trainedpersonnel will be required tooperate the New Jersey stationsalone. Present plans call for150,000 monitoring stationscattered throughout the fiftystates. Each station will havegeiger counter, dosimeters formeasuring limited amounts ofradioactivity; and low and. highlevel measuring devices.COLONY: 4 A new C01ony forthe Mentally Retarded of NewJersey would be constructedon available grounds adjacentto Rahway Prison Farm, underpresent plans. It is consideredby Governor Meyner and Stateinstitution officials as one ofthe highest priority needs ofthe SUte.

Including % new large laun-dry 1 aclilty. the colony wouldcost $U,154,liS8. It is plannedto appropriate |8.iH,ooo ofthis amount this (year if theState Senate adopt* the As

I sembly-apprond measure Increasing the cigarette tax fromfive to six cents per pack to

• provide an $8,500,000 per yearpay-as-you-go program of institutlonal construction.

Also considered In the emerg-ency category U the fireproofIng of the dormitory centerbuilding and the main buildingat the dreyatone Park StateHospital at a cost of $1,775,000and similar work at the Tren-ton State Hospital at a cost o.* 1,272,000.OUT-O*.STATE: - Bu»penslun of driver's llcetiaes of ouiof State driven who disobeyil*w» wlule traveling through

iC'uutlnued on Pag* 19)

"Brftar hatfc nart to* «Uhg."

This is a special wishon your big day,

To have a good timein every wiy.

Taken tor granted throughmost of the year,

You're still in all chit,drens* hearts, never fear.

So on this day, more than all the rest,Please know that we know,


! 'Father Knows Best.1

Open A Savings Account




ntfcru. <* •

» •

WoodbridgeNational Bank

Our New Building. Conm M o o r , A ¥ e t m ,

and Berry Street <Opp. Town Hal>>

Member! JTaieral loo

^^[Householders Urge - [PDF Document] (15)

Clubwomen(, Sponsor

" S a l e


,,sistn(l by>;,•;;,;,,„,,: M,'S Joseph'; .mm™ Anderson, rM..rlln. Jr.. M "' ,,-r. Mr*. Fr«i* Hell

•' | i n l l i n Hiibbnrd. Mrs

\ : V ' V home from HWdrvcry Wednes'

,,i the summeito work on de(,ct«. Mm. Oeorgi, Alon Wood anmade and serve

at the de•enl meeting.

will be July 1home,



..,,1V1.board meetlni

dbMrs. John Mar


. SisterTour Europe


1NGRY GRADUATE: diaries!. £tover, 111 Warwick Road,

Colonla, fraduatrd from I'in-Scbool. Elliahfth, Friday.

Pretldent of the studrnt body,

Vil FellowLoop OpensOn June 26

COU)NIA — A gala parade,mi All-star Rnmn with thn first,bull thrown out by MayorFrederick M. Arinms, and pftr.UclpnUon by other Townshipofficials will all be part of thr(Indication on Sunday, June 26of the now playinn field of theColonla Little Fellows Lensuie.

The new diamond, adjacentto thr present field on Pqnn-

jsylvanla Avenue, hns be/nI Ron I of the League for-ftnrrnjyrars. With a total registration'111 major, minor and senior ill[visions of 500 younusters, ththird field has been a dosperatineed.

League official Tom Donnellhns announced that names ithe major league will switch tthr new site starting tomorrfl

Cturlw was Inducted Into thfCum Latide Society,

Rabbi OutlinesWeek's ProgramISEUN — Rabbi

Frankel, spiritual leader of Con-gregation Beth Sholom, willconduct Sabbath eve servicestomorrow night at 8:00 P. Mwith Cantor, Norbert Kartner.aulttlng.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bern-

night when mapager Qus 8obon's Colonla Drugs will mcelast season's champs, Savowa;Movers, coached 'by Tom Donoxhue, at 6:15 P. M.

The minor league games wiat the new field Satur-

day, when the three gamesscheduled for the Inm'an Ave-

Bernard n u e diamond will shift to the


ParochialPTA Inducts' Slate

TAKE OVER DUTIES OF OFFICE: Above are thr nrw officers of St. Cecelia's Parochial Parent-Teaehw Association, left („ rigM Mrs Andrew Dapuizo, first vice president: Rev. John Wihis. miiileriitiir: Mrs. Richard Sinnott, president; Sister Mary Carmel, 01', principal u,d Mrs ('hristnnher Cniv

r e n t New Brunswick Council Purochtal PTA's. . . . , j ,

new location, accordlnK toDonnelly, where all futuremajor and minor league gameswill be played.

Other GueittIn addition to the Mayor, In-

vitations have been extended

High Honors Are GivenColonia Wife, Mother

luteln. In celebration of their to Township'1 Committeemen

NiA Mis.

wedding anniversary, wilt spon-EdwVrd»r the Oneg Shabbot. AU are

Boulevard, invited.



\<\e Hi

,, A York on the liner, ; v for a summer in

.,[,is are planning;, ,md visit 3» rel»-,:n they have never

the towns ofKysurke, Nove

, :,o5lovakl«. The to,; imowiiiK tne'r rela-;lu-owi!hcorrwipond-inv years and from,m die sisters' p»r-

•,:: Kck of Newark,.,., Mrs. Rek. both 0

. !»rn in Czecho-

flaturdny morning at 10:00|John Zullo, recreation directorRtbbl Prtnkel, assisted by the! Police Chief Jack Egan, endchildren of the religlou* achool, acting Police Captain Kennethwill conduct Junior Congrega-Van Pelt will also be present.

JoYin Evanko, David Miller andJohn Hughes to attend thededication ceremonies June 26

Uon Service.The religious school will hold

t'l final assembly Sunday at

as well as Harry Morecroft, Co-lonia recreation commissioner.It is hoped that the Leagues' 26

Graduates from IS. J.\College Magna Cum1

Laude, Last WeekCOLONIA—An attractive Co-

lonia wife and mother of twoteenagers was g r a d u a t e dMagna cum Laude last week atcommencement exercises atNewark State College, Union.

Mrs, Herman Tlmivn-'iMeredith Road, is the motherof Peter, 16, a Junior m ai.

10:00 A. M. at the Synagogue sponsors will attend

Peter's Preparatory School, Jersey City, and Thomas, 13. ieighth grade student at Bend-

Center where certificates wlH A parade of Little Leaguersiers Memorial Academy, Eliza-be awarded to the children forthe year 1959-60. An entertain-ment Is being planned whichwill Include these presentations.Refreshments will be served bythe Sisterhood. Registration for

will gather at the Irunan Ave-nue field at 1 P. M. and at 1:30P. M. will march to the newfield.

Unit* from the Colonia Dis-trict 12 Fire Department under

next year will be held lmmedi- Chief • George Scott and theately after the program, ap-'Colonla First Aid Squad, led byproilmately 11:00 A. M.

beth. She Is the wife of a di-vision-head executive at EfsoStandard Oil company inLinden.

Mrs. Timperman will bespeech correctlonist in the Lin-1den school system starting thisfall. She has been accepted in

iBomhs stay inand a visit to

(1 Tatra mountains.-•, will travel to O«r-

icar.v W:>TO they will meet Mr.!:s n.nry Grabof Union,•,.-<: of Mrs. Kulbaba's, who:M t«v.ir::ii! Europe.i-.-k ;i; Paris will conclude::;;i and return to New

*:l! t>e made In August,

4-H Clubs PlanFor Dad's Day

I8EUN — The Cloverbetles,pre 4-H Club, met at the homeof the leader, Mrs. Joseph Rt-

On >s active with thea Cos' 248 American

President William Yorke, will the graduate school at Newarkparade with the Little Leaguers state College, and plans to _


Knights to HoldPicnic June 25

ISELIN — George Schwaband his committee remindedmembers of the St. CeceliaCouncil, Knights of Columbusof the forthcoming picnic atRoosevelt Park June 25. Theptenic is open to all Knightsand their friends, and reserva-tions may be made by contact-

g George Schwab, PU 8-3993,Richard Funk, LI 9-2565, orClay Tully. ME 4-7743. Ticketsmay also be obtained at thepicnic area, Section 2 of Grov<

A varied program of gameiind other events has bee1

ilanned.Fred J a m e s was elected

down Inman Avenue to the newdiamond.

High-light of the afternoonwill be the All-Star game pit-ting the eastern division, led byTom Donoghue. against thewestern, piloted by Ernie TothHelping coach the east will beAl San Oiacomo, "Butch" Rl-

ni«loll. Dow Avenue and work-n»WI. Ed Kehler. Joe Pryor.Ml on towels and needlebooks

the QueenTbe girls made plans for Fa-ther1! r>y and decided that

Yale Abrams, "Teedy" Oon-ulez. Ous Sobon, Al Lehman

T h e

Lewish WomenAttend Workshop

I "oit 'NIA Several co*kml*!&•::.•>:• o! the Central P»rk-

»'•:.•.>:'.. National Ooundl>-.v. Women, attended a•. .i-diiv workshop session

they «»n meet with their fa- « * . * * Veteff'then at the Tttnette meeting,!Monday. The Ttenettrs willhold their business session at6:30 P. M. and the fathers wUlbe guesu at 7 P. M. Eileen Mar-

work for her Master's degree.She is also doing private workIn the area of speech therapy,

While In college, the Colonlahousewife majored In twocurricula, general elementaryand handicapped-speech. MrsTimperman served her intern-ship as a clinical instructor ofspeech at the Newark State

Backing up the west will be speech Clinic under the direc-tion of Dr. George Gens, speechpathologist. She dW voluntee

I work at Keesler Institute forAil-Star line- Rehabilitation, West Orange

ta "««™nc«« '" next

tin and Christine Agnew willbe hostesses.

The Cloverbelles will meetat 11 A. M. June 27 and theTeencttes at 1:30 P. M. for acook-out to start the summerschedule

At tre TeenetU meeting,(1 chairmen at Monday, the girls prepared

George Thoma, president ofthe League, issues a cordial in-vitation to all Colonla resi-dents to attend the dedication,

working In the department ospeech and hearing.


•; '..'ic President, M M .;i:wik, in Clark. Par-f:"m here were Mri.*••. program; Mrs.

^cii.r. ".shfp-a box;"-'•A Sandak, '"• > Uwrenee Pried-' -•""'.•.itii'i; M I M LU-•••". field represenU-

iu in

youth recreation In Colonia.

Hansen of Orioles excels asbig league hitter.


Hi United Presbyterian Youthimportant milestone for of the First P r e s b y t e r i a n

Irs. BillingsHeads New PTAISELIN — A PTA for Iselin

School 24 was organized atmeeting held at School 15. MrsJames CRourke was modera-or.

A slate of officers was electeand installed as follows: MrsHamilton Blllinge, Jr., presi'dent; Mr*. James Teufil, firslrtce-president; Mrs. O'Rourkerecording secretary; Mrs, RalphHoover, corresponding secre-tary; Mrs. Peter Ferwerdatreasurer and Mrs. Arthur Erljarllamentarlan.

Charles Benz, presented

Churcli will sponsor a car washat Fe/lowship Hall parking lot,Rahway Avenue, Saturday beginning at 9:30 A. M.

Council,•'•'• session.

••"• .Uso announced:.Kr 'hairmen for the1 ;»'r.sonnel, Mrs

their sewing projects to beJudged at the July 11 meetingand for the County Fair to beheld at Dunham's Corner, EastBrunswick, August 11 through15 Inclusive, Mrs. RudolphKummler, clothing projectleader was honored at a birth-day party. Miss Slgrid Roh-

Hamllton, Ontario, was

people enjoyed a family buf-fet supper, sponsored by the sioner Frederick Boyle welcomMothers Circle of Boy Scout «d Fred Relght Into the Troo]Troop M, after which the


'••• ' ' M U ;

:•: .dim-it1 l>'. inson.

retention,Kift shop,

as a transfer and1 presenteiTroop's final Court of Honor him with the H neckerchief,for the season was held at the


>( all for a d a y


ing the kindergarten classes ofSchool 30 this fall and theirparents will be given a welcom-ing program on Tuesday at theschool by the present kinder-gartnm. Parents and childrenwhose l*st names begin with Ato K art invited to attend the10 A. M. program. Those fromL to Z are asked to the 2 P. M.performance. Mrs. S i d n e yPreund, president of the PTO,will be present at both programs to explain "The Aim andPurposes of PTO"

Court of Honor is HeldA t Family Buffet SupperCOLONIA — More than 17S ducted by Scoutmaster Harold

New Dover Methodist Churcrmeeting hall.

Rev. Albert Sweet, pastor ofchurch whlcr sponsors the

Hlbell. Neighborhood Commis

the chTroop,ip, opened the evening with


Merit badges were presentetto William Skillman and JameKnell by assistant scoutmasteGus DeVlco. Mr. Boyle congratulated the Troop on its advancement since Septemberand praised the leaders antcommitteemen for their dillgent work. Scout activities ha'

Highlight of the Coutt ofHonor was the presentation of Lthe Star Badg( , to Richard riow ceased for the summer.6ftulardbyRoc«|Trtmboli,dls- The elected candidatestriot commissioner. Assistant the Order of the Arrow Pow

commissioner Albertawarded flirst

badges w Richard M.man and Leonard Jones.


were in.

HiiiilHHHIIHH«"M"EIt's EASY to

SHOR for "POP"

Wow week-end at Camp CoClass waw June 24, 25 and 36 are8kill-John Jablkowskl, W i l l i a

Spencer and chairman HerschiPecorale'and JohnTarver. Last year's candidates

who will also make the tri

GOP 6KickoffDinner Tonight

COLONIA-All members ofthe Fifth Ward RepublicanCounty Committee Organizawere urged to attend the "Cam-

sn Kick-Off Dinner" to beheld at The Pines, Metuchen,tonight. Plans for this weremade at a recent meting held althe home of Mr. and Mrs. FraMiles, Falrview Avenue.

Mr. Miles, Republican chair-man of the Fifth Ward, salethat the dinner will serve t<

1SH.IN Tin* PTA of S t .• r r - r ih ., i 'nnirhlnl School il (' " l:n :" Id it.1, installation Qt

I'lfli1'1!1. fur tlic school yeslf iliWMMiii. ju ii,,, H'liool caf6-

. ' '•!-' Atti'Mdi'.ive of over 13Q9 ,ii11•• "'Mtjitrd the iii'fwrnm Be \

:'"-l'l t'.'n niKhts. Mrs. Chris- •"•"I'l:! i (liny, rrwpin of the NeW

:l!iiin::w:ck District of PTA,,./'jCniinnl. WHS dU. Installing of"'\,'fli'"r ln>.t;illiM *eir: Mrs.

!nrd Sinnntt. pi'cslrtciit: 'lAndrcw DiipiiMn, first vlO#|l>rcsiilrnl. Mrs. William BlhleJr,jsi'ciihd vlpc-prrsident; Mrh.IHiiiry Olovrr, third vlce-presl*- 'drill; Mrs, Frank Jacob, fourffll *'vice-iircsident; Mrs. Will iai l 'Duerscheldt, fifth vice-presi*- ;

nt: Mrs. Georse Dikun, r4- •rdliiR secretary; Mrs. Prai^t \

Imith corresponding secretarj; . , 'ATS. Daniel Tcrrant, treasurer. •

Committee heads appoint^"*fere: Mrs. William Lemisk*. 'ilrs. Edward Partenope, M i k

Charles Hozempa, Mrs. NlcholMHand, Mrs. Gary Forzlati, M A . 'Eugene McMahon, Mrs. Wi l -liam Ehlers, Mrs. Kenneth '•

introduce Republican candl

Becker, Mrs. Donald Maguire,Mrs. Peter Befano, Mrs, Vin* -, -,jicent Cunningham, Mrs. Robert ,, !

Morton. Mrs. Edward Snyder,'Mrs. Charles Polak and Mrt. ,Oeorge OToole,

Reverend John Wilus, pastor,,and moderator of the group,thanked the outgoing officer! ,and all members for their won* „derful cooperation in the partyear.

Quests of honor Included


Grand Knight. Others electedinclude James Sullivan, deputygrand Knight; Joseph Shields,recorder; Pied Geoffroy, treas-urer; Arthur Johnson, warden;John J. Belz, advocate; ThomasByrnes, chancellor; CharlesGaribotto, outside guard; Ed-ward Gorskl, William Branden-berg, inside guards. John JBoyle, Jr., outgoing GrandKnight was elected trustee ofthe council.

Paul Van Bergan, who ismoving away from this area,was honored with an award foroutstanding service to thecouncil.

AUGUST NUPTIALS: Mr,and Mrs. James W. Hemming1111 Woodruff Street, Iselin,announce the engagement oftheir daughter, Dorothy Ann,to Otto Vounrtluth, Jr.,Hampton, Va., son of Mr, andMrs. Otto Younebluth, 147McFarlane Road, Colonia.

Miss Hemming is a gradu-ate of Tottenville High SchoolStaten Island and is em-ployed as a secretary atUnited States Trust Compa-ny of New York.

Her fiance is a graduate ofWoodbridge High School andNewark College of Engineer-ing, where he received his BSin Electrical Engineering. Heis an aeronautical researchengineer with the NationalAeronautics and Space Ad-ministration at Langley FieldVirginia,

The wedding date has beenset for August 27.

ddates on all levels who are seek-ing office in the Novemberelection.

He also spoke on recent ap-pointments to Township posltions, and explained the dutiesand responsibilities of each.Next meeting will be held atthe home of Mr. and Mrs. Rus-sell Moody, 13 Broadway Ave-nue, Thursday, June 23.

Sister Mary Carmel, O.P.clpal of the school, Mrs. AlbertVan Nest, vice-regent of NewBrunswick Council of PTA.

Mr. Mjles was also the speak-er at another Republicanmeeting, that of the InmanAvenue Republican Club, heldfor the first time in permanentmeeting quarters at the V. F.W. Hall. The county commit-tee chairman discussed reval-

Guest PreacherAt Union Church

COLONIA - Dr. I. Georfl* .Nace, former secretary for tha '|national missions of the Na«al Council of Churches, will Itt '.the guest preacher Sunday «*U A. M. at the service mBethlehem Union church of thai;

uation of property and newTownship appointments.

Sam Blitz, chairman of theentertainment committee, an-nounced nearly - completedplans for a testimonial affairto be tendered Fifth Ward Elmhurst, 111.

United Church of Christ o tClark-Colonia. Dr. Nace's 9&f \Ject will be "Now, Not Tomor-row." He is taking the p l«»of the church's pastor,George Shults, who ising the joint national youthcouncil of the United Churchof Christ being held now In

Sisterhood Beth Sholomai

,arge Webster unabridged dic-tionary to the school library inmemory of his son, WilburBenz, a polio victim and in ap-preciation of the untiring ef-forts of the Wpodbridge Town-ship teachers who had so will-ingly taught his son.


Division of Union. CountyAmerican Jewish Congress, willclose its season with a barbecueparty Saturday .June 25, at thehome of Mrs. Arrtold Robtoson369 Lake Avenue.

ISELIN — Sisterhood Bethjpitality, Mrs. Walter Klebe, giftSholom, held the installation:shop; Mrs. Irving Korland,

of officers at the Center, 90,book of remembrance; Mrs. AbeCooper Avenue. Rabbi Bernard lasky, hospitality; Mrs. MiltonFrankel gave the invocation Sablatsky. representative toand Mrs. George Gross readjhouse committee; Mrs. Nathan"Our Offering," which was Schussler, Torah Fund; Mrs.published by National Women'slRobert Serotkln, Oneg Shab-League, and then installed of-jbot; Mfs. Jack Liebowitz, tele-icers as follows:

Mrs. Herbert Selig, president;Mrs, Al Kivitz, first vice-presi-dent, membership; Mrs. Nor-man Tucker, second vice-presi-dent, ways and means; Mrs.Richard Brief, third vice-presi-dent, program; Mrs. Jack Good-

are William Marquardt, An-drew Boyle and Robert Golden.Also attending from the Troopwill be David Boyle, Mr. Hibeland Mr. Boyle.

Twenty-five scouts from theTroop will go to Camp Cowawfor the week of July 3-10 underthe supervision of Mr. DeVico,

The Troop will have a Jam-boree week-end July 22-24 tocoincide with the NationalJamboree in Colorado, Plansare being made for a weekenithen at the Hawkins Bridgsection of the Wharton StatePark.

The Favorite



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committeeman John Evanko inSeptember. Co-chairman Mrs,Moody appointed Mrs. RobertBroderick and Mrs. WalterKerbis to head the ticket com-mittee, Mrs. Donald Jacqueswas named hospitality chair-man.

A question and answerperiod with CommitteemenJohn Evanko and David Millerclosed the meeting. Refresh-ments were served.

Choir rehearsal will takeplace.tonight at 8 P. M. In thechurch.

The churoh's building com-'ittee met recently at the

church with Robert Miller,architect, to discuss plans forthe new edifice to be built onLake Avenue.

Girl Scout LeadersElect New! Officers

COLONIA - Election of of-ficers was held at the final versity of Puerto Rico,

phone squad; Mrs, Larry Stein-berg, children's activities; Mrs.Ira Weisman, visual aid; andMrs. Morris Cohen, chaplain.

Mrs. David Gutman, vice-president of Centsal New Jer-sey Board of Women's Leaguewas the guest speaker. Miss

meeting this season jof the GirlScout leaders and assistants ofGroup 4 at the home of Mrs.

man, fourth vica-president, cul-|Phyliss Redler san& a medley ofture and education; Mrs. Rich-ard Grossman, treasurer; Mrs.Fred Soffer, financial secre-tary; Mrs. Hy GUckman, re-cording secretary; Mrs. Law-rence Pried, corresponding sec-retary; Mrs. Harold Bernstein,advisor to ritual committee;Mrs. Milton Eig, publicity; Mrs.David Welssman, good cheer;Mrs. Al Bodin, youth activities;Mrs. William Cohn, gift shop;Mrs. Robert Palk, librarian;Mrs. Frank Davis, servicemen'sservice; Mrs. Arthur Frierman,assistant chairman, ways andmeans; Mrs. Burton Katz, hos-

songs. A musical skit "CollegeDays", directed by Mrs. MartinRogoff was ppresented. In thecast were Mrs. Philip Schreiber,Mrs. Richard Brief, Mrs. Nor-man Tucker, Mrs. Milton Eig,Mrs. Hy Glifckman, Mrs. Her-man Bodes, Mrs. Abe Lasky,Mrs. Harold Epstein, Mrs. Rob-ert Prupis, Mrs. Soffer was thepianist.

The benediction was given byMrs. Bernard Frankel. Supper Iselin, Mondaywas served by the installationcommittee.

The first meeting of the newd

T e t gexecutive board of Sisterhood

Miss Haddad Taking,Course in Puerto Rico

ISELIN — Miss Odette Had-dad, daughter of Mr. and Mrs,Nassib Haddad, Homes ParkAvenue is in Puerto Rico whtreshe Is taking a two monthscourse in Spanish at the tTnl-

Miss Haddad, a student atthe University of Marietta, InMarietta, Ohio is majoring In

Morton Ginlger, 163 Jeffrey foreign languages especiallyStreet. , Spanish and French.

Those elected were: Neigh-borhood chairman, Ihrs. EdwinVandewater; co-chairman, Mrs.Hy Firkser; secretary, Mrs.Prank Leach; correspondingsecretary, Mrs. Harold Barber;treasurer, Mrs. Barney Rdok-off; Brownie consultant, Mrs.Giniger; Intermediate consult-ant, Mrs. Vandewater.; public-ity, Mrs. Fred Langendorf. Re-freshments were served. First


iliary of the Iselln First AidSquad held its final meeting *fthe season and will resume inSeptember with a barbecue.The Chinese auction which hullbeen scheduled has been post-poned until that time. Mn.Paul Kvalkauskas won tha ape*cial award. Refreshments w e *served under the direction of

19 at the home of Mrs, Langen-dorf, 14 Wendy Road.

fall meeting will be September M r s Arthur Grosskopf, hospl-tallty chairman. Mrs. JohnBobak is publicity chairman.

Beth Sholom was held atSellg's home, Grand Avenue.il

There will be a ways and|means meeting, June 22, at th»home of Mrs. Norman Tucker,118 Worth Street, at 9 P. M.



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^^[Householders Urge - [PDF Document] (16)


Berry FestivalNext Wednesday

COLONIA — Th« Sisterhood

are chairmen, undpr the super-vMon of the fund-ralsins viceiprttident, Mrs. IrvtnR Under.Items

Rrownie*cereAVENEL - Fly-up

for sale include men. monies were held for Brownieand children's doth-Troop 35 at Westminster Hill,


Festival Wednesday at 1 P. M•n the lawn of the home of Mr.»nd Mrs Murray Kolpan, H Firemen * (.armi'dl nyini up into Intermediate

rw, r, •• , i » . rr I "coutlng are Christine Menke,T o Be Held Next Week 8ugan Merwin, Victoria Meyer,En.'t Locust Avenue.

Card and Mali Jong names;and refreshments are all in-cluded for nominal admission carnival sponsored by the First

COLONIA - The annual

fw. Women desiring baby-slt-!Ald Squad and Volunteer Fire narskl, Lynn Nlelwn. KathleenHim facilities In order to at-!Company will be held next|Rasmu«Ben. Knthleen West,tend should contact MM lir-iwert,- Monday through. Satur- J*net- Httwkes, Cynthln Syllnij,tend lYimli contttt Mrs. tr»4w««lE, M o d y gIn* Grossman. FU M894.jday, at the Inman Avenue ballAisistinK Mr.«. Kolpan on thfi|field,committee are Mrs. rtowardi There 'will be rides, prize*florman and Mrs. Juliiis Glenn.'and fun for all ages on the

The Sisterhood is also cur-largest midway CoJenla haaretitly sponsoring a rummagelevei' seen, according to Halwlc taking place todny and to-jQdegard committee member,morrow at an Irving Street' Refreshments will be servedstore opposite ' the Railway,by the ladies of the Aid Squadmovie house. Hours for this are!and Fire Department aux-B A. M. to 6 P. M. Mrs. Maxlllarles.

Woodbridge OaksReports

GLADYS I. SCANS411 IJni-oln Hl|bw»r li«ll>

Tfl LI-I- I IH—Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ack-

erman and sons, Robert, Jr.,Joseph, James and Raymond.Adams Street, were Kiiests ofMr. and Mrs. Edward Ackev-man, Newton.

—Mr, and Mrs. William Lln-_.._ iv, Newark, were dinnerNancy flchlundt. and Diane g u e , t 8 of Mr, nnd Mrs. Martin

Mr*. Hartley Field, leader,conducted ceremonies. Girl*

'Donna Housman, Carolyn Poul-gen, Patricia Field, Sandra Dy-

Freeman, Cohen, Bradford Place. MrsThe girls will form a troop EH Cohen, Miami, Flo., is visit-

headed by Mrs. Field, Mrs. C, ing the Cohens.Hawkw and Mrs. M. Schlundt.

Mrs. P. Maaura and MrsRichard Syllntt will continuwith the brownie tioop 35.

Parents were welcomed aguests and refreshments Werserved byjhe troop members.

At KREILSHEIMER'SA Large Selection of

for DAD and GRADGive Them a New


The most warmly welcomed gift of all . . . a timelytreasure from our gala selection of smartly styled,dependable watches for men and women.





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—Mr. and Mrs. ThomasPerry, Semel Avenue, verehosts at a birthday party forMiss Kay Perry, West NewYork, Other guests were Mr.and Mrs. Charles Perry anddaughter, Mlchele, Weehawken:Mr. and Mrs. Rdbert Perry and,daughter, .Patricia, North Ber-gen, and Kathryn, Roberta andSandra Jean Perry-

—Mrs. Henry Schott, AdamsStreet, was a weekend guest ofMrs. Joseph McGlnley of EastOrange.

—John Howard Chandler,son of Mr. and Mrs. HowardChandler, West Arthur Place,celebrated his seventh birthdayat a family dinner held at thehome of* hit maternal grand-jmother, Mrs. John Brannigan,Passalc. As a special treat hisparents wer« hosts at a lobsterdinner at Snuffy's Restaurant.Scotch Plains.

-Mr. and Mrs. George Hack-ett and (laughter, Joyce, at-tended the commencement ex-ercises at Beton Hall Unlver-; •slty, at which Mrs. Hackett'sjbrother, John Henning, Liv-ingston, graduated.

—Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nealeand children, Robert, Jr., Mar-tha Lynn and Wanda Lee.jAdams Street, were guests at abarbecue picnic at the home ofMr, and Mrs. John Witter-:sheim, Warwick Street. Mrs.;Charles Cordler, Union, wasalso a guest.

—Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cuth-wtson and children, Robert.Carolyn, Barbara and Walter,'South Amboy, were guesU ofMr, and Mrs. Alexander Cuth-bertson, Oak Tr«e Road. Mrand Mrs. Alex Cuthbertson andchildren, Richard and Mau-reen, were guests of Sister Jane;Francis. St. Elizabeth's Con-vent, Linden.

-Kevin Wheelhouse, OakTree Road, son of Mr, and Mrs,!Albert Wheelhouse, was guestof Honor at a party in celebra-tion of his fourth birthday,Sunday. Guests were his grand.mother, Mrs. Mary Giambronl,and Mrs. Vincent Mascola andson, Christopher, Bound Brook;Mr. and Mrs. Robert Glflm.-bronl, Jnmesburg, and Mrs.Stephen Heinowitz, New York.

Pony League UnitSeek* More Members

ISEtJN Mrs. Qeorge Smithwns elected president of the

Puny League Auxiliary »t

Mother's SocialHeld by Tr,,(1,WOODBRIDGE

meeting of thei8001"1 w>w heldA Mm,

thrKi-tmp held At Columbian Hall.

oilier officers elected were:


Mrs. Thomas Ferris, vlce-presl-lilenl; Mrs. Joseph Diaz, secre-

nnd Mrs. Anthony Strada,nnd publicity chair-

Mrs. F. Christens,.,,Brownie Troop 2Rmediate Olrl Srout •welcome address »-,.Joyce Kohlev.I my

ticRSiirci mm H«"">">'jr »•>•»•• | ^ talentman. | .

Thr opening game wa* playedia8ncM' pwrns, an ,Merrill Park and the aux- selections was pn>Sr

jlllmv conducted a cake sale'after the opening ceremonies,

dx a r yAt present only 31



i mothers are active In the aux-iliary. There ar« 120 activemembers In the League.

Final Meeting Held

nn,,(|Brownie». A derm^i,badge work incl\idinK

and painting, gHrf)ni

horsewoman, and ,„was given by the i n l n

h; ci;:;lawi to be cheerful «,iriand also a play ••M,

« O»rl a e o u u t

APPEAL FOR COOPERATION: H«nry H. Kurmailn and U» Rossi, of Avenel-ColonlaFirst Aid S^uad, are ihown with placard urjlnr urea residents to cooperatt In thr ««u** *paper drives which start Saturday. Papers should be tied In bundles »nd plae«l »l ">«curb before 10 A. M. Proceeds will be used to help defray the cost of tM new ambu-lance. The drives will he held lh« third Saturday of each month. Owners of smill pick-up trucks, wbhinc to give their services, are asked to be at Squad headquarters by 10 A. M.

„ r. . n t AAy Ann Marie Brownfly ScOUt PttCk 44;and Patrlcift Brown

COLONIA ~ Presentation oflwere awarded for hawards was held at the last best attendancemeetlhg of the season of CubPack 44, sponsored by the New

" 'I) \

.Mill I! Iyear.

Rowrnary Kochn«" ,, JEgan, and Deborah HI I


Academy StartsRegistration

the Nursery and Kindergarten year, it was announced. .'classes are also required to r e s t«j families in the entire Jey, "criarlMCrested fam . l ey Charles Schregister so that the Hil le lR g r l t a n B a y a r f a including Mathew Bofko»-ski.Academy may be in a better po-

'Dover Methodist Church. _„_..,Den 3 won the den flag for;weri welcomed into

jthe month, for having the bestTroop 93 and eadidisplay. Individual awards went.her mother with a >to Theodore Arlington, Phllip'red roaes.Murray, Timothy Brooke, Bruce' Patricia Brown \t

Kckensberger, Keith Daniel, Barbara Cadwaln.uKevin McDonald, Russell 8tan-;Marle Brown wem h,

Bchwarti, and having «o)d lemonade

I (. I

Den Mothers honored wereIsmon to plan he I960 -iSeiMetuchen. Woodbrldg, C a r . . ^

PERTH AMBOY - Registra-F11001 ^ar . it was explained by tcret. Fords, Iselin, Ediaoh ^ d B | M ( > r M r j c h g r , e g E b . M r v p d

mer to buy an Arm:for the troops.

tlon for all classes in the HUlelRabbl 8 h f t P i r o iTownship and Perthher

Academy, ha» been announced! The Hillel Academy Board are urged to contact the prin-,by Rabbi Irving Shapiro, prin- of Directors met last night and;clpal's office at 100 First Street

b e t j a n d Mrs. Charles Schwartt. menu.

tformallv approved a 7th grade1 In Perth Amboy for further In-1 Grain futures move In nar- Malaya li

; i| :

"REMSEMBER DADon FATHER'S DAY - Sunday, June 19th"Give Dad the gift he'd buy himself— a bottle of his favorite beverage

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Mind you, winners don't have to drive to^traction. But they will win 6,1Ough fiui to" " ' • t h e trip. And five «« p , r First Prize

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^^[Householders Urge - [PDF Document] (17)

\ id Squadi>ls Two

Youseasy tn sny|

n, ;•',«• forncl*to do It.. i|,,> gt. J o h n s

"4,111(1, n Corrielle,,,iiriilniiy pleasedI,II ,TS tiiat >t rp-

,„.:,!• Admiral H.',',[ ilir Navy's ClvlJ|, .„.„,, thanked the;

FestivalPresentedBy Grade 6

FORDS - The sixth gradeudents of School 7 bid fare-ell to elementary school byleann of a musical festival onMori. " R i n g Aroundforld" In whichipated.

|mm Prrvlh Am-

A t m atom W.i T ( ) *"">J-OW SEA; William'" „ T cZ^lor, 0- Ferdinands. son of Mr.

N l « i H New»k ex- »«n ( l R ( l n - » Woodland Ave-

' " ' S i n * foi-"the n M f ' F w d l - wa* «rad™<»»""" in in Wttlng f r o m tH(> 8»»tt University ofH.||on in setting ^ y o r k ^ ^ ^ . ^

with a Bachelor or Sciencedecree In Marine Transpor-tation and R license as thirdmate in the 1!. S. MerchantMarine.

Mr. Ferdlimndscn, a grad-uate of Wnodhrlriie HighSchool, nerved four years Inthe Navy an quartermasterduring the Korean conflictHe will be commissioned a!an ensign In the V. S, NavaReserve upon employment a!a ihip'i officer In the Mer-chant Marine.

While at college he wan artWe In the Student Councilyear book committee and wancadet officer In hli first clans(fenlorl year, He wan aDean's LUt student and par-tlclpated In Intramural sport*.

;i-k IK' .

,,,,! Krasbcy to thefive and Ear Hos-

!, wits- cited, by the,,,1;il service depart-

, ,IU the fastest de-,, iwtirnt that they!

.•xiwlrnced." Mr.1

- i - i 1 M I id .-,,; [ r in Admiral]. as follows:,i:,diiy, the second of\ ,,ruanlzatlon pro-'ml.iner service and,'.- (in my daufthtcr,,:,l winiie. Mrs. Jones

AIIe taken care of,,iud from

:•- piriisnnt by your


in word*'ii,m'for the frlend-l,,! your perwnnelii Mint service pro-at times like thU:,(•] mm humanuvid and you feelmankind is not aai

appears In I

is fmc now and}did self again, and

h, ;s not going to:., mill's from Pt.

iniiil between no*!.;i baby arrives.,,:< ;i of our appre-x en.•ICSIIIK a check

,i donation to your.iMliiu' organization,

vnu imam for a.,,- i.iiy needed and:,-,fii, I remain."

,•> rum Mr. Felton

: ;,i spies* our sin.v.•.;, and commend! i >i;r rapid re-

; ,-\« ilent serviceihr above-cap-

Muiid.iy. June 8,i;.'k acuon In get-

1 ' .J ii to the Man-.,:ud F.a: Hospital- tlii- hospital's

; - Department as:„ • •• delivery « ' •i1 :n. •, have ever

Man*countries including i,-P.ind, Spain. Germany, Italylunuary, Israel, India andapan, were represented by

and dances. Included inhe chorus were: Jnnc-t i l imdJonnle Specs, Lois Smoyak'Cathy Wasko, Joseph OndarMartin Juarer, Prank Pupa*alph Mcnweg, Marlene DrossSathy. Feo, Marilyn i,|ika

faaryellen Meshrow, RosalindSarlsky, Jerry Kanicz, TeddyPyrtek, William Durnya, Wil'-lam Moore, Bonnie Mimic

Janet Larson Mickey PospolitaGail Hegedus, Darla Lovt, Don-ald Davis, John English, Mary

ane Balnton, Ruth Schuriiing.Members of the dancers were:

Lorraine Davis, Paul Nalepa,Leonard Demko,. Linda chln-char. R i c h a r d FlemlniflossMlssle Bennett, Charles Her-ring, Michael Carbonaro, Den-nis Borawskl, Carol Heinz.Joanne Leone, Donna UrbanDaniel Zboyan, Alice ConnNoreen Bower, Anthony Hor-vath, Mary Ann Adams, LindaHanderhan, Edward Petersen,Monica Orega, Elaine Valerlo!Linda Juraska, Clare Tooker,William Bracken. Pauline Bradbury, Pat Kocsilc, Peggy KellySharon Vereshack, PauletteTurkus, Norma Flugrad. LindaSpeclale, Johnathan T h e o,Bruce Lajnbertson, Roger Nestel, PBUllne Schneider, Joyci



Lions ClubFORDSns the



A MUSICAL TOUU: Throiieh many lands w;is conducted hy ilir- shlli tnidor^ al SchoolFir^i row, Bn.mie Mi,,,.e. Marlenr Orn«; s-,-,,,,,1 row. P m » Krilv. Panlrlle T,,rk..s. « ;u,,l>,third row, W w n r „ , „ „ „ , S1,ph..n D.Oh.k . ( ; r n M Johnson, John Koch. I ^ r v . V t , , , i .

mlk. RHIPI. Fodor, Donald Adamet,, Virginia Klein.

KnriN Friiluv Alien-.

e , , i , h hnde


a r t l f " -

Wedding is Held

officiatedceremony In the home of Mr

Schnectady, Nat the double rlnc

Other artlsU Included VlrKinia Klein. Noreen Nenel, Rosi

P a t r i c i a JohnstonDzubak, Wayne Han.

sen, Oerald Johnson, DonaldAdametz* M i c h a e l KlamikiThomas Kutay, Ronald Chin-

Theodore Mehaloff, 84 WolffAvenue, became the bride of

Kirk. Elsa Torres, l^iriei. .lahnston

MEMBERS OF THE CHORUS: First row, Joy Matthews, pianist; Ruthanne Mannar, music director; middle rnw, John English, William Durnya, FrankPupa, Teddy Pyrtek, Donald Davis, Lois Smoyalc, Gail Hegedus, Janet Lund, Bonnie Spees, Daria I.ovi, Boiinir Minue, Mary Jane Bainton; back row,Martin Juarez, William Moore, Michael Paspolita, Ralph Menweg, Joseph Ondar, Jerry Karacz, Ruth Schubring, Kathj- Fee, Kathy Wasko, Janet Larson,

Marlene Oross, Maryellen Meshrow, Rosalind Sariskt. Marilyn Litka, Missy Bennett.

Bennett. Mi« R. Magncr wamusic director andBenton and Mrs. 0


v you will bethat we have

.i' the conwftl'.! Aitkcn was

• you to knownut He was de-H enhanced hi*

•,;<v>-.\S in thts

son of the late Mr. andMrs Samuel Jacobs. j

Given In marriage by herfather, the bride wore a Kown ofIvory silk taffeta with a boatneckline, short sleeves and afitted bodice trimmed withAlencon lace. The bouffantskirt had an Intermissionlength front bordered in Alen-con lace which became floorlength in back. Her doublewaltt length veil fell from a capof Alencon lac*, and the car-ried a cascade bouquet, ofoaby orchids andon an ivory fan.

The maid of honor was MisvAbigail Orodner, Platnfleld .

Edward Mayers, Leomlnster.iMass., served as best man: |

The couple will reside at 10021Quebec Terrace, Silver Springs/Md :

Mr. Jacobs was graduated]from Perth Amboy High School

. S . ? r " ^ I choreographer,. Art

Mrs. J.Zashln,director

waa Mrs. J. Oahan.

Miss Marie D. Pagluica iHopelawn VFW Fromhertz- Gallfy RitesSponsors Dance Held Sunday in Orange

• i /.scK'cj andn- »;.sh to aay• - fur it job well


' l " i i i l i l i I trpor l

of the-:^ that thers calls dur-

)l May. Thea«

from Perth Amboy Hisii Schooljand Brandels University, Wai-!than, Masi. She will enter theUniversity of Maryland In tbe!

fall to study for a master'sdegree. '

Her husband, attended Wheaton HlRh School. Wheaton HtKhSchool. Wheaton. Md, and isa graduate of Brandci-, Univer-sity. He will attend George-]town University U » 8ohool.


Weds Louis CalantoniHOPELAWN — Our Lady ofi Mrs. Calantoni was giadu-

the Valley Church, West,ated from West Orange HighOrange, was the setting Satur-[School. She is employed as anday aftopoon for the weddlngilBM programmer with Chubbof Miss Marie C. Pagluicajand Son, Inc., Short Hills.


BREAKFAST SPEAKKR —Gilbert P. Augustine, schoolprincipal, Hill be the main

daughter of Mr. and Mrs, JohnPagluica, 29 Nutman Place,West Orange, and Louis Calan-toni, son of Victor Calantoni,90 Loretta Street, and the la,t,eMrs. Calantlno. Rev. thomaiO'Loary performed the doubla

iR ceremony, • * .Given In marriage by her

'father, thr bride wore a gown|of silk orsiiinza and Cliantillylace, with a Sabrina neckline,

Jilted bodice and lona sleeves,inn- skirt extended into a|clui;)i'l train. She wore a three-itii'r fingertip veil attached to a(crown of rhincstoncs and pcaiis]and ''airlcd a bouquet of white]rosr.\ Mephanotis and an or-'chid. ' •

Mrs. Lui-y Giacini, WestOrannc, was the matron of'honor. Bridesmaids were theM l s j i e s S a U y Lenoci,' Westjoi'tuific, coiwin of the bride,and Aim Mane Capalbo, East

The bridegroom, a graduate

FORDS — The Ladies Aux-iliary to the Hopelawn Me-morial Post 1352. VPW. willhold a "bu:k night" danceSaturday at thfPost home, wasannounced at a meeting with

ui mi. Hiiuivirs. narry _ . „ , . , . Mrs. AUOaey UI.OSs

Gallfy, 522 Chestnut Street,!*1 OrtlS if Oltum• framed cr ia lge. or refreshments.Oranse, became the bride of, g Salvation Arm\ . . n , , r ,

John Dall, Fords,of Woodbridge High School, is Mrs. Helen Horayak presiding,employed with Security Steel Mvs. Beriha Kat:^ur reportedCorporation, Avencl. He served on the pennytwo years In the Army,

speaker at Hie K'alher-and- iKeansbura. cousin of the bride.C i B k f t W


yWa*hln«ton. D. C, this fall.

'njIPcach Fesrivalu man hours i n i n • . J

« uaveiied! Plans Proiected•>[ oxygen re-: ' J

PORD8-Tlie Ladlt's'• Aid of*ill be hoatiOur Redeemer Lutheran

Svn Comniunion BreakfastSunday at Our Lady of PeaceChurch Auditorium, Fords,under the auspices of theHoly Name Society. He willdiscuss the importance of thefather's influence in raisingand educating children. Mr.

flower nii'l was Miss JoannHopelawn, niece of

the bridegroom. .,T&e best man was Thomas

Pu.skiii, cartci'et, and ushersIncluded J. Kurtz, Perth Am-boy; James mid Victor .Calan-toni, Hopelawn. and Rank

and Mrs,Hornyak askfd fur volunteers

a~ to assist at thp Roosevelt Hos-

FORDS-Miss Joan Gallfy.,LISIIUT of Mr. and Mrs. Harry j ,

al a recent meeting jI lie Fords I,ions Club. Mr. .'ituislon is a member ofclub. «n active member ofFords community, and ahrr of the Civil Defense,spoke mi the effects of riat ion and how ve as clt'should fipht to prorctsi'lvrs aualnsi this bitter el[of loriiiy',", age.

William Nprk, /.one ch<mnn, spoke on Llonism to .newly accepted member JUllIzso. 'vim was sponsored byj

Adolpii Quadt, chairman'i Lions International, had;honor of brliiRlnn his son,lieil, into the club as a 1member . Jt*

jHck Boerer reported onLions State' Convention wSwus held recently! in AtlaCity.

A report- on changesamendments to the StateMltution which were madethe convention was madeDavid Pavlnvsky, chairman-Constitution and By-Laws.

Delegates attending thevention included: Louis CyktlJr., dKwly elected presidCharl?s Tarr, outRolng pn|dent: Adolph Quadt. Lionsitiiiiadnnal chairman; WilliMilam. secretary; Harry SyTli'second vice president; JpiVarcniko. Jr., tail twill;Jack Boerev. past, presidJFrert Solowlnsk.i Joseph !and Victor Johannsrji.

Fund Raising Topic <Of COP Club SesslA meetini! of the Sei

Ward Republican Clubheld at Frank's Hall with Mfl|vHelen Adamiec presiding,mitteeman David NicolaRobert Ncary, Second Wileader, told of plans forcoming campaign, Theyfor cooperation and aeffort, to work for the ellof Julius E. Izso, R«publlcandidate. John Jago, waysmeans chairman, told ofnecessity of raising fundsthe coming campaign and aifor assistance.

Mrs. Audaey Gross was

Philip Fromhenz, III, son ofP p romhnz, III, son ofMr. and Mrs. Philip FromherU.I TOBDS-Mlss Louise Hagler,, .Jr., 58 Egan Avenue, Sunday -daughter of Mr. and Mrs.j Awarded Fellowship } \afternoon at Our Udy of the F r a n k Hagler, 60 Pender Place,] F 0 R D S _ A National IWValley Church, Orange, with a member of the Salvation fcnSC F o r c i 8 n Language Fe!Rev. William Otto performing Army Harlem Temple Corps,the ceranonuy.

jpital a few hours a week. A: Given In marriage by herreport was also made by Mrs. father, the bride wore a gown

l di hi

New York City, was commis-sioned aa officer in the organ-


TheMrs. Terry Konar. Hostessesfor the .eveningElizabeth . Estok,

Adtuniec, poppy chair-

special award went to



Kdzak, Mrs, Margaret Golicki.and Mrs. Olga Semok.

of silk bombazine decoratedwith seed pearls. She carriedphalaenopsis, stephanotis andbabies' breath on a prayer-book.

I Miss Dorothy Lippa, Newark,the maid of honor. Brides-

Auturiine hold, k bachelor's jcaluntuin, Pfrtli Amboy, all' -— v """"• brothers ol the bridegroom.

Ringbeuicr was Ronni Calen-der ree from Notre DameI'niverslly and a master's de-

•suite Fir* AidDistrict ladet• U P , MtTh

' will btlrep••'• '-s Slec/,kc*skl.••. rti'limtdt. i


Helen AdamiecOn

Rjngbeai, r r p | r o m Kui»ers I'nivw- i l o n j Hopelawn, brother of the

Church heard Rev. Hmun RStohs speak at a recent mecf-

on "The Last Great Mir-acle."

Mrs. Haru) 8chmidt. Ml IA-man Avenue. Woodbiidjt'. will

•« mn'e an 843/- ho.-U-M at her home for the1 "' Uulontown, j U | v ^ met-ting at 130 P M

' woman to jThose destrmu tran»porinii<uit ' L, l-should mevt at the clmich, at

P. M. Plan* Will be in.iUt'|lwFestival In AIIK'«


I d •and I \™'' SePt*!"'"'1' ii"'''1111*!

8 j u tal

«.lty. Prior to his present up- ibridegroom.nUninenl, he han been em- ; U p o n l n e i r r e i u l . n from aployrd In various typeit of |we(jdinK trip to Florida, thework, including playground c o u i c w i l | rKl(\e a t 29 Nutmansuperior , hieh school teach- ip|a{.l>p VVcst Oraiiue.<*r ciillfsf instructor, ad-niimstifalor «f two athleticuffleiali' schools, director ofwelfarr, safety, communityrelations and training foran industrial concern and 4 — Willwni Hussett, Jr., andprincipal of 4n adult school. !,iKr>i Hassett, children of Mr

— ~ ~ - j u n d Mrs. William Hassett

w-.ll A New Version Westbury Road, and .GeorgeHie Tead*, "Is your motWr or'Beveridue, Jr.. and Ros^arm

Mt"-ymir fajther the boss ii) your'Beveridgr. children of Mr. andinn- iiniK**1 "' ' Mrs "r t l

UPSALA GRADUATE; LoisP. uoldbcis, 37B AldrichDrive. lords, received thebachelor of business in ele-mentary education degreefrom Lps.ila College. Dr.Evald B, I.awson, president ofthe college, conferred degreeson 219 graduating seniors.

Commencement s p e a-k e rwas .Or. Robert W. VanHouten, president of Newark

College of Engineering.

FORDS -- Joseph Pedor andMrs. Constance Cutler, mem-bers of the County Committeeof the Second District, SecondWard announced that Mrs.Helen Adamiec 134 Penna Ave-nue Hopelawn, has been ap-pointed as an assistant cam-paign manager for Julius E,Izso, Republican candidate forCommittee.

Mrs. Adamiec is a lifelongresident of Hopelawn and themother of a 19 year old sonShe is president of the SecondWard Republican Club and apast president of the ladies

lowship has been awardedJohn Dall, Jr., 1212 Wobridge Avenue, a graduate

for the study of Japane!language and culture. He !

maids were Mrs. James A,Reilly, East Orange, and Mis,Joseph Pflug, Orange.

Serving as best man wasWalter Arlsim'nvicz of EastOrange, and ushers were Ron-ald Gallfy, Orange, brother ofthe bride, and Ronald Seaman,Woodbridge.

After a trip through the NewEngland states, the couple'willreside at 549 Newark Avenue.Kenilworth.

The bride is a graduate ofOrange High School and at-1tended the evening division ofNewark School of Fine and In-dustrial Arts. She is employedwith the Edelson AdvertisingAgency. Newark.

Mr. Fromhertz. a graduate ofMetuchen High School, studiedat Monmouth College, WestLong Branch. He is employedwith Federated Purchaser, Inc.,Mountainside.

ization, taking her vows dedi- dent at Seton Halleating her life to God and hu-i Mr, Dall has received $4,9manity in a ceremony in Cen-tennial Memorial Temple.

Originally from Rahway.lceivcd his Bachelor of Arts Iwhere she attended elementary!(tree from Seton Hall UnlverSschool, Miss Hauler graduated.in 1958 and is a fulHlf]from Woodbridge High Schooflgraduate day student in the 1in 1952. She has been active intensive Language Programthe program of the Red ShieldCommunity Center which is

th« University's Institute of ]Eastern Studies. He will c0

attached to the Harlem Corps, mence his studies on July 5. f

Auxiliary of Hopelawn Me-morial PostVFW. | I n d u s t r | a l p r o d u c t i o n s t e a d y

(More Fords Np\s on Page 23) in April.


Westbury Park News


"Hi. \ «i on Part 23)umm.T and"l|)'T " > • ' •


Saturday de//v«nn

•jfimofei j/ved



l«JntrM422 Hmi 24300SO. PUINFIEIPM f W 5-2200

N «ODUCTS: Cru.W Jfo«, Black lop,, Santf «Rd Mwn Mortal,

Edward J. Novak, M. D.

Annouaces »


as of

June 13,are as follows:

Monday, Tu#aday, Wednesday and Friday1:30 PM. to S:80 P.M.

Monday, Wednesday and Friday1:00 P. M. to 8:30 P. M.

Look!. Look!... Look!,


I' E i d


4 Door Sedan - I'uctorv


Frank Van Sycklfe, Inc.DODGE-RENAULT

Brunswick AvenueDIAL VA 60591

With eyes clearly fdcused on theFuture, with feet standing firiplyIn the Present, with hearts rever-ing America's jgreat traditions'ofthe Past}— miy the members ofthe Class of '60 bring Joy to pa-rents, Pride to teachers, Honor tonation, and Fulfillment to them-

. selves.



The Friendly Bank of Fords, New Jersey]MEMBER FEDERA;, RESERVE SYSTEM



FtlDAT - » A, M. TO IM P. M- AND 5 TO I f .

^^[Householders Urge - [PDF Document] (18)


1,1 :'i








OWN SUNDAY9 A.M. to 6 P.M.

AH Prim (f f t t l ln through fiturdiy nigtit, Jmt I I , THO.

Wt n-nt lh« right t« limit qu«nlitiei. M.mbtr Twin Caimty 9mm.

COFFEE SALE!Your Choice:


1 Ib. can

Rath'*Black Hawk

1lack Hawk

lean,Meaty >"



Boneless DaisyAll Meat FranksShort Ribs of BeefFlavorful (hopped Chuck »57Boneless Shoulder SteaksBoneless Cube Steaks










Apple Pies

iotri2 *,. 85c




8™. 69c Fruit DrinksALL VARIETIES-MORTON'S

5'.™ 85c Dinners


3 pkg, 1 Fried Scallops 7., pkg 3 7 c






Blue Chsliei BaconLimblirger, Smokey

and V e n Sharp



Aged Sharp Cheddar Cheese 69Temptee Cream Cheese c 33Borden's Jar CheesesAll Sweet MargarineBorden's Jar Cheeses






Pimento, Relish,Pineapple,

Olive Pimento


wholeea. 89<


tweet eating

Tetley Tea Bags of 16 Package of 100 1.19OPEN

iUNDAY9 A.M. to 6 P.M.


Fiery-red^eet citing


Mutuol Super Markets Weodbridge OPENSUNDAY


^^[Householders Urge - [PDF Document] (19)

PERSONALST o r o n t O (( Caiiadfl

the Rev. Rliby will offl-clftt<> at the marriage of hit


c-n.ssi-n. son of Mr.,. Cftssell, Mld-

Mnda CaronJrliHll!

^ : ; ; » , « r » . H . A ,',.„,,.•,• Strwt. are n-

.„..,, „„„„ u t l u r o n .Campbell,!t0- C n r l s t lnc will be the flower

Standlsh Place, received hlsIB'rl-degree of muster of business - R e v . Paul Tomastik Mountadministration Raymond E.I Holly, will be the epeake? *Geoffrey, B e d f o r d Avenue.jboth morning and e v e n i n ga maater of science and Thomas1 vices, Sunday June 19 at I*.Serollla, Klmball Street, master lln Assembly of Oood Church

Ill ill

toiislilectomles[vitii Amboy

t l .

Hosary Societys ctiurch wlll|

After the itclta-;i,slli-y and Bene-

,.h, the bug-be held In

rirdfiiH where, n(t l,,.1s will be held,\ v frattval will be',' ,|,, social hour.

,, • K Luna. son Of»in snnford Luna'Vvriim', sraduated

R. Blessman, Oak Tree

his baCh-

QiRdy Thomas, Judith Gaturaand Donna Naylor, East Bruns-wick. Rev. Harold Cole pastor•of East Brunswick Assembly ofOod, wag guest speaker. Histopic, "The Symbolic Meaningof Water BapMwn."

— Guests of Mr, and Mrs.William Vogt, Woodruff Strwtwere Mrs. Stanley Kozak and|Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kozak and:

Innacy, Wlltlam H.eley Boulevard, bachelor ofscience.

— Mr: and


— Mr. and Mn, Robert



cvo PLANS mrs TRIPAVENBL SI. Andrew's

C.Y.O. will sponsor a bus tripI to Paliaades Park .hine 30.Buses will leave the churchparking lot at 6:30 P. M. Allteenagers are welcome to at-tend and may contact MissJonn O'Halloinn, 1] fyipinzerStreet, Awhel, fnr further in-formation,

Ison, William, Newark. ^ , i | »! -Graduation of St. Cecelia's L a I) 11 0 I IJ O f 11 eParochial School eighth gradestudents will be held tomorrowill be held tomorrownight at 7:30 In the churchRev. Tlerney will be the speak-er

other States, will soon become David D. Furman.er.


mony at the Rahway ElksLodge conducted by Exalted

a reality.At ft recent mertiiiK of

Region 1, American Association

, - new members werewelcomed Into fellowship at

, — Rev. and Mrs, William R.|I«elln AMembly of Ood Church:Klrby and children, Philip nncllMr. and Mrs. Charles DlngerChristine. Berkeley Boulevard'nnd Miss Ruth Ann Maxwellwill visit Mr. and Mrs. Charles'-


HOTEL MADISON1273 Madison Aveioe, Perth Anboy, N. J .

(enter of Business District

Mon, June 20, at 12:30 P.M.Insertion Dally Ont U fin P. M.

: i': makei It Imptrttlfe that I dUpow of my. i »• ;hr earliut poMltol* Um*. tnd 1 hive there-

: ! : 1 that w a s bj £i£90m4p$ ftt PubUt Auction.:•: ' M.idkon-etUbllthed 1911—contain* one 4-:.. ;. i :n apartment, 30 hotel room* fully furnlihfd,

» •• ..••< Thref-story brick buUdlng with kutonuttc:•*• ';:; hasem*nt. Ample ptrklni fictlltlea. Butldlni

|4. • ' ('.rounds 49'x 100'. A tound flmncltt lnwtt-

»..: a:

: ' biddr thtll be rtqulrrt to pay * Spoilt ofh tinn> f ule icmh or certified check), and ilgn••<: i>5tHf purchue airecment. The underiimed

'a:;i.-i' for a mortgage M 70 per cent of the hlgheit:-;,-'s!fd. without tny c h u i e whaUoeto to the

JM- Inspect thl» unutua) opportunltr If you are<v! i" K sound Inveitment.

Hr Order of: JACOB BCPPEN -(<>»u, AucUoDctr-riMM CAHUl I-JJMWrsokrr, Sherman * Dtmmi, AlU

Phoite VAD*y

Mr. and Mrt. Dinger,Oeorge and Mope Maxwell, GallWorkman, all of Iselln, MarkUeuben, Matawan, Lauren Cole,

Lodge of the Benevolent and'Protective Order of Elks, thefollowing new members wereinitiated: T. Edward Casey,Henry Cohen, Louis Decibus,John Kara, William Kllmlk.William La Forge, 8r., CharlesMantler, Louis Nemeth, Ste-phen Vargo.

(From Editorial Page)

a reciprocal agreement from,hat State on suspension action.

Parseklan, who originated themove, claims such agreemenUare necessary to cope with theproblem of the haX&rdouidriver who violate* the trafficlaws In more than one 8tatn.On June 1 such an agreementwent Into effect between NewJersey and Connecticut.DELINQUENTSt-Juvenile de-linquency has become a prob-lem over half the world, ac-cording to Attorney Genera


speclal assistant to Brig GenRobert D . Forman, Commander1811th Alt Transport Wing

proclaimed ag Ragweed ControlMonth by Governor Mcynpr.

notifbdhvdth!lls*t (h T » bPen'!!!: C o l u m b l a University

Ml k Contra th , 0 , " C e o f i ^ e " « r a n t « d wrmteton by

In his study of Juvenile de-linquency, th* State's lega:| authority believes a hoodlum

of Motor Vehicle Adminlstra-'or juvenile delinquent, is thetors, at Lake Placid, ft. Y., t. aame in other parts of theresolution was adopted calllngiworld rejjardlegs of what he infor concurrent suspension ol,called.out of State driving permits asj In Germany he is calledpracticed by New Jersey andi'.'halbstarke", or half matureConnecticut. . . -

This eventunlly willy mean|any driver traveling in Maine,Ne* Hampshire, Vermont, Mas-sachusetts, Connecticut, RhodeIsland, New York, New Jersey,Pennsylvania, Delaware, Mary-land, the District of Columble,

and in Prance "blousons Noirsmeanjor black jackets. Soviet and

. June hw been officially

approved 112 plans fnr indus-trial construction in New Jer-sey during April. . . . Nine newcounty cdurt Judges are expect-ed to be sppOlnted by GovernorMeynir before the (nil term.

y verld!ll'* b P e n

ever since the Stwaren-PortReading Council was formed,1*Mrs. Medvetz continued. "Th#two leaders before Mrs, Tlmtf-Mrs. York and Mrs. Btar»rough*—were also from fi*«waren. If there. Is any mothtf- - - - - w i l f u l . —a vh*wAit in I * I IT U l U v l l V

. , The School of Ennlneerlng'or adult woman in Port Reid*of. Columbia University has!lnK who would be willing

th , , e o f i ^

machines must be li-censed after July l. . . TheI960 total traffic deaths in

jNew Jersey have reached ?90with .

same time in 1959, . . .

by throf Education to

use nuclear engineering labora-tories at Plalnsboro and AlpineCAPITOL CAPER8:-~The NewJersey oonmmer dollar was

with a Girl Scout trowish she would contactFive Brownies "flew up" to

the Intermediate Troop 1U:(Carolyn Lee, Helene Medvett,

S ! °n l y ?O r t hto the State

as wellboating y a well aservonce of regulationsTlie State of New Jersey is pro-ceeding full speed ahead with

S?sr-s:ay which proves It U cheaper

to make hooch than to buy it• • ..Despite tender cite of thewoodlands of New Jersey,

Polish delinquents are "hooli- This week has been p r i n e d i c U l m

and the1 Provinces of New

Satellite's signals picked upby many stations.

Island Insubject to

iPrlnce EdwardCanada, will bedriver's license revocation forlaw violations.

Within thirty days, Ned J|Parseklan, New Jersey State

Vehicle Director, wil

gans." Those in Australia andNew Zealand are "bodgles" ifthey are boys and "wldgies" if,glrls. In Italy, delinquents arecalled "vltellonl" or fat calves.

And some nations make even, .finer dlgtinctlon. In South

Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Africa, there are white "duck-tails", colored "skollys" and

by Governor Meyner as Na-tional Flag Week and he urgesevery dtlnen to fly the flag on[July 4 from every rooftop andevery home in the 8tate.The State Civil Defense Divi-sion is selecting sites for thesion is selecting sites for the' , ™°p 1IB- " ft cott

first of 4,300 radiological!lcWer co"l<*" be found,

Motorconfer ___.rCommissioner of Traffic Saf-ety, Commonwealth of Penn-sylvania, at HarrlsbuiR, to get

African "tsotsles."JERSEY JIGSAW:—GovernorMeyner is studying over 200bills adopted by the Legislaturebefore recessing until Septem-ber 12, to determine whether

with 0. D, Shipley,] he will approve or veto them.. . . State Conservation Com-missioner Salvatore A. Bon-tempo, a Colonel In the Air

Girl Scouts'Continued from Page 3)

i f V * m e a , 0K ? , b »I in Troop 118. If ft

monitoring stations to be lo-,cated in New Jersey. . . . The1

New Jersey Association ofChosen Freeholders lg holdingits 9th annual convention inAtlantic City this weekend, , . !,The New Jersey Division][American Cancer Society, re-

d b e f o u n t ) . thereare enough girls Interested toform a Mariner Troop, accord-Ing to Mrs. MedveU.

However, there Is a desperateneed for more troopi and lead-

Balfour, Kathy KJe-ban, and Gall Klmmlck.

Amy Mack, although 111 with .mumps, was awarded her we-1

oiid clara badge, as were MaryLou Molnar and Cheryl Sie*nasl. Five-year pins were prt* .,sented to Nancy Lynn Gray •and Renee Kunzman. ;

A special memorial momentof silence was observed in mem-ory of the late Mrs. MarjorltBmlth, a former Sewaren Scoutleader. At the conclusion of.'this, Brownie Denlse PenlcKplayed "Taps" oji her trumpet' Following the awards, a "Tal*cnt Show" was presented withMrs. Louis Mesar in cnafte.

assistant Acts included Pamela 8en | ,' violinist; Hhyllls Kollar wltti an

accordion medley; t, musical

izer explained. Mrs. Timar'sIntermediate Troop 2 Is theonly there, and Mrs. Timar

ports six timeg ag many men J herself" Ufrom sem*n

Sf 19 0 B T h T L S l h ? "This Problem Saders for1940. . . . The 8t,ate Depart-jPort Reading has been with us

n medley; a imwlcaltrio, Lynn Leslie, Carolyn Lee,and Kathy Kleban singing "Do,Re, Ml"; a melodrama, "ThaGreat Drain Robbery," with »cast that included Mary Waay-lyk, Nancy Lynn Gray, LcrnaBlmonsen, Ellen Bloom, CarolBehany, Nancy Howell, and avocal trio, Andrea and JoanButkowsky and Barbara Kijula,accompanied on the piano byAndrew Butkowsky, Jr.



STATE JEWELERSTour fatiritt m W «w (atorlu to*, an* wt'r* i»lmU l N i U VIMM him . . . and you . . . with a terrfflo

tt m - M H i H flfto at prieM to fit tnrrf ( > • • ka a d | i « « them ail . . . ron'rt ran to

Ind Jilt what 7M A n t . . . Jut what Dad'g hopinj tori




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•( $300

Cannon Bath Towels39' WASH





Open Daily Till 6 — Fridays Till 9 P. M.

STATE JEWELERS23 Main Street, Woodbrttge - Tel. ME 4-1671



Birds Eye PeasBirds Eye SpinachBirds Eye French Fries


BONELESS CHUCK 5 9Brand UoeWer Brand


Whatever yaw plain for th&fatwe, jthere will be price tags attuned.

, Start getting ready to meet than now.. Visit us for financial services• that will point the way


BANK.NU HO. « . : . I A. «.-! '• *.'r


Arm Pot Roast * 59« Plate Soup Beef ^ 15*L«nc4(ler Brand - BontJew Lancasltf Brand Oven-R»*dy Long bland

Brisket Blef *1$ Ducklings ^45-UocMtor Brand

Short RibsL*nca«ltr Brand S4k»d

Short skan*

>45< Smoked Calas *>33*

Orange J u i c e r 2 . :37cLemonade ^ - 4r37cWaffles ^- 4 ;;49cScallops ; r F ^ - 39e


Bord#nfi Chateow ^^69«

Bacon ^35< 269< Hr«iidt

Tuna FishMott's Drink

Bumble BeeSolid-White

A.M,& P.M.




2 * 3 9 c

fc 10 c

FSS 3 ' - 1 9 -eatures

The m n AMBOTSavings Institution


Dufch Apple Pie »Pecan Sticky Buns^ 45Layer Cake M i » *

D«core)l« wch

Raisin Bread OldFashioned loaf 29c

Al W*d. »o Wth

Evap. Milk ^ 8Niblets Corn 3 49Sweet Peas": 4 69Ketchup M ° '3u 4 ^ 8 5WelchadeDog FoodCoffeeGran. Sugar

Grape Drink


Ehrers - 5c OH Deal Mb.Regular, Drip, Extra Fine can

c i

c =

C 55


Jack Frost 5-lb.

or Domino bag


^^[Householders Urge - [PDF Document] (20)



• • > *

Adding MachinesCash Registers

TypewritersSales & Service

Service SpecialistsService Is Our Business


CO., LTD.Nnr Turnplkt

359 AmhriT AvenueWoodbridge, N. J.

ME 6-0910

Asphalt Paving


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Official Service Stationfor



"GOLDBN CLl'B"». A. I, C. O,

Parti A Repair* on .ADMakes or Reek

," ••OCIAN cr»T,""QUICK." "B-f"

and nan; othrrt.

Phone FTJ 8-1894

Let RICHIE'SConstruction Corp.

RUDY'SPishing Tackle & Repair

856 Monroe St., lUbway

We Are

Fuel Oil

-. Carpentry - Masonry -All Type* of


MASONRYExp«n wonunaotnip

BtuonabU Prt Ctur(M)


Custom HomesBvOt to Tour fpecttlcatloni

No Job Too LargeOr Too Small . .

Fully insured

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Phone FTJ-8-0976





FUEL OILOver 25 Veari ofFriendly Service

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Large Selection of Choice


Cold Beer by the CaseAlso Imported Beer

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145 Avenel Street

AVEtfEL, N. J.

ME 40012100 Fulton Street


- Funeral Directors -

L. BUSTOGeneral Contractor• Masonry

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• Jobbing• Alterations

For Free Estimate

CALL KI 1482219 Harrison Ave. Carterct

'>•' i > . !


TREAT SHOPPE613 Rahway Avenue

Woodbridge(Opp. White Church)


Open 7 A. M. to 10:30 P. M


Closed Wednesdays All Day


SynowieckiFuneral Home

56 Carteret Avenue

Carteret, N. J.

Telephone KI-1-5US

• Dormers,• Porches• Attics• Roofing• Siding• Cellars• Garages

Telephone MErcury 4-1889



Complete Stock of Domestic

and Imported Wine*

Been and Liquors



FlYNN & SONFUNERAL HOMESestablished SI ftua420 East Avenue

Perth Amboy

23 Ford Ave., Fords



BAsem*nTS• Jalousies• Patios• Carports• Additions








on allTnunpeti

• Saxophones

• Trombonei

• Clarinets

• ValveBugles

Remember . . .Knr thr Finest



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"Perth Amboy's Oldest


let Skatei and Lawn Mowcngharptntd op PnmlMi

Paint Specia l . . .BPS-White and Beg. Colon

for a limited time—$5.985Tt JlNBOI AVENUE


Open Dally « A. M. to 1 C M.



Ed Bonkoskl, Prop.311 State St., P. A. VA «-lJ»

Henry Jensen & Son

Tinnioi »«d

Sheet Metal Work

Booflm. Metal Ceilings

•nd^Furnace Work

588 Alden Street

Woodbridge. N. J.

Telephone MErcury *-12*«

Rug Cleaning




$8649 x 1 5 DOMESTIC

S1Q80Average Prlcf on OtherSize Runs . . . «c Sq. Ft.

All Rims Kipwily pand Rtturnfd to Yon Rolled andWrapped Read* '"' I"""'"'1'11'I V or Sflf-Stnr»i!e.

Don't Delay—Phone Today

PA 1-1155From K M , Fl'-l. or FU-8ask Operator for WX 5480


Route 35, South Amboy



II M f « II * o r t i Deadline for ad*.

u .Mb additional word t« A. M for Uvi Mm«

Payable t» advaaee publication

NOTE: No elaMlnMI a*s Uken overmart tM lent In

Telephone MVrcai? 4 -Ut |


s |n-10U , , _ SEDAN. Newpaint. Good tires. Good trans-

'portatlon. $50 00. FU 1-2818after 4:00 P. M. «/16


HOME Ft!RNis,i,N(|,

MOVING. 3 o f a ; \televisions, tnbl.

Brighton AvrmieCall VA 6-7376


''li Arc


edos for AllFrom Ake 2


DAIDONESCleaners & Tailors

SHIRT L « ' S t t « M

1006 Rahway Avenue

Avenel. X. J.

_aEWAREN. 50x100. corner)

Central Avenue and VemonStreet Lot* No 1054-1055. will'L ,<• CL 7-0563. ,1 8 0 6 2-6/30

and miUldo KI


COUNSELLORS. Mature col-IPKC .student*, teachers. Y.M.-

H A ony Camp. Call Mr. Oer-nid. HI 2-0365. 6/16

CHAI»,s ,..s,,mupholstered. ,sp,. i v '

June only, ciunnncleaned and polishni ;ded seat chairs •,; (,Call after i:00 P \i ],;"•'",


school specialist*. YM.HXDay Camp. Call Mr. Gerard,

IHI 2-0365. 6-16


overhead Involved I'rnmpiguaranteed » m i r . \ M


- Moving ft Trucking -1

Move "IDEAL WAY"Phone FU-8-39H


1286 St George Ave.. Avenel3-4 Rooms—120, |25, $305-6 Booms—J35, 140, I5«

Pictures MakeGood Gifts!Call ME 4-3651



Woodbridge, N. J... Mon., Wed. 10 to 8

- Mortgage Insurance - T™.., Thun., sat. 10 to«Friday 10 to 9

WINTER BROS.Wayside Furn. ShopS m l n f Woodbridgf Residents

Slue* Itn• Bl((er Vilutj • l op Brnndi• Better Serrlce • Lower Prlcet

VWt Our New Store AtSt. George Avenue at V. S.

Hlehway 1, Avenel(At the WoodbHdge

CloTtrleat Circle)Open I A. M. to I P M.

IncL l » tFhona MErcnrj 4-6666

| IMMEDIATE SERVICE )! Regardless of Your •( Credit Standing— \\ We Will Finance the \; Job Ourselves! j• You have up to •

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First, Second and Third

Mortgages AvailableFor Home Improvements


If You Can Beat ThisRate . . . Buy It!

$ 1 5 , 0 0 0 Ate 35for S67.05 F» y tu

S. E. MERMELSTEINInsured Savings Dept.

Franklin Mfe Insurance Co.

TEL. FU 8-2605P. 0. Box 297, helln, N. J.


and SON


88 Main Street

Woodbridge, N. j .

Telephone MErcurj 4-0554

Avenel Pharmacy944 RAHWAY AVENUE

MErcurj 4-1914


Coataetlci - Film

Ureetinf Cftrdi

1 •

Furniture RepairsSOEA $12*- CHAIR $6Rebuilt in Vuur Own Hume

All Work (,u.na• Sprmis Krliri)• New


• II! Nr»


Our Own

CUSTOM CABINETS• Hutches • Desks• Bookcases• Kitchen Cabinet Sets


ME 6-0430

Attention Widows!We have a special plan inline with your Income forneeded home repairs.

- Music Instructioi

Service Stations -

Phcnc ME

Tixedo Rental

CARTERET. Two-family house,four rooms each. Two-car

Bar-ape 70 x 100 lot. 18 WheelerAvenue. 6/16

YOUR DRINKINGconw a problem. /\;

Anonymoui can help yBI 3-1515. or »rltf p. o |351. Woodbrldtt

6 21

T O M GARAGEj . F. Gardner & SOD



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We're Specialists In



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Formerly White Rinx

Member New Jersey Shoe

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120A Main


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PORT READING. Four room*,unfurnished. Heat and

water supplied. 405 monthly.BIgelow 8-8524. 6/16

HA VINO TROUBLE »lttf|Mwerattl Electric S

«r ramovu roou. nitand itoppag* fromplpea, dralni ind wdlfflnf, no damagei -

hot M»d efficient CallPlumblni and Hutlng8007. 6:

Aging.Delegates to the fiitv

CARE OF AGEDRehabilitation services to aa-

sure a maximum of personal conferences on anm^ a:cindependence for aging persons asked to consider '.Ms i

are described in a pamphletjust sent out by the National

nine page pamphlet *:':ito making recommn-.da!:

Advisory Committee for the the national conft:.White House Conference oniheld January 9 to 'SI.

Water Softeiers -

Swhmitg Pools


Drive Your

Caret Away

at the


EL 5-7847EL 5-7848


FU 1-6624Out of Town Call Collrct

SUNSHINE Upholstery"SA(.GIN«i SfAT

Tel. FU K-5a80


K2ti Railway Avenue


Clip This Coupon and Mill:RICHIE'S CONSTRUCTION

CORP.1000 Elizabeth AvenueElizabeth, N. J. 'Yes, I am lntereittd in horn*Improvements.



CITY .....


In Woodbridft It's the


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NOW a FiberflasiPool YOB Can Afford

*2,395 •»Take 5 Yean to Pay

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ME 4-7495


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SERVISOFTO|k WOODBK1DGE921 St. George Avenue


ME 4-1815

lukei tuttt FIM U Out tUnCw Ba4lM Mrrlctd Ramptty


Roofing * Siding -

T. R. S T E V E N SKauBnf t a t Shett Mtlal Work


Kepainof »Urn»e»

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£B rUKK I S T H U l l s .t-UU Of MB 4WM




A A TIRE EXCHANGEin« Green Si, Uelta

t*l LI I.UM


Businessin the



Prices Start

A» Low *•

$"7.ooA Month

3"-$10.50 a mouth

4"-* 14.00 a month

5"-$17.50 a mouth

CHOCOLATE-RICH PARTY CAKE: The cikr i> a rh«late-rich red Devils Food, mixed the tasj way. J" »>'bowl. Over the fluffy «ven-mlnuU frwtini \\t> i »«•]chocolate tlaie, that dripa delkiouily over thr Mil' Itreputation-maker of a cake joull be asked toand afaln.

PABTY DEVIL'S FOOD CAKKI 1 : cupt silted cake (lour I iquarei

»4 teaipoon u l t ehoeotat*. mrlird] i teaapoon aod» I effa, unbeaten

1U eupi iniar 1 teaooon vanllU'i cup thortenlnf 8 « t i i Minute Kr«h «up water ^ Ctoeotot* Glaw

1, Meaiure airtcd flour Into tUUr; »dd tall ^

%. Stir thortenlDf jwt U MfteB. Silt In dry IAdd water and n i l until all How h dampened Thrn2 minutet at a low «pe«4 ut eleetrit mixer, or 300 <nttrokei by hand.

3. Add chocolate, egga, ao l vanllte and brat 1lonter In mixer, or IM itrekea by hand

Bakini: Poor batter Intoll round »-'nfh l»>"lined on bottom wttk p«9er. ••«« m m<>dfra"USD* F.) i s to S» mlnutea. Cool.

Spead Seven Minute totting between lajeri *»* °and ildet of eake.

Chocolate Glaie: Melt t atuaret wuweeteMdwith z teaipoona butter. Wfcen tnriiat *» * \ ^'",late mliture In tpUer w c | faahlon over « k 'run down on (idea.

it z t«ua. When i

IL'IN m.

WKwH'samatter of

form, see us

Wh.n il cemti to d«vW«0 o form lOT

»wmi) to txptdlta yaw « * « °*'*fa'

•ioni, . « ui. Wf have »h« "kl)0W

how" ii comt up with m9"imi

•hot will save tint* and money. YQ»

like th« quality ond ip«td o« »uf work

. . . and our or|c«il

MIDDLESEX18 Gnen Street,


let uj qoofe onfoot n»xi johl

^^[Householders Urge - [PDF Document] (21)

FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1960

Speaking About Sportsll-Kiin

"' •"""» , 23-13CARTERET - Thr K, (if C

Recently the following article, appeared on soft- tff»m eBm<1 f i n m brhlt111 b v "iviii nr u i f i u • « » , , . Ito 6 score to wnllop Hi" Aqrico

Iwll. as it is fact bpcoming one of America's m o s t ^ , . , b y 23 t 0 n „, ,, ,rP°popular sports, with a total of 10,000,000 players par- hittiriK encounter in thrliripating in the sport this year: * !*Uo" .??*"»"" u*''w nl

v . J Park field this work.I he ball is bigger than a baseball and, conse- The Knight* V<MT

qucntly, easier to hit and field. The bat is shower: 12-6 in the top half of nand lighter than the big-league dreadnaught and theplaying area is smaller. With a minimum of equip-

inning. Then camptwrdrnent as thp Kniuht

sandlot, this adds up to softball, a game that hasl |n n in g .come on with a "whoosh" in recent years, . i Both clubs imd 12 in1:; bm

Nevertheless, there are still skeptics wtfQ decline the Knights coiiccM IS ba.Mto lake softball seriously. Here are a few statistics!011 b a " t 0 s c n r r m(Wt »r

to shatter their doubts:At the last count there were 10,000,000 organized

players and an "incalculable" number of Independ-ents. It is estimated that 175,000,000 spectators an-nually watch the game.

runs. Frank W;ishtwo homers for AT/ICO

The box scorr:K. of C.

Phillips cf

Kushner 3bP. Klndjlerski )b

U I \N1 US: Above are thr lucky Strike, winner* of tlif American league; Strlkrrn,llf thr Cilrl* Lfauu*. and Air Force winners of the National l,catuf. Front row

' Mriki- I(L" '" r l * h t - k n " " n | ! ' M Whll'P'r It Orliindo, T. J<inn &i I), Uylh»m.mini the plrlurr. K. <<alambi» Middle MM, iSlrlkm) H. Braun, C. Curlllo, C.

"' ,.,tiini. and J- Rlch*rd»on. MIKMIMC from the pirturr, V. Sabc. Buck row, Air" M.unrr. A. Santoro (captain), IV DrHrlU. .1, M»rkowiti and T. 8er»do*hi.

Mlsalm from tbr pirturr, W. Courchlne

2bFitzgerald ssLawlor If


n lo Hold LeadMajor Loop

, , . •• :..T - The U. 8.

" :, u<> b»!l games thla. ,;n,iiii unbeaten and

poatea-pi,icf in the Car-

,,i;,,n Department,

boys de-, ,v E Supermarketituiiby M s o hurled:..:>•. orating Mar

:,v the U. 8 M«talS:• ('.uUTei Burners,M.DTV Kurec hold-

Mm: over Spoganeti,v iii the last Inning



Kay Kinch WinsCame with ThreeHit performance

CARTERET — The KolibasA.A. defeated the St. Ellas

The bueb.ll and track team. '". . . . „ i ft regular Senior Softball League — o . 1—j-

iWliT!ai«£ln Son 'wSl 1 1 " 1 " at the Park (leld thl8' nics and outinBs< Puts it this way:

How do baseball, football, .racing and basketballcompare? They don't. In fact, they are so far behindtlioy can hardly be seen.

This year the men's world amateur champion-ship will be held in September at Jones Beach, andthe women's at Stratford, Conn. About 300,000 teamsacross the country are now competing for the privi-lege of showing up for the final round. The women'sevent will be televised nationally. Ajrico

How and why has all this happened? Despite ABassiduous research, nobody knows for certain whoRoai if 3invented softball. There is agreement that it started ^uk»5

ih t

c( 5

about forty years ago, and was variously known amush ball, kitten ball, army ball, playground balland diamond ball.

Remember indoor baseball, played in school gym-nasiums? According to one historian, somebody triedit outdoors and that's how softball came into being.

It attracts youngsters and oldsters alike. Menlong past their athletic prime get fun out of it, sincebatting and fielding are not so taxing physically asin hard ball. One gaffer, who plays regularly at pic-

A. Meyers p


, 2W. Klndjlerski if .... 5


AT ATHLETES All \I|{ ; Shewn from Iffl lo rlcht .-tro Sclvml ('nmmlttlnntr ThoBiaiDcvrrln, who acini ;c toaslmastei at llir Sp irtsmrn diniu-r: llarrv 1.. RnrkafrlUr, '

eipal speaker, and Fred Gasini', a member of thr association.

30 23 12

; sem*nza's Hit jKolibas Tavern Kozy Korner 91 Beats Hill Bowl Defeats Koke's jWins 3rd in Row

By 94 Score_3 J For San Bran's

Washington 3b, p .... 4Bamburek c 4Molnar lb 4Pottasnlk rf 0Rozanskl rf 3Kite 2b 2Mesqulta 2b 2Pearson oPutillo p

I CARTERET — Danny Se-menza's double ln the .seventhinning drove In Shuleski withthe winning run as San Bran's

: defeated the Hill Bowl in a3.close game ln the Recreation2,Softball League, 12 to 11.


CARTERET _ Kollbas Tav-

Defeating A & 0CARTERET - Kozy

handed Koke's Tavern iUsoftball team won Its t U t ifirst defeat of the current straight game In the Bee<w*season in the Recreation Soft- tlon LeaRue, National DlviatoJ,ball League by a 9 to 4 score |at the PRI'K field this week.

Ray Kinch and Ray Vlnslto

by defeating the A and O toi l -ers this week by a 10 to 7 wett,

and two doubles while the HillBow! pounded out eight singlesand two doubles.

San Brau's took an early leadbut the Hill Bowfscored three

neaday at the Legion Home.;* Ray K l n c h o n e o f t h e k a d .ThU marked the thrld time In l n g pitchers In the league al-,the put year that a.apread was iowed only three hit* 'and1

gifen to the High School Uamv1 hurled shutout ball until theCopjmander U m a n i k y and final Inning when the St.Chairman Carney have auured Gltai team scored

Agrleo .K. of C.


everyone Uut next leaion, ont runt.bit affair will be held (or all The winnen scored one runfour teama reprttentln* Carwr-.ln the first, one In the fifthtt Hlih. We wlute the Amerl- and two In the sixth to roll upcan Legion for their generosity a 4-0 lead,

d h i k d Th b;hf winning run.

. unit's Kt-pich's EMO

three_ — _jin the fourth and four In the

12 fifth to take the lead. But San32 _. „3 1 0 2 6 1-13 Bll«u's returned with a five-run

and (or eitendlng their kind!Invitation to the writer. i

Men's 8hop, 10! Winners of the trophies from1

ay of a previous:thi Sportsman Aasociatbn|Kosels Tavernjwe: Football, John Hudak

, its second loss!and Steve Kondrk: Basketball,

The box score:Kollbai

to f and In theKsso won

Euver the A

Bobby Blalowartiuk; Buebtll,Chtrlea Kanora: Track. BobbyPtUut,

T*« Babj Ruth and * » Med

"Softball is vigorous enough to stimulate me with-out being too strenuous."

This is the "soft" side of the game, applying toslow-pitch rules. But over the years, with betterplayers spurring competition, softball has'^developedanother side and has moved closed to baseball inspeed and finesse.

Leagues have sprung up. In hamlets, villages,towns, cities and broad; In iftdustriet,. schools,churches, settlement houses and f r a f lEvery spring, teams begin league playAmateur Softball Association, whose headquartersare in Newark. New York City alone has about 300teams. They battle through cHy, state and district

0 0 J 5 11 6—23 r a l l v l n the bottom half of the|fifth to regain the lead.

The box score:San Brau-

I ABCreenwalds andWar Vets TiedFor Loop Lead

CARTERET —Insurance and the

Stragepede. uReagan. 3b8hanley, lb _... 3W. Kollb*s, cf 3Vlnslto, rf ^...jt... 2

, . !•-.->)

••;> r . l l - j m c r s

<•• s M . : , ' s S l - . j p .

.-• • ' I V . r r n ,

I A,V K .S ' . ; )>>rm; i rkf t ,


•;wi?rt4t iHt« Will Open" thelr'DeVito. If 33 aeaJOM n u t Friday. Babe Ruth

AB R H. 3 1 2.. J 0 0 .... s o o eliminations for the right to represent one of sixteen. . S 1 2 ' ' •"... 3 1 II

0 lli ra i0 0

War Vet* are tied for first D. sem*nza, pplace ln the Carteret Recrea-tion Intermediate League, each

Cutter, cfMiRlecz, 3bTrosko, cBrennen, ssGural, 2bT. sem*nza, lb

Greenwald's Toth, IfCatholic Shuleski, if


As a result of this victory

,0 win for the Kolibas AA. as i j r s t p i a c e i n t h e l e a g u e ^

Tile winnorfi won the gaflUwith a big seven-ran rally ifithe sixth innins:,

Fonti had a perfect day . t tbat for the winners, banging f i tfour hits in four trips lo

Klnch allowed four hits andVinsko smacked .a three-runhomer In the fourth inning. Gi-ordano also hit a homer for thelosers.

The winners scored four runsIn the first inning and followedthis up with two t h r e e - r u n ! p l 8 i e B ! l l y

u ? l e ? r g ° t t w o s l n « ^third and fourth « i d a double for the

innings, The box soreBoth clubs will meet again

on Monday in a bumper game.The box score:


1; Romano. 2b1 .Regan, 3b2jKinch. pl!s. Sti-ageuede. ssoiW. Kolibas, cf ....

with lour wins and only onelo&a. i

Oreenwalds beat the Car- Sloan, 3b

Hill Bowl27 12 12

Bryan, cVinsko. rfJ. Kolibas, lbDevito, IfP. Stragepede, If

A & 0 SoftballIWrs Defeatfrlwhs 11-2

League will pUy IU game* at{UM High School Pfeld and the SI. Ella*Joe Mtdwlck Lt«r» *U> »8»^use the Orant Awnue I«eld. Kash, cfThere a n itlll iomi unlfonni WoodnuU, rf

28 • 9

mlaflng and we urge the toyiwho have not returned them todo K at once §o the new boyi

Mullatu. aaM Yavoiaky, 3bKent, cJ. Yavoraky. lbmay play in uniforms. The

Light Senior League will o v c n j « * « r \ » \IU season Junt 21. Oames willbe played Tuesdan and Thurs-

' - The A and 0<ii i another gam*: Softball Leaguetia.VsTavern, II

... 2 0

teret Delicatessen, 11 to 6, asDennis Tandy pitched the vic-tory. The Catholic War Vetsnosed out the Sacred Hearts,U t o 11, comlrfg from behindto win. The Sacred Hearts ledby 11-4 up until the last in-ning when the Vets scoredeight runs. Paul Niemlec hit atriple with the bases loaded inthe final Inning.

Emll's Catering defeated theJ »u „ , L 4 ,r u u ,, iu j . * J c l " b Markay. 12-9. The K of

manda the spotlight. (In baseball the distance is c towers defeated Babies Fur-

regions in the world championship round.Cities go aH out in bids to hold the world tour-

neys. Ball parks are spruced up and «i<J}bped withlights for eight games, many of ^hi'oh/draw up to20,000 fans. This year the championship will be heldin the New York area for the first time.

Top-flight softball is dominated by defense and,above all, by a brand of pitching that majr.es the eyesblink. Even more than in baseball, it is the man onthe mound, forty-six feet from home plate, who com-

Ackelewitz, If

sixty feet six inches.)Getting more than one hit an inning is considered swingier winning over

Bumper gamei ore on tar) fornext week In the Softball Lea- s t E ^guci. The American ha* a tltji£0||bU

for first place, Kokei and Koll-

23 2 3o 0 0 0 0 0 2—210 0 0 1 2 i—4

|bu. each have won four gamesK*ve up only and lost one. Teams will meet

'• '-it* and keptI'-cic throughout:.:<.'iai-l was most•M-n o i base u:' lift stranded.

tntl Eddie Ha-'" "IUTS for Uu

at MS P. M. Mondayother league, anotherlau for tint place and onday th« flrat and second


... I, 2

4. I

... S403

... 33


In thetie ex

will play. On Tuesday, thirdand fourth place teams Till Imeet and fifth and sixth teamsplay on Wednesday.

In the Little Leagues,and school ptcnlca have causedtorn* postponement* and gameswill Ue rescheduled. The Minor

oDivUkm teams will also play

Magella's Hitk?iWins Game for

Kozy Korner 9CARTERET - A dropped

fly ball put the winning run onbase In the last inning and1

E. Resko, lb 2Stauback, ss 2Butkqcy, c 4Ference, cf 4Garvey, 2b 2


Ryan, rfBohanek, p

29 l l 10Hill Bowl . 0 0 0 3 4 1 3—11San Brau : 0 3 2 1 5 0 1—12

nituw, 12 to 8, with

a major uprising. Some pitchers have earned-runaverages close to zero. So radically has. pitchingchanged from the days of the slow, looping deliverythat no-hitters are frequent. A recent game on theWest Coast went thirty-five innings before a score.

The ball is thrown underhanded, with a follow-through of the hand and wrist past a straight lineof the body. By developing this technique, pitcherscan overpower batters with speed, or befuddle themwith slow and sharp curves, and change-ups.

The rules committee periodically seeks ways tolessen the pitcher's domination. A livelier ball hasbeen introduced, the batter's box enlarged and thetenth man on the team, the "short-fielder," elimi-nated. But the arm still prevails—much to the bat-ter's embarrassment.


Conway. Ed Kushner hit twosingles and a double for thewinners.

The Sacred Hearts handedSuto'A Luncheonette its sixthloss in league play, 18 to 3

Magella won his own game (orthe Koty Korner by belting aJilt to bring In the winning run

bumper game*, same schedule.t0 4to beat the Petrach Tavern, 8

u the softball teamsIn the Major Division

The Kozy Kcwier scored threethe runs in the second Inning but

U. 8. Metals team has won fivestraight games and 1* leadingthe League by two ondhalf games over Kepicliand the Carteret Burners.

31 11 »

- d . , . U,


AB. 1


the Petrach team came back lnthe fourth with a similar rally

one!to Ue the score. Both clubsscored a single run In the sixthInning.

An error followed by Megall s

ICARTERET — The Carteret

Police softball team won a

Oreewald's Insurance »nd!mt"brrJught"m"the'wlnntag:runI In the final Inning.

The box score:

Catholic War VeU are tied forfirst place in the Intermedia^Division. Babies and K of 0.teams a n tied for second placf

Bobby P«ttui ran in theEastern Nationals at Randall'sIsland but pulled a muscle Inthe final*. Bobby will run withthe Flalnfleld team in the re- 8 m a r r o , 3blays Wednesday, proceed* to be aaglnrlo, lb 3

Fontl. cf ...Mltroka, 2b



. 0Dllla, 3b 3S. Kondrk, c -

used to send Herm Johnson to1 thi Olympic trials at California.

- The 1940 Class Is making2 4.elaborate plan* for Its reunion

Sullivan, ssR. puslllo. IfD. Medvett. IfO. MedveU


Carteret Cops M c C a r t h y ' sBeaf Amboy and Win in DebutWoodbridge 9's

AB.. 5.. 5 2

rOjLukach, ss2;Wudszki, rf


Nardl, If 3Zabel, lb ,. 4Giordano, c 2Keats, cf 3

AB.. 3.. 4.. 4... 4.. 4... 3..: 3... 3... 0... 3



.. 4

J. Gluchowski, 3bMesquita, 2bKaluselc, p"

... 3

... 0

... 2


Pontl cfDILIlla 2bSaganlro lbS. Kondrk cMedvetz 3bPuslllo rfD. Medvetz If

IB. 4..1.. 4.. 4.. 4.. 4.. 4

Mitroka ss 32 Magalln p 32!1 330 A & O1 AB

i! I'-

—;T. Cf: 'hael II8 Paiva 2b _...

•Olear lbH Vinsko cf0 v'pneh's" ss0 E. Citrmieliael cf, p0 Litwinski 3b

Makwinskl c





thy's Sporting Goods made

their debut in the Recreation

Senior Baseball League a sue-

with Stuart the winning hurlerThe Catholic War Vets nosedout the Local 440, 5-1. In thefinal game the Sunrise Dairyvon its fourth game, beatintthe Carteret Delicatessen,? 7to 1.


Intermediate DivisionAmerican League

Standing as of June 14W .

Qreenwald's Ins 4 l!Catholic War Vets 4 \\Babka Furniture 5Knights of Columbus .. 5Sunrise Dairy 4Kiwanis' - 3Emil'6 Catering ( 3Sacred Heart ,. J 4Carteret Delicatt 'I

Kalusek HurlsVictory forKokes by 7-2

CARTERET — Koke's wonfrom the Hill Bowl by a scoreof 7 to 2 as Moe Kalusekhurled a «ix-hltter and ga,veup only three hits and two runsin the sixth inning, both the re-sult of Lou Toth's homer.

Kokes could garner only sixhits of which three were madeby Joe Nardi. The winnersscored three runs in the thirdand three more in, the sixth to

24 4 4Koke's 0 1 1 2 0 0 0—4KolibaB 4 0 3 3' 0 0 x—a

36 7 13K o z y 100 207 0—10A & O 003 022 1— T

Sosnowski TopsSan Brau's asKokes Win, 3-1

CARTERET—Koke's Tavernwon its fourth straight gamein the Recreation SoftballLeague, defeating San Brau's

a close contest, 3-1 g W k & n d

"Blackie-Sdsnowskl defeated| jo ined t h e

Shulewski, flowing only three

win the ball game.The box score:


Club MarkayLocal 440Suto's Lunch 0 6

couple of games during the past cessful one by manipulating aweek, defeating the WoodbridgeCops, 4-3, behind Charley Mak-winskl and then taking PerthAfnboy's finest into camp by aclean 5-0 score. Both gameswere played away from hone.

Charles Jr., also hurled theferth Amoby game and scorad

brilliant two-

10-3 decision over the Trot-


Jerry Miller, Woodbridge

High pitching act, was handedMcCarthy'sassignment

1 I)2 - 1 1 In October. At prest-nt U'tteisiManella, p

0 1 0 0 0— 2 are being sent to all classmates.I


»t th«


°Pen Bowling^ A I Times


Krldajr From 7 T, M

11:00 A M.


K»l«i lot•"" * *• to »m> r



ON MAIN STto »• le*<lT '«'



LANES! • ! . ME 4-Mil


Pftiacli, rfMedvetz, 2b

O'Hielly. cf;Kuvul, 3b |Zuci'aro, cGilrulu, lbK. Medvt'U. IfCorrente.' 1' ••Berth. »s

| shutout with ajilt performance.

The box score:Carteret Police — (S)


QJRusso If.. 3 0 2Wajkowski 2b— — — lourney c25 I 5|Makwlruilcl P

D'ZujiHa 3bShanely ssFltzpatricit

AB. 4.. 2. 4


pHundermann cfQoderstad lb



i2|Mesquita, ss

Wudszki, 2bNardl, If

2 S. Gluchowsli, cRiedel, c :Keats, cf -J. Gluchowski, 3b

& Wawrzynski. rf ....Kalusek, p


International LeacueStanding* as of June 15

WSacred Heart '... 6Mullers Ins 6Parkview Demo 2

4Frank's Dept 2Westvaco - 2Hebrew Mene Club 1Babies Furniture

through with a daisy four-tiUr. In the opejw, MUler Kochek's Phar.fanned nine batters and walkedthree. His mound adversary,PeU Ur, was charged with thedefeat, although he, too, pitch-ed well, giving up five safeblows.

The Woodbridge club scoredj j early with three runs in the first01 Inning. An error, two free p»M-ijes and back-to-back 'hits offnlthe bats of Miller arid Ed Casey2!set up the tallies. Prom there,

the victors went on to scorethree more in the third stanzaand four ln the fourth.

30 4 , 7

28 5 7

Perth Amboy Police — 10)

Bratyanskl lbPertq IfKovacs eKrllla cf


0 Si0 o 0 3 0 1 0 - 4 Simon 3b

9 0 0 1 l-5Cattano IfDexter 2u




subject ofIraditJ petWOK. Ni'

8:1* A- W

AIRIs vhe

Chrlstlw Scienceover Stationn l us Mutual

DM Sunday

Marolnkowski rf



MUler and Cusey were Mc-Carthy's mainstays at theplate with two hits apiece,

With Johnny Yaeger spin-ning a one-hitter, the FordsRecreation Center rode on toan H-8 victory over the Hope-lawn Youth.

Despite the fact that Yaegtrhurled a one-hitter, he was er-ratic out In the center of thediamond as he fanned 11 (tat

— .J tws , but freuently lost his ounfree tlcktU23 0

by innings:

3!trol to issue nine[to first base. Al Sak, Hope-

012 200 0—5Amboy. .... W 000 0 - 0

lawn's starting pitcher, wasehargtd with thi l

Hill Bowl

Sloan, 3bToth, IfE. Resko. lb .,Stauback, as .Ferrence, cf' ....M. Resko, c ....Garvey, 2b 3

AB... 5.. 4.. 4... 2.. 1... 2.. 4... 2... 4




Freeman, rf'Butkocy, p

Sacred Heart team continueto win, get another win overKochek Pharmacy 9 to 6, FrankKosciow winner over John Spo-ganetz.

Paikvi-ew Democrats 13 andFiank's Dep|>. Store 3. AllanJones won the game and Worthwas the losir. Kevin Knighthad a homer with bags full forthe winners.

Westvuco won their game ofthe sfason as they won fromBabies Furniture 13 to ID.Wpo'dhull winning hurler andJohn Slsko lost.

Muller's Insurance 11, He-brew Mens Club 5. Larry Con-way took the decision and alsohit 2 triples and single to leadtht attack.

KokesHill Bowl"-

The V.K.W, Pirates were thereelpUnU of some fin* hittingby Joe BarkaiSskus, and won a4-2 decision over the Pet*Schmidt Cubs. The victory wa»the first of the campaign forUu Pirates.


26 2 60 1 3 0 0 3 0—70 0 0 0 0 2 0—2


Taking AdviceHoping to inspire his workers

with promptness and energy, aCanadian business man hunga number of signs reading "DOIT NOW" around his factoryand office.

When he was asked aonttweeks later how his staff re-acted, he shook his head wdly,

"I don't even like to talkabout it," he said. "The headbookkeeper eloped with the b a tsecretary I ever had; threetypists asked for an Increase;the factory hands decided to go

office boy


scattered hits, while Koke'sbunched six hits for a total ofthree runs. Dick Lijkach col-lected three angles to lead theattack.

The box score;KOKE'S

Lukach, ss 4King,, 3b 2Nardi, If 3


c ..4.

Zabel, lbGiordano,Keats, cfMesquita, 2b 2 1Mudszkl. if 3 0Sosnowskli p 3 0 1

23 3 6SAN BRAU

Cutter, rfgemenza, lb 3Cjural, 2b 3Brennen ss • 3Trosko, c - 3

:osty, cf :. 3toth, If • 1Thompson, u* !lMigUcz, 3b 3Shuleski, p 2

Legion HonorsH, S. Athletes

CARTERET-The Carteretjjqtarlal Mf , No. 2*3, Ameri-can Legion, i »» ld a | spaghettidinner on Wednesday night atthe Legion Hall Honoring theCarteret Higli School trackand baseball teams.

Michael P. Carney. -Legion

San BrauKbke's

post adjutant, was ohalrnf anof the successful affair. Hestarted the idea two years agoand the Legion has been con-tinuing the series of .dinnerparties at which the AmericanLegion unit honors all the highschool athletic teams at theend of the season,

Quest speakers were Sher-man Jay umansky, post com-mander; Doug King, baseballcoach, and Wes Spewak, trackcouch.

26 1 30 0 0 * 0 1 0 —0 0 0 2 1 0 X—3

GOLDWATER'S CHOICESenator Bari-y M. Goldwate

f i Arizona hai said that If hi^ e not chosen as the

lioan Vice President^ 1 jnotninnee, he would like to pee tiinomination go to Thurston BMorton, the 'chairman of tinNational Committee.

Senator Qoldwater said hiwould accept the nomination iIt were offered, but that he dinot think it would be.,

TACTLESS"Whenever I look at you,"

said tho young man to hisfiance, "I think of those mar*velous glamor girls you seethe pictures."

"po you, rsftlly??" »»W *tvery highly pleawd.

"Yes, but what's the use?fellow like me hats to be satisfled with wtut tie cut get-"

Fiance will resume economic:panslon.

CEASAR'SHeadquarters For




(Includlm Cash and Bond 111*)


Whitman and ScliraUt

Visit Our Complete

Gift Department

CEASAR'S120 Main Strett ,WOODBRIDGE ':

Owiitt A. M. t » » i M F . J | 4 :

(Sunday 6 A. M, *• 1 f. M»,<HlKt PAKKlmiAt Rear Entrance

^^[Householders Urge - [PDF Document] (22)


CarolM. Schwenzer Wed $1,000,000 Gas Company InstallationTo South River Resident Start Near; Plant Ground. isBroken

• R S MARTIN GUTOWSK1 Eugene Blum, Demorest Ave-j wOODBtUDQE—Miss Carol14 Geoff* Street,

ME 1-0951

—Dr. Steve Kaplan, localdentist, is a patient at Rahwayjio&pltal after an emergencygppentectomy.

—Mi. and Mrs. Ed*ard Furst.London, England, will arrive byplane June 25 to spend sixvdtts with their son-in-lawnBd daughter, Mr. and Mrs.

Charter Talklet Tonight

WOODBRIDGE — Formation

M . Schwenwr. daughter of Mrs^MlM Elizabeth Kane. SouthS

nue. Mrs. Blums sister, Jean,will *rrive on the Queen I?1'M"!wilUam Schwenwr, 757 St.1 River, sister of the bridegroom.beth Tuesday for ft I M e e ' Oeorge Avenue, and the late!jUnlor bridesmaid was Miss

lonth stay. Mr. Schwenfcei. became the'Jean Schwenzer. Woodbiidar,- T h e Ladies Auxiliary o i ) b r M e 0 , j R m e 8 p K a n e Kn O f i 8 l s t e r o f the 'bride. Flower irirl

Virginia Sysock Bri<ie

Of Robert Louis

the Avenel Fire Companywill hold a rummage sale Sat-urday at 30 First Street. Eliza-beth. Mrs. GeoroP Conrad,chairman, announced the dead-line for clothins and articles Is5 P. M. tomorrow. She will ac-cept them at her home, 214Woodruff Avenue. Members ofthe committee are Mrs. GeorgeSchaeffer, Mrs. William Dwyerand Mrs. George Allen.

—Avenel's new school 23 willbe dedicated Saturday at 10A. M. All are urged to attend.

—Tomorrow the Pride olNew Jersey Council, Sons and

were Johnman, and usher?

Bryzychcy. Fords:

Mr. and Mrs. James Kane, 10 was Miss Patricia Fofiich, Co-Bright Street, South River.jlonia, cousin of the bride.Saturday afternoon in St. P e t e i . McParlane, CarteretJStephen's .Church, Soul h River, M r v e ( j BK

with Rev. Albert Poor offici-ating at the double ring cere-mohy.

The bride, who was given inmarriage by her brother. Wil-liam Sohwenzei. Woodbridge.wore a gown of silk organzafashioned with a scalloped,scooped neckline trimmed withembroidered appliques, Short

of a Woodbrld«e Townshippaughters of Liberty, meet at8 P MCitizens' Committee for

Charter Study will be discussed;

«!the Avenel School at 8—Sunday the Young LadlesSundy

Sodality of St. A n d r e w ' sChurch receives Holy Com-munion In a body at the 10A M Mass. The group meetsMonday at 7; 45 P. M. in newchurch hall.

at the final meeting of theseason of the WoodbridgeTownship League of WomenVoters tonight at 8:3JO at thehome of Mrs. Frederick Swane-kamp, 25 Spencer Avenue. Co-lonia.

The local study has beenproposed by the Board of Di-rectors of the LeaKue aftermonths of survey work, and. asis the practice of the League,no action is voted upon on localissues without discussion.

1 Final vote will be taken ata general meeting and if themembership decides upon the,two eighth graders

Frank Reinson, South River.cousin of the bridegroom.J u n i o r u s h e r was .lackBciswenzer, Woodbiidgc. cousinof the bride.

Pride of sleeves and a fitted bodice. Thebouffant skirt had .scrolls ofappliques and ended is acathtedral train. Her French,illusion fingertip veil was held;by a matching cloche trimmed:with pearls, and she carried acascade bouquet of a whiteorchid, stephanotis and whitebabies breath.

The matron of honor was-Firemen hold drill exer- Mrs. Peter McParlane. Carteret.

cises Monday at 7:30 P. M, atiThe bridesmaids were Missthe Hrehouw. i Lorraine Pavlic, Avenel, and

St. James School AwardsDiplomas to 8th Graders

Upon their return fromwedding trip to Bermuda,couple will resjdu at 12 Crami)-ton Avenue, Woodbrldgr.traveling the bride wore a blackand white print dress withmatching accessories andwhite orchid corsage."

The bride *-as graduated;from*Woodbridge High School.and B e r k e l e y SecretarialSchool, East Orange, and isemployed with California CrudeSales Company, Perth Amboy.Mr. Kane Is a graduate ofSouth River High School, andis employed at Carroll DunhamSmith Pharmacal Company.New Brunswick.

AVENEI, - Miss Virginia of honor was heMarie Sysock. daughter of Mr

William Sysock, 2Oeraldine SyrockMurphy, Freehold


Mi'.'mul Mrs w

Uriir/.er 'street, and Robertlmald and Mlw »;,,'',,mis TiiiiKO, son of Mr. nnd niece of the brlrtr«,,

i 4,

1,0111s j . Tanko, 217Avenue, Perth Amboy,

flower girlRonald Tanko. p,-

was best man forwni'imitrd In marring? Satur- was best mnn for i,,,,',.by Rev. Armandiand ushsr was Pn^,' l l ( ,

>i.(!;itn, nt St. Andrei's Church.JFofds, brothnr-in-mivAttimliiiK the brld^ as maid bridegroom.

After a trip to

Tumu-l of Loj/e NextOffertitl dfPlayen

New York City, andland, the couploPortsmouth, N. H.


charter study as one of Itsprojects, it will be placed onthe "local current agenda" forthe year 1960-61,

Meantime, the League urgesall organizations in the Town-ship, interested in a charterstudy, to get in touch with anyof the members.

At tonight's session, Mrs.Risha Bram will report on therecent National convention inSt. Louis. Mrs. Richard Koomswill report on the League's po-sition on its continuing re-sponsibility, the United Na-tions and Mrs. Gerald Deutschwilt present plans for the studyof the national topic, "Supportof U. S. economic policieswhich promote world develop-ment and maintain a soundU. S. economy."

An outline of the study ofNew Jersey state taxes, whichthe League will study in thePall, will be reviewed by Mrs.Berthold Sheffield.

their diplomas at the annualcommencement exercises of St.James School Friday,

The Holy Name Society gen-eral excellence award was wonby Lorrain Muskuski, ChristinePasko was the winner of theRt. Rev. Msgr. Charles G. Mc-Corristin Religion award andthe award for general excel-lence of the Rev. J. J. GriffinAssembly Degree, Knights ofColumbus.

Winner of the CatholicDaughters award for mathe-matics was Patrick Golden andthe Rosary Society Englishaward went to Patricia Mul-cahy.Paul Sefcheck was awarded

the Blessed Virgin Mary So-dality prize for Social Studies.

Students in the diocesan re-ligion contest were Michael vanDzura, seventh grade, honor-able mention; George Bustin,

Parents HitTot Transfer

Ninety- iPatrtcl* Clark, Georiit Comatas,iThomaa Crowe.

received William Dletelcamp. John Doros.Fredrick Dowenn, Andrew Ducwk,

Elk, Robert Fahad. Jane FarrBrian Feeney, Judith Feoney. GloriaFllllpcsuk, Edward FlUnerald. JamesOadek, William Gadek, KathleenQardlner, Jo-Ann Genovese. PatrickOolden, pBtrld*'*nn Guiles. KiHh-leen OUIICJ. Judith Hnneen, RobtrtHayzer.

Jamea Hegodun, Gregory Htlnrlcks.Joseph Hlgglns, Florence Hudnk,Carol K»th, Bermdette Keatlns.John Klnnelly, Janice Kolesar. PeterKovowuc*, Jean Kovacs, RussellKowal.

Ctieiter KuligowBki, Peter Krullkowskl. Wayne Ltahy, William Lefl-let, Richard Mesar, Gerald Miller,George Mills, Allen Mlnkler, RichardMinuccl, Margaret Miiernk. ClmrlesMoroney, Patricia Mulcahy, JolinMurray, Lorraine Muskuski.

Patricia Ann Nemeth, Kevin O'-Brien, Joseph Ondrejcak, Diana Pa-Jak, Christine Pasko. John Petro,Robert Pryce. Jo-Ann Redhlng,

Avenel P.T.A.Installs Slate

AVENEL — Mrs. WilliamDragos was installed presidentof the Avenel P.T.A. by Mrs.Richard Sanders, Middlesextounty recording secretary, in



Reiser, Jotin Rlngwood,Rlsso. Joseph Romond,

J h R k l

ThomasSylvia pThomas Rummage. John Rusknl.Theresa Ruyak.

Michael Schubert Jr., Paul Sef-rhek, Danell Bhaehan, Patricia Sir-nack. Amelia Sonnenberg. RobertSommers, Dolores Snyder, DIAnnsStrlsh, Vivian Taylor, Andrea loth,Kathryn Toye,Mary' Volentl,Thomas Webb.



sixth grade and June EllenHughes, fifth grade, third prize.

Yearly honor awards, gifts of In FashionSt. James PTA went to PatriciaBalint, Mary Ann Campion,

WOODBRIDGE A com-mittee of five from Avenel anda similar committee from Ise-lin will meet tonight with acommittee of the Board of Edu-cation on the proposed transferof students to maintain asmany full sessions as possible.

Although the aim of theBoard, through the construc-tion program, has been to eli-minate split sessions as muchas possible, East Avenel parentstold the Board of EducationMonday they preferred splitsessions for their youngsters tofull sessions in School 8 Keas-bey.

The plan calls for 139 Avenelpupils to be transferred toKeaabey School. A petition,Signed by 200 parents, was pre-aented to the Board,

• FrancU O. Wukpvets, presi-dent of the Board, noted thatlor four years children residingip the area between Routes 1and 27 in Avenel attendedKeasbey School "and did notraffer academically."

A group of 20 parents pro-, tested the removal of 17 stu-

dents from the Fourth Gradein Iselin to School 25, a newechool in Fords. They claimedthe same youngster^ were in-volved In a similar move twoyears ago.

The Board has pointed outthat by moving the youngstersto a brand new 'school, a roomwill be freed so that all the

Thomas Chervenak, GeraldEak, Jane Farr, Gloria Fillip-csuk, James Gadek, PatrickGolden, Robert Hayser. JosephHii;gins. Bernadette Keating,Peter Konowicz, Richard Mes-ar, Leslie Mills, Lorraine Mus-kuski, Christine Pasko, RobertPryce, Thomas Reiser, ThomasRumagae, Paul Sefchek, MaryLee Valenti, Thomas Webb.

Essya contest winners, giftsof the Ladies Auxiliary, AOH,were Patricia Slrnack andJames Gadek.

Rev. James A. Russell ad-dressed the graduates.

The list, of graduates is asoliows:Rose Adam, Patricia Almaal, Cheryl

Arllmovlch. Patricia Balint, ArthurBars!. John Bedi, Kathleen, Bellanca,Dlime Bogdanskl, Bonnie Campion,Mary Campion, Thomas Chervenak,

little girl in an organdy dress?

children will be on a•easlon. There would

Singlebe no

question of bus transportation,as a bus will go through thearea find could pick up thechildren.

Chile seeks, recovery aid toblock inflation.

What is more lovely than a

stalling officer.

Others installedCarmen Muccilli,president; Miss Alice Gade.second vice president; Mis. Ed-ward Rightmire, secretary andMrs. Prank Hrehocik, treasurer.

The new board of directorswas announced by Mrs. Dragosas f o l l o w s : Mrs. Muccilli.budget and finance; Mrs.GeoiKf Allen, founders' day:Mis. Joseph Davis, health; Mrs.William Kuzmiak, historian;Mrs. Lonnie Eidson and Mrs.Thomas O'Neill, hospitality:Mrs. Michael Tetesco, interna-tional relations; Mrs. DominickAquila, legislation; Mrs. Ben-jamen Kosydar, jnuslc; Mrs.George Mlrkovich and Mrs, Al-bert Lebeda, membership; MrsRichard Menke, parent-educa-tion: Mrs. Francis Medvetz andMrs. Melvln Melanson, pro-Kiam; Mrs. William Dwyerprogram books; Mrs. JamesAustin, P.T.A. Magazines; MrsCharles Siessel and Mrs. Frank

And when the dress is white Mester, publicity: Mrs. Josephwith butterflies or roses ap-pliquod upon the skirt, it isprettier still. Sashes with rib-bon bows in back are of thecolnr matching the figures.The roses and butterflies areof needlepoint, and can bebought by the yard to add thislegant touch to the youngster'srock,

There are other old fashionednotes this season on summerclothes. Little girls and theirmothers use beading, runthrough with colored ribbon onjdainty fabrics. Laces and em-broidery are also • seen oncemore — they are especially fav-ored on pinafores.

Special ServicesAt Reformed ChurchWOODBRIDGE—Rev. Leslie

Egi-y will speak on "WalkingWith God" at special gradua-tion ceremonies Sunday duringthe 10 A. M. service at theivangelical and Reformed

Church.Special music offered by the

Absent-MindedThe absent-minded professor

who "had been attending alecture all the evening, re-turned home very late and wasrather muddled. On enteringhis bedroom, he thought he]

Lpvas, room mothers; MrsFrederick Mai, safety; MrsArthur Coyne, teachers' repre-sentative.

Members voted to purchase atypewriter for the use of theP.T.A.; purchase five newaluminum folding tables to useat P .TA meetings and thespring fair; sponsor a speciaaffair for the sixth graders andpresent $350 to the local schooto buy raincoats lor the policeboys and additional books.

Mrs. Menke announced iprofit of $631 from the recenspring fair, of which she waschairman.

Attendance awards went toMrs. Jeanette Bernstein's thirdgrade and Joseph Zaccardi'ssixth grade, according to Mrs.Medtvetz, membership chair-man.

Hung OneA husband had been making

heard someone move under the;the rounds New Year's Evebed-

"Who's under there? hecalled out.

"No one," replied the, burglar."Funny," replied Che pro-

fessor; "I could have sworn Iadult choir will be: proces heard someone there, Goodsional, "God of Our Fathers,'

W. Lester; anthem, "GiveMe Thy Heart," W. J. Kirk-patrick; choral benediction byM Ryuan.

The guest minister will beProf. August J. Molnar of Rut-gers University. He will alsopreach at the 11 A. M. service

The graduation class willwear caps and gowns and will


Returning home full of holidayspirits, he stood in a ,cornearms outstretched, .and saidover and over: "I'm a Christ-mas tree, I'm a Christmas treebut I haven't any ornaments.

Just then his wife came i|and hung one on him. '



Kodilla. EndreJane Mandy

Irene Matyi, Elaine Neal, JoanPfeiffer, Joseph Pfeiffer, Mi<chael Tahirak, Stephen Dorko,secretary of the Brotherhopd,will present each graduate witha special graduation folder.





ifMOII $8«n

ProclamationWHEREAS, the Board of Education undertook, with

the approval of the residents of the Township of Wood-bridge, the construction of the Hoffman Boulevard School(School #10). Oak Ridge Heights School (School #21) ,NeW:Dover Road.School (School #22), Lafayette EstatesSchqol (School #25) . Cozy Corner School (School #23),Kennedy Park School (School #2.4), Colonia JuniorHigh School, Fords Junior High School and Iselin JuniorHigh School; arid

WHEREAS, said buildings are substantially completedand ready for dedication; and

WHEREAS, the construction of the aforesaid schoolsrepresents an expenditure of $8,000,000.00 and a greatsacrifice by the residents of the Township of Woodbridgefor their children and future generations; and

WHEREAS, the construction and completion of theaforesaid schools represents a great stride in the ad-vancement of education in t h | Township of Woodbridge:and

WHEREAS, the aforesaid schools will be dedicatedby the Board of Education and the Governor of thisState on June 18, ,1960; •

NOVy; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that June18, 1960, be and the same is hereby set aside and shallbe known as Dedication Day in the Township of Wood-bridge, and all residents and citizens are requested toactively participate in the celebration of this great edu-cational and community achievement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set myhand and caused the seal of the Township of Wood-bridge to be hereto affixed this 10th da,y of June, 1960.




B. J. DUNIQAN, Township Clerk



the bride chose a wdr««t with white "„',',and an orchid eor.su,',-

The bride,Woodbridge Highb

gbeen employed by

BREAK CJROVMl ! OR NEW INSTALLATION: Ilhwhcthlottn Consolidated (ins Com-pany held traditional Krotind-brfakin* rites for its new million dollar service center, tobe iocated off C.rrrn Street and Routr I. I*ft to ri^ht. William S. 1'oltrr. presidentnf Eltoabethtown Consolidated Gas Company, Major Frederick M. Adams ami Ue* B.

McKamey, construction managrr.

— "Tun-of Invr" *ni IH- tilt flMt

,...., tn hf prwenlfd by theMrrrk Circle Players for It*

jmson i t their Piajr-hdiisf. Knh^ay Avenue »n«Martin Terraer. The play will

panted in Lie 8rptem-jA ' ;p-—;lii- r. '

Members <»' the cart »re(ill Kalek*. Bernltr Butlw,Jerry Alberts. Judjr Cole. Bar-bara Leslie. Kfflr Butler. Thephy will W d i rec t s by Johnllallowell «nd produced by

- l i . r nl

1 Sclmol

Madfllnr Sehwehr. «!««*manaerr will be CharlMLaujthery.

ISELIN—The Eliwibethtownjnaolidated Gas Companyoke ground Tuesday for itsiw million dollar service cen-

in Iselin. The center, which11 be constructed on a 44-


RECEIVES DEOREI?tract located off Green,bt one of the IIHIM modern of1 WOODBRIDGE Sandy

from Perth Ambov Ilii i,and is Btatlonrd ;,:. pBase. Portsmouth


AVENEL-Karen A,,

Street and Route 1, will pro- its type in the country. It "vllljschoonover, 105 Wedgewoodvide service to over 280,000 res- be the operating headquarters! Avenue, received a bachelor ofldents in Middlesex Coiinty. for the entire company and wlll'nrts decree at Baldwin-Wallace

Designed by Ebasco Services.1 house the service and street collcur's 110th Commencementf h S t h D i v i s i o n ' i l s t Sunday

Designed by Ebasco S e r v i c .Inc., New York, the plant willxrews of the Southern Division.'pxercises last Sunday.

qulst, Colta Neck. Ur,,,,,,Avenel, received a fl,Bachelor of Arts f i o m" ( i

boro 8tate Collcse. K; ,(,,majored in the *mci,:.,

Heavy turnout ni;. >.Moroccan election

P* Iplnghower report on sumii,:

What does the future l old for you? For eachof pt, the answer will vary with individualtalents, aptitudes and ambitions. But for all ofyou, this is true: Right here in your own hometown, you will find broad scope for growth,progress and outstanding achievement in thecareer of your choice. Whatever your aim maybe . . . from industry to retailing, from bankingto journalism . . . you will find here a world ofopportunities to build solidly for success. Whenyou look to the future, LOOK FIRST AT HOME!


Woodbridge Township CommitteeFREDERICK Mi ADAMS, Mayor


Committeemen, First Ward


f l _ _ _ _ * M A A. I _ _ H BCommUttemen, Second Wardf • '



Committeemen, Third Ward


Committeemen, Fourth W u |

• JOHN EVANKO, JR.Committeemen, Fifth Ward

;' \'A>.c,f":

^^[Householders Urge - [PDF Document] (23)

LemonadeBel-air Frown

12 1.00Grape Drink

Weirfield Treat

4 1.00, , , .niKKH l-NITS CONQUER HPAO.: Mulmuin stonu* for minimum q»« r I," . lo , h r sturdy «i»hof»ny hparr Planner ijroup. Even the bed headboard provide

/ put thlnfi- The flnUh, called Canhmere, j» p a | e brown Basnet Furniture.. ,„

rhiLs MarkiColden

i : ; ni i , s

nd Mrs. Ml-42 Paul

their goldenSaturday

, Church with.,tln rite and ln|

PORT READING — Mr. andMrs. Herbert P. Powell, 98Larch Street, have announcedthe engagement of Mr. Powellsdaughter. Barbara Ann,Richard 0 «)nofMri

Plans MissionFORDS - Central commlt-

,.. M of 19 churches recently metl 0 iat Our Redeemer Evangelical

.•„,.:.. l>evandoikl,|HJgh School. Mr. Hunt will•AIIS celebrant at'enter the Air Force In 8<

.,:, Mass UP was as-itember.']>..: Albert Oaydoi,; —-

.. ;i),v Rev Daniel _ . n

Democrats Plan

and Mrs. Oordon A, Hunt, 573Linden Avenue, Woodbridge.

MUs Powell and her fiance 1 0 W . ...are both seniors at Woodbridge chnnh

Church to hear the. Marc Zlll, stewardship and

evangelism chairman of theIowa District of the Lutheran

lrt Synod, ex-plain the Evangelistic Mission

NibletsWhole Kernel Corn

6 1.00


" v « w "teen HUTCH J

Soc ia l in Fal l toopen0ctober3°mm R gtohs wig hoat

\l\ ;,-

be held this fall by churches, the Metropolitan New York-New Jersey area. Our Redeem-er Lutheran Church will be the

I site of the Lutheran Open^seminarian: ~ - - - - _ J » W e * * t f * U « t a e « n t a d

o, Kennsburg.•\p \tWW WB3 M i d i i "' —"""• ••• *»»w««i n»o 11UOVHufhkovuky. pas-! FORDfl-The Fords Women's " 8 S t o r General chairmen were

- " ~ - Rev. Lester Messerschmldt,8prlngfleld, and Rev. James

born Pa , and N l c n o l *< Church Hall and ap-Taylor. Pa.ipointed • committee for a so-

Velchlk were c W ta October. Mrt. Charles,:;i Hungary, and|T l e r •***». Walter 8*e

:I Fords since **" "^cnHrman., country 55 yean1 Al»o appointed were Mrs. ,•ilk was emDlovedcent WOT** in<l Mrs. Stephen! Leaders Included Rev. Rob

, corooratlon o f ! 8 c h u l i c k eo-ehataian of the ert Orlesse, Spotswood. publl-'Us foT?5^ yesn l c h r i f U n M ' "* ' • icity a n d P«mo"on chairman

rem!i' t , . .H m ( h . trodueed Charlej Tier. Second Kram is "Lutheran Open HousM ,,m 2 J r h t ( W a r d <***"***• i—Cl»rtot Invites You." ApproxMiuim arur « » | J o t , p h N w n j 0 ^ C o m m U . |mate ly 150 churches will co-

>tMinsn R. Richard Kraus andi operate in the endeavor "tc' r ~— • ' — ' — 1 were all pres- win the world In our com-

brlefly. itnunity for Christ."

von Schenfc. Elizabeth.Rev. Mr. Stohs met with

prayer chairmen of the 19churches and pointed out waysof Increasing prayer We In each

»tiln.«ki Hall the

have three chll-Mary Hlldanlch,find Mrs. Heleniif Fords Th*y'

t grandchildren.

The special award was won' James Beagle has been madiby Mrs. Muriel Dandorf

r». William Oastagber.New mambtn who were wel-

and local general chairman of thaffair to be assisted by the folowing chairmen and the

CATCH:In a (arm

1 .••'.nri cow !: was casting Into•*tn'ii !:e heard a bel-

• .1 him

ioome4««reMrs. Stephen Hchu-committees: H a r r y Zander.tirlrjUfrr W w iTrrir i. jfr l inn Walter Rledel, Prank Christen-'Mrs. Joseph Lydon. sen, Norman Everaon, Francis, 'Miller, Oeorge Ruhe, WalteriNIXOIfS CAMPAIGN STAFF,Proce l t' D a r r e l Snider, Lafaj'i In • hotel suit almost as hard!ett* Kingston, ind Jorgeito Hn4 u Vk» PreUdent NUon!Ll |I id

when he wants Ubhide out, hls>

The cow hid <*JBP^<?1 . ,was browilni tol° » ^ ^

"•K.P hox. Trie nert.-o:i knew he. had

•>• '••<* and had to• ii'.an for help In

ki!.;-slM catch.

taaUon (or the 1960 PresidentialesmpsUgn.

The staff will shortly num-ber seven and probably expandto nine or ten. It Is

ssanU Unhide out, his Istaff nu bloomed\f*f\n . P.bly personal organ-lyUr tO M l C S

Registrations-A meeting of th

) i ii

'•-He. this manf.uigue de-

'.tie work you

whathim for the

Coamm VM heM a to( R ^ ^ Neary 55

^ n a l In that almoet allmembe» are elote friends w h o ^ o ( Rhave tone through the fires ofi,jon ^ v e n u e

other campaign!. The search lS| M ; N e a r , K a v e g f u l l

now on for wlUble headquar-|on h ^ i„,. the ward leaders' meetingtei« In a Washington buslness;an<j jujju, g. Izso, Republloarbulldlna, Scandldate for Town CoBimltte*

:to!d of the candidates' sessloiSteel output dip* to me*t in-i Pund-raklng was the

'coming orders.

Father's Day Gift!4.ift Booklet Good for

HOURS1111 Wi-dneidaj and L

»nd Salwda, ! :8:M to l

ThLnaaj, 8:10 to 8 P. »A. M. to « P. M.JCl MdJCloatd Monday

"rv ' hru Thuri., I1.7J _ rn . , 8»t. * Sun., it.n


. LOU MATV, Proprietor

"«lnv«y Ave., Woodbridge ME 4-4333

Ivory SoapSpecial Pack

12 1.00


PreservesEmpress - Strawbtrry

4 1.00Heinz

Tomato Ketchup

5 1.00Campbell'sPork and Beans in Tomato Sauca

8 1.00

topic for the evening and mannew Ideas were presenteeIThese will be discussed furtheand plans made at future meelIngs which will be on the fourtiTiiesday of each month.j Registration of voters witressed. Deputy registrars were-equested to make sure thatthey have all eligible votersregistered and to point out It Isa duty and A privilege U> cast aballot on election day. Any reg-istered voter who has not votedduring the past four years mustre-reglster. '

Chapter to AidChilean Drive

FORDS - B'nai ffrlth ^To-men, Ratnot Chapter, will par-ticipate In the northern NewJersey Council's drive for warmclothing, blankets and cash

I contributions to help the dlsai-ler victims In Chile. All mate-rial'and monies will be trans-ferred through the AmericanRed Cross to the Chilean RedCross for distribution to vlc-jtlma. Anyone wishing to con?tribute should contact Mrs.Henry Karger, LI 9-2385. Thedeadline for contributions is

'Sunday. , „! Yesterday Mrs. David Breg-man, 18 Michael Street, mem-bership vice president, held ameeting at her home to planfor the paid-up membershipparty in September. Furtherplans will be announced later.

Canned MilkCherub Evaporated

8 1.00Succotash

Saracen Brand

16 1.00

lor one-year




TomatoesGold Top

4 1.00Peaches

Town House: Halves or Sliced

4 1.00Pears

Town. House

4 1.00


Bonnie Dollar's ':Back Again I

with exciting news aboutextra savings for you/ '

Bonni. Dollar ii a ptrl Laui. with a than•yt for bargain,. Sh, l t t,ndi for SaftwayDollar D 0 y l _ , h , p u r l i . p l s o j i ^

•veirt that .v.r gladd.n.d »h. h.arts ifthr-r-rlfty •hopper.l Com* hav» yaurnlf «•wrgaln. fling at y e u r n t a r b y Saf,wov

Frying ChickensManor House-Gradt A Pan RtatJy Cut Up

Fresh Spareribs


Town Hous«

16 o i . csn Q

Applt or Cherry ^

larga 24 oz. pies * J


16 oi. can....

While Magic14 oz, can

8 for


P Gar n c d o f HMjl iTi7o««n8ifei

Grape Drink T « ! 7(or

Take Advantage 0/ These Extra Specials!Cane SugarSucrert Granulaltd-Sav» a4 Safaway

Chase & SanbornCO«M-AI Grind!

Edwards Coffee , k

canAll Grindi-A S»f«way Guarant«ad Product _

Ice Cream HSnow Star-Vanilla, Chocolati or Sfrawbarry gallon


Beef Rib RoastU. S. D. A. Choice

7 Inch Cut.. . Regular Trim Ib. 59Rib Roast A *69<

From Choice Porkers-Undtr 3 Pound Slati

Skinless FranksSaftway Br«nd-Guaranl«td None Finer

Corned BeefTender Briiktt-Mealy Back Cu

Smoked BuffsLean and Tender-Fine lor Slicing

Fresh Sea ScallopsDt«p Sei-A Seafood Special

Fresh TurkeysFresh Beltiville from nearby farms.

Perfect for frying or barbecue.Frozen turkeys also available.

U. S. D. A. Grade A ,4 to 8 pound weight range

I •


CantaloupesCalifornia's Finest

Guaranteed DeliciousJumbo 36 Size

Sup«rbly sweet and satisfying. Now's th* time tostart breakfasts {and end dinnersi) with cantaloupe.And Safeway's got the sweetest, most taste pleat-ing cantaloupes you ever spooned into! ,

Fresh Blueberries18 • *

• • * •


f r«h JuicyCultivated


box 39«Fresh Peaches orch^ s*..iw II n • Mild flivor

Y e l l o w U n i o n s c,«kiir,»cnW

Grapefruit JuiceTown House

8 1.00



String BeansCollard Greens

Peas & CarrotsSaracen

16 1.00

and prices effective thru Sat., June 18th at

3 Great Safeway$uper Food Markets(•II. located in complete shopping centers)

•NfolllO Park-Edison Township•I.Brun$wUk-Mid-State Mall

- 775 Roosevelt Ave.prices also effective in Safeway Stores at

Perth Amboy-101 North BroadwaySouth Amboy - 461 Amboy Avenue


^^[Householders Urge - [PDF Document] (24)


Program Drafted »„//> » <^7^Library Lists P^ofmo^ JFormer Avenel 'Foot Pa tro l_ *_, pMf^nf f«im» PiV/iij •/ ' Plan* for Heumon . „ t __r< V i • CL Protect Fofinf Ri>A*» l f i T n 1

rorrashionMiow CARTERS - M JO*** Many INew BooksOf,...,,,., anrjDuW. Middlesex County Clerk. J

CARTERET - ° ™ . ,™ itteiMted the mrtlng nf The! AvrNEt._Th, Avenel Publichomemaun.

rliairmenif MrsPresident of

and.Duffy, Middlesex Countya t the'attended the mpftlnt nf The1, AVENEU-The Avenel PublicOroh-iState Democratic Rpni5tration|Ubrary bog,.,! Of trustees an-

•" Hotel Stacy-!nounce<i m B n y nCW hooks havethe St.Jonrph's Attar and R<)!*ry So- Trent In Trenton. recently been pla«d °? t h e

The purpose of the Commit-Ighelves" ready for circulation.)t X ^ T T ^ l ' ^ U to' protect .he voting ^U are "Life at myTwain* ™™*rt n Z ,r-irt«hto of the people. wlnBthrtlro^^rUp,,- "View from the

fn the annual they are properly registered: to fortieth Floor." "Good House-tor tne annual j i M ' | h ( J t m c jn t h r | r rjl,htRshow

y p t e t F .aid the voters in thru rights a s k i n g Needlecratt." "No Room

M r T ^ ' s c o t t o tnd Mrs.|t« absentee ballot,: the in-Torman. Co-Chairmeni^tion ° ' . . « - ^ w ^

k p gIn the Ark," "Popular ScienceDo-It-Yourself Encyclopedia,"

ticipated InMTR. Betty

m i ^ ' i ^ hRVP.^C o u n t y

South." "The'All the Day

Pagan to Christian," "The


of the Entertainment; Mrsj th e committee shortly,Jules Breyer and Mrs. Helen!Knot, in charge of Tickets a n d r u r . . . f

Publicity, and Mrs. Mary J o h r i - j ' a " *estlVdt

soa Pianist. . , Drafted by GuildThe program for the fall ac-

submitted and! CARTERET — Members of•• jthe Junior Women's Club of

the Zion Lutheran Church wtllbe busy during the summermonths planning for a holiday!festival in September.

Plans for the festival werediscussed at the closing meet-1

Ing held recently at the churchhall, Committees for the fes-tival will be named soon and

Strawberry FestivalSet by $iiterhood\

CARTERET — The UnitedHebrew Sisterhood of Carteretlwill hold a strawberry festivalat their final meeting of theseason at the Brotherhood ofIsrael Synagogue on Monday,

also a date will be set, Regular|Mazzur.business meetings of the Guild

June 20, at 8:30 P. M iwill be resumed in the fall.Fund raising vte president,

M n Clifford Greenberg, will . . . .announce the fund raising proj-| Junior Safety I ntrolects for the coming year.

Mfi. Edward Miller, raffle!cliairman, will distribute rafflebooks for a portable televisionset to be drawn for in Novem-ber.

Program vice president, Mrs.Leonard Kramer, has an-nounced that a surprise pro-

Will Enjoy PicnicCARTERET - Sgt. Edward

Czajkowski, supervisor of theJunior Safrty Patrol announceed that the patrol boys will be

A date wa» set for latr Oc-tober, at a place to be selected.Brnest Mesaros. class presl-[(Unt, appointed Charles Sokler,

general chairman, with thefollowing to assist him: HildaAnbolt Coughlln. Anne Gava-letz Frankowskl, L o r r a i n e




Man," " S a v a g e8treets," , "The Crowded Sky,"'The Enemy Within," "Walk

Down' Main Street," "My Ood|and My AH" and various as-sorted Juvenile books.

Donations were received asfollows: funds to purchase the'Picture History of the CivilWar" and "Decisive Battle ofthe "U.S.A." from the AmericanAssociation of University Wo-men; a number of current'novels donated by Mrs. O. H.Weferling; a fifty-one volumeset of "Harvard Classics" byHenry Mades and a five-volumeset of "History for Ready Ref-erence and Topical Reading"donated by Mr. and Mrs. Prank

summer months.

At the recent meeting of theboard, Mrs. Daniel Levy, presi- _ _ _ ^dent, appointed Charles Cloidt|toui pric» on every item.chairman of the budget com-mittee. Working with him willbe Mrs. William Kuzmiak, MrsLevy, Prank Wukovets andPatrick O'Connor.

Mrs. Mazzur, librarian, re-ported circulation of 305 adultjbooks and 1469 juvenile books

Plan* for ReunionCARTERKT — A committee

of members from the class o f

1940 met at the Borough Hall

Man is Engaged To Reserves?AVENEL — Mr. and Mrs

last evening, to formulate plans|Fioyd R. Stammer, 1315 Mary-for a twenty year reunion jianrj Avenue, SheboyRMi. Wlsc.;

WOODBRIDGE - Use ofPolice Reserves to extend foot

of patrol protection is belns con-

,hir TugXer. JStammer HJTCW), USN. to Rob-ert William Wildblood HN USN,son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward J.Wildblood, Detoea Drive Lees-burg, N. J., formerly of Avenel.

Miss Stammer is a 1958Koeble O'Rourke, Mnrgaret|gra d u a t e of Central HighPlsar Krek, Lillian Stutzke Til- school. Sheboygan. She en-ler,, Elizabeth Korplta Sipos. ji.sted in the Waves In Septem-Helen Hayduk Mucha, Helen'ber 1958 and Is stationed at theMagella Kreldler. Mary Holo- Naval Hospital. Portsmouth,watch Casey, Mary Bunko Virginia.Kuzma, Thomas Mllik. and Jo- Mr. WTMUWftd is ftseph Teleposky. The group williof Woodbridge Hlslicontinue to meet during tiiejdass of 1957. He attended

Purdue University, enlisted Inthe Navy In January 1959. andis also stationed at the NavalHospital, Portsmouth.

The couple will be married

ten, it was revealed today.As

beennew developmentsbuilt there have


more and more demands forIncreased police protection andwith the police ljudget limited,it has posed a problem.

It Is understood Police Com-missioner David Miller is ex-ploring the possibility of usingthe Reserves to walk beats inall of the five wards at night

Mothers Club Closes Season

WOODBRIDOE-The Wood-bridge Mothers Club held itsannual Installation luncheon atShadow Brook. Shrewsbury.where Mrs. Rudolph Frey wasinstalled as new P i ™ * ^ceedlng Mrs. Lou*others installed wore.William Harned, first vice pies

Ident; Mrs. George Benkc^sec-ond vice president: Mrs. RalphHlrtle, recording secrrtaiy.Mrs. Frank Baumcminrr. cor-responding secretary: nnd Mrs.'Fred McElhenny. trensuret.

Mrs. McElhrnny

termed "critical."A method of payment will

have to be decided and itcertain they wtll be paid onhourly basis,

It was stressed that the Re-serves will not be used in radio!

eran Church, Portsmouth, and;b e a t 8 o n i y ••will reside In that town.

Nixon banks on a highly-per.sonal staff.


NOTICE TO BIDDERSSealed btd« will be rerelvecl by the] - . . . .

Bo»r<i of Education, of the Borough [August 6, at Redeemer Li i tn - | c a r s - "but will be used to walkof Carteret. New Jerney. »t the Cur-1 . . . . . .teTet High School, on Thundny eve-ning, June 23, I960, lit eight o'cfoclt.for the following:

1. Janitorial Supplies3. Lumber3. Industrial Arts4. M»U1 Shop5 Mechanical Drawing8. Physical Education7. Football8. Basketballt, Baaeball

10. TrackSpecifications mty be obtained at

the ofBce ot the Secretary. cHirlnsbusiness hours.

Bids will be opened and read atthis meeting.

A separate bid Is asked on eachof the above Items—with a unit And

\(;irl Scout Troop*Wind Up Season

ISELIN - The meetings of |the Girl Scout Troops of St.[Cecelia's Church have haltedfor the summer and wtll re-sume In September, date to beannounced later.

At the last meeting, tripleh l d fift



In Acci( |n i t]WOODBRTpGE

sons were Injuredtlcally-ln acident on 3t.

~ " I l l '

• " ' • 1 1 1 . I , .ceremonies were held, fifty-three Brownies flew up to theIntermediate troop, a Court ot'L... .""•• ™lll('<. .VAward wn* held by the Inter- yesterday afternoon.mediate troops «nd the World

pin ceremonies were held for

Berfto'andMrs. Hirtle. The re-tiring president, Mrs, Gabriel,gave the welcome and Mrs.

offered grac*.'Mrs.

Urban was

the troops.The scouts held their Field

Dfly Rt Roosevelt Park.During the month the

will have n bus trlR to Phila-delphia and Rye Beach.


Carpenter. 157 Clinton Street,•icfue, was graduated

from NewarkCollege of Engineering with a

Police Raid that

HUko, 18, South Bound

driving a truck owi,r(|

thony Fazio, Tnimadg,- \v, : i

Bideswipr-rj „ ,.„. J

operated by Mrs. Kditi, u,ner, 45, Albec Um, ,.,.,..and then practically'hhead-on operated |>V

Menoon, 70. WiimHillside

Urban was to jcoueBe of E n g n e gMrs Henry Warner gave toastslBHcll(,)0, of Science Degree Into the retiring officers. Mrs. |M w h ( m i ( .B | EngineeringJohn Aquila installed the new

iven t


\ A writer says Solomon wasj'the first columnist. Maybe so,[

Poll showi voters favor debt'but we had been thinking 8am-

John AquoMlcers who were given toasts;by Mrs, Andrew Menko. A past-president's pin was presented to

Ha1^ Avi-

World-wideshow increase.

i reduction. son was.

Mrs. Gabriel..The next meetinn

Mr. Mensoncondition InHospital where h,treated for Hfractur«d forearmiHlsko *ns alsoshock and admitted

tanker l»y-ups | t h e M e n s o n CBr R n d

the hospital are Mr;Bertha. 62. being

Ih fr , '


»-111 be'Robert Bonham. Avenel Pies-jshock and Paul St

September" 12 "at" the" home of.bytprlimMrs. Robert, Clark with Rev.l^eakei^

ChurcHi as RUestlWalnwright street.chest injuries.

honored at a picnic to be heldjfor May. This exceeds the cir-, C a r t e r e t

Monday. June 20, at, Rooseveltlr.ulat.ion for the same periodijune 9, i960

All bids must be' accompanied bya certified check for lOr, of totalbid or n performance bond.

The Board of Education reservosthe right to reject any, all, or portof this bid.

The Board of Education t w n f -the right to purchase »s much oras little as Is deemed necessary.

Bids must, be plainly marked "BidProposal."

JOSEPHINE O'BRIEN. SecretaryCarteret Board of Education

IPark Metuchen.pam has been planned for trie! Transportation will be do-Irenlng.

The meeting will be presid:Jover by the president, Mrs.Samuel Breslow. and the prayerwill be read by Mrs, RoseSchwartz,

nated by Mr. Edward George.All boys are asked to congre-gate at the Columbus School at9:30 A. M. to leave promptly at9:35 A. M.



C.Weiss, 6 Cooke Avenue, thisborough and 41 geology stu-dents from 13 states and Bra-Bll, representing 14 colleges anduniversities, will be enroutesoon to the first session ofMiami University's annual ge-ology field camp in the Wind

EliasPost, 797, C. W. V., and its aux-iliary will hold a combinedmeeting tonight at 7:30 P. M.in the clubrooms at which timea discussion on the forthcomingbazaar to be held the week ofJune 26-July 2, on the clubgrounds.

Various committees will alsoRiver Mountains of Wyoming.ibe appointed at that time.

From the start, make your wedding an occa-sion of long-remembered good taste and dis-tinction. Invitations set the tone of formal perfection. Choose your own paper and stylingfrom our complete selections. Consult us onany problems.

"Quality... Worthy of the Occwion**

MIDDLESEX PRESS(Independent-Leader Building)

2 0 Green Street, Woodbridge

Telephone i

MErcury 4 - 1 1 1 1 H

c. p. 6/10, n/flo


last year. j_The new summer hours for'

the library will be 10:30 A. M.; u8^1«' bl?» *"' b e »ceived by

it m , , . , , . _ _i,j11,,!tlu BosKt ol Bduottlon. o( the Bor-to 12:30 P. M. each weekdayjo u e h o f c»rteret. New j«wy. onmorning, except WednesdayiTiiurs<i»y evening. June 23, iwo. atand Saturday. Tuesday and ' " --—Thursday evenings it will beopen from 7:30 P. M. to 8:30P.M.

Due to the change in the{school hours lor the next term,the library will schedule newhours, to be announced iniSeptember.

Mittuch Will HeadState Phamacists

CARTERET—Former MayorJoseph W. Mittuch, this bor-ough, is slated to become presi-dent of the New Jersey Phar-maceutical Association at- thegroup's 90th annual conven-tion that opens Sunday In At-lantic City.

Mr. Mittuch owns the Mit-tuch Pharmacy at 81 Roosevelt1

Avenue. Established 40 yearsago, it is the oldest pharmacyIn Carteret.

g o'clock, for the following1. Brlck-Kote entire eiterlnr

of Columbia SchoolPlans and specifications may be

obtained at the office 01 the Secre-tary, during hmlnes.1 hours

Bids will be opened and rend Atthis meeting.

Bias must be accompanied by .1iCertifted check In the amount ollO1' of bid or « Performance Braid

I The Board o( Education reservesthe right to reject any, all. or partol this bid.

Bids must be plainly marked "BidProposal."

JOSEPHINE O'BRISN, SecretaryCarteret Board ot Education

June 9, 19S0C. P. 6/10. n/60


CARTERET — The closingI meeting of the 8upreme Forest




Public notice Is hereby giventhat the above entitled ordinancewas adopted unanimously by theBoard of Health of the Borough ofCarteret, County of Middlesex andStst* of New Jersey at the regularmeeting held June 9th 1960. at 8:WJP. M.. P.E.T. No objections wereexpressed thereon.BOARD OF HEALTHBorough of CarterptState of New Jersey

Woodmen Circle Junior GrovelNo. 9 was held Saturday after-1noon in Odd Fellows Hall.

A social followed the ritual-istic meeting with Miss Kath-leen Toth honored on the oc-



Dated, June 17, I960


casion of her birthday. The nextlHOLMEs STREET BETWEENmiwrlno nf the ornnn will r»l WASHINGTON AVENUE AND LEX-imeeting 01 tne group win oei [ N a T O N AVENUE tv ^g^ B 0 R . ,held on September 10, at 2OUGH OF CARTERET, COUNTY OF.P. M. in Odd Fellows hall atjMB

ID°£ESEX AND STATE OF NEWwhich time election of officers! A P P R 6VED AND ADOPTED: Junewill take place. is. i960

INTRODUCED: June 2. 1960Advertised as adopted on first

i reading with Notice ot Public Hear-ing June 3. and 10, 1960

CARTERET — A meeting of! Hearing Held: Junt 16. I960

irnrnatinn f.rnve Nn W APPr°™d by Mayor Stephen Sklbacarnation urove wo. M, A d y e r t l s e d M (inal ly adopted

Woodmen Circle will be held'Jtme n, i960.Sunday afternoon at 2 P. M. in: PATRICK POTOCNIQ._ . . — ,, T- ,. , Borough ClerkOdd Fellows Hall. -



UFATHER'S DAY DINNER | ™ A ™ ™ S , rTovlS— A * a t n e i s P 0 R SpECrAL ASSESSMENTS AHD

IDay dinner sponsored by the ton. THE FINANCING THEREOFpast matrons elub of the Car- 1 6

A ^ 0 V K D AND A D O P T E D : J U M 1teret Chapter Order of Easterr»:INTRODUCED; June 2, i960Star Will be held Sunday, Jund; Advertised us adopted on iirsi. . . . . . . . _ . — "Ireadlng with Notice of Public Hear-

ing June 3, and 10, 1960Hearing Held: June K, I960

, Approved by Mayor Stephen akilju! Advertised aa finally adopted

influence i J l in* 17> 19fl0

i iujucnte PATRICK POTOCN1G,Borough Clerk

19, at the Masonic Temple. Thinaffair is open to the public.

Technical factorsgrain futures prices.

OLDS '60/(iood timeg . . . good traveling . n c ahuatl lor you when you goOidamobile! And right now u the bent time over to me yuur Old*Uoalur. Ha'll ifaow you that » ii»w Oldi uusUi l«m tturn you'd gucxa!


WOODBRIDGE AUTO SALESAvenue Wood bridge, N. J.

2,GUYS Route 9, Woodbrid geOPEN DAILY 1 1 0

M 'top'Rock "Be/fmY/e



Bonrless Clunk



Fresh Frozen

Average Weight



FRANKSBut Koihtr S l j l e -

All Beef



Chunk Stjlf


Best-Koiher Stjrlt

Chopped CHUCK tb.J9e |Frwhly Ground



One for the Horhe:

One for the BAR-B-QHK!

p«.p lo»l, Pf|«|ifrl.IpMtallT Old WvtlKinrtl

LcuJ, Spired Luiifh " " , !l

ChcfW, Blood »njl Tdiwir, v n 2 |Lo»l, Plain Loaf, oll»f l.n.ii, (""kP«|Salami.

Vtnr Klprnedif. Potatoes - - - 4 - - 2 3 e - CANTALOPESSCALLIONS or RADISHES

Slir 2 for

Black Bing—Sweet

Tul; 2 k». 9'M l .

LtbbyMinute Maid



Breaksione's Vanilla or Plain

Pineapple - Prutir - Strawberry



15c19c Tiger Gruyere Cheese—4


CHEEZ WHIZ " 29c ^ cheese a 3 7 ' Ched. Cheese •"• 69^ Shrimp w u a ' •• 3

sum (mmmournBIRDSEYE Corn - on - Cob » •- 2 5 c TIPTOP - F R U I T

BlMk Climr-Kikp. I.tmun-Str*«l>frry

Mrs. Paul's FISH SUCKS - * r 3lor99c """T0N 5 " ™ " ~ T ^ i k m i \DOWHVFLAKE WAFFLES V - 2 lor 25c SALADS » : - . . , - . . » . >... 2 lbs. 29c SWISS CHEESE


10 '•" 81|

sllml HIl.(. •! '•; ( i l l


PEACHESPEARSFRUIT co*ckTAIL lr'Kleenex Jumbo Paper Towel*

Halvo ' • ' * •

V': Can


Instant CuHee—New Lr». 10-ot. Jar — r«c OH

4 (or 99c3 for 99c3 (or 99c

3 for 7Bc



Burry's Butter C'ookiett—Choc, (.'liunut—

Sno Puffs — 9-oi. Pki;. , f o r , 0 ,

Sugar—Granulated—Nat'l Brandi

elly (

mrli — «t. Buttle He - •

Deep Blue White Meat Tuna InBrine - H ' I

I Ibi. i&c

I for 88c

rnrn'» Snap — Kef- J*»r* ° ' L,


Poloner lUllihe* — «-w. j» r 5 (ot i.(KHut Dog - Sweet . Sweet Miud and Hoi n t l»|,UI





With M«»t BalUfJH-oi. CanWith Mtal

I5',-OJ. CanMlth CbMMIfii-oi. Can

Ilti-M. Caa

M 0 H T T o

^^[Householders Urge - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Author: Ray Christiansen

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Author information

Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

Phone: +337636892828

Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.